The Oven

Project World => WimBuilder => Topic started by: Lancelot on January 24, 2020, 04:32:50 PM

Title: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 24, 2020, 04:32:50 PM

A New Project using Plugins and "Macro Library" high flexibility features with other Projects.

[attachimg=1 width=500]

[attachimg=2 width=500]

Short instructions:
1) Extract to a short simple folder and start eg. D:\Oven\BuildAzin.exe
2) Click Blue Play [attachimg=3 width=38] button at top of UI
3) When asked select source folder eg. containing Win10RTM (eg. Win10 20H2 x64)

* Azin Supports: Vista Win7 Win8 Win8.1 Win10 RTM

Make at least one build after you extract to see Default Result.
Later spend time to modify settings etc.


Special thanks to Galapo providing forum and servers to distribute
Special thanks to Kare (CD-RW) giving permission to distribute LiveSystemPro and giving a lot of support for the shortcut and LiveSystemPro.
Special thanks to slore giving permission to distribute WimBuilder
 and self-proving a batch-engine (cmd with WimBuilder) with nice ui is good enough for a pe/win/etc. creation and for all support on posts about WimBuilder.
Special thanks to JFX for GetWaikTools, WOW64, Gena Theme, Generic Theme Patch, Generic Driver Patch, NVidia trim ..... for all things shared so far all through years.
( @JFX, see Azin\Basic\"Azin Download" Plugin  :cool:)
Special thanks to noelBlanc for "MicroWinpeBuilder to adapt its own Winpe : tutorial or 'under the hood'?"
And Thanks to everybody who shared Plugins and Feedback on topics.  :cheers:


The latest Azin can be found here:
Azin Download Page (

Azin (

Have Fun

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 24, 2020, 04:33:00 PM
To update Wimbuilder or LiveSystemPro inside Azin
, use simple to follow Update Plugins

Utils\"Update LiveSystemPro - Azin"
[attachimg=1 width=500]

Utils\"Update Wimbuilder - Azin"
[attachimg=2 width=500]

To update Azin using Azin Distribution Packages
use Utils\"Update via Package"
Azin server only holds Azin-Core Plugins unlike other projects,
 to update all additional Plugins
  (ComponentsY , TweaksY, AppY, DriversY, VirtualTestY, WriteMediaY, DownloadsY, UtilsY)
   you have to update via Package. (or use Small Green Download button at right-top of all plugins ui)
With this, you can also quickly use any distribution you like to test with if required.
ps: Reminding, Personal Plugins or other Project Plugins not affected with this update, they are all safe.

[attachimg=3 width=500]

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 24, 2020, 04:33:09 PM
Additional Tutorials:

Since >10 years, All Projects which use Plugins works on the same folder without touching each other
 and all can use same Plugins. (no need conversion etc.  :cheers:)

(without touching = Deleting ALL files of a Project have no effect on another Project = fully divided)

To demonstrate, I put a picture with all current Projects (Azin Gena Win7PESE Win8PESE Win8.1SE Win10PESE) with Plugins
 and as an example same "Q-Dir Nenad" Plugin working fine with all.
--> Personal Plugin work out of box and easier to test between projects and easier to improve Plugins up to needs in passing time.
[attachimg=1 width=773]

Configure WimBuilder settings:
eg. How to enable "Administrator account" with WimBuilder ?
[attachimg=2 width=763]

[attachimg=3 width=780]

Configure LiveSystemPro settings:
eg. How to enable "SystemRecovery" with LiveSystemPro ?
[attachimg=4 width=763]

[attachimg=5 width=780]

Have Fun
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 24, 2020, 04:33:31 PM
More Info:
Azin, for today, gets end-user use Plugins with WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro projects.

Azin, for today, supports Win8.0 Win8.1 via LiveSystemPro and Win10 via LiveSystemPro and WimBuilder. - 2020.01.24
Azin, for today, supports Vista Win7 Win8.0 Win8.1 via LiveSystemPro and Win10 via LiveSystemPro and WimBuilder. - 2021.05.09

In the future more support down to Gena and up to new projects.

You can have Azin on the same folder with
 Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE along with Yomi (Plugin server) and your personal plugins (MyPlugins, MyPlugins_Direct)
  All 6+1+2 projects Designed to work on the same base folder eg. D:\Oven\
    (with other words, you can delete any one of them without touching other since all use their own subfolder, or add all of them to the same base folder for the very same reason)

Azin\"Azin Configure" Plugin you can select a project to build with (Today LiveSystemPro and WimBuilder)

Azin\"Azin Configure" Plugin have "Configuration" Buttons for both LiveSystemPro and WimBuilder

| Configure-LiveSystemPro:
| LiveSystemPro has its own LSP-Script server, you can download LiveSystemPro scripts from its server using:
|    LiveSystemPro\Utils\"Update Center"
|     See: How to use the Update Center of LiveSystemPro :
| LiveSystemPro contains 4 projects,
| For today Azin works with LiveSystemPro Win10PE Win8PE Win7PE in future WinXPE
|     (WinXPE - do not mix with other projects, I mean WinXPE Project distributed with LiveSystemPro which is a PE1 project ...)
| Configure LiveSystemPro the way you like following LiveSystemPro UI, It is quite easy to figure out.
| For more Info to configure LiveSystemPro, you can ask at LiveSystemPro Section (
| How to update Azin-LiveSystemPro Manually:
| Lancelot Reply 53 -

| Configure-WimBuilder:
| WimBuilder has web pages for WimBuilder patches and WimBuilder projects,
|  check WimBuilder topic and webpages for patches and projects.
| For today there is only 1 project to be tested and supported by Azin for now (there seems 2 more on the way),
|  in a future time will show.
| Tip: WimBuilder-Left there you will see
|--> "Customize" --> Change "Patch Preset" to Full - Close WimBuilder - Click BluePlay Button
|---------> You will get a build with A LOT of features. (Login As Admin, Remote Connect etc. etc.)
| Tip: If you use WimBuilder Patch Preset-Default also
|   Enable Customize-Configures-Build-->'WOW64 Support' to get your 32bit applications to work.
| For more Info to configure WimBuilder, you can ask at WimBuilder Topic (
| How to update Azin-WimBuilder Manually:
| Lancelot Reply 53 -

You can download other Plugins from the server by using Azin\Downloads(Y)\"Download Plugins"
Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi Topic (
Reminding not all plugins on server,
 You can also download or share individual Plugins at Plugin Section See:
Plugin Section (

 Azin Naturally Provides all options available by projects like "Login As Administrator", "Network Options" , "MMC" etc. etc.
  As mentioned before, use Configuration Button to configure projects.

Proxy Users:
If you made proxy settings before with one of the Projects -> Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE
 and extract Azin to the same folder,
   no need to make Proxy settings again, It will work out of box.  :thumbsup:
If you are a new user or use Azin on a separate folder :
Check Utils(Y)\"Proxy Settings" and "Proxy Settings - WinHTTP" Plugins
Azin (default settings) for today must Downloads ADK files (~ 10 MB) once so you should at least make proxy setting with "Proxy Settings - WinHTTP" Plugin.
better also use "Proxy Settings" plugin so you can download required files by individual plugins. (eg. App\Network\"Mozilla Firefox ESR (P)" Plugin needs to download FireFox setup file)

Azin has a Simple Cache mechanism for some projects
 Today Azin implement Simple Cache for both WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro
  As a result, 2nd build will be faster
   Today building with WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro using the same source,
      2nd build naturally has ~same time results.

On my pc:
Source: Win10 1909 x64 (en-us)
Using normal 5600 rpm disk (not SSD)

WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro 2nd build: 6 minutes, 25 seconds

Kare report better result 5 min 20 seconds
Again proves the fact, I have a slow laptop.   :lol:

slore report build is very slow on the first run (+15 min) on old pc with win7
slore reply 290
It will be improved later with improvements using Azin-WimBuilder cases

With ssd disk, results will be a lot faster.

Azin supports Junction Target folders,
(Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE also have this feature)
If you have an idea to build faster by putting all project to a "Ram Drive" (you have lots of ram to waste),
 Keep in mind there is a better way without losing space (and on some cases files) by using "Ram Drive".  :thumbsup:
  Only junction target folders to "Ram Drive".  :whistling:

See Lancelot Reply 61

With Azin, being able to easily use the same plugins with all projects
 ( Today: LiveSystemPro-Win10PE, LiveSystemPro-Win8, LiveSystemPro-Win7, WimBuilder,  Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE
    later: LiveSystemPro-WinXPE)
   is quite fun,
   and self Proves "Macro Library" and "Plugin design" is close to perfect.  :great:

eg. "QtWeb" Plugin, "7-Zip File Manager" Plugin, "VirtualBox Emulation" Plugin .....

Azin self proves "Macro Library" is
 very fast {see individual plugin time at log after build plugins (eg. Dism++ Plugin  1.565 seconds )}
 very flexible {now building Plugins for WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro}

Azin also self proves Project Build times or how plugins are written (slow or fast) is not related to "Macro Library" at all. :great:

Azin is in fact small,
Inspecting Initial Azin Release (2020.01.24)
Inside 240.3 MB (zip compressed 188 MB)
 -167.3 MB are Plugins out of Azin {161.1 MB (Yomi) 3.1 MB My Plugins Direct  3.1 MB My Plugins) (not required to Build Azin)
 -1.4 MB VirtualTest Plugins (not required to Build Azin)
 -0.3 MB Builder Language Files and info (not required to Build Azin)
 -20 MB WimBuilder
 -15MB LiveSystemPro
 -31.0 MB Utils Plugins help me a lot to create Azin without writing the same things again and again to create a project.
    (Utils Plugins are the same Plugins for all 6 or 5 Projects and created and used before Azin, Self proves good design  :thumbsup:)
 -1.3 MB Macro Library
 -0.9 MB builder

Shortly Azin is I guess 3.3 MB  :lol:
with other words,
Minimum Azin to build both Projects:
 3.3 (Azin) + 0.9 (builder) + 1.3 Macro Library+ 31 Utils + 20 (WimBuilder) + 15 (LiveSystemPro) =~ 71 MB uncompressed.

Naturally, numbers will increase with passing time like with all projects.

ps: Azin server also with only ~ 72 MB

Azin update by using server:
Utils\"Update Project (Exact and Secure)" Plugin
--> Using "Update (Download + Copy)" Button will update Azin without downloading ~190 MB like with zip file.  :great:

Unlike other projects, to keep Azin updates small-sized (server ~72 MB uncompressed),
 Azin server only holds Azin Plugins, so better:
   First Extract zip and later update with Utils\"Update Project (Exact and Secure)" Plugin.

