New tool I have created so you can easily view the event logs on a host computer whilst booted into PE
Requires .NET, but works with both 32-bit and 64-bit PE
.NET version = 4.6.1
Tested here on Win10XPE booting on hosts running Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 - all event logs available to read through
For security logs it also extracts more detailed information
Grid control used to display results enabled advanced filtering and searching of the event logs, and I have added code to group same events and for conditional formatting in colour of event level e.g. warning, error, information or critical
EDIT: can also press Ctrl+F to open up find dialog which allow searching event logs much quicker than you can with standard event viewer.
EDIT2: clicking on icons in column headers for advanced filtering

N.B. external link as too big for forum attachment
25/10/18 v1.1Event_Viewer_PE.7zWin10XPE plugin available here =
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28642#msg28642Was written for my own requirements but perhaps may be useful to someone else as well

Any problems please send me a PM along with following information - Windows version of your host including whether 32 or 64-bit, along with any errors messages or screenshots to help me fix problems