Topic: How do I add Drivers to my Win10PE SE Project? Help needed! Please!  (Read 216 times)


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Hi guys! :lol:

Well I've successfully built my "Vanilla", "Out-of-the-Box", Win10PE SE Project, AND with some awesome help from @RoyM and @APT, I've even added a couple of Plugins/Scripts/Apps to my Project as well. :w00t:

Now I need to add some Drivers to my Win10PE SE Project. I've been searching around and I haven't been able to locate any Utilities, or  the Docs, Articles, or YouTubes that might help me find the correct utilities, to do the job, and how to do it. :confused:

I'd be really grateful if someone could please point out to me the correct utilities & tools for adding Drivers to Win10PE SE, and the location of any Docs, Articles, or YouTubes how to do it. :w00t:

Thanks in advance! :great:

Blessings, :thumbsup:

« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 04:53:52 PM by tgparker2011 »

Re: How do I add Drivers to my Win10PE SE Project? Help needed! Please!
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2020, 04:52:59 PM »


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Well gang, I finally figured out how to install Drivers into Win10PE SE:  :thumbsup:

Here's what I did:  :great:

1.) Run "Double Driver Export Host Drivers" and create a BackUp of all my PC main system drivers.
2.) Copy the drivers I want to Win10PESE\Workbench\Common\Drivers_Export_DD_x64\ Sub Folder
3.) Go to the Drivers > Driver Integration Sub-Menu and enter drivers' location.
3.) Check the "Load Drivers at startup" box
4.) Check the "Startmenu Shortcut" box.
5.) Run the Big Blue "Start" Arrow.
6.) After I "burned" "Win10PESE_x64.ISO" to a USB Thumbrive I was delighted to see that Win10PESE booted and all the drivers loaded properly.

My next project is to properly pre-configure Components > PENetwork :w00t:

Blessings! :lol:

TG :cool:

Re: How do I add Drivers to my Win10PE SE Project? Help needed! Please!
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2020, 10:34:17 PM »


  • Moderator, Code Baker
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tgparker2011, you can also use the StartMenuRedirect plugin in the Win10PESE>Finals section of the builder to add at boot drivers and registry keys.


The main feature of the plugin "StartMenuRedirect" is actually off by default, unless you run the actual app the plugin installs in PE from inside PE.  It just enables the ability to take a snapshot of the start menu and save it if you decide to use it (if you make any changes) otherwise it does not affect your build in any noticable way.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 10:40:02 PM by bob.omb »

Re: How do I add Drivers to my Win10PE SE Project? Help needed! Please!
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2020, 12:01:20 PM »


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@bob.omb :cool:

TY for getting back to me. Nice to see that you're still around!   Are you still using/working/supporting Win10PE SE or have you moved on to Win10XPE? 

I will definitely follow up on your suggestions!

BTW I have another question about Win10E SE The "Finals > Optimizations" Sub-Menu, and I'm hoping that you can help me with it.

Could you please explain to me the required settings with: the "Finals > Optimizations" Sub-Menu

to give me the Following RESULT if possible: "DESKTOP-A9A9A9A" the "A9A9A9A" part being a random changing variable in a similar way the COMPUTER NAME feature defaults to "minint-bloa8ffor" AND/OR the way the COMPUTER NAME feature works in Win10XPE. Simply put, I want to change "minint-bloa8ffor" to "DESKTOP-BLOA8FFOR".

tgparker2011, you can also use the StartMenuRedirect plugin in the Win10PESE>Finals section of the builder to add at boot drivers and registry keys..
« Last Edit: September 22, 2020, 12:11:10 PM by tgparker2011 »

Re: How do I add Drivers to my Win10PE SE Project? Help needed! Please!
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2020, 01:42:44 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Nice to see you around bob.omb

The only hobby I have for a lon while is watching " Materchef Turkiye " and having dinner at home following menu

Good way to motivate homechef  :wink:

Tonight Lahmacun at home  :lol:

I have no time and I do not post, I login now after I see your reply to say hi

See you


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