The Oven

Plugin World => General Plugins => Plugins => Topic started by: Aeolis on March 22, 2014, 06:35:06 PM

Title: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Aeolis on March 22, 2014, 06:35:06 PM
DESCRIPTION: This script is designed to help managing partitions on PE environment using MiniTool® Partition Wizard as the tool for that. With it you can add shortcuts to Desktop, Start Menu and a Start Menu custom folder.

THE PROGRAM: MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition is a free partition manager software designed by MiniTool Solution Ltd. Our partition manager supports 32/64 bit Windows Operating System including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Home users can perform complicated partition operations by using this powerful yet free partition manager to manage their hard disk. Functions include: Resizing partitions, Copying partitions, Create partition, Extend Partition, Split Partition, Delete partition, Format partition, Convert partition, Explore partition, Hide partition, Change drive letter, Set active partition, Partition Recovery.

FROM AUTHOR: I hope you like using it as much as I liked creating it. I hope you can test and post your comments here. I would like suggestions on how to clean/improve this script.


CHANGELOG: v1: First release.

DOWNLOAD: [attach=1]

Best regards,

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on March 22, 2014, 08:54:13 PM
Hi Aeolis,

As stated here recently
There is already verrrry nice plugin available at
 Gena\Apps\HD Tasks\"Partition Wizard Home"

feel free to add upx option with a checkbox , adding your name to credits or author sections (whichever suits you)

I had selected "MiniTool Partition Wizard" as Gena default partition management utility long time ago,
 I don't understand why it become so popular in 3 days around with +2 plugins  :lol:

About upx:
upx * sometimes trouble from experience,
 that is the reason upx not popular around much,
  a good way to detect if upx cause trouble is, unupx files and check if md5 compression is ok,
   also when (if) icons required upx with ignoring icons would be better...
    in the end of the day, if upx cause trouble somewhere somereason (today or in future with future releases), better check without upx option (a checkbox) to detect where which file.......
on "Partition Wizard Home" plugin, packing with 7z prefered, gaining space, avoiding upx troubles  :wink:
Still, since nowadays there are enough space & available to everyone, such stuff not demanded as before  :cool:
 with .wim compression set to max  :wink: :wink:
  it was more popular with Gena-ISO creation at past, besides there is .wim on Gena too ....
    shortly, very mostly lost popularity.....

I like your upx -> log way  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Reminding there is upx.exe at all projects %Tools%\upx.exe

See You
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Aeolis on March 22, 2014, 09:28:38 PM
Hello folks,

Dear Lancelot, a few days ago I ended one of my posts in another discussion here on (about AOMEI Backupper) with the following sentence: "Be cool, some more scripts are coming... :great:" in that very day I had there more scripts to post which were AOMEI Partition Assistant, MiniTool® Partition Wizard and Active@ Disk Image. The first one was already posted, the second one is now here and the third one is with a few problems that I am trying to solve before releasing it.

Yes, I have seen your MiniTool® Partition Wizard script, but No i have not copied it in any way. I have used my standard structure to script which is, by the way, a link to download the installer, a file box to feed that installer file and so on... I use that structure in almost all my scripts, because it's the way I think things should be done.

I do have a very big respect and gratitude to all of you who have taught me all over the years how to script and code in AutoIt by examples, advises and tips, so I would never do something that could violate that confidence I think I have earned over the years. So, I would not like to appear that I have copied your work and if that is the case just tell me that and I will remove this script forever. It's better to lose a few days of work than a friend.

Well, that been said, I would like reassure that I have worked from scratch in that script. Again, Lancelot, if I have, unwittingly, done something that disrespected you, please, forgive me. Just let me know if you would like me to remove the script.