See Lancelot Reply 19

Azin Future:
Azin in its root (like Gena) provides a Layer to start a new project with everything ready at hand ('Macro Library' and all rest working Plugins )
 that makes it very simple to create a project for a project admin. ( Self proof current Azin  )
 I am still slowly documenting related things when I find free time. (writing help document is boring but required)

It is now quite easier to create a project via Azin, I have some project ideas for the future. :great:

Short History:
Azin Idea was there for years now (without project name) but I feel It will not be morally right to create such a thing years ago, Something rare happened and I was wrong.
 Gena project has the roots of Azin's idea in its design (When creating Gena, the Idea was there to be ready to implement later .......),
  developing Azin makes me remember times when we (Galapo, Lancelot) had created Gena ~10 years ago (~2010.09).
      The project started quickly working at home but the name later was found by a friend at 2018.10.24 ~1:30 after we had lunch.

      Creating a project at home is easy, preparing a hobby project ready to distribute to the public is not, and I do not have free time as before so all done very very slowly.

       Honestly, I never wanted to create a public project and be a project admin since ~12 years,
         working on post-core related things is still more fun for me on my hobby time.
           Life always has other plans ...

Last Words:
Well, It is now quite easy to build with LiveSystemPro and WimBuilder with Plugins,
 make me feedback on both projects about things I notice during the build.

Let me know if you have a working Plugin not working as before.  :thumbsup:
 I am sure there will very rare cases and there are only a few lines to update.  :wink:

Azin provides required things to create Plugins with simple syntax provided by "Macro Library".  :cheers:

ps: Azin First Public Release: 2020.01.24

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: slore on January 24, 2020, 09:30:20 PM
Wow,  the description is more than I thought :great:

Nice idea and a Gift for the Spring Festival.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: APT on January 24, 2020, 10:39:05 PM

link to 'Plugin Section' is failing in first post - missing : (colon)
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 25, 2020, 09:20:58 PM
Added info to More Info at Reply 3 :lol:

Proxy Users:
If you made proxy settings before with one of the Projects -> Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE
 and extract Azin to the same folder,
   no need to make Proxy settings again, It will work out of box.  :thumbsup:

Azin has a Simple Cache mechanism for some projects
 Today Azin implement Simple Cache for both WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro
  As a result, 2nd build will be faster
   Today building with WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro using the same source,
      2nd build naturally has ~same time results.

On my pc:
Source: Win10 1909 x64 (en-us)
Using normal 5600 rpm disk (not SSD)

WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro 2nd build: 6 minutes, 25 seconds

Kare report better result 5 min 20 seconds
Again proves the fact, I have a slow laptop.   :lol:

With ssd disk, results will be a lot faster.

Azin supports Junction Target folders,
(Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE also have this feature)
If you have an idea to build faster by putting all project to a ramdrive (you have lots of ram to waste),
 Keep in mind there is a better way without losing space (and on some cases files) by using ramdrive.  :thumbsup:
  Only junction target folders to ramdrive.  :whistling:
Azin is in fact small,
Inspecting Initial Azin Release (2020.01.24)
Inside 240.3 MB (zip compressed 188 MB)
 -167.3 MB are Plugins out of Azin {161.1 MB (Yomi) 3.1 MB My Plugins Direct  3.1 MB My Plugins) (not required to Build Azin)
 -1.4 MB VirtualTest Plugins (not required to Build Azin)
 -0.3 MB Builder Language Files and info (not required to Build Azin)
 -20 MB WimBuilder
 -15MB LiveSystemPro
 -31.0 MB Utils Plugins help me a lot to create Azin without writing same things again and again to create a project.
    (Utils Plugins are the same Plugins for all 6 or 5 Projects and created and used before Azin, Self proves good design  :thumbsup:)
 -1.3 MB Macro Library
 -0.9 MB builder

Shortly Azin is I guess 3.3 MB  :lol:
with other words,
Minimum Azin to build both Projects:
 3.3 (Azin) + 0.9 (builder) + 1.3 Macro Library+ 31 Utils + 20 (WimBuilder) + 15 (LiveSystemPro) =~ 71 MB uncompressed.

Naturally, numbers will increase with passing time like with all projects.

link to 'Plugin Section' is failing in first post - missing : (colon)

Fixed  :thumbsup:

Made reply 1 and 2 longer, hoping new users only read reply 1 which is short and enough for a beginner.
reply 3 is for experienced users.

Also updated Vmware Plugin for Vmware Player users following Kare feedback.
 Again workaround winbuilder bug even after 10 years. :lol:
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 25, 2020, 09:31:58 PM
Wow,  the description is more than I thought :great:
Story of History is longer.
 At a point, I consider using WimBuilder to create Azin .....
  I also made some beta work on Macro Library to create Macro_Library.cmd to be used by WimBuilder  ...
    I have reactos cmd.exe (x64/x86) files somewhere around from last year ....  :lol:

Lots of trials and changing decisions during development, I guess this is Azin5 at home, a very loooong story...
 I keep short at History on reply 3  :cool:
  But the taste of adventure is nice on my side.

Nice idea and a Gift for the Spring Festival.
Happy Spring Festival.  :happy_dance:

I do not follow bbs forums, feel free to share Azin there as a Gift for the Spring Festival   :cheers:

Btw, Kare asked me to ask you, If you can provide your language support to LiveSystemPro.

See You
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: slore on January 26, 2020, 09:28:40 AM
It seems that Azin use LiveSystemPro or WimBuilder to build a BASE boot.wim, than WinBuilder for the "Plugins".

What I thought is:
When WinBuilder's project's option changed, you update the current.js preset and the X drive to Target folder.
WimBuilder as a "Plugins" for WinBuilder project to build the system features.

Something can be improved:
1.Keep LiveSystemPro or WimBuilder distribution as, WimBuilder2-Full.xxxxxx.7z than *.script.
Easy for updating, and high speed for opening the Builder Configuration.
(I don't check the code, but it take 15~30 seconds for "Configuration" button of the builders, needs 5 seconds for the next click.)

I think it just extract the *.7z and update some config files could be done. and 9LSP, 9WBS for cache,
shouldn't needs such time.

_CustomFile_ folder for WimBuilder can be copied.

2. No need Make-ISO be default selected for WimBuilder, Final, ISO will do it.

3. The process should be:
extract the boot.wim to target folder, mount it to X for WimBuilder,
WimBuilder run
Plugin run
pack the Target folde to be boot.wim, it will save the time to dism /mount, /commit, /unmout.

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 26, 2020, 12:34:34 PM
Hi slore,

If you reply, please reply Kare post on LSP topic
I will move above Kare post there later ....

See You on next post...  :wink:

Previous Kare post on current topic moved to other topic:
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 26, 2020, 12:53:41 PM
Hi slore,

It seems that Azin use LiveSystemPro or WimBuilder to build a BASE boot.wim, than WinBuilder for the "Plugins".
Correct.  :thumbsup:

What they need is the words in *.srt files, like WinBuilder projects' plugins, It seems no interface for that without modifing the origin *.srt file.
I replied that on WimBuilder topic when we talk about indent a year ago:
 Lancelot Reply 18
..... (click small edit button at right of icon of any plugin)

Maybe better with pictures!

To see SourceCodes of Plugins:
[attachimg=1 width=300]
[attachimg=2 width=300]

Interface Editor, Description, Attachments also edit Plugin  :wink:
(Options is problematic not used by plugins ....)

Following is Picture with "Source"

[attachimg=3 width=300]

To see LiveSystemPro srt files with LSP editor :
[attachimg=4 width=300]

[attachimg=5 width=300]

ps: Click on pictures to see bigger if required.

Maybe I misunderstand what you are talking about with my bad English ! If so can you help me understand.

I will respond to other parts of your posts later today.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: slore on January 26, 2020, 01:14:28 PM
Sorry for my bad English.

I know how to see the source code of Plugins.

if there is 9WimBS folder, I thought when I click the WimBuilder Settings button again(Azin Configure),
it should be just execute 9WimBS\WimBuilder.cmd, but

6 seconds for starting WimBuilder
20 seconds for starting LiveSystemPro

It is too long than what I imaged of the code.

I don't check the source code to see what you did. (Not  mean I don't know how to see the source code)

I try build with WimBuilder, It commited the boot.wim, and create BOOTPE.ISO,
then you mount it again to process the plugins.

I think there is a way to mount the winre.wim once, and process WimBuilder, and plugins in one shot.

I think about the implement like you create macro wrapper for the final action to Boot.wim of the file/hive.

FileRequire to create AddFileList.txt, RegHiveLoad => NOTHING (WimBuilder load the hives),
RegWrite to reg add ...

Well, I realized that, some commands are built-in commands of the WinBuilder, maybe you can't change the implement.

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 26, 2020, 03:29:46 PM
Hi slore,

I feel writing about development history is better to help you figure out. (as mentioned before It is a long history  :lol:)

Yes I start with very same ideas you wrote when I first create Azin (after the decision to use wb instead of cmd .. Azin2 or 3 .. )

First thing I like to mention which you did not wrote :
I could make Plugins work inside WimBuilder/LiveSystemPro - But requires too much work for today, possible in the future.  :thumbsup:
 During Azin Development, I also made a lot of work to get this idea easier in the future.  :thumbsup:
  When this happens, there will be no need Azin (and wb) to get Plugins work with LiveSystemPro and WimBuilder  :thumbsup:
   Till that day Azin is working fine today.  :cool: (I guess some years more, I have very low hobby time ...)
    ps: Seeds of this idea and Azin idea is back to Gena development 10 years ago. I am a slow turtle that always goes forward...

Another thing is using builders on same base folder (not subfolder)
 But neither WimBuilder nor LiveSystemPro have a tidy folder organization following their build goals
  With this way, it would be easier to use ready target folders, but it is logically not possible with multi admins of different builders,  only sharing ideas.

Further What I wrote about WimBuilder is also valid with LiveSystemPro,
 I work on both of them at the same time which makes me better understand what is required.

> When WinBuilder's project's option changed, you update the current.js preset and the X drive to Target folder.

Yes I started that way (early Azin)
 There is a natural same path at the first steps of anything designed.  :wink:

A set of Plugins to change current.js with available WimBuilder options following the same WimBuilder-Customize design
Azin\WimBuilder\Customize\"Build" Plugin
Azin\WimBuilder\Customize\"Loader" Plugin

with BigBluePlay,
+ Azin\WimBuilder\Customize\ Plugins,
+ WimBuilder auto start and build ( no create iso and NO unmount) and finish and close
+ Azin continues processing Plugins ( ComponentsY , AppsY ..... )
+ unmount
+ create iso

I did that, faster Azin Build  :thumbsup: but there are drawbacks
- No need configure buttons -> I miss UI features of WimBuilder (eg. Today additional Chinese UI ) (eg. LiveSystemPro German UI on srt)
- With this method, It may look like Azin is hiding the real builder behind, which is not my goal at all.
I like end-user very aware all build done by the selected project (WimBuilder/LiveSystemPro)
I even ask Kare for another build ui on LSP on a LSP topic for that goal.
- Harder to maintain
---- Azin\WimBuilder\Customize\ Plugins need to be check and updated at each WimBuilder release and different patches
---- LiveSystemPro also have its own server with other srt .....
- requires at least 2 hardcode patches (via Azin) to WimBuilder for "No unmount" and "Check Finish build successfully"
I do not like such patches, I have to check them at each WimBuilder update ....
- for WimBuilder builds, need an additional configuration to get small green buttons work on plugins (mount-greenplay-unmount)

Keeping things simple is better,
 all projects have their own special features (current LiveSystemPro/WimBuilder)

so I changed my idea to Azin4 later 5 ... and today first public Azin.

