Topic: Screen Res difference between User & Admin ?  (Read 90 times)

Screen Res difference between User & Admin ?
« on: December 22, 2020, 05:14:49 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
  • **
  • Date Registered: Nov 2020
  • Posts: 21
My test machine is a laptop with a native screen res of 1920 x 1080 on a 14" screen.  On bootup it ask me if i want to switch to admin and I click yes.  It has already set the screen to it's native res of 1920 x 1080.  But last time I got distracted and the countdown expired before I hit YES and it set me a a regular user.  With a screen res of 1024 x 768!

Both \W10XPE\Custom\Pecmdini\pecmd.ini  and  W10XPE\Target_x64\Windows\System32\pecmd.ini
have the following commands:

Code: [Select]
// Fix Screen resolution and Show Desktop. NoWait Hide
EXEC !%WinDir%\System32\FixScreen.exe


Code: [Select]
TEAM DISP W1024 H768 B32|DISP W1366 H768 B32
//TEAM DISP W1024 H768 B32|DISP W1280 720 B32|DISP W1280 H1024 B32|DISP W1366 H768 B32|DISP W1920 H1080 B32

What, exactly, does FixScreen.exe do?

What does TEAM mean?

Are these fallback screen res settings - if generic W10 driver can't do native res?

Why does admin show a different screen res than regular user?


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