Best regards,

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on March 22, 2014, 09:43:37 PM
I did not say you copied anything  :confused:
 you can copy  :thumbsup:

I like to see plugins developed further together, as you may notice on plugins maintained on projects,
 I had thought we missed something on current plugin ! or you missed there is already one !
  Now all clear  :cool:
    You are sure free to create your own version of plugin  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

Also Feel free to use lines on Gena plugin on your version where required  :great:

maybe, just add a note at bottom of your plugin page, when there is another plugin around
Another plugin also available at
Gena\Apps\HD Tasks\"Partition Wizard Home"

Also, aside your prefered way of writing plugins,
 let me / us know if there is something missing on plugins around.  :thumbsup:

See You
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: oliverjia on March 23, 2014, 03:43:55 AM
Dear friends,

    Please allow me, a newbie, to share my humble opinion - I would like to share my gratitude to your script authors/experts, for your sharing your work with us to make us newbies' life better and happier. With my full respect to both of your opinions, Lancelot and Aeolis, I personally feel it would be great if Aeolis's work could be kept here in the plugin section as a standalone thread (since as he mentioned, he constructed his scripts in a different way), so that us newbies could have more choices for these great software..

    One more great thing I experience on this forum here is how responsive and helpful you script experts are when us newbies requested some updates of existing scripts, or new scripts. I feel like this place is a wonderland for us newbies. Please, keep up your good work and share your work with us. Your work are always greatly appreciated by us newbies.

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on March 23, 2014, 08:29:50 AM
Hi oliverjia,

I personally feel it would be great if Aeolis's work could be kept here in the plugin section as a standalone thread
    You are sure free to create your own version of plugin  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

maybe english communication problem :confused:

See You
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: trashy on March 23, 2014, 04:10:23 PM
I think I finally get Lancelots point. What he's really trying to say is he'd rather see
everyone working together on one plugin trying to improve it rather than 3 different plugins
for the same software. I didn't even know that there was already another plugin for
Partition Wizard when I posted mine. See Lancelots Reply about running all projects from one folder. (

PS: The only draw back is a newbie, like me, want's to build one project then go to 1 plugin page to search
and download additional plugins!
PSS: I like Partition Wizard I don't care who's plugin it is.
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: oliverjia on March 24, 2014, 04:27:51 AM
Sorry my bad, did not read carefully  :embarrassed:

Hi oliverjia,

maybe english communication problem :confused:

See You
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: oliverjia on March 25, 2014, 08:11:59 AM
Dear Lancelot and other script experts,

I downloaded and tested MiniTool partition wizard plugin in Win8.1SE x64. The plugin I used is from Gena\Apps\HD Tasks\"Partition Wizard Home". The first time launching the partition wizard program everything appears fine, however, once I closed the program and re-lanuch partition wizard, I always get the error message in the pic below: (

Please help me check if there could be something I did wrong, or maybe the plugin could possibly have a bug?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: trashy on March 25, 2014, 08:46:35 AM
If you haven't already, I would suggest trying Aeolis plugin it looks very well done!
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: oliverjia on March 25, 2014, 05:24:28 PM
Dear Trashy,

    Thanks for the advice :thumbsup:. I have not tried it yet but will do it tonight when I get home.

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: oliverjia on March 26, 2014, 04:27:01 AM

   I tested the script by Aeolis on a Win8.1 x64 build. Unfortunately it did not work out. Please see the pic for error message. It appears the error happened when extracting files from the installer file. The previous version of AOMEI Backupper script worked fine.

The same error also happened for the current version of AOMEI Backupper script by Aeolis. I did not test Aeolis's other scripts such as AOMEI PA, but would it be possible for you to check these also? (

    Please help troubleshoot. Thanks for your hard work..

Many thanks.
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Aeolis on March 26, 2014, 11:14:54 AM
Hello folks,

Dear oliverjia, please, answer a few questions:

1) When you say "I tested the script by Aeolis on a Win8.1 x64 build. Unfortunately it did not work out.", have you tested the script inside the PE environment or you could not even build the script?

2) The problem you are having "Unable to open the file install_script.iss" is a error message displayed by "ISISPECreator.exe" when it tries to read the "install_script.iss" file extracted by "innounp.exe". So I need you to do this: when that message pops-up DO NOT click on Ok. Then go to the folder you specified in the "Work folder" text box for the script you're working and check if there is a file named "install_script.iss" inside it or inside any folder there.

Best regards,

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: oliverjia on March 26, 2014, 05:31:24 PM
Dear Aeolis,

    Thanks for your reply. The error message pop up when I run the script in WinBuilder 0.82, i.e., when trying to built the Win8.1SE x64 ISO. The same message also appeared when I click "extract installer" button in WinBuilder. Will report back when I find some time to do the test.