What left from those days, I use a personal Plugin to change settings of WimBuilder/LiveSystemPro with the way I like.
(eg. WimBuilder Restart Explorer - Logon As Admin with 1 secs System Default ..... via plugin)

In future If someone asks to add some settings to Azin UI for projects,
 It is easy to implement to the current design (already available but not used).  :thumbsup:

ps: Development path is full of changing ideas and design, and start from the begining  :wink:

Something can be improved:
1.Keep LiveSystemPro or WimBuilder distribution as, WimBuilder2-Full.xxxxxx.7z than *.script.
It is already that way, you can see both distribution zip files under their respective folders.  :thumbsup:

It is also ready to build with Wimbuilder and LiveSystemPro without Azin,
 They are extracted, source folder/index info added and ready to build with selected options.

I think it just extract the *.7z and update some config files could be done. and 9LSP, 9WBS for cache,
shouldn't needs such time.
cache is final iso file. :lol:

Final iso file is 1) Flag file to see build success 2) cache file following its nature.

1)  If build failure for whatever reason (eg. you stop build ) Azin will not continue (halt)
Using final iso as flag file to see build success or not loose time
 but requires no additional patch or srt to WimBuilder and LivesSystemPro, keeps things simple that way :)

2) After decision 1) and after some passing time, Idea came to my mind, why not use iso for cache.
This way lost time at first build by creating iso gained for 2nd build. :thumbsup:

ps: If one change the configuration, cache not used, build again.

6 seconds for starting WimBuilder
20 seconds for starting LiveSystemPro
I guess 6 seconds for starting WimBuilder is 2nd and later use of the Configure button.

Configure button, before starting builder do this:
If used without BigBluePlay, very first time after Azin extract,
---> configure button once extract builder distribution to folder

2nd and later use of Configure button:
-------- Add source folder info (and index) to selected project (or select project)
(Source Folder can be changed via Azin UI)

2nd and later use of Configure button is very fast with WimBuilder.
If you make a BigBluePlay and later use ConfigureButton, It is slow because of winbuilder memory bug, 3rd use will be faster ;)

LiveSystemPro Configure button today do more job compared to WimBuilder
1) LSP use utf8 files (or unicode bom) which makes things longer for now.... can be faster in future ...
2) If Win8 source selected, Azin should figure out which LiveSystemPro project to add source info ;)
so Azin first check source, up to source add source info to LiveSystemPro project (Win8.1 source - LSP-Win8PE configuration file)
and open LSP with LSP-Win8PE selected on UI

then you mount it again to process the plugins.
I extract so green play buttons on plugins operational.  :wink:

Writing long and there is a long development history,
I try to simplify as much as possible providing maximum flexibility.
 I know there is some time lost for the flexibility and simplification, but acceptable small time for a regular user.

Some different options to build faster already available but not good for regular user for today,
 no need to mix regular user mind.
  When I find the time to add such features with simple ui design, I will implement such things to projects slowly.

Already a long post, I ate my dinner, made 2 phone calls when writing this single post  :lol:
I will check your posts again to see If I miss something.
Feel free to ask things again If I missed replying.

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 26, 2020, 03:43:25 PM
I don't check the source code to see what you did. (Not  mean I don't know how to see the source code)
Instead of source code,
on winbuilder ui, after hitting a button (or green play), click log button on wb interface, click "View last log" at bottom

It will be easier for you to figure out things by quick looking such small log files instead of reading source code.  :thumbsup:

I think about the implement like you create macro wrapper for the final action to Boot.wim of the file/hive.

FileRequire to create AddFileList.txt, RegHiveLoad => NOTHING (WimBuilder load the hives),
RegWrite to reg add ...

Well, I realized that, some commands are built-in commands of the WinBuilder, maybe you can't change the implement.
Another method I did not mention on my previous post but considered last year,
start Azin inside WimBuilder as custom line ...... probably with patch without unmount  ....

All Plugins designed to load and unload hives, as a result WimBuilder ready load hives not possible via wnb.
 Only by using Plugins directly inside WimBuilder, WimBuilder can ignore Plugin lines to load/unload hives...

checking your other posts ..... :turtle:
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 26, 2020, 03:55:20 PM
It seems that Azin use LiveSystemPro or WimBuilder to build a BASE boot.wim, than WinBuilder for the "Plugins".

I still do not understand what you mean with that ... ?

As mentioned before, Let me know if I miss something on your posts.  :thumbsup:


Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Homes32 on January 26, 2020, 05:41:51 PM
Congratulations on releasing your project! It's no small accomplishment and great for the community to have a choice and variety in builders, projects, and "plugins" :great:
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 26, 2020, 06:29:21 PM
It seems that Azin use LiveSystemPro or WimBuilder to build a BASE boot.wim, than WinBuilder for the "Plugins".

I still do not understand what you mean with that ... ?
Now I understand ....  :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I also wrote about the same subject for WimBuilder at Lancelot Reply 282
maybe ! since you use hta ... ! if there is a free translator service ! one can change ui setting "Translate English" "Translate Korean" ....

Well, from my point of view, only WimBuilder has a chance to do that properly.  :wink:

As I wrote a couple of time before and recently,
There is a natural same path at the first steps of anything designed.  :wink:
Which continue with,
   there are some natural same mistakes by following previous wrong design
    (eg. PEBakery, LSP inherited some winbuilder mistakes, WimBuilder inherited Win10XPE project source selection as a builder)

eg. I wrote Azin history mistakes and updates on the previous posts.  :wink:

So shortly;
Simply, follow (to me) the wrong design of current builders about multi-language support,
 Digest the experience not about success but also about failures,
  and do better with WimBuilder  :thumbsup:

Above is just a first step of using translator idea for WimBuilder, which I can not do for Azin.
 next steps for WimBuilder will be finding some smart solutions for WimBuilderUI you handle ui for different languages since what is written can be longer/shorter - bigger/smaller - lefttoright/righttoleft  :wink:
  Translator at least can help you to experiment with such things.  :wink:
   Things I can not work on, but only have good ideas with my past experience.  :cool:

What I did for plugins for multi-language users is keeping Plugin UI very tidy using the same templates,
 So any smart user (which a PE user should be) can figure out basic things quickly.
 This help multi-language users figure out how to create good working plugins and we get written plugin feedback in passing time.  :thumbsup:
  I did never translate them even to Turkish.  :lol: since the current design, they will vanish in some close future.
   And It is not possible with current wb ui handling, we use pixels on wb to organize ui ..... :lol:

Who knows, maybe Azin with WimBuilder in future.  :great:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on January 30, 2020, 10:52:30 AM
Hi slore,

For the latest version, you can add "exit 0" to _CustomFiles_\final.bat, to keep the winre.wim be mounted, and the reg HIVEs be there,
you can continue do something with other builder, commit the modification, and create ISO by yourself.
Thanks, I add info to personal help file  :thumbsup:
In some future, Azin with WimBuilder will probably unmount hives and continue with mounted wim with Plugins :wink:  :thumbsup:
 which will gain a lot time ....

Things to do after I get some more Azin stability and after I finish things with Azin. :great:

I am replying other things on WimBuilder topics.  :thumbsup:

Good, there is no bug report with Azin so far.  :cheers:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on February 01, 2020, 01:37:50 PM
Hi slore,

You like cmd files so here are attached are some .cmd files (ps do not use with Azin_2020-01-24 ;)) to use at basefolder
(base folder where builder exists eg. D:\Oven\BuildAzin.exe - basefolder : D:\Oven\ )

They simply summarize using the same base folder with different projects each using its subfolder,
 and as a result (which also demonstrated by cmd files)
 one can safely enable/disable/delete/add new projects using same base folder,
  without folders mess, all in one place.  :thumbsup:
   with no personal plugin lost etc....  :cheers:
     I hope this helps you on your wimbuilder-project design in future.

put and "Azin_2020-02-01 Update.cmd" to base folder (with 7z.exe) and double click "Azin_2020-02-01 Update.cmd"

In the past (more than 10 years ago), we had to extract all projects to different folders, which cause lots of folders ....
Still valid today for different projects .....
But It was annoying to me, especially when using same plugin/patch etc. with different projects,
Updating a plugin on one project was requiring the same update on another on different folder ...
not maintainable in the long term ...
So I made adjustments (demonstrated at cmd) to fix that troubles.  :thumbsup:
 updating 7z plugin updates all projects (Azin (WimBuilder+LiveSystemPro projects) + Gena +Yomi +Win10PESE +Win8.1PESE +Win8PESE +Win7PESE )

See you on next post....
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on February 01, 2020, 01:50:34 PM
Hi All,

Azin updated to 2020-02-01

Extract to a simple base folder eg. D:\Oven\

Main Change:
Azin added to server with Download/Update buttons on Azin Plugins.  :thumbsup:
You will notice new plugin:
Azin\Utils\'Update Project' Plugin
--> Using "Update" Button will update Azin without downloading ~190 MB like with zip file.   :great:
And other plugins updated ...

Unlike other projects, to keep Azin updates small-sized (server 72 MB uncompressed),
 Azin server only holds Azin Plugins, so better:
   First Extract zip and later update with Azin\Utils\'Update Project' Plugin.

Download buttons on plugins only Download if there is a new plugin on the server,
 if there is no new plugin on the server, nothing downloaded and plugin reverts back to default settings.
See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

Latest Azin can be found here:
Azin Download Page (

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: sandy on February 01, 2020, 11:27:41 PM
Note - the Total Commander plugin defaults to Run From RAM-X which results in a build failure. Missing section reported.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on February 02, 2020, 01:14:21 PM
Thanks, sandy

missing section added, Run From RAM-X works now  :cheers:
Azin\Utils\'Update Project' Plugin -- "Update" Button
to update Azin

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: sandy on February 04, 2020, 12:47:33 AM
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Shane on March 14, 2020, 08:47:12 AM
Can't change wallpaper Azin.

When i go to change Azins wallpaper I get this error message.

 "[Failed]  (1-wallpaper.Link Wallpaper) RegWrite - Type: [0x4] Section [HKLM\Tmp_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Personalization] Key [AllowChangeDesktopBackground]: 1"
 It happens if I change it in wimbuilder options before building. It also happens if I try to change it after the build.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Shane on March 15, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
Here is the log for Can't change wallpaper
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on March 15, 2020, 10:41:12 AM
Hi red61

Thanks for the feedback,

Azin\Utils\'Update Project' Plugin -- "Update" Button
to update Azin

Let us know if the error happens again?

