The Oven

Project World => Win10XPE HomePage => Topic started by: Bigbadmoshe on December 14, 2020, 09:26:13 AM

Title: Changing Program version automatically after update
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on December 14, 2020, 09:26:13 AM
im trying to get the version to change automatically after a app is updated.

this is what i am trying.

Code: [Select]
ShellExecute,Hide,%GTools%\7z.exe,"x #$q%ProvideFiles%\%SetupFile%#$q -y -o#$q%ProvideFiles%#$q %ProgramFolder%\%ProgramExe%"
IniWrite,%FileContainer%,Main,Description," %ProgramTitle% Version %ContainerVer% File Container"
IniWrite,%ScriptFile%,Main,Description,"(v%ContainerVer%) IsMyHdOK is a small program but effective solution to easily check the Performance of a Windows Volume eg. Partition!"

if any one can help much apriciated.
Title: Re: Changing Program version automatically after update
Post by: Jimehc on December 14, 2020, 11:10:15 AM
follow the variables (the first line) your extraction line has typo... 
Title: Re: Changing Program version automatically after update
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on December 14, 2020, 11:15:15 AM
follow the variables (the first line) your extraction line has typo... 

Damn. Some times we just have to open out eyes.

Thanks. Going to test and hope it's the only issue.
Title: Re: Changing Program version automatically after update
Post by: Jimehc on December 14, 2020, 11:20:11 AM
your first statement also has typo. LOL
Title: Re: Changing Program version automatically after update
Post by: Bigbadmoshe on December 14, 2020, 11:22:52 AM
your first statement also has typo. LOL

Damn again.

My hands getting ahead of myself