Many thanks for your hard work,
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on March 26, 2014, 08:08:49 PM
Dear Lancelot and other script experts,

I downloaded and tested MiniTool partition wizard plugin in Win8.1SE x64. The plugin I used is from Gena\Apps\HD Tasks\"Partition Wizard Home". The first time launching the partition wizard program everything appears fine, however, once I closed the program and re-lanuch partition wizard, I always get the error message in the pic below: (

Please help me check if there could be something I did wrong, or maybe the plugin could possibly have a bug?

Hi oliverjia,

I confirm your test result  :thumbsup:
I also tested with Gena and Win7PESE, there was no such error.

I guess There is something* with Win8.1SE that prevents such drivers (also tested with another partition manager)

Well I don't have enough time to trace more what is going on....

Besides this event remind me,
Active@ Partition Manager is the Main 3rd party partition manager of Gena,
 for very good reason I like, it does not use driver.
Tested with Win8.1SE, all went fine  :thumbsup:
This will hopefully fit 3rd party partition management untill what is going on figured out well with others  :thumbsup:

See You
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: oliverjia on March 27, 2014, 01:04:28 AM
Thanks Lancelot for the recommendation of Active PM. It does look nice, functions include support for Linux EXT4. Will add it to my Win8.1SE..

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: ChrisR on March 27, 2014, 11:22:31 PM
I confirm also the problem on the 2nd start in Win8pese and Win8.1se while it runs with Gena, Win7pe  :confused:

It seems to be related to the PartitionWizard disk access service drivers (pwdrvsio- pwdrvsio.sys).
When PartitionWizard is launched, It starts the service, if it is not already started and on exit, it stops it.
But on Win8 Win8.1se, once stopped, the service does not restart, I don't know why !!! Hence the concern to restart PartitionWizard.

Also, on Gena, Win7pe the services are stopped at PE startup. They are started in Win8, 8.1

Not really the right solution, I added a workaround for Win8.x SE with a batch below, to block the service stops, by deleting the service registry.
Thus, the service remains always started and it can be launched several times then. To test, it seems to work.

Code: [Select]
@echo Off
Echo Start-up
for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CurrentVersion') do Set CurrentVersion=%%b
if "%CurrentVersion%" LEQ "6.1" Goto :StartPartitionWizard

for /f "tokens=1,3 delims=: " %%a in ('sc query pwdrvio') do (
  if "%%a"=="STATE" set statepwdrvio=%%b
if "%statepwdrvio%"=="RUNNING" (
  reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\pwdrvio
  if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 Reg Delete HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\pwdrvio /f

for /f "tokens=1,3 delims=: " %%a in ('sc query pwdspio') do (
  if "%%a"=="STATE" set statepwdspio=%%b
if "%statepwdspio%"=="RUNNING" (
  reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\pwdspio
  if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 Reg Delete HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\pwdspio /f

Start Y:\Programs\PartitionWizard_Home\PartitionWizard.exe

I started with Gena 'Partition Wizard Home' plugin, the same could be done in Aeolis plugin  :smile:
The File Container for 'Partition Wizard Home' is in Gena Sweets.

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Aeolis on March 28, 2014, 05:13:28 PM
Hello folks,

Finally, now I have a Windows 8.1 x64 image to test Win8.1 x64 PE builds. :great:

Well, while oliverjia doesn't come back with the answer for the tests I have asked him to do I did some tests myself. :lol:

The script I have done and is in the first post of this topic works very well in both Win8.1 x86 and Win8.1 x64 builds. Please, give it at least a try .

I have opened and closed MiniTool® Partition Wizard several times under Win8.1 x64 PE build and it still works as expected. Again, please, give it at least a try .

Best regards,

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: ChrisR on March 28, 2014, 10:04:36 PM
Hi Aeolis,

I have opened and closed MiniTool® Partition Wizard several times under Win8.1 x64 PE build and it still works as expected. Again, please, give it at least a try .
I confirm also[, It works well in win8 Win8.1 x86/x64, nice work  :thumbsup:
The disk access service drivers are started and stopped by PartitionWizard as expected and so no worries to restart it several times.