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Shane on March 15, 2020, 11:17:29 PM
Hi red61

Azin\Utils\'Update Project' Plugin -- "Update" Button
to update Azin

Let us know if the error happens again?


Yep updating fixed it. No errors
Thanks for your help
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on March 16, 2020, 10:53:11 PM
Hi red61,

Thanks for the feedback.  :great:
I can not reproduce your issue here ...
I slightly update the related plugin.
It should still work after Azin\Utils\'Update Project' Plugin -- "Update" Button
Let me know if it does not.  :wink:


Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on March 28, 2020, 01:03:35 AM
Hi All,

Azin Updated to Azin_2020-03-28

Major update:
WimBuilder updated to WimBuilder2-Full.v2020-03-03.7z - Thanks slore  :magic: :cheerleader:

VERY Heavy update on the internal syntax (speed up, new Macros etc.) to get Plugin writing much easier and faster.
 It is longer and much more valuable compared to all things (except WimBuilder2 update) written on the current update.  :cool:

Also special thanks to Malcolm Smith :: malxau for Yori and Tools inside -

Regular Updates, Improvements, Fixes on many other Plugins

Reported Fixes:
Run From RAM-X fixed thanks to sandy
WallPaper registry updated thanks to red61

With the latest server offline events
Added Offline Mode option
Utils\"Proxy Settings" Plugin (v12) - See Reply1:

Utils\"Update Project (Exact and Secure)" Plugin
already have the feature to download all active Projects

With these at hand, an advanced user can quickly change Projects to Offline Mode without trouble.

In the future, this will be easy for newbies too.

Apps\Network\"Flash Add" Plugin
will use your HostOS flash files as default without FileContainer(s)
(if not available download FileContainer(s) once)
Default False (no need big sized AutoDownload)
 and keep in mind "Flash Add" Plugin designed to be used by Browser Plugins

Apps\Network\"Mozilla Firefox ESR (P)" Plugin
will download the latest Mozilla Firefox ESR (x86 or x64) once
no Container available.
Default False (no need big sized AutoDownload)

With keeping distribution Package small without
 "Mozilla Firefox ESR" (46+46=~92 MB) and "Flash" (7.1+8.4=~15.5 MB) Files
  Apps\Network\"QtWeb" is the default small-sized Browser Plugin (7.5 MB) to run out of the box.
   (If you have another Idea for a small-sized Browser let me know)

Keep in mind IE also available ...  :whistling:

Improved VirtualTest Plugins
- "Select Iso" button to easily test many .iso you have on your pc and other improvements
  After workaround winbuilder bug with "Select Iso" button
    ~All VirtualTest Plugins added to the Package

VirtualTest\"qEmu X Emulation" Plugin
updated to work with Personal qEmu you might have on your pc (HostOS)

Better use with v2 and later  :wink:
Tip: some syntax may be different before v2

Tested with qEmu v4.2.0.0 and v2.7.50.0  :thumbsup:
Tip: XP/2k3 users v2.7.50.0 by Stefan Well is the latest

"qEmu X Emulation" Plugin
still have FileContainer option
Current qEmu 4 FileContainer Plugins have :
 v4.2.0.0 (23.7 + 25.4 =~49.1MB)
 v2.7.50.0 (10.4 + 10.9 =~21.3 MB) (Static - last NT5)

If you do not download FileContainer Plugin
If you do not have Personal qEmu and make the setting on qEmu Plugin
qEmu X Plugin will do nothing. No qEmu No cook.  :play_ball:

qEmu Latest can boot Win10PE but slow on Windows.
 (As far as I know no KQemu on Windows Vista and later)
   It is more used to test BootMenu (Grub4Dos etc.)
   qEmu will be useful to test your final PE Boot or not if you do not have any other Virtual Test application at hand.

Some new Plugins inside the package:

ComponentsY\"DotNet S" (Thanks to slore)
ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\"CMD Support"
AppY\File Find\"AgentRansack 2006"  (--> Default False -- FileContainer not included when Enabled FileContainer will download once )
AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\"Ghost Lance"
AppY\System Tools\"NTFSLinksView NirSoft"
AppY\Supplementary\Office\"LibreOffice paf"

AppY\Network\"WifiInfoView NirSoft"
AppY\Network\"WirelessNetView NirSoft"
AppY\Network\"WirelessNetworkWatcher NirSoft"

AppY\System Tools\"DevManView NirSoft"
AppY\System Tools\"DriverView NirSoft"
AppY\System Tools\"USBDeview NirSoft"

And 6 New Plugins so end users debug themselves to figure out things.
(eg. Adding Application and Registry etc. )
AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileAccessErrorView NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileActivityWatch NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Debug\FolderChangesView NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Debug\ProcessActivityView NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegFromApp NirSoft
AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegistryChangesView NirSoft

You can download Debug and Other Plugins to other Projects (Gena Win7PESE Win8PESE Win81SE Win10PESE)
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (
Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD Support.script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\NTFSLinksView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\DevManView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\DriverView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\USBDeview_NirSoft.Script"
//Debug Plugins
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileAccessErrorView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileActivityWatch_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FolderChangesView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Debug\ProcessActivityView_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegFromApp_NirSoft.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegistryChangesView_NirSoft.Script"

 Some Plugins have Option to easily update themselves :
 Plugins with Provide File Option which have "Download" or "Update" Button
 AppY\System Tools\HW Info\"AIDA64 .." Plugins
 ComponentsY\"PowerShell Core" Plugin
 AppY\Network\"Mozilla Firefox ESR (P)" Plugin

 or self updating Plugins
 AppY\File Tasks\Q-Dir Nenad Plugin
 All NirSoft Plugins on current Post, etc.

ps: All Previous and New NirSoft Plugins updated with Language options  :wink:

Azin Download Page (

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: vigipirate on March 28, 2020, 08:13:04 AM
help azin download page

Azin_2020-02-01   no zin Updated to Azin_2020-03-28
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on March 28, 2020, 08:53:36 AM
Thanks, vigipirate

Labels fixed now.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: dazza on March 28, 2020, 02:45:38 PM
Great work Lancelot - works really well - keep up the good work, and stay safe  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: ericgl on April 16, 2020, 06:34:42 AM
Good work, Lancelot.
Positive feedback from me :thumbsup:

So many projects available now.
Is there a comparison list to see the differences between all:
Win10PESE, Win10XPE, Azin, Live System Pro
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on April 16, 2020, 11:24:14 AM
Hi ericgl,

some info here

It would be a very Long story to create a compare table ...

ps: You can compare WimBuilder with LiveSystemPro (LSP) included inside Azin, Play with them with Configure buttons ;)
(or without Configure Buttons - directly and separately at subfolders .\9WimBS\ and .\9LSP\ )

WimBuilder has a hot topic at bbs.wuyou (I guess 277 replies now according to Win-FireFox - but mobile is different ;) ) with many feedback by South-East Asian users.

LiveSystemPro forum closed (due to new EU laws), LiveSystemPro section also available at TheOven but like WimBuilder topic I (Lancelot) is mostly active on that section time to time.  :lol:

Long story to short :
For Today:
 I mostly use Azin with WimBuilder which includes everything related to Win10-PE (If not let us know). Thanks to slore WimBuilder get very mature now.
   Azin use shortcut...exe from LiveSystemPro (Kare) and some other useful Apps (MounStorPE, DriverImportPE .. ). Thanks to Kare lately for the improvments shortcut.....exe.

    With other words, I gather all good things (from my point of view) together with Azin.

In future:
 Who knows, up to Kare slore and future feedbacks I can rescue Azin & Plugins from winbuilder with Kare's help on encoder/extractor and slore help on batches ...

  Hobby Development is very slow.....

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 02, 2020, 03:20:27 PM
I get a pm from a user
1) here is some part of so I can fix in future when I find time
2) I do not use personal message for any none personal things (so everybody can benefit with search)

Still keeping pm owner name secret as usual, here is my reply :

failed at the remote desktop...
The Failure Message is:  IniRead - Failed to find file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Azin\Finals\9-Administrator.Script]
I need to update Remote Desktop Plugin when I have time ... (memo to my self )

There is already Remote Desktop available with WimBuilder
Azin\"Azin Configure" --> Configure button of "WimBuilder"
WimBuilder\Customize --> Components\"Remote Desktop" patch is available
 just enable patch + close WimBuilder UI + and rebuild Azin (Big Blue Play)

I really like this build and how its working, so good job by the way :great:.
 I am new to this project so every help, would be awesome.
  I want to build a Windows PE for recovery use and it should also work without UEFI boot.
   So my thought was to build a multi boot with a recovery Windows and Linux Mint.
    So maybe you know a tool with i can build a multi boot and make more then one partition on a usb stick?  :confused:
     But this question are maybe more the forum.

There are many applications (ways) to create multi-partition USB stick,
 eg. BootIce

also see Rufus

and bootloaders to inspect for your goals (grub2, grub4dos .... )

I do not practice much with UEFI boot and none UEFI boot things, others may give better info.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Nikky on May 06, 2020, 03:26:18 PM
Great, in about half a year you might even catch up,
Better slowly and securely than a broken neck,
Excuse me, but maybe I'll extend your to do list with something else.

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 06, 2020, 04:21:33 PM
Hi Nikky,

when I find the hobby time I quickly follow todo things.  :wink:
 speed is up to ready Plugins and good Infos that gain time.

Feel free to extend to do list.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: chittimotu on May 12, 2020, 10:52:16 AM
I am trying to integrate Kingsoft WPS office 2019 plugin  in AZin build..
Plugin is available foe XPE project and worked perfectly for XPE project.

So trying to integrate in Azin Build. so copied two files in "my plugins" and : My plugins direct folder, but when i tried to click share , or create links, Wim builder closed automatically after long process, and when i tried to run script in Azin project , i am getting error." unable to create directory"

Please help me with this, I think i miss something, i checked so many threads from last 3 days without sleep :smile:,
Code: [Select]

if i am asking stupid question without knowing basics, and answer is already posted in previous threads, please share links,
i am beginner to this process, if someone can help me the process with images will be much apricated!

Edit Lancelot:
Change picture to only links to avoid wide screen forum bug.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: APT on May 12, 2020, 11:46:55 AM
Hi chittimotu

For today Azin works with LiveSystemPro Win10PE Win8PE , in future Win7PE, WinXPE

as far as I can tell, Azin doesn't currently support XPEPlugins, but I'm sure Lancelot will give you a definitive answer, as I cant tell with the latest release, not being a user
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Nikky on May 12, 2020, 05:50:01 PM
Hi chittimotu

You cannot use the xpe plugin in other projects directly,
if knowledge is available, little adjustment is required.

