How to Create Plugin for complex applications:A) Shortway,
If such application setup works, and you have limited time,
Use Utils\"PC Packed" to create plugin quickly that points setup executable (ex: setup.exe)
If shortway does not work for any reason (needs restart, not available space, etc..)
time to work harder.
B) Normal (Long) Way
** An emulator (VirtualBox, VMWare) where a windows installed (for your case nt6x would fit better, probably Win7 )
Tip: Take a "Snapshot" of emulator before testing things.

** What is done basically is,
Step 1) Gathering Things what software installer does. (mostly inside emulator)
Step 2) Create plugin that do same on build
( Things --> Registry + Files)
1st ) You will need & learn tools like
+ Procmon (to catch all changes and everything on the fly )
( Also Available at Apps\System Tools\Debug\"Sysinternals Process Monitor" )
+ RegShot2
( Also Available at Apps\System Tools\Registry\"RegShot2 Unicode" )
+ A file Shapshot software woud help to catch file changes, here are things I gather from internet to give idea:
InstallWatch Pro
SpyMe Tools
Tiny Watcher
Watch 4 Folder
Directory Monitor
Track Folder Changes
RegFromApp NirSoft
ProcessActivityView NirSoft
After you gather stuff,
Step 2) Create a plugin
+ Utils\"PC Packed" (Plugin Creator Packed)
As a start, you would pack all files into an archive (ex: .7z) an use "PC Packed"
+ Utils\"RegCPE" (Reg Convert PE)
This will help to convert .reg files to plugin format.
Step 2b)
If some files missing (dependencies) application would not work,
Procmon would help you to figure out missing files
Require_FileQ will be used on plugin to add files
ps: Also check FAQ about related things practiced (start practice with a simple software

It is fun ( and time) to create plugins for such softwares , + experience learning about many stuff how windows works.
See You