one thing I notice and want to remind,
I believe it is not a timing trouble...
we use %ISOfileVar% not %ISOfile% during .iso creation,
and on config.script
Run - Processing section: [CommonSettings] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win8.1SE\config.script]
[Info] Process common settings...
[Info] [// WARNING Iso.Script "Create ISO" call the config script section [CommonSettings] to reset Boot Manager, etc.]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%ISOfileVar%] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\Win8PESE]
[Success] IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win8.1SE\script.project] Section [IniVariables] Key [ISOfileVar]: %BaseDir%\Target\Win8PESE
and log says:
SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%ISOfileVar%] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\Win8PESE]
This is wrong,
it should be something like %baseDir%\ISO\Win8PE.iso
further checking log at
which is wrong.... (wrong directory....)
JonF, on script.project check [Main] IsoFile= value
your log says it is
which should be
On project there is no task I know (no iniwrite) to change this value,
whatever (=it) change this value is responsible from your trouble,
it changes this value in first (second third...) build besides this does not effect result untill you restart* builder.
after you restart builder new (changed) %isofile% variable set (not before restart) and trouble begins.
I could not figure out from log, maybe I missed, let us know.
ps: it is interesting value changed to Win8PESE ... maybe you have a plugin - setting you had made for Win8PESE and now using with Win81SE which mixes things ??? (ex: extraction of batch with batch using a iniwrite !!..)
I hope above helps, let us know.