For example the %GTemp% variable is not defined in xx PE projects, a replacement would be %ProjectTemp%\TempExtractFolder\

Fast and eventual surface conversion:
- rename script file Kingsoft WPS Office 2019_XPE.Script > Kingsoft WPS Office 2019.Script
- rename container file Kingsoft WPS Office 2019_XPE_File.7z > Kingsoft WPS Office 2019_File.7z
- Type=XPEPlugin > Type=Plugin
- %SetupFile%=Kingsoft WPS Office 2019_XPE_File.7z > %SetupFile%=Kingsoft WPS Office 2019_File.7z
- search and replace all %GTemp% > %ProjectTemp%\TempExtractFolder\
- %GTools% > %Tools%
- Compare with other plugins how shortcuts, dependencies go ...
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 12, 2020, 08:40:03 PM
Hi chittimotu,

Please help me with this, I think i miss something, i checked so many threads from last 3 days without sleep :smile:,

if i am asking stupid question without knowing basics, and answer is already posted in previous threads, please share links,
i am beginner to this process, if someone can help me the process with images will be much apricated!
As you wrote,answer is already posted here

One Problem I see on the picture, on XPEPlugin at Description it writes:
Plugin Adds KingSoft ...

It should be
XPEPlugin Adds KingSoft ...

to avoid newbie confusion, not your fault at all.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 12, 2020, 08:40:55 PM
Hi chittimotu

For today Azin works with LiveSystemPro Win10PE Win8PE , in future Win7PE, WinXPE

as far as I can tell, Azin doesn't currently support XPEPlugins, but I'm sure Lancelot will give you a definitive answer, as I cant tell with the latest release, not being a user
Just to clear,
WinXPE --> I mean WinXPE included with LiveSystemPro which is a PE1 project like Gena.

I add some more lines to my 2 relevant posts to avoid any confusion.

I will not work on Azin to support XPEPlugins in any close future,
 I do not even have time to publish 7 Line camsvc service Plugin following noelBlanc finding to fix microphone ...
  As you know and Nikky wrote, it is quite easier to convert XPEPlugins to Plugins.  :wink:
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 12, 2020, 08:43:09 PM
If you are interested, I will be glad to see Nikky Plugin of WPS Kingsoft Office ...  :thumbsup:

Libre Office Plugin is good enough to me, but some people like WPS, I guess it may be faster ......

Important Tip:
after packing WPS Office to a single 7z file, use the latest PC Packed Plugin to create Plugin with the container. :wink:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 12, 2020, 09:41:33 PM
Hi glockmane,

I reply your Azin related question here so other Azin users can benefit.

Hey Lancelot,

I don't have tried with PEBakery anymore since I couldn't manage a build..

Have a semi functional build with Azin & 20H1 which I integrated in a AIO Boot USB Stick, semi functional means:

1) DrvInstPatch fails
2) cannot install WiFi Driver (Intel AX200), something with signing, maybe it would work with DrvInstPatch
3) PowerShell Core files aren't present (only Shortcut), this is only when integrating in AIO Boot Stick,
 if I flash the iso with Rufus there is a drive "Y:" mounted which is not the case with AIO Boot,
  I think it has something todo with AIO Boot only copying the boot.wim
4) After integrating all drivers from my system build finished but wouldn't boot (hangs at loading screen "34%"),
 unchecked some plugins and it worked again, tried to find the plugin(s)
 which causes this problem but now I think it has something todo with the iso size,
 as I couldn't find a specific plugin as the cause (tried many combinations) if I deselect some plugins it works and if I reduce the amount of drivers it works too)
5) PortableApps don't start (error windows with reference to the app ini)

Also I had to copy some files from Win10PESE to Azin project folder to finish build, e.g. "9-Administrator.Script" and "0-Shell Loader.script"..

You see, there is a lot todo but I'm still proud that I have a working build with graphic drivers (even FurMark runs :D) and some apps!

> (hangs at loading screen "34%")
Maybe you add to many thing to boot.wim which makes boot.wim size very big and not enough to your available ram !
Maybe not
Maybe same trouble with Power shell

I will check Power Shell Plugin this weekend.

Tip: Azin\Finals\"PostConfig Azin" Plugin provides compression option (for maximum Compression I guess LZX but requires more time to compress)

I do not use PortableApps but I will check this app this weekend too.

I do not use Rufus or AIO Boot
Tip: Correct Y: Drive will be created when you copy "Programs" folder to the "drive" you try to boot from.

> Also I had to copy some files from Win10PESE to Azin project folder to finish build, e.g. "9-Administrator.Script" and "0-Shell Loader.script"..
All Plugins that works with Azin already available with Azin.

Administrator and Shell Loader Plugins are project-special plugins, you do not need them with Azin.

Azin\Azin Configure Plugin ----> WimBuilder -- "Configure WimBuilder" Button ------>
Check following Patchs :
  WimBuilder - Customize - Configures\Loader
  WimBuilder - Customize - Components\00-Shell
  WimBuilder - Customize - Components\System  (WinPE Cache Size setting here)
  WimBuilder - Customize - x-Account = This is Administrator Patch of WimBuilder

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: slore on May 13, 2020, 05:15:27 AM
>1) DrvInstPatch fails

WimBuilder2.v2020.05.05 fixed it for 20h1,  20h2.

WimBuilder - Customize - Components - Disable driver signature

As yesterday, Win10 2004 RTM released,  I think JFX will update it later as GWT.exe be updated.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: was_JFX on May 13, 2020, 08:36:48 AM
>1) DrvInstPatch fails
Lol, I really have not seen that they changed the jump with 20H1.
Will be fixed soon.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Nikky on May 13, 2020, 09:04:27 AM
If you are interested, I will be glad to see Nikky Plugin of WPS Kingsoft Office ...  :thumbsup:
Libre Office Plugin is good enough to me, but some people like WPS, I guess it may be faster ......

Important Tip:
after packing WPS Office to a single 7z file, use the latest PC Packed Plugin to create Plugin with the container. :wink:

I'll see what I can do for you   :grin:

I'm definitely leaving the testing to you.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: glockmane on May 13, 2020, 04:26:19 PM

Thanks for your comments, helped me fix some things already!

Fixed the 34% loading-files-error when using AIO Boot with a workaround.. Instead of using grub i use rEFInd, from there I can boot the PE Image without a problem, if I want to boot Linux I can load grub from there.. A little confusing and more key presses involved but it works!

Copying the "Programs" folder to the root of AIO Boot Stick did the trick for PowerShell Core, good advice :)

Also I started from Scratch, extracted Win10PE SE, removed Win10PE SE Project folder and copied Azin Project folder.. BUT when building it still throws an Error not finding "9-Administrator.Script", Finals/Logon as Admin is not checked or is this not related? For the moment I copied the .Script file as it builds with it included.. Can I use the WinBuilder from or is this not advised?

Somehow my WiFi driver is now installing correct now, dunno why.. Just need to find out how I can enable Networking (no network Icon in Taskbar, so I assume networking is not available..

When I go to Azin Configure\Configure WimBuilder\Projects I only see a "WIN10XPE" Project, shouldn't there be a "Azin" Project?

Regarding PortableApps:



And it would be very nice to know how to manually update WimBuilder to the newest version :)
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 13, 2020, 08:45:56 PM
Hi glockmane,

Also I started from Scratch, extracted Win10PE SE, removed Win10PE SE Project folder and copied Azin Project folder..
Not required.

Win10PE SE and Azin work happily in the same folder.

And a Plugin you add to "My Plugin Direct" will work on both.  :great:

(ps: Gena Win7PESE Win8PESE Win8.1SE Win10PESE Azin + Yomi + "My Plıugins" + "My Plugins Direct" all work happily in the same folder)

This way life is easier for end-user.  :thumbsup:
and the quality of Plugins gets better in time.  :thumbsup:

I use same folder for all projects that use Plugins and keep things tidy since >= 10 years.  :great:

Copying the "Programs" folder to the root of AIO Boot Stick did the trick for PowerShell Core, good advice :)

I guess "Finals/Logon as Admin is not checked" error comes from Remote Desktop Plugin ?
I will update Remote Desktop Plugin and also Media Player Plugin when I find the hobby time.

Well WimBuilder already have "Remote Desktop " Patch and "Media Player" Patch (WimBuilder - Customize - Components )
 better use them.  :thumbsup:

I can not test Network now but PENetwork available on all Projects to get network operational ... !

When I go to Azin Configure\Configure WimBuilder\Projects I only see a "WIN10XPE" Project, shouldn't there be a "Azin" Project?
You give me a big smile :lol:

Well Instead of Azin inside WimBuilder, I prefer and will like to work on WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro making Plugins work out of the box
 and that depends on CD-RW extractor/encoder in some far future ...

Win10XPE Project inside WimBuilder better say "Win10XPE-SloreEdition",
 slore like to keep "Win10XPE" name to give credits to the original author (ChrisR).

And it would be very nice to know how to manually update WimBuilder to the newest version :)
As I wrote before, Give me time, hopefully, this weekend  :thumbsup:
I write step by step instructions and also update, requires tests to verify things ....

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: glockmane on May 13, 2020, 09:26:58 PM
Hey Lancelot,

Win10PE SE and Azin work happily in the same folder.

I already assumed that but I want to keep it as clean as possible, makes it more easy for me to understand this whole thing  :wink:

Also I don't want to build an 1809 or older as I'm more that bleeding edge guy..

And a Plugin you add to "My Plugin Direct" will work on both.  :great:

Nice to know  :great:

I guess "Finals/Logon as Admin is not checked" error comes from Remote Desktop Plugin ?
I will update Remote Desktop Plugin and also Media Player Plugin when I find the hobby time.

There is no such error, I'll explain again, what I meant:

I unchecked "Logon as Admin" Plugin..
I still get error that "9-Administrator.Script" is missing so I had to copy it over to get the build done..

Thought you meant this plugin is not needed and the missing file error is related to this, maybe I understand you wrong..

Well WimBuilder already have "Remote Desktop " Patch and "Media Player" Patch (WimBuilder - Customize - Components )
 better use them.  :thumbsup:


I can not test Network now but PENetwork available on all Projects to get network operational ... !

Enabled network related stuff (including PENetwork) in WimBuilder Config and now Ethernet and WiFi works  :great:

You give me a big smile :lol:
Win10XPE Project inside WimBuilder better say "Win10XPE-SloreEdition",
 slore like to keep "Win10XPE" name to give credits to the original author (ChrisR).

Glad to amuse you  :tongue: You must admit there are so many different things involved it is hard to understand which does what and how they are related.. Maybe a Glossary would be cool for Noobs like me  :embarrassed:

As I wrote before, Give me time, hopefully, this weekend  :thumbsup:
I write step by step instructions and also update, requires tests to verify things ....