Thanks for your dependency list, I will study it to know what's wrong with the other plugin or to add to the base  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: ChrisR on March 29, 2014, 09:56:30 AM
I found what's wrong in Gena PartitionWizard for Win8, Win8.1. Thanks to Aeolis plugin :thumbsup:
In services, ImagePath needs to be written at Run time, in any case to have the path changed in the registry services.
Iin Win8.x the disk drivers service seems to be loaded earlier with the paths. I guess that the paths are different once the drives are assigned.

Code: [Select]


Now, both scripts work  :great:
Gena's Partition Wizard Home v13 with some other additions (next to Partition Wizard Home_Bin.Script)

It is the same thing for EASEUS Partition Master Home and perhaps for other plugins.

Code: [Select]


Thanks :thumbsup:
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on March 29, 2014, 09:21:36 PM
Thanks ChrisR,

Updated to Gena server now, with also install driver checkbox disabled as default  :wink:
Gena\Apps\HD Tasks\"Partition Wizard Home"
ps: reminding, "Partition Wizard Home" always had portable nature to start its drivers from its folder

Also made above changes on EASEUS, but trick did not work here, see updated plugin here
Yomi\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home

Nothing urgent etc.  :thumbsup: :great:

See You
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: ChrisR on March 31, 2014, 12:29:57 PM
Hi Lancelot,

I tried again with the same modified lines:\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home.7z
Tested in VMware and real computer, Easeus seems to work well here !


Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on March 31, 2014, 03:09:18 PM
Easeus seems to work well here !

Hi Chris,
yep the version you got working,
but as I said, check
Yomi\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home
which has latest Easus 9.3 inside, and reg lines in your plugin, not working here with source x64+vmware

ps: I just splitted plugin on server to ease things :wink:

ps2: Maybe this is all about latest partition softwares which use some common update, well after your eagle eyes we will see..

Take your time  :thumbsup:

See you
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: ChrisR on April 01, 2014, 10:15:59 AM
Hi Lancelot,

I have not managed, either,with version 9.3, while version 9.2.1 works
The services start, there is a dump generated ( in Easeus folder and I looked a bit with ProcMon.
It's the same thing with the installation (epm.exe). I have not seen what it lacks! no idea. I leave it for someone else  :wink:

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on April 01, 2014, 09:01:45 PM
I leave it for someone else  :wink:
:thumbsup:  :cheers:

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: ChrisR on April 07, 2014, 09:24:01 PM
Hi Lancelot,

Sorry for the place, Aeolis  :wink:

I have not managed, either,with version 9.3, while version 9.2.1 works
I added the container file for EASEUS Partition Master Home version 9.2.1 in addition of version 9.3.
In version 9.3, some binary file are renamed according to their architectures.

With the container file EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_9.2.1_File.7z ( at its side.
To get both versions, EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_File.Script on Yomi server is renamed to EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_9.3_File.Script, at its side also.
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on April 09, 2014, 08:36:08 PM
Hi Chris,

Yes, lets continue  :thumbsup:

Thanks Aeolis for patience  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Prz42 on February 26, 2017, 12:23:49 AM
EaseUS Partition Master 11.9

File Container Link

[attach=1]    :scooter:

I can't test on XP, but I think the drivers are set up for it.
I have tested on Windows 7,8 & 10
Hope you enjoy.
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: APT on February 26, 2017, 05:35:24 PM
thanks Prz42 for the EaseUS Partition Master updated plugin, but why is it still xxxx_v10

btw  the download file is currently v11.10
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Prz42 on February 26, 2017, 07:55:23 PM
The title indicates 11.9, but the main.exe is only 10.8.
The setup file is 11.10. Though's are the numbers.
So it is a little confusing. Will wait to see how Lancelot posts
to the web.
The bigger question is does it work on XP version?
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: APT on February 26, 2017, 10:25:27 PM
Not sure about xp but in my Win10PESE x32 build,  it fails with an exit error

