Take the latest update on Server with Wow64, I just added ServiWin also and other stuff.Use "Utils\Update Win10PE SE (Exact and Secure)" to be safe.Then use ServiWin to see services (F8) and drivers (F7), right click properties How is the NativeWifi driver (nwifi.sys) started, stop ? Also, order by group and look at NDIS group drivers.
In which script did you change that? Thanks and greetsHolger
I can confirm the problems with starting wlansvc in virtual machine with USB wlan stick used.@Chris: you said, that wlansvc works for you.Do you maybe use the english iso version of Windows 10?If 'yes' maybe it is a MUI files problem.
I changed the .DonNet option in the ".Net Framework" script and also used Utils\Extract Wim Folders script to unpack the WIM files from source.
".Net Framework" is not on win10se server.Do you speak of the one of Win8.1SE used in win10pe ?What is the connection with WLAN ?
Two changes were made:1) Changed the DonNet File Copy option form "4.0/4.5 Core" to "4.0/4.5"2) Built the project using extracted Wim folders.Now WiFi works fine and the Native WiFi filter driver is started.
if i installed the service manually from commandline it did work:netcfg -v -c s -i MS_NativeWifiPAfter that I could start the NativeWiFiP service and also wlansvc successfully (wfplwfs still not work, seems not needed)So, in PENM I check if the service is installed and started.It seems something small is missing here in registry.
you "should" need to do is click the icon of the smiley you want in the toolbar (where all the formatting for the message is) and it inserts it in the post - just same as clicking bold or anything else