Certainly, take your time, just thought it would be something like three clicks..
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 13, 2020, 10:29:59 PM
Glad to amuse you  :tongue: You must admit there are so many different things involved it is hard to understand which does what and how they are related.. Maybe a Glossary would be cool for Noobs like me  :embarrassed:
yes I admit,
It is quite easy to mix wimbuilder-winbuilder ---- Win10XPE-WinXPE-SherpyaXPE ---- wimbuilder-Win10XPE  ---- winbuilder-Win10XPE  (and I like to remember old but great SherpyaXPE)

Well I guess asked better naming to slore for wimbuilder and maybe for Win10XPE inside wimbuilder (maybe Win10XPES)
 but life is fast and naming things can be hard to figure out at early development when there are too many things to consider,
   and after mature development too much time passes and it is too late.

     Well, I did best I can on all early developments about these namings to avoid confusion, I success at some points and unsuccess at others...  :cool:

I add more info to a previous post which can serve as a short Glossary to newbies like you.
A quick read will make things clear.  :thumbsup:

I still get error that "9-Administrator.Script" is missing so I had to copy it over to get the build done..
You have not provide info which plugin shows such error?
 maybe if you pack and provide log file (after big blue) It will be easier to figure out what is going on there.

Certainly, take your time, just thought it would be something like three clicks..
when I update on server, it will be like 1 click  :wink:
and when I write instructions it will be few minutes tasks.

but keep in mind, all you see around are hobby projects, generally, 1 project admin or 1 developer spend 1 hobby time to get things done.
Not a company or institution that has programmers etc. and a feedback department that has their paid job to do things ....

All done slowly and nicely.  :turtle:

Other TO DO (TODO):
+ Test & add latest WimBuilder
+ Test & add latest LiveSystemPro
+ Feature: WimBuilder build without iso without unmount  (slow pc -> eg. slore Win7 host)
+ Follow Nikky OCCT;topicseen#msg37287
+ See Topic: My Computer folder always appear as a table;topicseen#msg37233
+ See Topic: The List File was not found foe extration

+ Follow noelBlanc microphone bluetooth
noelBlanc Reply 221 and later
noelBlanc Reply 18 and later

+ Follow Nikky & gbrao Partition Guru - DiskGenius
Nikky Reply 23 (gbrao Reply 24)

+ Follow Nikky LinuxReader Plugin
Nikky Reply 85

+ Memo Gamma Gena

+ Follow Prz42 TrueImage 2020 Plugin

+ Fix MS Windows Media Player

+ jfm reply 7 finding with WallPaper
+ Nikky Imgrun update

+ glockmane case
check PowerShell PowerApps ......

check new GetWaikTools

+ JFX generic patchers update

+ Fix Remote Desktop connection Plugin
glockmane posted here but I guess reported before elsewhere

+ Maybe Nikky write a WPS Office Plugin after this post
--> KingSoft Nikky
+ Irfanview Nikky
+ Keyboard indicator from Nikzzzz
+ slore reply6
a plugin to add keyboards at startup with wpeutil.exe SetKeyboardLayout
+  Prz42 EaseUS Plugin

+ Check Audio plugin deeply
Agraham No Sound:;topicseen#msg37698
Add "Tweak Language Bar" Plugin to Azin (+ other Keyboard Plugins)
Add "DiskGenius (Setup.Zip)" Plugin to Azin

Hi All,

Azin Updated to Azin_2020-06-ZZ

Major Update
WimBuilder updated to WimBuilder2-Full.v2020-06-06.7z (2nd Edition) - Thanks to slore
LiveSystemPro (LSP) updated to - Thanks to CD-RW

New Features:
"Azin Configure" Plugin now have WimBuilder-"Run All From Ram" option

Core Updates:
Basic\Tweaks\"ThemePatch" Plugin - Thanks to JFX
Drivers\"DrvInstPatch" Plugin - Thanks to JFX
Utils\"GetWaikTools" Plugin - Thanks to JFX

New Plugins:
Components\"CMD TaskList.exe" Plugin
Components\Tweaks\"Tweak Language Bar (Input Indicator)" Plugin
Components\Tweaks\"Tweak Language Custom PreLoad" Plugin
Components\Tweaks\"Tweak Language Hotkey" Plugin
Components\Tweaks\"Tweak Turn off Caps Lock" Plugin

Apps\HD Tasks\"DiskGenius (Setup.Zip)" Plugin - Thanks to gbrao, Nikky
Apps\HD Tasks\"EaseUS Partition Master 14" Plugin - Thanks to Prz42
Apps\HD Tasks\"EaseUS Partition Master (Nikky)" Plugin - Thanks to Nikky
Apps\HD Tasks\Imaging\"Acronis TrueImage 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020" Plugin - Thanks to Prz42
Apps\HD Tasks\Recover\"DiskInternals Linux Reader" Plugin - Thanks to Nikky

Apps\Network\"LAN & WAN IP" Plugin - Thanks to Nikky
Apps\Network\"WakeMeOnLan NirSoft" Plugin
Apps\Security\AntiVirus\"ESET Online Scanner v3" Plugin - Thanks to Nikky
Apps\Security\KeyFinders\"ProduKey NirSoft"  Plugin

Apps\Supplementary\Graphics\"Irfan View"  Plugin - Thanks to Nikky
Apps\Supplementary\Office\"Cudatext" Plugin - Thanks to NIKZZZZ
Apps\Supplementary\Office\"LibreOffice paf" Plugin
Apps\Supplementary\Office\"SynWrite" Plugin - Thanks to NIKZZZZ

Apps\System Tools\"BlueScreenView NirSoft (M)" Plugin

Apps\System Tools\HW Info\"CPU-Z" Plugin - Thanks to Nikky
Apps\System Tools\HW Info\"PCI-Z 2.0" Plugin - Thanks to Nikky

AppY\System Tools\Windows Setup\"WinNTSetup4" Plugin - Thanks to JFX

Drivers\"Audio - Microphone (Camsvc)" Plugin - Thanks to noelBlanc

Updated Plugins:

Components\"MS Windows Media Player" Plugin - Thanks to dl7749 for bug report
Components\"PowerShell Core" Plugin
Components\"Remote Desktop Connection" Plugin - Thanks to glockmane for bug report

Components\Tweaks\"Tweak UserPreferencesMask" Plugin - Heavy update to test easier
Components\Tweaks CMD\"CMD Support" Plugin

Tweaks\"Wallpaper" Plugin updated with new options (to test easier) - Thanks jfm for information and test results

Drivers\"Driver Integration" Plugin - Added info TouchPad from hapx - Thanks to hapx feedback

Apps\File Tasks\"Q-Dir Nenad" Plugin
Apps\File Tasks\"Total Commander" Plugin
Apps\System Tools\"Dism++" Plugin

Utils\"WinContig" Plugin

Utils\"PC Packed" -> "Plugin Creator Packed" Plugin Updated with Plugin FileName option + lots of code improvments
Utils\"PC Innounp" -> "Plugin Creator Innounp" Plugin Updated with Plugin FileName option + lots of code improvments

WriteMedia\"Rufus" Plugin

ALL \Downloads\ Plugins updated

Virtual Test\"qEmu X Emulation" Plugin now supports accelerators eg. It should work faster with Hyper-V enabled Windows (not tested ? )
Virtual Test\"VirtualBox Virtualization" Plugin have more Virtualize options + firmware + Graphicscontroller options
Virtual Test\"VMware Virtualization" Plugin have more Virtualize options

and Many other regular, minor updates on many Plugin ( I do not post each time I update a Plugin  :lol::lol:)

Virtual Test Plugins Additional Info:
For today, checking websites, VirtualBox and VMware do not have a stable solution for Hyper-V enabled PC
 But it seems at ~2021 they may have stable solutions ...
    Also maybe In future Windows Hyper-V Plugin  :wink:
Qemu have Hyper-V accelerator (and enabled on "qEmu X Emulation" Plugin as default),
 which will help testing result .iso
    I hope Hyper-V accelerator helps faster results with qEmu ??  :cool:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 21, 2020, 09:50:15 AM
updated "Remote Desktop Connection" Plugin,

Plugin standalone now.  :thumbsup:

See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 21, 2020, 01:47:30 PM

Basic\Tweaks\"ThemePatch" Plugin
Drivers\"DrvInstPatch" Plugin

See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

Thanks to JFX
JFX Reply 14 :

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 21, 2020, 03:37:43 PM
In case I can not have time or not around (life goes fast)  :cool:


How to update Azin-WimBuilder Manually:

1) Make a build
 (or click Azin\Azin Configure - WimBuilder configure button once if you extract Azin on a fresh folder - After WimBuilder pop-up close WimBuilder)

2) Inside subfolder .\9WimBS\ delete all files and folders but only do not delete 1 compressed file which is WimBuilder used by Azin (eg. WimBuilder2-Full.v2020-03-03.7z)
ps: This is also a flag file of existing WimBuilder with Azin, do not delete  :wink:

3) Copy latest Wimbuilder ( eg. WimBuilder2-Full.v2020-05-05.7z ) to .\9WimBS\  subfolder + extract all files to here

4a) Open WimBuilder UI -> Azin\Azin Configure - WimBuilder configure button
This step required to create the first configuration file(s) of WimBuilder, with Azin Distribution this is done automatically, here we do manually.
Azin\Azin Configure - WimBuilder -->Configures-Build Patch have "WOW64 Support" which is default False, Enable this option to make your 32bit applications work.
with Azin Distribution this setting enabled once, here we do manually.
4b) Close WimBuilder UI

5) Done, Azin should work nicely with the latest WimBuilder now, use Azin - BigBluePlay Button :thumbsup:

How to update Azin-LiveSystemPro Manually:

1) Make a build
 (or click Azin\Azin Configure - LiveSystemPro configure button once if you extract Azin on a fresh folder - After LiveSystemPro pop-up close LiveSystemPro)

2) Inside subfolder .\9LSP\ delete all files and folders but only do not delete 1 compressed file which is LiveSystemPro used by Azin (eg.
ps: This is also a flag file of existing LiveSystemPro with Azin, do not delete  :wink:

3) Copy latest LiveSystemPro ( eg. ) to .\9LSP\  subfolder + extract all files to here

4) Done  Azin should work nicely with the latest LiveSystemPro, use Azin - BigBluePlay Button :thumbsup:

I believe Easy to follow 4 or 5 steps   :cool:

and you will notice
 a nice folder organization that makes all projects work together or separately without mixing things.  :cool: 
Projects distributed Azin distributed with an untouched copy of the distribution, and Azin does not change Project Default behaviors or settings.  :cheers:
with other words
can be used to build only with these builders without Azin (which I do time to time to learn deeper about builder and projects)

It is fun for me to work on Azin and other projects all in one place, sometimes separately but also very easy.  :cool:
Reminds my old good days and advertisements of "United Colors of Benetton"  :celebrate: Well on this case I can say "United Colors of Azin"  :cool:

Azin only use "SourceFolder" + "Index Setting" + "Final ISO" + "Parameter" support of WimBuilder & LiveSystemPro

It will be similar in future projects, These are settings that very rarely change during the development of builder/projects.