[Failed]  (EaseUS Partition Master 11.9) FileRename - Failed to rename file: [%BaseDir%\Target\Win10PESE\Program Files\EaseUS\Partition Master\bin\MSVCP60,3.dll] to:[%BaseDir%\Target\Win10PESE\Program Files\EaseUS\Partition Master\bin\MSVCP60.dll] :Cannot create a file when that file already exists

as innounp extracts the msvcp60.dll file from the downloaded epm.exe in the first place, along with msvcp60,1.dll and msvcp60,3.dll
using your plugin EaseUS Partition Master 11.9 dated 2017.02.25. Just about to investigate unless you have any quick ideas ?
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on February 26, 2017, 11:47:04 PM
So it is a little confusing. Will wait to see how Lancelot posts
to the web.
If company says it is 11.9 or 11.10 , it is that version.  :thumbsup:

Such thing (.exe version) sometimes differs with such softwares having wide range of files....

Further, for plugin file names,
 since you seem to update these easeus continuously,
  better give file names:


and update Title/Description info as you already do  :thumbsup:

Title=EaseUS Partition Master (Prz42)


In case If company do not change version number,
 File Container plugin already have date info when original file (epm.exe) downloaded and plugin created etc.  :wink:

This way, Galapo and ChrisR can update server with your future plugin updates quickly.

On Admin side :
It is much more faster to update files on servers via upload button.
It takes a lot more time to add / remove .......

Generally I should be around to add, but update can be made by all admins. :thumbsup:

The bigger question is does it work on XP version?
Gena\Utils\Download Source
plugin available.

And be sure Finals\1 Optimization\Win2003 Workstation plugin enabled when testing.

"Chief PluginCache" also added to Gena,
so it is very fast to test plugin on both Gena and Win10PESE all in one folder ex: D:\Oven through a builder.

You can download Gena with Win10PESE\Utils\Download Other Projects

install_script.iss gives info for Gena files -> MinVersion: 0.0,5.0
See other "EASEUS Partition Master" plugins
there you will see lines like

Well I am not a EASEUS Partition Master user, and not have much time for a while,

Further on your hands....

Well I will not be much active on project & plugin development till the very end of summer.

I will only add new files to server after you check APT feedback

and I will leave rest updates to Chris and Galapo.

+ Further I will be around for quick forum support   :cool:

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Prz42 on February 27, 2017, 01:42:53 AM
EaseUS Partition Master 11.9

[attach=1]      :scooter:

This should fix the error message
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on February 27, 2017, 09:52:25 AM
Hi Prz42,

Added your plugin to server with cosmetics:

\Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\EaseUS Partition Master (Prz42)
\Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\EaseUS Partition Master (Prz42) - File

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: APT on February 27, 2017, 12:19:39 PM
thanks prz42 can confirm errors now fixed  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: clsven on May 19, 2017, 07:14:04 AM
Is there a plan to update the Minitool Partition Wizard plugin?

The newest version which is retrieved here in my WinPESE project so far is v9.1 while the newest free release is v10.2.1:

I would appreciate it very much if it could be updated.

It is slightly better than Easeus Partition Master

Thank you
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: was_JFX on May 19, 2017, 07:41:53 AM
Version 10 no longer starts in WinPE. One should use a Pro version now.  :mellow:
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Prz42 on June 04, 2020, 01:14:12 AM
Version 14 is available thanks to Nikky.
I have attached the version.

[attach=1]       :bbq:

Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: APT on June 05, 2020, 11:30:43 AM
Hi Lancelot

this topic seems to have morphed from MiniTool® Partition Wizard to EaseUS Partition Master, somewhere down the line, perhaps it could be split
to reflect both plugins correctly
Title: Re: MiniTool® Partition Wizard
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 12:18:36 PM

you are right but the topic is too old :
   (again a chain of development case (eg. like bit40 .... chains .... qemu accelerator recently ))
     but as you mention topic continues with  EaseUS Partition Master which is not good.
     but topic is too old there maybe references to it.

It seems better to open a topic (or another topic) to update EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Prz42 Plugin  :wink:

for now a temporary solution:
Until someone wants to reply current topic about "MiniTool® Partition Wizard", Topic locked.

Just inform a moderator saying something like:
"I want to reply "MiniTool® Partition Wizard" about "MiniTool® Partition Wizard" can we unlock topic now"

on "Forum Support" in future

See Prz42 topic to catch latest Prz42 EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Prz42 Plugin


Topic unlocked after Prz42 open a new topic