The Oven

Plugin World => General Plugins => Plugins => Topic started by: Lancelot on August 16, 2011, 04:28:09 PM

Title: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on August 16, 2011, 04:28:09 PM
Yomi Package is ready  :cheerleader:


It is a project to add General Plugins to other projects.

An advice is, only download plugins you need, you do not have to download all.

See Tutorial topic to download plugins from Server
Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi

Index of files can be found here:

In time it will grow more ;).

Just to clear: this is not a project to hold all available plugins on internet or current forum (it would be very insane  :w00t:)
You can find some plugins on internet (blogs, webpages, forums), or quickly make your own by using
Plugin Creator:

Idea is to ease finding some valuable plugins (up to project admins, Currently Lancelot , Galapo , ChrisR).
Not a new idea, practiced by me couple of times figuring out difficulties and work on solutions for some years,
 now with bluelife's link creator, along with well organisations on projects (Special Thanks to JonF and ChrisR),
 and at last with good working Macro Library,
 with very recent Galapo server adjustments, now possible  :happy: :dance:

    How to download new plugins from Yomi Server :
Easy Method:
You will notice
Available on all projects  :thumbsup:
 Just select the plugin you want to Download, it is very easiy  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

See Tutorial topic to download plugins from Server
Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi

Check Q: Where to find other plugins ?

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on August 16, 2011, 04:28:21 PM
Always check Yomi Index to see Latest Plugins

List of plugins 2020.06.18 - 985 Plugins + FileContainers

( 2020.06.18 - 985 Plugins + FileContainers)
( 2019.03.16 - 946 Plugins )
( 2017.02.22 - 656 Plugins )
( 2016.02.10 - 518 Plugins )
( 2015.11.09 - 428 Plugins )
( 2015.10.24 - 399 Plugins )
( 2015.08.18 - 149 Plugins )