If the above instruction fails for WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro and I am not around, ask :

for WimBuilder ask WimBuilder developer slore
for LiveSystemPro ask LiveSystemPro developer CD-RW

about changes with "SourceFolder" + "Index Setting" + "Final ISO" + "Parameter" support.

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: slore on May 22, 2020, 02:41:18 PM
yes I admit,
It is quite easy to mix wimbuilder-winbuilder ---- Win10XPE-WinXPE-SherpyaXPE ---- wimbuilder-Win10XPE  ---- winbuilder-Win10XPE  (and I like to remember old but great SherpyaXPE)

Well I guess asked better naming to slore for wimbuilder and maybe for Win10XPE inside wimbuilder (maybe Win10XPES)
 but life is fast and naming things can be hard to figure out at early development when there are too many things to consider,
   and after mature development too much time passes and it is too late.

     Well, I did best I can on all early developments about these namings to avoid confusion, I success at some points and unsuccess at others...  :cool:

Well, for WimBuilder, it is easy to change the project name, just rename the project folder. Everything will be fine.
Yes, I don't want to take much time on naming, if people got confusion, maybe you can call it Re:Win10XPE --- Remake & Revolution.
(What is named in the first place)
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 22, 2020, 02:53:55 PM
Like you, I also do not like to spend time on naming (I also do not like to spend time with tutorials, help documents ....)
 But something I spend minimal time to avoid future troubles I know ...
   ( A friend found the name "Azin" .... and Galapo had found "Gena" name in the past ... )

With naming
* Main goal is to avoid nobody mix
* Secondary goal (to me) easy to find with an internet search. (I frequently make searches blabla to find things time to time )

Sherpya's way seems to me better (& easier - I prefer being lazy on naming case when I hit goals ) on this case,


You already wrote all visible places project start with Win10XPE and continue with Remake & Revolution...
You can give a distinctive name  :thumbsup:

Anyway, It is all your decision, as you see I only follow.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: slore on May 22, 2020, 03:00:45 PM

How to update Azin-WimBuilder Manually:

2) Inside subfolder .\9WimBS\ delete all files and folders but only do not delete 1 compressed file which is WimBuilder used by Azin (eg. WimBuilder2-Full.v2020-03-03.7z)
ps: This is also a flag file of existing WimBuilder with Azin, do not delete  :wink:

4a) Open WimBuilder UI -> Azin\Azin Configure - WimBuilder configure button
This step required to create the first configuration file(s) of WimBuilder, with Azin Distribution this is done automatically, here we do manually.
Azin\Azin Configure - WimBuilder -->Configures-Build Patch have "WOW64 Support" which is default False, Enable this option to make your 32bit applications work.
with Azin Distribution this setting enabled once, here we do manually.

5) Done, Azin should work nicely with the latest WimBuilder now, use Azin - BigBluePlay Button :thumbsup:

Well, you forget to backup the customize selection options.
\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\_Assets_\preset\current.js or others you created.
better offer your auto_config.js, and your modified current.js("build.wow64support":true) in Azin's other folder.

Preset is one different design than WinBuilder.(I don't try PEB or LiveSystemPro, maybe they have same feature.)
It makes the "Plugins"(Patches) be standalone(readonly), can be updated without losing customized options.

For WimBuilder, I'm considering to make an easy update way. (People only need download X00 kB for updating the modified scripts, How to deal with renaming/deleted files  :confused:)

I will make a 7z diff update package, people can download this then the full release pakege.


also be easy to make option for update online (WimBuilder2 --update master) ...

So It can be updated and keep the customize settings.

Maybe only give UPDATE_master.7z.update if no updates in vendor\*.

Well just idea in my mind, maybe it is bad idea.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 22, 2020, 03:13:41 PM
better offer your auto_config.js, and your modified current.js("build.wow64support":true) in Azin's other folder.

Probably my bad english:

with Azin Distribution this setting enabled once, here we do manually.
Azin do not have custom auto_config.js

I follow developer (you) default settings, I only enabled wow64 and only at first build (at first extraction) and only once.

If the user disables Wow64  etc. Azin do not change these settings.

If you change other default WimBuilder distribution setting (current) (eg. Full Catalog, Internet Explorer ...) , Azin do not change them (only Wow64)

with other words:
I do not have my auto_config.js at all.

In the past when WOW64 Plugin disabled lots of posts reporting "bug" saying blabla app not working even with warning on log "this plugin requires wow64"
That is the reason I enable WOW64 patch.
.... next reply ...
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 22, 2020, 03:25:15 PM
I believe there is ServicePack Logic on your UPDATE idea.

I do not believe this is required for WimBuilder.

Believe me, people wait for the new release, even with ~4GB Win10  :wink:
 I do not think most people use Utils\Update Project\"Update" button  :wink:
  Only regular users around, and when there is a bug report in which the "download" button on plugins is not enough.

I am sure you can find better things to work on with your free time.  :thumbsup:

Keep in mind putting Personal plugins out of project folders make things easy to most (My Plugins Direct)
 Something you can do with WimBuilder with a tidy folder organization,
  eg. .\9WimBS\MyPatches\.......
 If this happens I will update Manual Instruction and Azin codes  :wink:

And as written previously, this way updating WimBuilder is easier too, like I did with Utils\Update Project\"Update" button (or better say with cmd files I provided before)
   WimBuilder Update button --> 1) only download latest distribution (.zip) 2) delete all folders file but not .\9WimBS\MyPatches\ , 3) extract ....

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 22, 2020, 03:53:22 PM
Hi slore,

I see edits on your post, maybe my reply is wrong or I miss something again :

Well, you forget to backup the customize selection options.
\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\_Assets_\preset\current.js or others you created.
better offer your auto_config.js, and your modified current.js("build.wow64support":true) in Azin's other folder.

Preset is one different design than WinBuilder.(I don't try PEB or LiveSystemPro, maybe they have same feature.)
It makes the "Plugins"(Patches) be standalone(readonly), can be updated without losing customized options.
I do not add a preset with Azin (eg. Azin Preset) or I do not overwrite any preset distributed with WimBuilder
I prefer to follow Project distribution settings made by you.  :thumbsup:

for this only at first extraction, I copy default.js to current.js
and change build.wow64support value to true.

That is all.

If there is a misunderstanding or confusion let me know?

(I don't try PEB or LiveSystemPro, maybe they have same feature.)
I also do not try PEB,
but as far as I know LSP and wb (and PEB follows wb) do not have a central Preset feature like yours.

Setting are saved inside Plugins :
with batch logic -->
 batch reads next cmd file (patch) - At very first check if selected true or false ([Main] Selected=) - IF false do not process - IF true process

Advantage: Plugins are standalone with settings contained by them
Disadvantage (trouble) : eg. you have 200 patches but only you enable 20 Patch to build, during build rest 190 must be read if selected true or false

Disadvantage (trouble) workarounds:
1) LSP and wb reads all Plugins at first load, so when build button pressed rest 190 not read --> Disadvantage : loading time of builder (I am sure LSP is much much faster if not (probably not) using windows api with iniread)
2) PEB added database feature (at the times I highly complain about the loading time of builder writing real reasons behind) to work around this issue (last tested years ago)

Galapo created PluginManager to save and restore settings of plugins which as a result creates a preset file like yours,
 like : WimBuilder builds following Preset, PluginManager First restores settings and without available syntax restart builder (loading time trouble)

I hope this short explanation clears things.


slore like to continue on other topic, so the conversation continues with
slore 339 to Lancelot Reply 349  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on May 24, 2020, 09:30:59 PM
A new Tweak Plugin, Tweak Language Bar on the server now

Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak Language Bar.Script"
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

Components\Tweaks\"Tweak UserPreferencesMask" Plugin
Basic\"Macro Library" Plugin

are also updated
See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on June 23, 2020, 02:12:13 PM
Hi All,

Azin supports Junction Target folders,

Just a short instruction of a very old feature I use all the time.  :cool:

To give an example :

With assumption :
Q: is RamDrive with NTFS formatted
"D:\Oven\" is where you extract Azin

1) Delete D:\Oven\Target\Azin\ folder and create an empty D:\Oven\Target\Azin\ folder
2) Create Q:\Oven\Target\Azin\ folder
use Olof L junc.exe tool to junction folders
(search at

Code: [Select]
junc.exe "D:\Oven\Target\Azin" "\??\Q:\Oven\Target\Azin"

And you will build faster.  :thumbsup:

ps: Q: RamDrive better have ~ 2 GB minimum for Basic Builds (eg. 1.29 with Win10PE Basic Here),
 further is up to your available Ram ...... (who knows maybe 6GB or more)

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on June 24, 2020, 07:22:28 PM
More Info:

If you have lots of ram, you can also junction Final folder:
Code: [Select]
junc.exe "D:\Oven\Target\Azin_Final" "\??\Q:\Oven\Target\Azin_Final"

Junction both Target and Final folder to ram drive enough for ~max speed.
(I use this method for 12> years  now   :xmas-beer:)

Well if you have no problem with RamDrive size limit  :lol: you can also junction Image folder to RamDrive  :cool:
Code: [Select]
junc.exe "D:\Oven\IMAGE\Azin" "\??\Q:\Oven\IMAGE\Azin"

ps: Using RamDrive for Target and Final Folders AND using Image folder at 2nd disk will give max logical speed.  :cool:
When I use PC at old times I was doing that.  :wink:

When RamDrive closed, disconnected ... for whatever reason, folders revert back to real folders with the build.  :thumbsup:
 In other words, Azin makes all go smooth.   :cool:
Having SSD Disk , I guess RamDrive will not have much speed advantage,
 only heavy testers would use less SSD to gain SSD life.  :thumbsup:
Tip: If you do not have enough ram, but you have multiple hd (not usb connected ),
 junction target or final folder to 2nd disk also gain speed.  :thumbsup:

Have Fun
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Prz42 on June 27, 2020, 02:44:07 AM
I use this for windows 10, but is your method better?

