I just try out WIN10XPE and seem to be easier than WINPESE except
that I have a little problem with building plug-ins. With the basic build, everything works fine.
But after I add a few plug-ins to build the project, I got the message:
IF - Directory exists: [%BaseDir%\ISO\Programs] evaluated string: [If,Not,ExistDir,%Target_Prog%,DirMake,%Target_Prog%]
[Failed] DirCopy - Failed to copy directory [%BaseDir%\Temp\DiskGenius_x64\DiskGenius_x64] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO\Programs]: Unknown error
[Warning] Halt
I checked that both directories existed.
However, If I don't build the whole project but just build one plug-in at a time then it builds correctly.
Does Anyone have problem like this before ???
- All plugins are simple portable programs such as Crystal Disk Info, Disk Genius ...
- All builds using "XPE Packed Application Creator" without modification.
- Win10 1809 was used for the build.
Please advise. Thanks !!!