\AppY\Accessibility\Accessibility_Info Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\applemou_RH_Designs Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\Click-N-Type Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\Click-N-Type_Turkish Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\EasyScroller_RH_Designs Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\FreeVK Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\mousemu_RH_Designs Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\OneLoupe Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\OneLoupe_v3 Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\Onscreen Keyboard_Paf_Mini_US Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\Virtual_Magnifying_Glass_Portable_paf Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\Virtual_Magnifying_Glass_Portable_paf_v3.3.1 Plugin
\AppY\Accessibility\Zzoom_omiod Plugin
\AppY\CDVD\Active IsoBurner Plugin
\AppY\CDVD\Ashampoo Burning Studio 2016 Plugin
\AppY\CDVD\Ashampoo Burning Studio 2016_File Plugin
\AppY\CDVD\CDImageGUI Plugin
\AppY\CDVD\ImgBurn Plugin
\AppY\CDVD\InfraRecorder Plugin
\AppY\CDVD\UltraISO Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\a43_JGL Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\ant_renamer Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\CSDiff Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Dos Navigator DNS Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Dos Navigator Necromancer Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\doublecmd Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\doublecmd_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\EF_Commander Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\EF_Commander_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\EF_Commander_x86_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\ExamDiff Free Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\ExamDiff Pro Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\ExamDiff Pro_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\ExamDiff_Pro_KYHI_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Explorer_PlusPlus Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Explorer_PlusPlus_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\FAR_Manager2_10_Lite Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\FAR_Manager2_60_FULL Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\FileMan_Ewayne Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\FreeCommanderXE Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\FreeCommanderXE_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\FreeCommander_L Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\F_File Manager Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Gyula Navigator Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\HxD Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\HxD_2 Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Q-Dir_Nenad Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Speed_Commander_013 Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\TinyHexer Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Total Commander Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\TreeSizeFreeware Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\TreeSizeFreeware_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Unreal Commander Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\WinDirStat Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\WinExplorer_EH_Assembler Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\WinMerge2 Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\WinMerge2_12_4 Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\WinMerge2_x Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\WinMerge2_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\WinMerge2_x86_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Wiztree Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Compression\7-Zip_File_Manager_SJL Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Compression\7-Zip_File_Manager_SJL_Files_AB Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Compression\IZArc Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Compression\UniExtract Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\Compression\WinRAR Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Copy\FastCopy Shirouzu H Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Copy\FastCopy3 Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Copy\HDDRawCopy Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Copy\Unstoppable Copier Roadkil Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Copy\ycopy Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Find\AgentRansack_2016 Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Find\AgentRansack_Amalux Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Find\AgentRansack_Amalux_1 Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Find\EveryThing_saydin77 Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Find\FindOnClick Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Find\superfinder Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Find\SwiftSearch Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Find\Wise JetSearch Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Unlock\LockHunter_Aeolis_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Unlock\Unlocker Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Unlock\UnlockIT Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Unlock\UnlockIT_File Plugin
\AppY\File Tasks\File Unlock\Wise Force Deleter Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis Disk Director_WinPE Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis Disk Director_WinPE_Prz42 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage 2015 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage 2016 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage 2016_ChrisR Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage 2017_KYHI_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage_WinPE Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage_WinPE_2015_14_13_12 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis TrueImage_WinPE_Prz42_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis-DiskDirector10 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis_Backup_Prz42_11.5_11.7 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis_Backup_Prz42_12.0_Beta Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis_TrueImage_2017_2018__Prz42_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis_TrueImage_2017_Prz42_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis_TrueImage_2017__ChrisR_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Acronis_TrueImage_2018__ChrisR_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Disk Editor Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Disk Editor_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_v1 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_v2 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_v2_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_v35 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_v35_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_v5 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_v5_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_vX Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Active Partition Manager_vX_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\AOMEI_Backupper_Professional Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\AOMEI_Backupper_Standard Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\AOMEI_Backupper_Standard_G Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\AOMEI_Backupper_Stand_Pro Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\AOMEI_Partition_Assistant_Professional Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\AOMEI_Partition_Assistant_Standard Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Check Flash_misha Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\copytousb_Ratiborus Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\dd for Windows Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\DiskGenius_Setup_Exe Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\DiskGenius_Setup_Zip Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\DMDE free Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EaseUS_Partition_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_v9.2.1 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_v9.2.1_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Pro_Demo Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Prz42 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Master_Nikky Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Master_Nikky_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Recovery Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EasyBCD Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\EasyBCD_Prz42_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\FAU - Forensic Acquisition Utilities Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\FTK Imager Lite Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\FTK Imager Lite_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\gdisk-windows Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\HardDriveEraser Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\HDD Low Level Format Tool Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\HDHacker Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\HDM85-95 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Hide Partitions Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\HotSwap5_KazuyukiNakayama Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\HotSwap6_KazuyukiNakayama Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\imageusb_osforensics Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MacriumReflect_fuwi_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Marcium_Reflect_Free_Portable Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Marcium_Reflect_Home_Portable Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Marcium_Reflect_zDownloader Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MiniTool Partition Wizard Free Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MiniTool Partition Wizard Free_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MountStor Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MyUSBEjector_U-Ejection_Expert Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\NTFS File Sector Information Utility Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Paragon_Partition_Manager_09 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Paragon_Partition_Manager_11 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Partition Guru Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Partition Table Doctor Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Partition Wizard Free Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Partition Wizard Free_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Partition Wizard Home8 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Partition Wizard Home8_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\pdr-giveaway_PC Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\pdr-giveaway_PC_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Power Data Recovery Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Power Quest Partition Table Editor - PTEDIT32 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Ridgecrop Consultants LTD_drvtest Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Ridgecrop Consultants LTD_fat32format Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Ridgecrop Consultants LTD_fat32format_GUI Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Rufus Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\ShadowProtectPE_Prz42_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\AusLogics_Disk_Defrag_1_Galapo Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\AusLogics_Disk_Defrag_Galapo Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\Defragger Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\JKDefrag Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\MyDefrag Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\OODefragPro Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\OODefragPro10.0-File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\OODefragPro11.5-File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\OODefragPro12.0-File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\OODefragPro12.5-File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\OODefragPro14.0-File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Defrag\Piriform_Defraggler_Amalux Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\ATTO Disk Benchmark_L Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\Chkdsk-GUI Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\GSmartControl Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\GSmartControl_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\HDDScan Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\HDTune Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\Mitec_msi Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\Mitec_wfa Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\OverDisk Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\SeaToolsforWindows Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\SeaToolsforWindows_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\VictoriaG Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\WD_Data_Lifeguard_Diagnostic Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Erase\File Shredder Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Erase\WipeFile Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Active File Recovery Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Active File Recovery_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\pc_inspector_file_recovery Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Recuva Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Restoration Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Undelete-360 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Undelete-360_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\UndeleteOnClick Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Wise Data Recovery Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Acronis-TrueImage95Echo-Omni_MOD Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Acronis_Backup_Prz42 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Acronis_TrueImage_Prz42_2019 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Acronis_TrueImage_Prz42_2020 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Acronis_Universal_Restore Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Active_DiskImage Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Active_DiskImage_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\AOMEI_Backupper_Stand_Pro_Prz42 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\CASPER_10_Backup Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\CASPER_10_Backup_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\CASPER_10_Backup_x86_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\CASPER_Backup Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\DriveImageXML Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\EaseUS_Backup_v10 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\EaseUS_Backup_v10_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\EaseUS_Backup_v12 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Ghost_Lance Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Ghost_Lance_Additions Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\GImageX Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\HDClone Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\HDClone_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\MacriumReflect7F_APT_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\ODIN_Lancelot Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\SavePart_PartitionSaving Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\SelfImage Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\Snapshot Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MBR\BootIce Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MBR\BootIce_B Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MBR\BootSect Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MBR\MBRFix Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\MBR\MBRWizard Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_Linux_Reader Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_Linux_Reader_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_Linux_Recovery Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_Linux_Recovery_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_MapDrive Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_NTFS_Reader Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_Raid2Raid Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_WAB_Recovery Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DiskInternals_Zip_Repair Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\lazesoft Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Partition Find and Mount Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_DiskExplorer_for_FAT Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_DiskExplorer_for_Linux Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_DiskExplorer_for_NTFS Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_GetDataBack Simple Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_GetDataBack_for_FAT Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_GetDataBack_for_NTFS Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_NAS_DATA_Recovery Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_RAID_Reconstructor Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_Raid_Recovery_for_Windows Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_Software_All Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_Software_All_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\TestDisk_PhotoRec Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\TestDisk_PhotoRec7 Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\TestDisk_PhotoRec7_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\TestDisk_PhotoRec7_x86_File Plugin
\AppY\HD Tasks\UEFI\EasyUEFI_APT_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\Network\Acrylic Wi-Fi Home Plugin
\AppY\Network\Advanced IP Scanner Plugin
\AppY\Network\DnsJumper Plugin
\AppY\Network\FileZilla3 Plugin
\AppY\Network\FileZilla3_Files Plugin
\AppY\Network\FirefoxPortable_paf Plugin
\AppY\Network\FirefoxPortable_paf_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\FireFoxShiretoko Plugin
\AppY\Network\Flash_Add Plugin
\AppY\Network\Flash_Package_101853 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Free_Download_Manager_3_Lite Plugin
\AppY\Network\Free_Download_Manager_5 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Getright Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChrome Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChromePortable_paf Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChromePortable_paf_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChromePortable_paf_x64 Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChromePortable_paf_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChrome_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChrome_v31.0.1650.63_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChrome_v4x Plugin
\AppY\Network\GoogleChrome_v4x_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\IP2_Robin_Keir_LanWanIP Plugin
\AppY\Network\JBMail Plus Plugin
\AppY\Network\miranda-im Plugin
\AppY\Network\miranda-im_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\miranda-im_File_x64 Plugin
\AppY\Network\mitec_network_meter Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla Firefox_KYHI Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla Firefox_L Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla Firefox_L_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla Light_L Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla Light_L_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla ULight_KYHI Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla_Firefox_CR Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla_Firefox_CR_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla_Firefox_CR_NT5x Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla_Firefox_CR_NT5x_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla_Firefox_ESR Plugin
\AppY\Network\Mozilla_Firefox_universal_Mikka_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\Network\OffByOne Plugin
\AppY\Network\OnlineSafety_Tony4219_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_USB_v12 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_USB_v12_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_USB_v12_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_USB_X Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_USB_X_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_v08_54 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_v08_54_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_v12_saydin77 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_v12_saydin77_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Opera_v12_saydin77_File64 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Pale Moon Plugin
\AppY\Network\Pale Moon_File_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Pale Moon_File_x86_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Pale Moon_File_x86_NT5x_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\QtWeb Plugin
\AppY\Network\Quick Mailer Plugin
\AppY\Network\ShowIP_bitsoft_de Plugin
\AppY\Network\ShowIP_incomp_cz Plugin
\AppY\Network\Skype Plugin
\AppY\Network\Skype_paf Plugin
\AppY\Network\SoftPerfect Network Scanner Plugin
\AppY\Network\SoftPerfect Networx Plugin
\AppY\Network\Ultrasurf Plugin
\AppY\Network\Ultrasurf_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\WakeMeOnLan_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\Network\WakeOnLanGui Plugin
\AppY\Network\WifiInfoView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\Network\WinPcap Plugin
\AppY\Network\WirelessNetView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\Network\WirelessNetworkWatcher_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\Network\Wireshark_L Plugin
\AppY\Network\Wireshark_NT5x_win32_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Wireshark_NT5x_win64_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Wireshark_win32_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Wireshark_win64_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Firewall\Simplewall Plugin
\AppY\Network\Firewall\zonealarm Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\Ammyy Admin v3 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\AnyDesk Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\Remote Desktop_Info Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\TeamViewer Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\TeamViewer06 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\TeamViewer10 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\TeamViewer10_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\TeamViewer_File Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\TightVNC1 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\TightVNC2 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\UltraVNC Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\UltraVNCViewer Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\UltraVNC_101 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\UltraVNC_102 Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\VNC_Real Plugin
\AppY\Network\Remote Connect\VNC_Viewer Plugin
\AppY\Portable\Portabilitron Plugin
\AppY\Portable\PortableApps Plugin
\AppY\Portable\ppAppsGen17x Plugin
\AppY\Portable\Pstart Plugin
\AppY\Portable\SearchPstart Plugin
\AppY\Security\DiskCryptor Plugin
\AppY\Security\FreeOTFE Plugin
\AppY\Security\FreeOTFE_Explorer Plugin
\AppY\Security\KeePass1 Plugin
\AppY\Security\Syskey Recovery Tool_Bob.Omb_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\Security\TrueCrypt Plugin
\AppY\Security\VeraCrypt Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiSpyware\HijackThis! Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\360TS Info Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\360TS_L Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Avira_PC_cleaner_DE Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Avira_PC_cleaner_EN Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Clamwin_AntiVirus Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\CryptoSearch Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\ESET_Online_Scanner Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\ESET_Online_Scanner_v2 Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\KasperskyVRT Info Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\KasperskyVRT_L Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_L Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_PackedVersion_L Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_PackedVersion_L_File Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\RansomNoteCleaner Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Ransomware_File_Decryptor Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Ransomware_File_Decryptor_File Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Sophos Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\TeslaDecoder Plugin
\AppY\Security\AntiVirus\Test AntiVirus Plugin
\AppY\Security\KeyFinders\JoshuaKeyFinder Plugin
\AppY\Security\KeyFinders\MagicJellyBeanKeyfinder Plugin
\AppY\Security\KeyFinders\NDQ_KeyFinder Plugin
\AppY\Security\KeyFinders\ProduKey_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\Security\KeyFinders\ShowKeyPlus Plugin
\AppY\Security\Passwords\PassReset_simplix Plugin
\AppY\Security\Passwords\PEPassPass_C Plugin
\AppY\Security\Passwords\Reset Windows Password_Trick-UtilMan_Document Plugin
\AppY\Security\Passwords\Windows Login Unlocker_Joker2013 Plugin
\AppY\Security\Unlockers\5_Pasword Reset Important INFO Plugin
\AppY\Security\Unlockers\dc-pass Plugin
\AppY\Security\Unlockers\DreamPackPL Plugin
\AppY\Security\Unlockers\NTPWEdit Plugin
\AppY\Security\Unlockers\password_renew Plugin
\AppY\Security\Unlockers\WindowsGate Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\autimer10 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\AutoIt_3249 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\AutoIt_3249_Files Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Caffeine Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\DontSleep Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\HotKeyAu3 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Mausbeweger Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\mht2htm_Goran Atanasijevic Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Plugin_Creator_20_ProvideFiles_Download_Kyhi Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\PowerOff Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\PrecCalc Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\TechBench ISO Downloader Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Tipp10 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Tipp10_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Games\Bee_Demo Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Games\ChromiumBSUpaf Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Games\LBreakout2_paf Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Games\Mines czeppi_de Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\9_INFO_Display Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Adobe_Photoshop_055 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Anolis Resourcer Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Desktop Clock Plus-7 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Display Changer 12noon CMD Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Extract_Icon_Tool Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\FastStoneCapture Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\FastStoneCaptureFree53 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\FastStoneViewer Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\FS_Capture_KYHI Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\FS_Resizer_KYHI Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\FS_Viewer_KYHI Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\GIMPPortable2_paf Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\GIMPPortable2_paf_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\IcoFX Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\IrfanView Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\IrfanView_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\LittleViewer Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\MultiRes Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\MWSnap Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Opencanvasv1_oC11b72 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Resource Hacker Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Rotate_slore Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\Xinec ColorConverter Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\XnView Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\XnView_Files_ShellEx64 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Graphics\XnView_Files_x86_win-Full Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Combined-Community-Codec-Pack_Setup Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Combined-Community-Codec-Pack_Setup_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Combined-Community-Codec-Pack_Setup_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Setup Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Setup_1_Basic_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Setup_2_Standard_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Setup_3_Full_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\K-Lite_Codec_Pack_Setup_4_Mega_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\mpc-be Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\mpc-hc Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\mpc-hc_file Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Test MultiMedia Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_Portable_paf Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_Portable_paf_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_vlc Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_vlc2x Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_vlc2x_207_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_vlc2x_207_x86_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_vlc2x_208_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_vlc2x_208_x86_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_vlc_x64_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLCPlayer_vlc_x86_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\VLC_Player Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Winamp2 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Winamp5 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Winamp5_Lite Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\Winamp_Full Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\WinX_DVD_Ripper_Platinum Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\MultiMedia\WinX_DVD_Ripper_Platinum_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\AkelPad Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\CLCL_PC Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\CudaText Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\eXPert_PDF_Reader Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\LibreOffice_Portable_paf Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\Mark Text Editor Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\Mitec_MailViewer Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\Notepad++_universal_Mikka_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\Notepad_PlusPlus Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\NotePad_PlusPlus_L Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\NotePad_PlusPlus_L_File Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\NotePad_PlusPlus_L_v6 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\PDFTKbuilder Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\SoftMaker FreeOffice Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\Spread32 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\SumatraPDF Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\SumatraPDF_universal_Mikka_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\SumatraPDF_v312 Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\SynWrite Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\Vi_iMproved_(GVim)_Mikka_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Office\xCHM Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Tweaks\DesktopOK Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Tweaks\Rainlendar Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Tweaks\RocketDock Plugin
\AppY\Supplementary\Tweaks\Windows-10-color-control Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\4-Autorun.CMD-atRootUSB Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\AppCompactor Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\AutoIT Development Plugin Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\AutoSizer_AGL Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\BlueScreenView_M Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\CCleaner Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\ClavierL Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\CMD Development Plugin Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\CMDER Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\CMDER_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\CurrentUser2_Tony4219_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\DevManView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Dism_PlusPlus Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Double Driver Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Driver Magician_Light Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\DriverView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Drv_ImpeD Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Easy_DISM_trashy_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Event_Log_Explorer_SB Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\ExitPE Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Fabs AutoBackup_Free Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Fabs AutoBackup_Free_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Fabs AutoBackup_Pro Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Flush Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Index.dat Cleaner Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\jv16PowerTools Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\KeyFreeze_BlueLife Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\LetterSwap Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\NirSoft NirCmd Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\NSudo_L Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\NTFSLink Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\NTFSLinksView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\OfflineSFC Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Portable Finder CMD Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Portable Finder Startup Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Portable Finder Startup_CD Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\PowerCmd Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\PowerShell Development Plugin Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Pserv2 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\PuTTY Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\PuTTY_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\RegistryLoaderPE Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Restore Point PE Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\RoadkilUt Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\RunFromTemp_Lancelot Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\ServicesPE Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Serviwin Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\ShadowExplorer Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Shadow_JFX Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\SmartDriverBackup Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\SPTDinst Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Sun Java JRE Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Sun Java JRE_jre-6u14-windows-i586 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\SwapAdd Olof Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\SwapAdd PagingFilesAu3 Nikzzzz Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Switch Keyboard Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Sysinternals_Process_Explorer Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Sysinternals_Registry_Monitor Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\TCC_LE Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Temp_Delete_L Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Test Plugin Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\UpdateDevices Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\USBDeview_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\USBPcap Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\VC_redist_Setup Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\VC_redist_Setup_2017_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\WimTool_Lxl1638 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\YankeeClipper3 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Zadig_Akeo Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Zadig_Akeo_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\Dependency_Walker Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileAccessErrorView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FileActivityWatch_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\FolderChangesView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\Process Hacker 2 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\ProcessActivityView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\SoftSnoop Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\Sysinternals Suite Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Debug\Sysinternals_Process_Monitor Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\Attribute Changer_BobOmb Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\Attribute Changer_Petges Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\ExeProperties_ExtraBit Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\FindTarget_Lance Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\HashTab_olegpov_v3 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\HashTab_olegpov_v5_vX Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\InspectExe Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\NinotechPathCopy Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\PathCopyCopy Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\Properties_Plus_Kish Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\SendToToys Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Explorer Addons\VersionTabXP Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\AIDA64 Business Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\AIDA64 Engineer Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\AIDA64 Extreme Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\AIDA64 Network Audit Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\BatteryPE Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\blttest_stereopsis Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\CoolMon1_Amalux Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Cpu-Z Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\CrystalCPUID Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\CrystalDiskInfo Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\CrystalDiskInfo_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\DriveInfo_dirkhauschild Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\GPU-Z Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\H2testw Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Hard_Disk_Sentinel Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Hard_Disk_Sentinel_Std Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\HDD Health Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\HDD Health_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\HWInfo Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\HWMonitor Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\MemTest_HCI Design Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\OCCT Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Opti Drive Control Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\PCI-Z Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\PCI-Z_Legacy Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\PCI-Z_Nikky_Bulletin Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Prime95 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Prime95_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\RealTemp Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\SIV Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\SIV_File Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Speccy Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Speed Fan Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\SSD-Z Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\VMT - Video Memory stress Test Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\Mitec_Registry_Recovery Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\O_O RegEditor Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\Regalyzer Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegFromApp_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegistryChangesView_NirSoft Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegScanner Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegShot1_P Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegShot2_ru_Unicode Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegShot_SourceForge Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RegWizXP Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\RevoUninstaller Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\Runscanner Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Registry\Runscanner2 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Windows Setup\NT 6.x fast installer Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Windows Setup\OfflineSysPrep Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Windows Setup\WinNTSetup1_JFX Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Windows Setup\WinNTSetup3 Plugin
\AppY\System Tools\Windows Setup\WinNTSetup3_JFX Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\2_Net2_Test_TryNet20 Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\9_Other Net Plugins Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\ASoft NET Version Detector Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\Attribute Tweaker Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\gtools Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\gtools_File Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\Junction Link Magic 1 Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\Junction Link Magic 2 Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\KeePass2 Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\Stream Explorer Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\WinMD5_1_eolson Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.Net\WinMD5_2_eolson Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.WMI\CrystalDiskInfo_amalux_Req_wmi Plugin
\AppY\Tests_.WMI\WMITester Paessler Plugin
\AppY\Virtualization\DOSBox Plugin
\AppY\Virtualization\vDos Plugin
\AppY\Virtualization\VM-95 Plugin
\AppY\Virtualization\VMWareConverter Plugin
\AppY\Virtualization\VMXBuilder Plugin
\Build\0-preconfig_t_Junc Plugin