Create Ram Drive first then create directories in Ram Drive.
Q:\Oven\Temp & Q:\Oven\Target & fix drive D:\Builder
Then run the command as Administrator in command prompt
Code: [Select]
mklink /J D:\Builder\Temp Q:\Oven\Temp
mklink /J D:\Builder\Target Q:\Oven\Target
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on June 27, 2020, 09:08:49 PM
Hi Prz42,

Using ProjectTarget and ProjectTemp folders will use less Ram
Using ProjectTarget and ProjectTemp folders project have fallback with these conditions to work smoother.

do not use Base-Temp and Base-Target folders  :
1) It will cause too much space
2) there is no fallback for that folders

so your codebox better :
Code: [Select]
rem mklink requires junction folder not exist before command
rd /s /q "D:\Builder\Temp\Azin"
rd /s /q "D:\Builder\Target\Azin"
mklink /J "D:\Builder\Temp\Azin" "Q:\Oven\Temp\Azin"
mklink /J "D:\Builder\Target\Azin" "Q:\Oven\Target\Azin"

I already made Project adjustments to support ProjectTemp at Ramdrive
 but since It becomes very big I do not use it at home.

but is your method better?
It is optimized method also supported by relevant Project Plugins.

Make some tests to see results:

Test 1) make 2 builds with not using ramdrive - : Test1 2nd build time:
Test 2) make 2 builds with only using Target and TargetFinals folders on ramdrive : Test2 2nd build time:

Code: [Select]
rem mklink requires junction folder not exist before command
rd /s /q "D:\Builder\Temp\Azin"
rd /s /q "D:\Builder\Target\Azin_Final"
mklink /J "D:\Builder\Temp\Azin" "Q:\Oven\Temp\Azin"
mklink /J "D:\Builder\Target\Azin_Final" "Q:\Oven\Target\Azin_Final"

Test 3) make 2 builds with using Target+TargetFinals+TargetImage : Test3 2nd build time:

Code: [Select]
rem mklink requires junction folder not exist before command
rd /s /q "D:\Builder\Temp\Azin"
rd /s /q "D:\Builder\Target\Azin_Final"
rd /s /q "D:\Builder\IMAGE\Azin"
mklink /J "D:\Builder\Temp\Azin" "Q:\Oven\Temp\Azin"
mklink /J "D:\Builder\Target\Azin_Final" "Q:\Oven\Target\Azin_Final"
mklink /J "D:\Builder\IMAGE\Azin" "Q:\Oven\IMAGE\Azin"

let us know the results
Test1 2nd build time: ?
Test2 2nd build time: ?
Test3 2nd build time: ?

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on July 04, 2020, 06:37:07 AM
Hi All,

Azin now have "Read Source Folder" Button (or 'Refresh Source')
[attachimg=1 width=500]

This button useful for Experienced Users who test different sources by mounting .iso to the same drive letter.  :wink:

Step 1) Mount enu source .iso to a drive letter ( J: )
Step 2) Use "Choose Source Folder" Button and select .iso mounted drive letter  ( J: )
Step 3) Mount Korean source .iso to a drive letter ( J: )
Step 4) Use "Read Source Folder" Button
Step 5) Mount German source .iso to a drive letter ( J: )
Step 6) Use "Read Source Folder" Button

See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: WinPE10KTV on July 08, 2020, 05:53:19 AM
Build WinPE 8 Lite is it ok? :confused:
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on July 08, 2020, 07:40:26 AM
Hi WinPE10KTV,

Build WinPE 8 Lite is it ok? :confused:

Just tested with Win8.1 - 6.3.9600.17415

Steps I did here:
1) "Azin Main Plugin" -> Choose Source Folder --> Select Win8.1 Source folder
 1b) Choose Index (Here I select Index 1 - Windows 8.1 Pro)
2) "Azin Configure" Plugin -> Select LiveSystemPro
3) click BigBluePlay button

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on July 08, 2020, 07:53:29 AM
Testing with Win8.0 - 6.2.9200.16384 , all fine.   :cheers:
The only difference from my previous reply steps, I have only index 1 with " Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation"

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: madmax on August 26, 2020, 02:06:00 PM

I wanted to ask if it is possible to add the Net Framework for a Windows 8.1 source?
It should work with the Livesystem Pro.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on September 29, 2020, 02:19:18 PM

I wanted to ask if it is possible to add the Net Framework for a Windows 8.1 source?
It should work with the Livesystem Pro.

2 .Net Framework plugin exists
1 of the plugin add .Net Framework following ms internet distro github which may (untested) work with LiveSystemPro Win8.1
2nd plugin that use source I am not sure ( I can not remember) if compatible,
 I would prefer using Win8.1SE which should work fine with that plugin, Azin and Win8.1SE can be on same basefolder
You can check lsp update center to see if there is such lsp-script for LSP-Win8 and can ask support at LSP section.

That is all I can say from memo

Have fun

Next zip update:
Thanks to Galapo for providing zip generation on server.
Wimbuilder updated to WimBuilder2-Full.v2021-02-02 - Thanks to Slore
LiveSystemPro updated to LSP-1160  - Thanks to CD-RW (Kare)
Now LiveSystemPro Update Center scripts (.srt) added to LSP at first run. + 83 ready srt files easier to find available srt. (+~25 MB)
GetWaikTools updated to - Thank to JFX
Innounp updated v0.50.0.0
Q-Dir updated with new Plugin features (now you can use as Default FileManager instead of Explorer)
  See also Q-Dir topic;topicseen#msg39897
New Plugin Utils\"Update LiveSystemPro Azin" so you can easily update LiveSystemPro inside Azin
New Plugin Utils\"Update Wimbuilder Azin" so you can easily update Wimbuilder inside Azin
( Lancelot Reply 1 )

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: madmax on October 03, 2020, 07:09:19 PM

Thank you for the info.
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on March 13, 2021, 11:41:29 AM
Hi All,

Just click
Utils\"Update Project (Exact and Secure)" ---> UPDATE button

Wimbuilder updated to WimBuilder2-Full.v2021-02-02 - Thanks to Slore
LiveSystemPro updated to LSP-1160  - Thanks to CD-RW (Kare)
GetWaikTools updated to - Thank to JFX
Innounp updated v0.50.0.0
...... and other updates I can not remember now .....

New users:
After extracting first click Utils\"Update Project (Exact and Secure)" Plugin ---> UPDATE button

New zip package will be available sometime next month.

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on March 19, 2021, 10:16:07 AM
Hi All,

Azin Updated to Azin_2021-03-19 - Package

Wimbuilder updated to WimBuilder2-Full.v2021-02-02 - Thanks to Slore
LiveSystemPro updated to LSP-1160  - Thanks to CD-RW (Kare)
GetWaikTools updated to - Thank to JFX
Innounp updated v0.50.0.0
And Many other updates ...

Also special thanks to Galapo for zip generation on the server which is now available and make it easier to update in the future.

There are 2 New Plugins to quickly update Wimbuilder and LiveSystemPro inside Azin.
Utils\"Update Wimbuilder - Azin" Plugin
Utils\"Update LiveSystemPro - Azin" Plugin
See Lancelot Reply 1
I can not be around all the time to update WimBuilder and LiveSystemPro inside Azin, these Plugins will do the task when I am not around.

Tested with Windows10 20H2_v2 ( 10.0.19041.610 ) all works nicely here.
 Only 2 minutes for the 2nd Basic build.  :thumbup: :clap:

The next update will hopefully be next month only to follow Slore WimBuilder2 update (scheduled to 2021.04.04) and LiveSystemPro update by CD-RW (Kare) ...

Azin is very stable and nice, even only updating once a year is enough.  :lol: :cheers:

Azin Download Page (

Have Fun
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on March 28, 2021, 12:03:16 AM
Hi All,

Azin Updated to Azin_2021-03-28 - Package

It is an early update to prevent failures and to add some new useful features.
Also special thanks to HeyJoe which lead me to update and add some Plugins to Azin.

There is a  New plugin to mention
Utils\"Update via Package" Plugin
which I believe easy to use following Plugin UI.  :xmas-thumbsup:

Azin Download Page (

Have Fun
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on April 23, 2021, 11:35:34 PM
Hi All,

Azin Updated to Azin_2021-04-24 - Package

Nice Pack and go package update, thanks to Slore and CD-RW (Kare)
and some other Plugins updated following new things and regular updates...

Small info for Utils\"Update via Package" Plugin also added to Reply 1

I believe Azin will work for a long while now like before when I am busy with other life things.
And I hope in future easy to update when required using
Utils\"Update LiveSystemPro - Azin" Plugin
Utils\"Update Wimbuilder - Azin" Plugin

Azin Download Page (

Have Fun
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on April 25, 2021, 12:41:08 AM
Hi All,

Azin Updated to Azin_2021-04-25 - Package

A quick update required since ms decide to change things
See Lancelot Reply 210

Use Azin with Win10 Host,

If there is failure in future, update these 2x2 files manually :

If you want to use Azin with another Host, change bcdedit.exe oscdimg.exe with a compatible one with the above location.

Edit: Azin now can build offline, these files not mandatory anymore.

I am sure Provided easy manual solutions in case of a future failure I am not around will quickly get wheels to turn again. :cheers:

Azin Download Page (

Have Fun

Next Update:
+ Azin now works offline
No more "missing file" failure.  :great:

+ Azin now supports Vista and Win7  :thumbup: :clap: :rolf: :yahoo: :celebrate: :cheerleader: :happy: :dance:
With other words, you can build with a Vista Source, Win7 Source, Win8 Source, Win8.1 Source, Win10 Source  :xmas-beer:
Azin Side by Side with Gena builds all PE now  :cheerleader:

Special thanks to Kare for supporting Vista source.

+ Some Tutorials added to Lancelot Reply 2

+ VirtualTest Plugins updated with new features - DiskBoot ( "VMware Virtualization": .vhd .vhdx .vmdk) , SCSI SATA NVMe tests.
Virtualization Plugins are evolving to be very standalone that can be used to test anything including disk images.  :xmas-beer:

+ Azin tested with Rufus (WriteMediaY\"Rufus" Plugin with all "Partition scheme" options (MBR GPT) with EFI enabled/Disabled ... all working fine out of box.  :matrix:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on April 28, 2021, 07:10:38 PM

Use   \"Update Project (Exact and Secure)" Plugin --> "UPDATE" Button,

Few Plugins updated, no need to download extra files (oscdimg.exe bcdedit.exe) anymore to get Azin operational.
With these updates probably I will support the Win7 source in the future (summer) and NT5 (Gena-WinXP PE) very far future.  :lol:

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on April 28, 2021, 07:12:58 PM
I get a pm but I could not understand what is asked, here is a copy, maybe someone can clarify what is asked.

good morning sir
I know you have a lot of work to do but can you create a script for azin recovery system for PE because it is not in or Win10PE and other because in livesystemPro care to create a script in advance thank you or tell me if I should check a command in winbuilder
I'm sure you'll be able to use it again and again, but I'm not sure how to do it.

Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Jimehc on April 28, 2021, 09:02:23 PM
Lancelot good luck with that "support request" I see the pickle your in. LOL
Title: Re: Azin - Plugin Liberty and Flexibility
Post by: Lancelot on April 29, 2021, 12:01:49 PM
Well Jimehc, Only I do not understand what is asked for ...

Azin naturally works with all LSP-Scripts so anything asked already available with Azin.  :wink: :lol:
