I've been trying to get a Win10 Pro 1809 build customized with more recent builds of VC++ than just 8-9. I need 11 and 12 for a couple apps I'm working on integrating. I tried running the Mega updater, but it complained stating "...not found or not downloaded". Then, I came here, and saw there was a newer version of the Mega script, so I downloaded it and dropped it in place of the one that was there. Now, I see more app options, so I added the VC runtimes and a JRU instance and clicked Download. It added the JRU script, but complained about not being able to find or download the VC or the XPE MoPlugins packages. I tried updating the Mega script by hitting U, and it downloaded about 20MB worth of something (couldn't tell from the console window), and then complained about not being able to find or download MegaCommandSetup.exe. Ahh...what did you JUST download then?
Anyway, I'm pretty stuck at this point. I searched here a bit, but couldn't find anything useful on either the VC or Mega update front. I am running WinBuilder as admin, and it was a freshly downloaded extraction from a couple days ago. Any helpful tips or tricks? If RTFM'ing, please point me to the FM. :^)