Topic: trouble adding plugins to iso (version win10pe_SE and Azin, both 2020-03-28)  (Read 106 times)


  • Apprentice
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  • Date Registered: Apr 2020
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First of all : NICE work guys. putting something together like that !!

i've played around with both win10pe_se and Azin, both versions 2020-03-28.
so the PE-SE version needs Azin to continue making the iso.
a base iso after clean install works perfectly from Azin.
i've added some (quite a few) plugins and got some issues.
(yes added the plugins through download and downoaded them there, reboot/refresh the program and selected(checkmark) them there.. and even downloaded them again on each and seperate plugin-page with the download (green) arrow (where there was one). and yes i've done it on the winbuilder as Azim (both) as well.
(so by this plugins are 4-times downloaded, so they should be there... no?)

on follow plugins i got a "fatal" error, where the ISO-build stops and i don't get any iso.
1. compiling with sophos:
FileRename - Failed to rename file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Azin\ML_Call_Download\Download\] to:[%BaseDir%\Temp\Azin\ML_Call_Download\Download\sav32sfx.exe] :
Het proces heeft geen toegang tot het bestand omdat het door een ander proces wordt gebruikt
the process has no access to the file because it is being used by an other process.

2.compiling with putty:
ExtractFile - Failed to expand file: [] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Azin\TempExtractFolder\PuTTY_x64]

3.compiling with BlueScreenView
Finished processing script: BlueScreenView (M)
counter jumps from 75 to 1  and processing stops, showing the main Azin window.

if i remove above tree plugins, i get a iso.
however, some warnings are shown in the logfiles, meaning some plugins are not added to the ISO.
and i'm not able to solve :
* FTKImager lite.. not able to download. no button no script,..
* Eventlog explorer sbl - elex.zib. not able to download, no button, no script.
  when pressing the download button : errormessage.
  can not find path\projects\tools\Azin\wget.exe check correct path, and try again.

please assist how i can solve those problems.
Thanks in advance.


  • Gena Baker
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Thanks for the report lieven,

I will check plugins you mention when I can find time to test.  :thumbsup:

Good to hear most works fine  :cheers:

« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 07:53:09 AM by Lancelot »


  • Gena Baker
  • Grand Chef
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  • Date Registered: Sep 2010
  • Posts: 10350
Hi lieven,

Just to be sure here are Plugins I tested:

Code: [Select]
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\PuTTY.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\PuTTY_File.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\BlueScreenView_M.script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\HD Tasks\FTK Imager Lite.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\HD Tasks\FTK Imager Lite_File.Script"
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\AppY\System Tools\Event_Log_Explorer_SB.script"

See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox

Use CodeBox under Azin.

Sophos - nothing to do, Sophos changed distribution method, It is a very old plugin for reference only, do not use
Putty - Plugin works fine here  :confused:
BlueScreenView (M) Plugin Fixed and rewritten, thanks for reporting  :thumbsup:
Even Log Explorer SBL Plugin Fixed, thanks for reporting  :thumbsup:
FTK Imager Lite works fine here  :confused:
"Event Log Explorer SBL"  Plugin Fixed, thanks for reporting  :thumbsup:

Using codebox above, you can quickly update plugins you have ...

Let us know how it goes with updated plugins ...



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