\ComponentsY\0_PXESupport Plugin
\ComponentsY\Additional_Files Plugin
\ComponentsY\Additional_Fonts Plugin
\ComponentsY\Calculator Plugin
\ComponentsY\CMD Adds Plugin
\ComponentsY\DirectX Plugin
\ComponentsY\DotNet_S Plugin
\ComponentsY\Exp ContextMenu_RunAsSystem Plugin
\ComponentsY\FakeDisk Plugin
\ComponentsY\IE_Flash_IE Plugin
\ComponentsY\IscsI Plugin
\ComponentsY\JavaREv10 Plugin
\ComponentsY\JavaREv10_File Plugin
\ComponentsY\MaxResolution Plugin
\ComponentsY\MBR2GPT Plugin
\ComponentsY\MBR2GPT_BobOmb_CMD Plugin
\ComponentsY\MSMediaPlayer Plugin
\ComponentsY\MSMediaVSFilter_DirectShow Subtitle Filter Plugin
\ComponentsY\MsPaint Plugin
\ComponentsY\MsPowerShell Core Plugin
\ComponentsY\MsPowerShell Plugin
\ComponentsY\MSViewer Plugin
\ComponentsY\MsWordPad Plugin
\ComponentsY\NotePad Plugin
\ComponentsY\Printer Support_Aeolis Plugin
\ComponentsY\Rdc Plugin
\ComponentsY\Search Plugin
\ComponentsY\SlideToShutDown Plugin
\ComponentsY\SnippingTool Plugin
\ComponentsY\Sound Events Plugin
\ComponentsY\Steps Recorder Plugin
\ComponentsY\VcRunTimes Plugin
\ComponentsY\WallPaper_Login Plugin
\ComponentsY\WinPEBootMode Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\dos16bit Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\IE_Favorites_url Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\IE_Proxy_Settings Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\LODR-Thinstall_Support Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Project Dependencies Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\RegEdit Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\TaskManager Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Accessibility\Accessibility_Keyboard Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Accessibility\Accessibility_Mouse Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Accessibility\Magnify Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Accessibility\On Screen Keyboard Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Accessories\Character Map Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Accessories\FontView Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Games\GMS_XP_FreeCell Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Games\GMS_XP_Hearts Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Games\GMS_XP_Minesweeper Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Games\GMS_XP_Pinball Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Games\GMS_XP_Solitaire Plugin
\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Games\GMS_XP_Spider_Solitaire Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Additional_Files_Other Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Additional_Requirements Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Fonts Codepages Essential Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Fonts Other Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Mouse_Cursors Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Mouse_Tordex Wheel Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Mouse_Tweak Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Nircmd_SetDisplay Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\NumLock_Setting Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\OEM_Information_and_Logo Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Regional Options Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Remove Floppy A Mount Point Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Remove Floppy ALL Mount Point Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Run_MRU Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\SetResolution Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Shortcut Settings Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak DPI Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak Language Bar Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak Language_yv_PreLoad Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak Language_zv_Switch Keyboard Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak Language_zv_Turn off Caps Lock Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak Mouse Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak UserPreferencesMask Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak Visual Effects Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks\yOther Tweaks Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD 2Shortcut Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD Settings_Color Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD Settings_Console Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD Settings_Options Layout Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD Support Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD Support_Font Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks CMD\CMD_Shell Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp Appearance Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp Appearance_5 High Contrast Black Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp Appearance_BackGround Color Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_CMD Here Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_CopyMove Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_Format On Drives Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_SendTo Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_SendTo_Compressed (zipped) folder Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_SendTo_Desktop Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_SendTo_yyMisc Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_ShellNew Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp Font Tweaks Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp IconSize Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp MyComputer_Exporer Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp MyComputer_Name Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp StartMenu General Plugin
\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp yzMisc Plugin
\ComponentsY\Xerox\00-4_BackupRestore_Components Plugin

\DownloadsY\Download_Y_Plugins_51_App Plugin
\DownloadsY\Download_Y_Plugins_52_App Plugin
\DownloadsY\Download_Y_Plugins_53_App Plugin
\DownloadsY\Download_Y_Plugins_54_App Plugin
\DownloadsY\Download_Y_Plugins_55_App Plugin
\DownloadsY\Download_Y_Plugins_70 Plugin
\DownloadsY\Download_Y_Plugins_71 Plugin
\DownloadsY\Download_z_Gena-Sweets Plugin

\DriversY\AccessGainDrivers Plugin
\DriversY\Audio_Camsvc Plugin
\DriversY\Double Driver Plugin
\DriversY\DPs-LAN_Drivers Plugin
\DriversY\DPs-LAN_Drivers_NT6_File Plugin
\DriversY\DPs-WLAN_Drivers Plugin
\DriversY\DPs-WLAN_Drivers_NT6_File Plugin
\DriversY\Driver Add Plugin
\DriversY\Ext2Fsd Plugin
\DriversY\Gavotte Ramdisk Plugin
\DriversY\Nvidia GeForce Plugin
\DriversY\Nvidia GeForce_File Plugin
\DriversY\Nvidia_GeForce_InfTrim_Setup Plugin
\DriversY\ReFS_Driver Plugin
\DriversY\SDI_ChrisR_Bulletin Plugin
\DriversY\SoftPerfect Ramdisk Plugin
\DriversY\VirtualBox_VMware_Network Plugin
\DriversY\vUSBDummyDisk Plugin
\DriversY\zz_Drivers Plugin
\DriversY\zz_DrvInstPatch Plugin

\Final_Y\1-80_TrimDownPE Plugin
\Final_Y\2-MakeShortcuts Plugin
\Final_Y\Additional_Files_Other_Optimization Plugin
\Final_Y\Lang_yv_PreLoad Plugin
\Final_Y\Lang_zv_Switch Keyboard Plugin
\Final_Y\NVDA Plugin
\Final_Y\NVDA_File Plugin
\Final_Y\PostProc Plugin
\Final_Y\uu_Drivers Optimize Compress Plugin
\Final_Y\uu_Lang_zz_v_Optimize Lang Files Plugin
\Final_Y\uu_Registry_Basic_Tweaks Plugin
\Final_Y\uu_Upx_Files Plugin
\Final_Y\YY-BootScreen_Pack_Lancelot01 Plugin
\Final_Y\YY-BootScreen_Pack_Lancelot01_File Plugin
\Final_Y\YZ-Additional_Registry Plugin

\OtherOSY\Acronis Media ISO Plugin
\OtherOSY\Active DiskImage DOS Plugin
\OtherOSY\AVG_Rescue_CD Plugin
\OtherOSY\FloppyImages Plugin
\OtherOSY\Ghost4Unix Plugin
\OtherOSY\gPXE Plugin
\OtherOSY\HDAT2 Diagnostics Plugin
\OtherOSY\HDT - Hardware Detection Tool Plugin
\OtherOSY\HirensBootCD Plugin
\OtherOSY\Invaders Erik Thiele Plugin
\OtherOSY\ISOImages Plugin
\OtherOSY\Kon-Boot ISO Plugin
\OtherOSY\memtest Plugin
\OtherOSY\memtest5 Plugin
\OtherOSY\memtest86UEFI Plugin
\OtherOSY\MHDD Plugin
\OtherOSY\Offline Password Reset Plugin
\OtherOSY\Offline Password Reset_File Plugin
\OtherOSY\PartedMagic Plugin
\OtherOSY\Plop Boot Manager Plugin
\OtherOSY\SeaTools for DOS Plugin
\OtherOSY\Vivard Plugin
\OtherOSY\Vmtce - Video Memory Stress Test CE Plugin
\OtherOSY\Win98SE_ISO_BootDisk Plugin
\OtherOSY\XP-PE Plugin
\OtherOSY\zMultiWim Plugin

\00-4_BackupRestore_Basic Plugin
\00-4_BackupRestore_Components Plugin
\ay_Halt_L1 Plugin
\Delete_L6 Plugin
\zt_BackupRestore_Components Plugin
\zu_Halt_L1 Plugin
\zu_Halt_L3 Plugin
\zu_Halt_L4 Plugin
\zy_Basic Project Plugin

\ShellG\30_Gena_Shells_Info Plugin
\ShellG\55_PE Shell Swapper Plugin
\ShellG\bbLean Plugin
\ShellG\GeoShell Plugin
\ShellG\LiteStep Plugin
\ShellG\ReactOS Explorer X Plugin
\ShellG\z_ERD 2007 Plugin

\TweaksY\1-wallpaper Plugin
\TweaksY\72hours Plugin
\TweaksY\AutoIt Tools Plugin
\TweaksY\Bootsdi_Custom Plugin
\TweaksY\Chinese_IME Plugin
\TweaksY\ContextMenu Plugin
\TweaksY\IconPositions Plugin
\TweaksY\IconPositions2 Plugin
\TweaksY\Korean_IME Plugin
\TweaksY\MountedDevices Host Plugin
\TweaksY\PowerOptions Plugin
\TweaksY\ShowNicIco_Nikky_Bulletin Plugin

\TweaksY\Mouse Cursors\Mouse_CursorsCapitaine cursors by krourke Plugin
\TweaksY\Mouse Cursors\Mouse_Cursors_Breeze Cursors by niivu Plugin
\TweaksY\Mouse Cursors\Mouse_Cursors_Cursor Sans Family v1.5.1 by RandomAcronym Plugin
\TweaksY\Mouse Cursors\Mouse_Cursors_Material Design Cursors by Manga737 Plugin
\TweaksY\Mouse Cursors\Mouse_Cursors_MonoSoftly by tchiro Plugin

\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_MediaPlayer_WIEBENOR_1 Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_07X_Elune by minhtrimatrix Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_07X_Snap 7 VS in deskmodder-de by deskmodder Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_080_081_Kneous Windows 8_8.1 by minht11 Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_080_081_Miti for WIN 8 and 8.1 by 2befree Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_081_Abisso 2014 (dark theme Windows 8.1 Update1) Upd11 by ezio Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_081_Maverick 8.1 for Windows 8.1 by dpcdpc11 Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_100_Ades Theme for Windows 10 by unisira Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_100_ARC X Windows 10 Theme by niivu Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_100_cakeOS by niivu Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_100_cakeOS by niivu_1607 Plugin
\TweaksY\Theme\Theme_Win_100_Modern 10 for Windows 10 by IntreppIT Plugin

\UtilsY\55-RegEdit Plugin
\UtilsY\Aria2c_M Plugin
\UtilsY\AutoIT_33145_File Plugin
\UtilsY\AutoIT_3381_File Plugin
\UtilsY\AutoIT_3381_Full_File Plugin
\UtilsY\BootIcePauly Plugin
\UtilsY\Bootsdi_Tweak Plugin
\UtilsY\BroadcastEnvChange_Galapo Plugin
\UtilsY\Builder_File Plugin
\UtilsY\ChangeLog_Editor Plugin
\UtilsY\ChangeLog_OLD Plugin
\UtilsY\Downloader Plugin
\UtilsY\ExpEnvVar_Galapo_M Plugin
\UtilsY\Extracted_Wim_Folders Plugin
\UtilsY\Gena Sweets Plugin
\UtilsY\GetWaikTools Plugin
\UtilsY\Hidden Plugins Plugin
\UtilsY\HiderunG Plugin
\UtilsY\HiveUnLoad Plugin
\UtilsY\Imdisk_Installer Plugin
\UtilsY\InnounpM01 Plugin
\UtilsY\Log_Compare Plugin
\UtilsY\Misc_Build Plugin
\UtilsY\Misc_Builder_Settings Plugin
\UtilsY\MyPlugins_Project_Add Plugin
\UtilsY\NirSoft_NirCmd Plugin
\UtilsY\Offline_Help Plugin
\UtilsY\Offline_Help_File Plugin
\UtilsY\Pack Projects Plugin
\UtilsY\PENetwork_Macro Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_10_Packed Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_20_ProvideFiles Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_30_Driver Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_Bulletin_X Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_Innounp Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_Template_Advanced Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_y40_OtherOS_ISO Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_y50_Associate Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_z50_Utils Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_z50_Utils_Files Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_z51_HostOS_Associate Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_z51_HostOS_Associate_CustomEditor Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_Creator_z51_HostOS_Associate_IconPack Plugin
\UtilsY\Plugin_News Plugin
\UtilsY\Proxy Settings - Setup Plugin
\UtilsY\Proxy Settings - WinHTTP Plugin
\UtilsY\RegCPE Plugin
\UtilsY\RegReConvert Plugin
\UtilsY\Resource_Hacker Plugin
\UtilsY\SetACL_M Plugin
\UtilsY\SevenZip_920_File Plugin
\UtilsY\SevenZip_Latest_File Plugin
\UtilsY\SFX Constructor Plugin
\UtilsY\Sleep_exe_Galapo Plugin
\UtilsY\Update Projects Plugin
\UtilsY\Update Reset_Projects Plugin
\UtilsY\Update Shortcuts Plugin
\UtilsY\Update Tools Plugin

