The Oven

Project World => Win10XPE HomePage => Topic started by: Double DD on March 01, 2021, 01:07:58 PM

Title: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Double DD on March 01, 2021, 01:07:58 PM
Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Files are selected in the map ....Custom\x64\IsoRoot
but if i create the iso i cant see the files
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: APT on March 01, 2021, 03:53:52 PM

I know it's not particularly helpful, but it seems to work for me, in a quick test

Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Malok on March 01, 2021, 03:58:05 PM
Hi Double DD,

I don't know why your files are not copied to the root of the compilation, maybe a reason could be found in your logs. But you might want to try to create a plugin to add your software to your compilation instead of using "include files in ISO root".
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: APT on March 01, 2021, 04:30:02 PM

as Malok says, the log shows a complete dir copy

[Info] Copy Iso Root Files...
[Success] DirCopy - Copied directory [%BaseDir%\Custom\x64\IsoRoot\*] to: [%BaseDir%\ISO]

or maybe not in your case!
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Double DD on March 01, 2021, 04:39:25 PM
Thats not possible to make a plugin for a map Drivers (21GB)

i will check the logs
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Double DD on March 01, 2021, 04:57:07 PM
i see no error

 Run - Processing section: [CreateISO] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
       [Info] Create ISO
       [Ignore] IF - File exists: [%BaseDir%\ISO\sources\boot.wim] evaluated string: [If,Not,ExistFile,%GISO%\sources\boot.wim,EchoExtended,"boot.wim image was not found in ISO\sources source folder. The project must be built beforehand.",Warn,,Message,,Halt]
       [Success] StrFormat - converted [SPLIT(en-GB|en-US,|)] to variable: [%NbLang%] with result: [2]
       [Info] [//-]
       [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] evaluated string: [If,%IsoRoot_CheckBox%,Equal,True,Run,%ScriptFile%,IsoRootAdd]
       Run - Processing section: [IsoRootAdd] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
             [Success] Retrieve - Sucessfully retrieved the directory size from: [%BaseDir%\Custom\x64\IsoRoot] to variable: [%IsoRootSize%] with result: [-1460156359]
                   [Ignore] IF - [-1460156359] is not bigger than [Skipped] [Echo,"Copy Iso Root Files..."]
                   [Skipped] [DirCopy,%GCustom%\%Architecture%\IsoRoot\*,%GISO%]
             [Ignore] [End]
       Run - Processed section [IsoRootAdd] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: APT on March 01, 2021, 05:18:55 PM
                   [Skipped] [DirCopy,%GCustom%\%Architecture%\IsoRoot\*,%GISO%]

seems to be saying the copy was skipped for some reason

can you try a much smaller amount of files as a test?
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Double DD on March 01, 2021, 05:38:16 PM
i will try only 1 map
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Malok on March 01, 2021, 06:03:24 PM
For some reason the String evaluation returns a negative number.

Code: [Select]
[Success] Retrieve - Sucessfully retrieved the directory size from: [%BaseDir%\Custom\x64\IsoRoot] to variable: [%IsoRootSize%] with result: [-1460156359]
                   [Ignore] IF - [-1460156359] is not bigger than

    evaluated string: [If,%IsoRootSize%,Bigger,0,Begin]

Evaluation of the string returns IsoRootSize smaller than 0 so the plugin skips the copy.
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Double DD on March 01, 2021, 06:30:04 PM
now is see this

and it's not creating a empty folder

Run - Processing section: [CreateISO] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
       [Info] Create ISO
       [Ignore] IF - File exists: [%BaseDir%\ISO\sources\boot.wim] evaluated string: [If,Not,ExistFile,%GISO%\sources\boot.wim,EchoExtended,"boot.wim image was not found in ISO\sources source folder. The project must be built beforehand.",Warn,,Message,,Halt]
       [Success] StrFormat - converted [SPLIT(en-GB|en-US,|)] to variable: [%NbLang%] with result: [2]
       [Info] [//-]
       [Success] IF - [true] is equal to: [true] evaluated string: [If,%IsoRoot_CheckBox%,Equal,True,Run,%ScriptFile%,IsoRootAdd]
       Run - Processing section: [IsoRootAdd] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
             [Success] Retrieve - Sucessfully retrieved the directory size from: [%BaseDir%\Custom\x64\IsoRoot] to variable: [%IsoRootSize%] with result: [Ignore] IF - [Skipped] [Echo,"Copy Iso Root Files..."]
                   [Skipped] [DirCopy,%GCustom%\%Architecture%\IsoRoot\*,%GISO%]
             [Ignore] [End]
       Run - Processed section [IsoRootAdd] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\CreateISO.script]
       [Info] [//-]
       [Info] [// For AIOBoot do not create CDUsb.y if Run All programs from RAM selected]
       [Success] IniRead - [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10XPE\script.project] Section [Features] Key [AllInRam] to variable: [%AllInRam%] with value [False]
             [Ignore] IF - [false-false] is not equal to: [true-true] evaluated string: [If,%NoCDUsbY_CheckBox%-%AllInRam%,Equal,True-True,Begin]
             [Skipped] [If,ExistFile,%GISO%\CDUsb.y,FileDelete,%GISO%\CDUsb.y]
       [Ignore] [End]
             [Success] ELSE - executing command: [Begin]
                   [Success] IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\ISO\CDUsb.y] evaluated string: [If,Not,ExistFile,%GISO%\CDUsb.y,Begin]
                   [Success] FileCreateBlank - Created a new file: [%BaseDir%\ISO\CDUsb.y]
                   [Success] TxtAddLine - Added line: [%BaseDir%\ISO\CDUsb.y] line: Value: Flag File to mount CD/USB on drive Y: Option: Append
             [Success] [End]
       [Success] [End]
       [Info] [//-]

Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: HeyJoe on March 01, 2021, 06:37:09 PM
Hi Guys,

For some reason the String evaluation returns a negative number.

hope this helps. Using command "Retrieve,FolderSize,..."
I thinks if retrieving the directory size of > 32 bit number of bytes You will get a negative result --> 32bit limit overrun.
(that is > 2 GB)

evaluated string: [If,%IsoRootSize%,Bigger,0,Begin]
Try change to: If,Not,%IsoRootSize%,Equal,0, ...

If I remember correctly: ChrisR gave a tip somewhere here.

Note: If size is exactly equal 2 GB result is 0 !  :sad:


Hi Malok, just noticed crossed post, sorry.
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Malok on March 01, 2021, 06:52:06 PM
There is nothing in the returned value,

You can try to rem-out the offending code in CreateISO.script

Code: [Select]
  Echo,"Copy Iso Root Files..."

Knowing UDF file system support up to 16TB, I would give it a try.
Title: Re: Create ISO Include Files In ISO Root doesnt work
Post by: Double DD on March 02, 2021, 08:25:15 PM
Tnx Malok

it works now Tnx