if you answered yesterday you will avoid this fatigue
Some people report to WimBuilder2, I know this issue after 10.0.18956 released.
But I can build a LITE one with WimBuilder2(an 100+ MB WIN10 PE(WinXShell based)).
After some tests(feature options composition), so I found out that disable DWM, it also fixed this issue with Explorer shell, Admin logon, IME issue.
If you asked in WimBuilder2 topic, I will answer you what I know.
but in this WINXPE topic, you can't remove the DWM Component,
because ChrisR made Explorer+DWM+Search+ ... in ONE,
so I can't comment until this issue be fixed.
I got the fixed just while you testing yesterday.
tasklist /m
dwm.exe 624 ntdll.dll, KERNEL32.DLL, KERNELBASE.dll,
apphelp.dll, ucrtbase.dll, advapi32.dll,
msvcrt.dll, sechost.dll, RPCRT4.dll,
gdi32.dll, win32u.dll, gdi32full.dll,
msvcp_win.dll, USER32.dll, combase.dll,
udwm.dll, cfgmgr32.dll, dxgi.dll,
CoreMessaging.dll, WS2_32.dll,
CoreUIComponents.dll, SHCORE.dll,
dwmcore.dll, dwmredir.dll, ntmarta.dll,
kernel.appcore.dll, wintypes.dll,
bcryptPrimitives.dll, powrprof.dll,
d2d1.dll, dcomp.dll, D3DCOMPILER_47.dll,
CRYPTSP.dll, d3d11.dll, IMM32.DLL,
UMPDC.dll, uxtheme.dll, dwmghost.dll,
dwmapi.dll, avrt.dll, ism.dll, bcrypt.dll,
NInput.dll, clbcatq.dll,
WindowsCodecs.dll, UIAnimation.dll,
DispBroker.Desktop.dll, mscms.dll,
USERENV.dll, ColorAdapterClient.dll,
ActXPrxy.dll, DispBroker.dll,
Windows.Graphics.dll, wtsapi32.dll,
WINSTA.dll, d3d10warp.dll,
XmlLite.dll, Cabinet.dll,
wuceffects.dll Well, I found out lots of 19Hx, 20Hx's new added files is in this list.
This will be the direction for next releases.

IF YOU want to avoid this fatigue
You just wait and watch WimBuilder2's develop branch,
there will be 0day fixs, if not, wait for a weekend.

I don't think we should follow the Windows update every time for Windows PE,
Unless we know there will be new for PE.
I added all missing files from sys32 , teste ok, then started delete files by block of letter (added one), until g*.* then GameInput.dll
(I wonder if what everyone is doing or there is another simple method that I do not know...)

I appreciated you, testing and fix it, shared it to others.
If you didn't do this, some others must do it.
We share to each other to void fatigue. (but you got it faster :)
GameInput - really one would have to ask what that name would imply regards to login...
as I stated, it regards to DWM. DWM involves lots of things.
My method of failure was to compare system32 files from older version to newest version
Yes, I also did like this(*.dll).
rem ==========update filesystem==========
call AddFiles %0 :end_files
goto :end_files
But this file is added in v1903, but build PE with v1903 works fine, so we missed it.