\UtilsY\Update_Downloads Plugin
\UtilsY\Update_Download_OtherProjects Plugin
\UtilsY\Utils_Tools_001 Plugin
\UtilsY\Utils_Tools_002 Plugin
\UtilsY\Utils_Tools_Backup_001 Plugin
\UtilsY\WebRoots_SE Plugin
\UtilsY\WebRoots_SE_Gena Plugin
\UtilsY\WGet_M Plugin
\UtilsY\WimLib_M Plugin
\UtilsY\WinContig Plugin
\UtilsY\Workaround_Bugs Plugin
\UtilsY\XPE_to_Plugin_Converter Plugin

\VirtualTestY\AA_Best_Emulation Plugin
\VirtualTestY\qEmu Plugin
\VirtualTestY\qEmu_X Plugin
\VirtualTestY\VirtualBox Plugin
\VirtualTestY\VirtualPC Plugin
\VirtualTestY\VMWare Plugin

\WriteMediaY\CreateUSB Plugin
\WriteMediaY\Rufus Plugin
\WriteMediaY\Tutorial Disk Boot Plugin
Title: Re: Yomi (General Scripts Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on August 24, 2011, 07:22:00 PM
Yomi is now ready, check post 1  :cheerleader: :celebrate: :yahoo: :happy: :dance:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Scripts Collection)
Post by: gendouhydeist on June 06, 2012, 03:38:39 AM
Hi, I can't find the WMI Support under Basic/Shells/Core/1 System but the script exist in directory.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Scripts Collection)
Post by: Galapo on June 06, 2012, 04:11:53 AM
Hi gendouhydeist,

Yomi is for application scripts and scripts which add other boot options. Such system features like WMI you therefore won't find on Yomi. These can be found in a project download, providing the project offers this.

Title: Re: Yomi (General Scripts Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 06, 2012, 06:23:14 AM
Hi gendouhydeist,

for other projects specific questions, open a topic on project relevant pages,
Project World »    Gena Project »    Gena Support

edit: saved topic post Old School method on current post
Old School method:

Here is a step by step demonstration at reply 1

+ On builder, right - top click download
+ at right bottom of screen you will find a button with "chain" icon (Add a new web server), click on it
+ Write
at the popup screen and click OK.
A List of plugins will appear.
Select the ones you want to download.
be sure you download script.project at the bottom of list (this is Main Yomi plugin)

How to use:
After download, at main screen of "Yomi",
Select The Project to share,
and click "Share Plugins With" button.

Than you will See plugins at "Selected Project" branch  :thumbsup:

See: "Newbie (and quite possibly stupid) YOMI question"
Title: Re: Yomi (General Scripts Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on November 03, 2012, 12:05:59 PM
Easues Partition Recovery
plugin added after this topic
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on October 15, 2013, 12:15:25 PM
Not sure if this is the right place to post this ...

New version of Partition Guru Free. 4.4.0

dl :

cl :
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: ChrisR on October 15, 2013, 11:17:55 PM
I updated the Yomi's script with the good PartitionGuru Free 4.4.0 inside
I also added the buttons Launch Program and Read Licence and the language choice, English or Japanese.

Partition Guru Free (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on December 11, 2013, 06:03:38 PM
dl :
PartitionGuru version history

[ Ver 4.5.0 ]
 1. The Windows version is able to specify timeout period when it verifies bad sectors; if hard drive is disconnected, the program will stop verifying and prompt message.
 2. Optimized read and write to hard drives that have bad sectors and increased scanning speed for data recovery.
 3. The free version added the function of partition table style conversion that allows users to convert partition table style between MBR and GUID.
 4. It is allowed to select partition table style (MBR or GUID) on the message box when the program performs quick partition.
 5. The program shows the menu of copying files when users right click folders of file directory tree on the left interface.
 6. When the program restores Windows system partition for GPT disk, GUID is restored as well, making sure system start normally.
 7. When restoring partition table, GPT or MBR, the program restores GUID or MBR signature respectively.
 8. It is forbidden to restore partition from backup file which is unfinished or damaged.
 9. The menu item "Show System Files" and its functions were changed to "Show NTFS Metafiles" and program doesn't show NTFS metafiles by default.
10. Fixed:
 10. Fixed the bug that 64 bit version crashed when backing up partition to image file.
11. Fixed:
 Fixed the bug that program couldn't normally load PMF file backed up by older version for NTFS partition.
12. Fixed:
 Fixed the bug that error happened if click "Stop" during the process of partition backup.
13. Fixed:
 Fixed the bug that functions clone virtual disk and convert virtual disk format were not available.
14. Fixed:
 Fixed the bug that program might crash when it recovered files by file type if TIFF file came up.
15. Fixed:
 Rectified the problem that program didn't show the name "Bitlocker Encrypted" for partition with drive letter which is encrypted by Bitlocker.
16. Fixed:
 Fixed the bug that it often failed to make bootable USB disk and the bootable USB disk couldn't work.
17. Fixed:
 Fixed the bug that program crashed when USB flash disk was inserted or disconnected in the process of copying files.
 18. Rectified the problem that in the process of loading PMF image file, program could be interrupted by disk update information when storage device such as USB flash disk was inserted or disconnected.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: oliverjia on February 21, 2014, 08:47:13 AM
Dear experts,

Would anyone please update EaseUS partition master to version v9.3? Many thanks.

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: oliverjia on March 22, 2014, 01:52:07 AM
Partition Guru appears still to be v4.4. Would you consider updating to the latest v4.5?
 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 22, 2014, 08:12:10 AM
Hi oliverjia,
 EaseUS partition master home and Partition Guru updated  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: oliverjia on March 22, 2014, 02:54:22 PM
Many thanks for the quick help! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :great: :great:

Hi oliverjia,
 EaseUS partition master home and Partition Guru updated  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: oliverjia on March 26, 2014, 05:01:45 AM
report regarding EASEUS Partition Master: the Win8.1SE x64 building process went OK, however when booting up Win8.1SE x64 from USB and run EASEUS PM, it crashed. please see the pic in the link below: (

Please help troubleshoot.

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on April 09, 2014, 08:36:42 PM
Hi oliverjia,

let us know when you figure out a solution,
 till than ChrisR provided Easus 9.2.1 available on Yomi now which hopefully works fine on Win8SE.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on April 09, 2014, 08:37:13 PM
Hi Lancelot,

Sorry for the place, Aeolis  :wink:

I have not managed, either,with version 9.3, while version 9.2.1 works
I added the container file for EASEUS Partition Master Home version 9.2.1 in addition of version 9.3.
In version 9.3, some binary file are renamed according to their architectures.

(Attachment Link)
With the container file EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_9.2.1_File.7z ( at its side.
To get both versions, EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_File.Script on Yomi server is renamed to EASEUS_Partition_Manager_Home_9.3_File.Script, at its side also.

Hi ChrisR,

ok, but I splitted plugin with 921 , it is easier to organise since they change these nt5x-6x things ....

and a tip,
do not use
Code: [Select]
directly on general plugins but instead
Code: [Select]

also I feel
would be easier to generalize ?!

life goes fast...
See You

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: ChrisR on April 10, 2014, 09:57:09 PM
Yep, life goes fast and thanks for the tips  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on May 15, 2014, 04:23:33 AM
PartitionGuru Free 4.6.1

dl :

cl :

All functions of PartitionGuru Pro DOS version can be used for free and register is no longer required.

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 16, 2014, 10:08:51 AM
Hi gbrao,

new plugin on server  :thumbsup:

I wrote plugin in a way to ease future updates easly, still some small touchs required by the funs of software  :wink:

Further, for future Partition Guru versions, I expect you to update plugin and let us know to update on server  :great:


Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on June 13, 2014, 11:45:45 AM
PartitionGuru Free 4.6.2

d/l :

c/l :

Will try and update plugin when I have the time.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on October 28, 2014, 05:03:28 AM
Eassos PartitionGuru [ Ver 4.6.5 ]

[ Ver 4.6.5 ]
1. Enhanced:
 Improves the stability.
2. Enhanced:
 The folder "Recovered Types (Recognized)" always shows after files are filtered by Modify Time.
3. New:
 The currently-clicked file can be checked and copied automatically when users copy files via context menu and no file is selected.
4. New:
 Adds support of EXT3 FDD disk.
5. New::
 Partition size of FDD disk shows in line with records in DBR.
6. New::
 Partition C is selected by default after program is launched.
7. New::
 There is no need to restart the program after Offline Register, and it can be registered after the file Options.ini is copied to its directory.
8. Fixed:
 Addresses a bug that program couldn't start when some USB flash drive was connected.
9. Fixed:
 Rectifies the bug that files deleted by the function "Delete Files Permanently" weren't filled when those files and program were in the same partition.
10. Fixed:
 Fixes a bug that when partitioning GPT drive with the function "Quick Partition", the first partition on the MBR partition table converted by PartitionGuru wasn't 4K sector aligned.
11. Fixed:
 Fixes an issue that Erase Sectors worked slowly in DOS.
12. Fixed:
 Rectifies a bug that Logical Volume of LVM partition wasn't shown.
13. Fixed:
 Addresses an issue that couldn't load GPT partition table in some cases.
14. Fixed:
 Fixes a bug in DOS version that the function "Create New Partition" couldn't create required ESP, MSR partitions on GPT disk.
15. Fixed:
 Fixes a bug that vmdk file got damaged after files were written to vmdk disk which was divided by 2GB.
16. Fixed:
 Fixes a bug that it couldn't open vmdk disk which was larger than 500 GB and splited by 2GB.
17. Fixed:
 Fixes a bug in the function "Sectors Copy".
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on February 02, 2015, 01:46:23 PM
Eassos PartitionGuru

[ Ver 4.7.0 ]
1. New:
Displays files it found out during the course of scanning files.
2. New:
It is able to save scanning progress when the program recovers deleted files.
3. New:
Adds support of FAT16 partition which is formatted by IBMDOS.
4. Enhanced:
Changes the way of showing Disk Partition Structure.
5. Enhanced:
Updates the appearance for the interface of bad sector verification.
6. Enhanced:
Optimizes file recovery function, filtering invalid partitions and speeding up arranging files.
7. Enhanced:
 The default recovery mode is modified from Recover Deleted Files to Complete Recovery.
8. Enhanced:
 Increases file scanning speed of recovering deleted files from NTFS partitions.
9. Enhanced:
Recovered Typed doesn't display files that overlaps with files from normal directory structure.
10. Enhanced:
Reminds users who want to discard current file scanning result.
11. Enhanced:
It doesn't show excluded files while loading image file of incremental backup.
12. Enhanced:
Picks up responding speed of switching hard drives.
13. Enhanced:
Input focus is set to editing era after sector goto.
14. Fixed:
Rectifies an issue that sometimes the program failed to start in WinPE.
15. Fixed:
Fix an issue that program corrupted after partition resizing is interrupted by force.
16. Fixed:
Addresses a problem that program requires registering when extracting PMF file.
17. Fixed:
Fixes a bug that it couldn't return to parent directory after double clicking ".." on the dialog box "Select Image File".
18. Fixed:
Fixes a bug that program corrupted when previewing certain pictures.
19. Fixed:
Fixes a bug that sometimes it couldn't extract all files from PMF file.
20. Fixed:
Fixes a bug that the in some cases it corrupted when restoring partition from image file.
21. Fixed:
Redresses an issue that the statistics of selected files were not accurate when recovering files.
22. Fixed:
Fixes a bug that it failed to show the exact folder number on the right-bottom interface.
23. Fixed:
Fixes a bug that the Partition and Folder Tree area didn't match the actual situation when operating system is not installed on hard disk 0.

Did not know PG also had a 64 bit version. Just installed to a 64 bit Windows and was surprised. LOL.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on April 13, 2015, 06:24:22 AM

PartitionGuru Free 4.7.1

Eassos PartitionGuru version history

[ Ver 4.7.1 ]
1. New:
 Adds “Pause” button for “Recover Files” dialogue box. When file scanning pauses, users can copy files immediately and save scanning progress.
2. Enhanced:
 Recovers the progress bar for the dialogue box “Bad Track Verification” and adds a list for detailed info.
3. Enhanced:
 Enhances the function “Explore Partition Image File” and improves the adaptability of damaged image file.
4. Enhanced:
 Improves the program’s stability.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on August 21, 2015, 07:47:14 AM
PartitionGuru Free 4.7.2

[ Ver 4.7.2 ]
1. New:
Fault tolerance in this program works on GUID partition table, which supports loading problematic GUID partition table.
2. New:
Adds the feature of reporting and correcting errors for GUID partition table.
3. New:
"Recovered Types" section in the recovery result is classified to facilitate file lookup.
4. Enhanced:
Optimizes file recovery result for "Recovered Types", filtering out files that are obviously abnormal.
5. Enhanced:
Improves File Recovery feature and program stability, supporting certain seriously damaged cases.
6. Enhanced:
Supports extracting files from backup image of damaged partition.
7. Enhanced:
Improves speed of copying files.
8. Enhanced:
Disables features like Rebuild MBR, Clear Reserved Sectors, Resize partitions, etc. while the program is recovering files.
9. Enhanced:
It doesn't permit the backup file of partition table to be stored on the partition which is recovering data.
10. Fixed:
Newly created Virtual image file is not allowed to be saved in the partition that is recovering data.
11. Fixed:
Rectifies an issue that shortcut key didn't work.
12. Fixed:
Corrects a problem for the feature of modifying file name that it failed to change case of file name.
13. Fixed:
Fixes a bug so that folders whose name begins with "." can be cloned while the program clones FAT partitions.
14. Fixed:
Fix a bug that program exited unusually when recovering lost files.
15. Fixed:
Fixes an issue that sometimes some lost files couldn't be found when recovering NTFS partition.
16. Fixed:
Rectifies an issue that in some cases the program couldn't display percentage correctly after reloading file recovery progress.
17. Fixed:
Fixes an issue that it was unable to recover files on dynamic volumes.
18. Fixed:
Fixes an issue that dynamic volume didn't show drive letter.
19. Fixed:
Fixes a bug so that it becomes able to load scanning progress of recovering entire hard drive.
20. Fixed:
Corrects a problem that language change wouldn't work after restarting program.
21. Fixed:
Rectifies an error that Disk Partition Diagram didn't show correct information when recovering files on extended partition.
22. Fixed:
Rectifies a display error on Disk Partition Diagram when parameter of extended partition overflows.
23. Fixed:
Corrects an problem that new partition couldn't be created when it resized partition on GPT disk and there were more than 4 partitions.

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Atari800xl on August 21, 2015, 08:08:28 AM
gbrao, great to see you around again!!!!

Any news on BooIce? I regularly check your page, but don't see news anymore?

Or maybe you had a nice holiday, and after that well deserved rest, will check out new version again! I sure hope so, either way, thanks for everything...
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on August 21, 2015, 08:40:29 AM
Hi, no Pauly seems to be taking a break ;-)

There's another mirror here :

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on August 21, 2015, 07:19:19 PM
Hi gbrao,

Thanks for the news,
Just checked PartitionGuru Free 4.7.2,
plugin okey  :thumbsup:

updated only to change textbox  :great:

btw, I made a set of updates to Yomi and Gena recently  :wink:
 some of them you may get interested,
  One most in my mind, Active@ Partition Manager 5 maybe interesting for you, since like PartitionGuru it is very portable  :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on August 22, 2015, 05:05:42 AM

I'm used to Partitionguru, thats all.

I tried Active@ but could not find the align to integral number of sectors option while creating a new partition. And check partition alignment for all partitions on a disk.
Important these days with 4k sectors.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on October 25, 2015, 06:06:36 AM
I could not find the Sumatra PDF thread.

3.1 (2015-10-24)

Changes in this release:

    64bit builds
    all documents are restored at startup if a window with multiple tabs is closed (or if closing happened through File -> Exit); this can be disabled through the RestoreSession advanced setting
    printing happens (again) always as image which leads to more reliable results at the cost of requiring more printer memory; the "Print as Image" advanced printing option has been removed
    scrolling with touchpad (e.g. on Surface Pro) now works
    many crash and other bug fixes
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on October 25, 2015, 08:49:09 AM
Thanks gbrao,

updated on all servers  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on November 05, 2015, 11:11:14 AM
Sumatra PDF 3.1.1

    Changes in 3.1.1:
    (re)add support for old processors that don’t have SSE2
    support newer versions of unrar.dll
    allow keeping browser plugin if it’s already installed
    crash fixes
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on November 05, 2015, 11:13:07 AM
Sumatra PDF 3.1.1

Already updated this morning :turtle:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: oliverjia on March 14, 2016, 04:41:28 PM
Folks, would it be possible to add the modification date/release date of the plugins on YOMi? This will help users track whether they have the latest plugins.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 14, 2016, 07:52:23 PM
currently no time...

\Download\ may have some features in far future to check latest version via some buttons...

for now, for "big sized" plugins a quick way is, download only some kb to see if [Interface] matches, where there is Date info side by side with version info.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: oliverjia on March 14, 2016, 08:41:09 PM
Thanks Lancelot.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: mydeardiary on July 14, 2016, 04:48:52 PM
I would like to report that Yomi's plugins are great addition to WinPE SE.

Since Opera 12 has been updated to version 12.18, which includes TLS 1.2 and AES-GCM ciphersuites, it would be useful to integrate upstream updates to Yomi's Opera USB 12.

Any hint how to do the upgrade manually?

I also want to report that QtWebView plugin makes the build stop and unrecoverable. The log says something about unable to extract Qt..7z to ...\tmp...
Because of that, I removed QtWebView from Yomi's folder.

Any workaround hints to fix this error?

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on July 21, 2016, 01:00:18 PM
Hi mydeardiary,

Opera USB and QTWeb plugins updated

reminding, Opera v12 SL already have v12.18

click button:
Utils\Downloads -> Update \Downloads\

use Download buttons at

Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Opera USB 12
Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Opera USB 12 File
Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Opera USB 12 - x64 File
Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Opera v12 SL
Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Opera v12 sl File
Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Opera v12 sl File x64

to download new plugins.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2017, 08:06:04 AM
Updated list on current topic,

Now we have 656  Plugins on server  :cheerleader:

Gena having 346 plugins, Win10PESE 169 plugins Win7PESE 200 plugins ........

I guess currently we maintain around ~1000 plugins on all projects now.

Development continues, slowly, always forward. :turtle:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on October 30, 2017, 11:13:47 PM
A set of new plugins on Server,
I hope all working fine...  :wink:

Downloads\AppYGS\Accessibility\OneLoupe 3

Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\File Copy\Unstoppable Copier Roadkil

Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\File Find\Wise JetSearch

Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\Explorer ++
Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\Explorer ++ - File
Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\FreeCommanderXE
Downloads\AppYGS\File Tasks\FreeCommanderXE - File

Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\Erase\WipeFile

Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Undelete-360
Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Undelete-360 - File

Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\File Undelete\Wise Data Recovery

Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\Hard Drive Eraser
Downloads\AppYGS\HD Tasks\Hide Partitions

Downloads\AppYGS\Network\JBMail Plus
Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Quick Mailer
Downloads\AppYGS\Network\Ultrasurf - File

Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\Tipp10 - File

Downloads\AppYGS\Security\Syskey Recovery Tool_Bob.Omb - Bulletin

Downloads\AppYGS\Supplementary\Tipp10 - File

Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\Debug\Regshot SourceForge

Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\Driver Magician Light
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\PuTTY
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\PuTTY - File
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\Restore Point PE

Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\AIDA64 Business
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\AIDA64 Engineer
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\AIDA64 Extreme
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\AIDA64 Network Audit
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\BatteryPE
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\DriveInfo
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\HDD Health
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\HDD Health - File
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\MemTest HCI Design
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\Opti Drive Control
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\System Information Viewer (SIV)
Downloads\AppYGS\System Tools\HW Info\System Information Viewer (SIV) - File

Downloads\Final_Y\Language Custom PreLoad
Downloads\Final_Y\Switch Keyboard

Downloads\OtherOSY\Acronis Media ISO
Downloads\OtherOSY\AVG Rescue CD
Downloads\OtherOSY\Kon-Boot ISO
Downloads\OtherOSY\Offline Password Reset
Downloads\OtherOSY\Offline Password Reset - File
Downloads\OtherOSY\SeaTools for DOS
Downloads\OtherOSY\Win98SE ISO BootDisk

Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on November 13, 2017, 08:16:29 PM
Hi All,

Thanks to ied206 PEBakery Auto Syntax Checking

There are 98 plugin ( 2116 - 2019 + 1 ) updates on server, mostly to fix bugs.

Plugin authors (ex: Prz42 ) check updates on server.

You can see list of updates with:
Yomi\Utils\Plugin News -> 'Read Updates' button

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Rogas on December 12, 2017, 12:46:00 AM
It looks it's a long time nobody is writing here!
Just to share it: I modified the Speedfan plugin so that it can be put in the build copying the CFG files from the host folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\SpeedFan". This way the fans will run slower as set on the host with no need of configuration on the PE.
Speedfan service is not started automatically on purpose, on boot. Just open command prompt and run "net start speedfan" before launching the program.
Click the button "Custom CFG Files Here" and copy them from the above mentioned folder.
Tested on a x64 build made from a x64 host.
Should somebody test it on a x86 build, it would be great.

 :embarrassed: I can't post a link, unfortunately.

Edit: Lancelot ...
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on December 12, 2017, 07:17:43 AM
Hi Rogas,

You can create topic for your speed fan plugin on plugin section.
with topic subject "Speed Fan - Rogas"

Modified plugins also have their author name at title and filename of plugin.
Title=Speed Fan - Rogas
Speed Fan_Rogas.Script

There are many modified plugins on plugin section organized same way.  :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Rogas on December 12, 2017, 05:24:39 PM
Thanks Lancelot. I will do it  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Rogas on December 12, 2017, 05:32:19 PM
I still can't post a link!
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: APT on December 12, 2017, 10:01:34 PM
Hi Rogas

I still can't post a link!

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Introduction - Beginner questions

+ You can attach files after 10 posts

if, that's what you mean

regards APT :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Rogas on December 13, 2017, 05:02:10 PM
That's what I meant. Thanks APT
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: APT on January 13, 2018, 04:02:39 PM
Nirsoft -update to a couple of utils on Yomi

update to RegFromApp v1.33 (Monitors the Registry changes made by the application that you selected)  and
DriverView updated to v1.47  (Displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system)
regards APT
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: mayerflash on March 14, 2019, 10:26:54 AM
Hi Lancelot,

Could you please update the VeraCrypt Plugin. Current Version is 1.23-Hotfix-2.
Now this supports Win10!

Thank you!

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: mayerflash on March 14, 2019, 10:32:55 AM
Hi Lancelot,

Could you please also update the DriveImage XML Plugin. Current Version is 2.60.

Thank you!

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 14, 2019, 10:42:42 PM
Could you please also update the DriveImage XML Plugin. Current Version is 2.60.

Done, on server.  :thumbsup:

thanks for heads up to VeraCrypt, I hope I can find some free time....
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 16, 2019, 03:36:48 PM
Hi mayerflash,

Could you please update the VeraCrypt Plugin. Current Version is 1.23-Hotfix-2.
updated now.  :thumbsup:

To keep things tidy,
Current topic list at reply 1 updated

( 2017.02.22 - 656 Plugins ) --> ( 2019.03.16 - 946 Plugins )

Also, follow other updated topics
Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi

and have look to
Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox:

And get latest Win10PESE package (or latest update ... )
I just post reply 9

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:16:07 PM
Hi All,

It seems we have new habits of announcements on plugin updates.
 Normally I was only Add OR Update Plugins without a post on the current topic for ~ 8 years,
  Knowing users easily find Plugins they are searching for with available Multiple Options.

Multiple Available Options :
- Using \Downloads\ Plugins (Available all projects)
- Providing an index to find and download directly ( )
------> using Yomi or available MyPlugins_Direct folders ( Reply 1 )
------> I once see people using other download utilities to download using index ... flexibility ...  :great:
- Update current topic Reply 1 time to time (once a year or 2 years or more ) with new index list
- Recent method: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox:
- And very old school method using insecure builder....

ps: In future other methods on "To Do" list...

Well It was all working fine since end users could find plugins they need with a simple "Internet search" which will hit one of the Multiple Available Options .

It seems me acting moderately on updating the current topic cause unwanted advertisement results recently.

Following the new trend with new habits ! ,
 I will post update information on Plugins much more frequently here,
  Also unlike old days I will post more detailed info to relevant topics instead of "Plugin available" without link, now with links and more info.
    eg. see difference Lancelot Reply 6
                             Lancelot Reply 35
 To me Wasted Time but sadly required after 8 years....


Also following "new habits of announcements on plugin updates", I will post each update one by one.... Wasted Time...
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:29:09 PM
Run Time Plugins updated and mostly moved to \AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\
DriveImageXML still available at
\AppY\HD Tasks\Imaging\DriveImageXML

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\DriveImageXML

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi

as written on current topic reply 50 DriveImageXML updated to 2.60 , thanks to mayerflash.

Further some posts for updated Run Time plugins...
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:30:49 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_DiskExplorer_for_FAT

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:32:11 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_DiskExplorer_for_Linux

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:32:31 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_DiskExplorer_for_NTFS

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:32:44 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_GetDataBack Simple

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:32:57 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_GetDataBack_for_FAT

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:33:13 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_GetDataBack_for_NTFS

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:33:26 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_NAS_DATA_Recovery

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:33:39 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_RAID_Reconstructor

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:33:51 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_Raid_Recovery_for_Windows

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:35:01 PM
Run Time Provide All In One Plugin officially,

And updated and optimized All In One Plugin available

You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_Software_All
\Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Recover\Runtime_Software_All_File

current: \Download Plugins - 2\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 01:38:27 PM
You can download New or Updated Plugin via:

Downloads\AppY\Security\Passwords\Windows Login Unlocker_Joker2013

current: \Download Plugins - 3\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi

Since Plugin available on Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE Projects today, you can also use "Download Button" on the plugin to update the plugin to latest:

See Lancelot Reply 1:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 06:18:08 PM
Thanks to WIEBENOR,

New Plugin on server:


current: \Download Plugins - 6\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi

The plugin still developing to better. Have fun.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 17, 2019, 11:30:33 PM
Thanks to JFX,

New Plugin on server:


current: \Download Plugins - 6\

See: Adding 3rd party plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi

Since Plugin available on Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE Projects,
 you can also use "Download Button" on
   Downloads\Drivers\DrvInstPatch Plugin to update the plugin to latest:

See Lancelot Reply 1:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 18, 2019, 10:08:24 AM
OneLoupe Plugin updated

Downloads\AppY\Accessibility\OneLoupe Plugin

See: Adding 3rd party Plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi (

If you already have the The Plugin :
See Lancelot Reply 1 tutorial Small Green Download Button on Plugins (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on March 19, 2019, 03:12:22 PM
Hello code cookers,

here are the finished scripts with newer versions of the programs:

GSmartControl v1.1.1 > v.1.1.3
WD_Data_Lifeguard_Diagnostic v1.29 > v1.36

For the last (WD_Data_Lifeguard_Diagnostic) just tested on Win10PESE x64,
the hdd tests are working properly but does not open test results,
the older version have same behaves.
For the record, WD_Data_Lifeguard_Diagnostic is an x32 application.

GSmartControl_File Container is too big for atach:
Code: [Select]

That's it  :grin:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 19, 2019, 03:17:19 PM
Thanks Nikky,

I will check when I get in front of pc.

Please ignore any pm spam advertisement after your post now.

Some forum members have a childish habit to spam advertise other projects after each post around,
 I guess with some wrong info inside...

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 19, 2019, 08:03:36 PM
TrueCrypt Plugin updated

Thanks to mayerflash How to change keyboard layout to US (

Downloads\AppY\Security\TrueCrypt Plugin

See: Adding 3rd party Plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi (

If you already have the The Plugin :
See Lancelot Reply 1 tutorial Small Green Download Button on Plugins (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 19, 2019, 10:22:58 PM
GSmartControl Plugin updated

Thanks to Nikky Reply 68 (

Downloads\AppY\Security\Diagnostic\GSmartControl Plugin
Downloads\AppY\Security\Diagnostic\GSmartControl_File Plugin

See: Adding 3rd party Plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi (

If you already have the The Plugin :
See Lancelot Reply 1 tutorial Small Green Download Button on Plugins (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 19, 2019, 10:23:19 PM
WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Plugin updated

Thanks to Nikky Reply 68 (

Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Plugin

See: Adding 3rd party Plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi (

If you already have the The Plugin :
See Lancelot Reply 1 tutorial Small Green Download Button on Plugins (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 19, 2019, 10:28:32 PM
Hi Nikky,

Better update your Nikky PCI-Z Plugin topic ( First Post with latest PCI-Z plugin on Reply 68 (  :thumbsup:

I made cosmetic changes on other plugins Reply 68 ( I hope you like them.

See You Around.  :cheers:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on March 20, 2019, 05:15:45 PM
Hi Nikky,

Better update your Nikky PCI-Z Plugin topic ( First Post with latest PCI-Z plugin on Reply 68 (  :thumbsup:
I just did it > checked

I made cosmetic changes on other plugins Reply 68 ( I hope you like them.
Yes, I like it > checked

I was busy and sniffed a little why WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic doesn't work very well on x64 bulids.
The application is only x86 I think relies on IE x86 for the display of the results (generated by a custom window with html).
Dependency Walker is crying for some xxxxxxxxx modules.
Maybe someone more experienced finds out what's missing for x64.


Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 21, 2019, 06:00:09 AM
Hi Nikky,

Do not use Dependency Walker  :wink:
Procmon gives much more accurate results
(Never use or use only after checking with other tools)
Procmon Plugin put some premade filters to get life easier
Apps\System Tools\Debug\"Sysinternals Process Monitor (Procmon)" Plugin
Check filters I guess at the top of procmon toolbars
Check latest Explorer Addons, I recently add 2 new plugins to project distribution to get life easier
Apps\System Tools\Explorer Addons\
I am sure you will like these new plugins side by side with JFX VersionTabXP that will help you figure out ehat is missing.

I will take a look to your WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic case when I find time at home...

\Downloads\ plugins updated few days ago to find all plugins easier with a full list of plugins.   :cheers:

Ps: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 21, 2019, 07:30:21 PM
WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Plugin updated

Thanks to Nikky Reply 68 ( Reply 74 ( for reporting.

Downloads\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Plugin

See: Adding 3rd party Plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi (

If you already have the The Plugin :
See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 22, 2019, 05:30:41 AM
Hi Nikky,

WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Plugin updated

A little more improvement with Extract codes which makes plugin faster.

It will be easy for you to see changes with comparing v12 or v14 with v15 .
All similar plugins use the same code routine to gain this speed advantage.

Tip: with v12 or v14 at hand, use the Small Yellow Compare button at right top of plugin ui.

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: mayerflash on March 26, 2019, 08:11:05 AM
Hi Lancelot,

can you please update these Plugins?

Easeus Todo Backup (current Version 11.5)


Macrium Reflect Free (current Version 7.2.4063)

Thank you.

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 26, 2019, 05:24:49 PM
Hi mayerflash,

Better ask Prz42 for an updated "Easeus Todo Backup" and "Macrium Reflect Free" Plugins

Prz42 likes to work on these App plugins a lot.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on March 27, 2019, 12:06:59 PM
Nothing big but some may be interesting.
In Mozilla Firefox ESR (P) script I added the Custom settings / profile option, you now, bookmarks and so on.
Proposal for v17  :grin:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 27, 2019, 12:51:39 PM
Nice Proposal  :thumbsup:

Mozilla Firefox ESR (P) Plugin v18 on the server now with little things.
 See changes with Compare button.  :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on March 27, 2019, 01:42:09 PM
I'm glad you liked the proposal.
Smart code changes.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 31, 2019, 06:46:05 AM
Hi mayerflash,

can you please update these Plugins?

Easeus Todo Backup (current Version 11.5)

Better ask Prz42 for an updated "Easeus Todo Backup" and "Macrium Reflect Free" Plugins

See Prz42 latest Easeus Todo Backup plugin updated today :
Prz42 Reply #48

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on March 29, 2020, 11:27:20 AM
I get a pm !

lancelot where is caffeina plugin?


See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

Also See
Lancelot Reply 15

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on May 04, 2020, 04:03:24 PM
Here is my suggestion for an update DiskInternals Linux Reader,
I predicted that a version could be selected (2.6 / 4.0),
analogous to that the old container would be > DiskInternals_Linux_Reader26_File.Script,
with a renamed setup > Linux_Reader26.exe,
and new one > DiskInternals_Linux_Reader40_File.Script with > Linux_Reader40.exe
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 06, 2020, 12:36:24 AM
Hi Nikky,

I create a to do list to the end of Reply 34

let me know if I miss something ?

When I find time in a bit far future ...
 you already know that I am always a slow turtle  :turtle:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on May 07, 2020, 01:18:16 PM
As I promised Lancelot  :wink:

here is ImgBurn_v24 script,
the improvements are:
- Language preselect
- minor code improvements
- correct portable mode, this means that the settings are in the ini file next to the program and not in the registry
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 07, 2020, 08:45:15 PM

Thanks Nikky,

Keep them coming when you have time  :cheers:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on May 22, 2020, 09:54:55 PM
Again something new from my bakery  :tongue:

IrfanView plugin v3

Someone will say I was too complicated but I wanted to cover all possible combinations.
Changes and options:
- retained the old 4.50 version and added the current 4.54 version, x32 and x64 program ver.
- unlike other programs here you have the option to choose whether you want x32 or x64 program ver. independently is source arch x86 or x64
- the above does not apply to GENA where it is hardcoded to x32 program ver. due to problems with x64 program ver. (remark in plugin)
- ability to install and configure supported languages
- the ability to use provide files that allows you to use custom IrfanView plugins, attention, they are different for x32 and for x64 program ver.
- it seems like I’m repeating myself  :grin: correct portable mode, this means that the settings are in the ini file next to the program and not in the registry
- code completely reorganized

Eventually simplify and throw out the old 4.50 version ??

Suggestions and comments are welcome  :thumbsup:

too big for attachment, cca 11 MB: (
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 24, 2020, 11:23:00 AM
Thanks Nikky,

As you notice these days I can not spend much time on app Plugins
todo list gets shorter and longer
(at the end of )
along with recent Ime toolbar related things on another topic,
 thanks JFX for new patches and new GetWaik tools,
 and thanks slore new wimbuilder ....

I save a copy of your Irfanview and Kingsoft Plugins, thanks for taking my attention.  :thumbsup:

slowly to do :turtle:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 26, 2020, 06:04:34 PM
Hi Nikky,

Here is my suggestion for an update DiskInternals Linux Reader,

Plugin and Container Plugin updated, only update existing DiskInternals Linux Reader Plugin and its container
(ps: no need 2 container on this case  :wink: )

See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 2: Update Plugins with File Container (

See if it works the way you suggest.  :thumbsup:

Slowly to the next todo :turtle:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 26, 2020, 09:43:21 PM
Hi Nikky,
the improvements are:
- Language preselect
- minor code improvements
- correct portable mode, this means that the settings are in the ini file next to the program and not in the registry

As I promised following you, ImgBurn v25 Plugin on server following your changes.

one thing:
/settings parameter does not work here
/portable works fine which read default ImgBurn.ini file  :wink: so I only use /portable on the Launch button.

Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (


Code: [Select]
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (


let me know how it works on your side.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 26, 2020, 10:45:29 PM
Forgot to mention,

Dism++ Plugin also updated
Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Dism_PlusPlus.Script"
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

next, Nikky IrfanView  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on May 27, 2020, 10:31:51 AM
Tnx Lancelot,

I will check,

meanwhile, nothing complicated, just newer versions:

ASoft NET Version Detector 19 R1b - plugin v2

TechPowerUp ATTO Disk Benchmark 4.01.0f1 - plugin v8

so you don't get bored  :w00t:

EDIT: I didn't make a new bulid, I just looked at the code,

in ImgBurn you forgot / skipped to put in Add Shortcuts parameter (you added it in the Launch routine):
Code: [Select]
// Add_Shortcuts
// Commandline /portable

the rest is ok.

Neeext  :great:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 27, 2020, 04:09:56 PM
Hi Nikky,

New Irfanview Plugin on server :

Both Plugin and FileContainer updated

See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 2: Update Plugins with File Container (

For now not added "Provide" options to keep things simple, remind me after summer  :lol:

The language change now working with
Code: [Select]
test with Launch button  :wink:

ps: also added Chinese_Simp and Chinese_TW

ps: not converted to ascii, only Call,IniWrite, used to update ini file

I improve registry lines with:

Association requires more work, something I have not learn yet (tested with Azin-Wimbuilder - .png file)

Thanks for ImgBurn comments,
I tested ImgBurn portable language change with "Launch" button where it did not work before, maybe I miss something again....
I will check your previous post more tonight  :thumbsup:

so you don't get bored  :w00t:
With smile on my face, I am going to the market now.  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 27, 2020, 07:25:52 PM
Hi Nikky
in ImgBurn you forgot

I forgot.

ps: when there is Imgburn.ini inside same folder ImgBurn runs Portable mode  :wink:

Anyway, I put /portable switch the way you like  :thumbsup:
You can add switch to shortcuts easier with clean syntax :
Code: [Select]

New Imgburn v26 on server now

Neeeeext  :great:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 27, 2020, 07:44:34 PM
Hi Nikky,

meanwhile, nothing complicated, just newer versions:

ASoft NET Version Detector 19 R1b - plugin v2

new "ASoft NET Version Detector" Plugin on server
Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\Tests_.Net\ASoft NET Version Detector.Script"
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (


Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on May 27, 2020, 08:04:12 PM
Hi Nikky,

TechPowerUp ATTO Disk Benchmark 4.01.0f1 - plugin v8

New "ATTO Disk Benchmark L" Plugin on server
Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\ATTO Disk Benchmark_L.script"
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 08:23:49 PM
Hi Nikky,

Since no new topic, for now, I will continue here, I do not want to disturb Prz42 topic more:
(probably move few recent replies here later)

the main thing is to find answers to the questions asked above,
when you catch the time, try to figure out,
witch drv is for witch os (.1 - .8), see my drv_info section,

I wish I finish my notes about reading .iss, I hope next year:

Following .iss file I believe :

EUDCPEPM,1.sys -> NT5.0 x86 (W2000 SP4)
EUDCPEPM,2.sys -> NT5.1 x86 (XP)

I suspect EC_IsWinnet is Nt5.2 (NT5.2 There is Win2003 x86 AND Win2003 x64 AND XP x64)
EUDCPEPM,3.sys -> NT5.2 x86
EUDCPEPM,4.sys -> NT5.2 x64

I suspect EC_Is6_X_32 is NT6x (Vista Win7 Win8 Win8.1 + NT6x server ..)
EUDCPEPM,5.sys -> NT6 x86
EUDCPEPM,6.sys -> NT6 x64

I guess EC_Is_be10 is NT10 (Win10)
EUDCPEPM,7.sys -> NT10 x86
EUDCPEPM,8.sys -> NT10 x64

EuEpmGdi,1.dll x86
EuEpmGdi,2.dll x64

For the rest,
to be "Is_be10_64" or  "not Is_be10_64"  :lol:

and there was a .iss case that check server or not in the past ...

again writing, I wish I finish my notes about reading .iss ....

It gives me a headache now  :lol:

I feel to be lazy on this case, and continue with EASEUS_Partition_Master_Nikky_v3_4.7z ...
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 08:35:56 PM
as you already know,
to the top of a process will make version check with %SourceArch%


but some applications also check if server or not, and use different .sys files with server or workstation

I can not remember clearly now, next year I need to work on .iss  :lol: ....
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 05, 2020, 08:57:47 PM
OK, we will continue here,

see what I found:
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 09:42:44 PM
Hi Nikky,

Added to server now :
Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\HD Tasks\EASEUS_Partition_Master_Nikky.Script"
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

with the same cosmetics  :wink:
simple compare will show you, nothing on the code side.

Good to see you quickly learn innounp extract with filelist  :cheers:

I also update FileContainer with epm  :wink:

now I am moving on checking the light on other tunnel  :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 05, 2020, 09:59:10 PM
OK, i think the excess should have been cleared before posting ...

let me know the test result from VM (x86 and x64),

so to make the final version.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 10:02:18 PM
let me know the test result from VM (x86 and x64),
VM x64 test is fine
I simply resize partition inside vm  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 10:09:23 PM
nice UI for innounp files
I will use it on my windows   :great:

a quick plugin from you will be nice too  :wink:

ps: Next year probably we can have such a standalone ui for plugin attachments   :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 05, 2020, 10:16:50 PM
Yes, but  I'm interested for x86 too,
that we have confirmation before publication  :smile:

UI for innounp an important function to extract embed code and so on ...

try to find "unlock" for all options  :innocent:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 10:20:22 PM
Ok, as the last task of today, I will quickly test x86 for you in some minutes

see what I found:
Code: [Select]

too much to read, I add all your useful links to Innounp Plugin  :lol:
 They will be useful to "understand" innounp .iss files next year  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 10:25:46 PM
build start with Win10x86 source now,
btw, if you use or have Hyper-V, I will ask you to test something else if you are interested  :wink:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 05, 2020, 10:37:25 PM
Failure with Win10x86 source
"This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin 'windows' in "".

nothing on log ...

It should be easy to fix, but time to sleep now.

See you tomorrow
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 06, 2020, 12:17:33 PM
Hi Nikky,

See you tomorrow
technically I continue today  :lol:

I first add missing x86 files to \bin\ folder ( comparing working x64 )

\{app}\bin\ -> files are same and x86:
msvcm90,1.dll - msvcm90,2.dll
msvcp90,1.dll - msvcp90,2.dll
msvcr90,1.dll - msvcr90,2.dll
(zlib1.dll x86)

still same error,

later I add \platforms\ folder to \bin\ folder, now working  :thumbsup:
(maybe only adding \platforms\ is enough to fix, not tested, reminding,
 I do not test all epm features, as written previously my interest is only a good epm plugin  :thumbsup:)

(dircopy \bin\platforms\)

epm x86 works on Win10PE x86  :thumbsup:

Further on your hands.

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 06, 2020, 12:23:51 PM
no need
\EaseUS\Partition Master\bin\x64\
on x86 build

Tip:  If you do not have x86 source (or as a shortcut), you can test "plugin process" with Set,%SourceArch%,x86 at top of plugin  :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: gbrao on June 07, 2020, 07:58:59 AM
I found this a short while ago. Now, I use it quite a lot.
You may want to add it to your PE.

'Copy to' and 'Move to' from context menu :

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To]

Code: [Select]
// Copy To and Move To Folder
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\Classes\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To",,{C2FBB630-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\Classes\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To",,{C2FBB631-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}

Insert somewhere, not worth making a plugin just for this ;-)
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 07, 2020, 02:57:04 PM
Insert somewhere, not worth making a plugin just for this ;-)
Sorry gbrao, too late  :lol:, I had made a plugin ~8 years ago
Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\ComponentsY\Tweaks Explorer\Exp ContextMenu_CopyMove.script"
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 08, 2020, 02:20:05 PM
Finally, my version of EaseUS Partition Master done  :grin:

I didn't get to do it before  :wink:
Important info from James XPE version, tnx James  :thumbsup:

- it should work properly on both arh
- added option to add or not Disc Clone module

If something doesn't work please report it.

Lancelot, please add to server and recreate file container, there is no point in uploading somewhere, tnx
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 08, 2020, 02:24:17 PM
I didn't get to do it before  :wink:
no Problem, life keep all of us busy  :thumbsup:

recreate file container,
no need to, after I see your plugin I changed my idea and update FileContainer 2 days ago.
Code: [Select]
History003=Lancelot update plugin epm - EaseUS Partition Master (Prz42) do not use FileContainer anymore - EaseUS Partition Master Nikky Plugin use current FileContainer - Date:2020.06.06

sorry, I do not always post for each update  :lol:

See you on next replies soon  :wink:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 08, 2020, 02:28:35 PM
Well done, logical when it's essentially the same container.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 08, 2020, 04:05:03 PM
Hi Nikky,

Well, I changed my mind again  :lol:
Following your request, I update FileContainer with the new file name  :thumbsup:

Thanks for the update, It is nice to test out of box working, I only fixed 1 line, rest cosmetics  :great:

on server now, click compare button to see changes.

I did same cache you did with epm files in the past  :great:

I feel enough epm for you now.  :lol:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 08, 2020, 04:20:19 PM
forgot to write, I had tested with both x86 and x64 sources and resize partition with both  :great:

after you compare and see changes, download the new plugin so we can continue with same page in future  :thumbsup:

See You ... :turtle:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 08, 2020, 04:58:34 PM
Thanks for the update, It is nice to test out of box working, I only fixed 1 line, rest cosmetics  :great:
The whole effort is to work out of the box.
I forgot to ask about it *..dll.mui > Require_FileQ automatically adds mui files,
now I know that too  :wink:

I feel enough epm for you now.  :lol:

pretty much  :w00t:

I forgot to mention,
it should work properly in other projects as well,
even on GENA, currently disabled,

if there is a problem, probably just need to select the appropriate drivers.

until next task,
See You  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 08, 2020, 05:09:31 PM
pretty much  :w00t:
and a minor update on server now,

see line with %TargetWOW64%

without wow64 enabled on none-x86 build, copy to SysWOW64 folder useless,
 there may even no SysWOW64 folder around with a none-x86 build.  :wink:
  which will cause a FileCopy failure ...  :cool:

until next task,

epm was a pretty long task indeed, Well done  :xmas-beer: :xmas-thumbsup:

See You
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 08, 2020, 05:26:23 PM
See additional info from post before,

for SysWOW64,
the same goes only when the sourcearh is x64.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 08, 2020, 05:44:03 PM
See additional info from post before,
I could not figure out which reply ...

for SysWOW64,
the same goes only when the sourcearh is x64.

On PE some prefer to disable wow64 and delete SysWOW64 folder these days with many available x64 apps now on the web.
As default, we always enable wow64 with projects since years now ....
Better Plıugins ready for both conditions  :thumbsup:

Time to go out now, I will continue when I come back.
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 08, 2020, 06:28:25 PM
Hi Lancelot,

I referred to this:
I forgot to mention,
it should work properly in other projects as well,
even on GENA, currently disabled,

if there is a problem, probably just need to select the appropriate drivers.

APT reported:
Hi Nikky

thanks for your Partition Master plugin, can I check a scenario with you. If I use your main plugin, on first use - update both plugin and plugin file via respective download buttons, I end up with the latest plugin and a populated matching plugin _File

EASEUS_Partition_Master_Nikky_File.Script 58MB, because its pre-populated I would expect the plugin to check it's existance and work by extracting it's files, but it still requires the 'Provide File' epm.exe to work, is this by design?

also without being pedantic may I point out that the word Extract is misspelled five times in the script, which wouldn't normally matter but one is on the interface - Exctract Files button, for me would look more complete corrected
Try to fix it so that everything is fine  :tongue:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 08, 2020, 08:33:30 PM
Hi Nikky,

About epm on Gena:
As I wrote before, I am not much interested to epm at all  :wink:
My interest is only about Plugin writing.
To me If I have a wide free time, It will be only fun to get epm plugin work with Gena.

About Report:
Well Plugins have some features better to classify:
1) "Provie File"
2) "Download  from manufacturer"
3) "FileContainer" ( FileContainer can be plugin itself like ImgBurn plugin or a separate file )

ps: That is the reason "Download  from manufacturer" and separate "FileContainer" download buttons significantly different (icons, position on plugin ui)

a Plugin can have 3 together by design. No need to correct anything. :thumbsup:

Especially with epm like applications, it is the best way.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
 I like to see a plugin work not only today but also tomorrow.  :cheers:

This way when Easeus update epm.exe,
 and an end-user try his luck with "Download  from manufacturer" and report a failure,
  Plugin author knows 1) Time come to update plugin 2) Plugin still working fine with FileContainer

No need to rush to update plugin,
 %99 cases the previous version works fine for the task
    and it is not always easy to find free time with real life.

and when plugin developer find free time to update Plugin there is Bonus
Bonus: It is easier to work on working plugin with the previous version with the new one by comparing extracted files.
 Simple compare quickly gives a picture of what the manufacturer changed.
  Well with this epm experience, you see gaining time is important.  :wink:

Generally, be careful about misguides out of public topics  :wink:
 I believe APT already knows above explanation,
  only It is surprising to me APT still use Plugins.
   Although APT active around, I have not seen APT on any Plugin development topic for a long while now. (Maybe 1 or 2 or ... years)  :wink:

See You
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 08, 2020, 08:37:24 PM
btw, I had also noticed misspelled Extract, but since code part is correct it only gave me a big smile "Nikky likes that way"  :lol:
 Since I sometimes do similar things intentionally. :wink:
  All fine from my point of view.  :cheers:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 08, 2020, 09:01:31 PM
OK, it's a little easier for me now  :great:

smile is important these days,
a mistake that is actually an advantage  :w00t:

See You

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 08, 2020, 09:20:33 PM
Neeext  :lol: :thumbsup:

If you want me to update or add new plugins to the server, it is the time now  :great:

I will have a nice summer and will be around only to post with phone at summer time.  :wink:

Summer time and the livin is easy  :beach_chair:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 10, 2020, 01:07:49 PM
Simple and fast CPU-Z update:
- to last v1.9.2.0 version
- x86/x64 program folder name logic
- CheckUpdates switch off (remove if you don't like it)

Neeext  :lol:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 10, 2020, 01:32:41 PM
Hi Nikky,

I will follow when I come back home, now time to go out. :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 10, 2020, 01:54:25 PM
+ Continue to the Next, I will catch you  at most tomorrow

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 10, 2020, 02:18:54 PM
Take it easy, no rush  :cool:

happy landing  :lol:

Here are two suggestions for the Network section:

WakeMeOnLan NirSoft >

we have something similar but this one has more options,

and LAN & WAN IP >

it looks old but it works  :lol:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 11, 2020, 06:27:53 PM
Nirsoft software Yummy, ip2 interesting ..... Neeeext Nikky  :thumbsup:

A little more delay and all will be done at once.   :cheers:

:ironing: :vacuum: :soccer:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 11, 2020, 06:43:10 PM
Don't worry, I'm just cooking something  :tongue:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 12, 2020, 07:55:28 AM
Hi Nikky,

2 new plugins on server now :
Code: [Select]
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

it looks old but it works  :lol:
There are many cases "old is nice"  :cool:

Code: [Select]
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

I am slowly catching you :cheers: , 1 left   :turtle:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 12, 2020, 01:21:59 PM
Last but not the least  :lol:

Update for ESET Online Scanner v3,

- add option to use old embeded version or to dl. actual (currently version
- Info label

program changes:
- completely redesigned UI
- more languages / translations in program (Drop-down for language selection)
- more options
- unfortunately it had to come to anoying news (Customer Experience Improvement Program, and whether to enable the feedback system, Displaying of banners)
- luckily everything can be solved with a few more clicks to skip or unselect
- seems to need a smaller amount of data (AV definitions) than mentioned in the plugin
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 12, 2020, 08:48:02 PM
Hi Nikky,
- seems to need a smaller amount of data (AV definitions) than mentioned in the plugin

I believe you are right

....\Appdata\Local\ESET\ --> 195 MB

probably I had counted this since it is the space used by fbwf  ...

I will split ESET Online Scanner Plugin so easier to maintain, one for Nt5x (Gena) other Vista Win7 and Later.  :thumbsup:
mostly finished CPUZ, I am about to catch you,
 neeeext  :cheers:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 12, 2020, 10:52:35 PM
Maybe the categorization is wrong (one for Nt5x (Gena) other Win7 and Later).
When I tested old version, it worked ok on W10PESE.
Just put a different name and comment / note about supported projects / os - es.

I think that’s enough for the spring updates edition  :hyper: :cheers:

For you :surfing: :beach_chair: :easy_life: :cheers:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 12, 2020, 10:56:38 PM
Hi Nikky,

New Plugins on the server :

Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\HW Info\Cpu-Z.Script"
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

I catch you. ( ) :turtle:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 12, 2020, 11:05:52 PM
Yes, you are, a good association  :thumbsup:

EDIT: Correct descriptions, old ver is, new (actual) is
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 12, 2020, 11:15:19 PM
We reply same times...

Yes, v2 Plugin works on NT5 and later, so I add no notes on that since we start with NT5 projects.
latest works on Win7 and later (according to the website) so on the description "(Win7 and Later)"

as long as database links do not change and both can use same database, it will work ...
  but in passing time things can change ... life ... (probably I will delete v2 from the server when the time come ... )
For today you can use both plugins, they use different folders.  :wink:

some notes:
Check Plugins to update your templates, I am sure you will like some updates on new plugins
you can use a single parameter with convert
there is also Call,ConvertUTF-8ToASCII,%AnotherFile%
You can also use Call,IniWrite for simple 1 or 2 iniwrites
NirSoft apps are special .... since They are very small apps, you can notice I use the same template special to Nirsoft on all NirSoft plugins.
(done on last Package updates of projects 2020.03.03)
For bigger apps and other conditions, I prefer other methods, NirSoft plugins method is not good for other apps >5 MB ...

I think that’s enough for the spring updates edition  :hyper: :cheers:

For you :surfing: :beach_chair: :easy_life: :cheers:

For me some other last updates and :surfing: :beach_chair: :easy_life: :cheers:

Well tomorrow special Dinner Day of the week  :cool:
I hope I can finish last updates in a few days.  See You. :turtle:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 13, 2020, 10:36:44 AM
Hi Lancelot

You were not careful about ESET,
there are almost identical versions on the server,  :ohmy:
new version recognize by its size,

quick fix, separate plugins, v2 and v3 by program versions and not by plugin versions,
everything is checked, you just have to put it on the server.

due to size (for v3) i had to upload here: ( (

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 13, 2020, 11:40:22 AM
You were not careful about ESET,

I think I was ...

following your idea of your previous codes, It was downloading latest Eset from server,
 + add latest version info to the ui
  -> and Launch button changed with other things following your idea,
     See current "Title=ESET Online Scanner" Plugin v4

now It seems you changed your initial idea and attach Eset to plugin
 - remove latest version info from the ui
  - Launch button with attached Eset

Plugins versions on servers:
Title=ESET Online Scanner ----- Version=004
Title=ESET Online Scanner v2 ---- Version=003
I did not split by Program versions, I only save a legacy with version name & title like other legacy Plugins  :wink:

Anyway, I am fine following your changes  :thumbsup:
I will update Eset Plugins tomorrow, still, you can check current ones on the server :
Code: [Select]
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (

Tip: Better First Download Plugins with a CodeBox later Download Button instead of checking Yomi index,
 Yomi index is not active updating, unlike Plugins.
---> This will also help better catch each other changes. :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 13, 2020, 11:43:59 AM
OK, Yes sir  :lol:

EDIT: My error, update / proposition will come shortly
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 13, 2020, 11:50:26 AM
Check Plugins on server Nikky,

I now notice your attached plugins are your new modifications of old plugins  :wink:

You are the right foot, and I am following you with the left foot, which requires followed by right foot ...  :lol: :lol:

If right foot always starts from point A, we will make an interesting circle clock-wise direction  :lol: :lol::lol: :lol:
--> I call this "circle development" on replies time to time  :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 13, 2020, 12:12:25 PM
I checked again,
you're right,
it's better this way,
smaller plugin on server,

final and no more changes  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 13, 2020, 12:44:17 PM
Feel free to make any more changes  :thumbsup:
 Eset tomorrow :great: Dinner Party 2 hours   :dance: :happy:

and maybe other things on other plugins  :wink:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 13, 2020, 01:04:18 PM
Go and have a good time,

at least one virtual beer :cheers:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 15, 2020, 10:50:36 AM
Thanks Nikky  :cheers:

In addition to logo, I also add OpenDir button and Download checkbox   :thumbsup:

New Plugin on server  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Nikky on June 15, 2020, 11:59:58 AM
Yes, that's it  :great:
Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 18, 2020, 01:02:36 PM
and where is cleanup Kingsoft WPS Office ?  :wink:

All about priority on TODO list and interest and available free time. :lol:

Kingsoft WPS is at a very very low level to me :wink: with LibreOffice Portable available and easier to use ....
 Well, It is good you can easily convert and make it work anyway.  :great:


Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 19, 2020, 08:50:47 PM
I think we've done enough work  for the "spring update package"   :w00t:  :hyper:

Coming soon,

Another last-minute delay because of another development following a request rise today ...

As a bonus, hopefully at the end of development
we will have a nice ini app that works on ini files out of box without conversion  :wink:

meanwhile, I can continue on some updates you notice  :whistling:

Title: Re: Yomi (General Plugins Collection)
Post by: Lancelot on June 20, 2020, 03:19:44 PM
All NirSoft Plugins and Q-Dir Plugin updated

\Apps\File Tasks\
"Q-Dir Nenad" Plugin

"WakeMeOnLan NirSoft" Plugin
"WifiInfoView NirSoft" Plugin
"WirelessNetView NirSoft" Plugin
"wireless Network Watcher NirSoft" Plugin

"ProduKey NirSoft" Plugin

\Apps\System Tools\
"BlueScreenView NirSoft (M)" Plugin
"DevManView NirSoft" Plugin
"DriverView NirSoft" Plugin
"NTFSLinksView NirSoft" Plugin
"ServiWin NirSoft" Plugin
"USBDeview NirSoft" Plugin

\Apps\System Tools\Debug\
"FileAccessError NirSoft" Plugin
"FileActivityWatch NirSoft" Plugin
"FolderChangesView NirSoft" Plugin
"ProcessActivityView NirSoft" Plugin

\Apps\System Tools\Registry\
"RegFromApp NirSoft" Plugin
"RegistryChangesView NirSoft" Plugin

See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (
See: Adding 3rd party Plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi (

Have Fun  :cheers:
