Topic: Minimal requirements to create a winpe  (Read 2326 times)

Minimal requirements to create a winpe
« on: January 24, 2018, 08:37:11 PM »


  • Jr. Chef
  • **
  • Date Registered: Aug 2011
  • Posts: 52
For to make a winpe i have captured some settings thats need to be changed. You can make your winpe easly by your hands without need third party software. I will not explain as easy as novice can understand but expert users can understand and apply easly.

First need to take a booting winpe from boot.wim index 1 or 2

Need to take DEFAULT,SOFTWARE,SYSTEM,NTUSER.DAT registry hives from install.wim of install DVD

Need to change all C:\ D:\ or etc. values to X:\ values in this hives with 3rd party tools. (I will not give name, The authors of such tools exist around) I prefer to use INFTOREG.EXE. I do not think you can find it around.

Mount this hives to your registry and make this changes. (not all of them is a must. there are some tweaks of me)




Now copy this hiv files to corresponding winpe folders (x:\windows\system32\config and x:\users\default)

When winpe boots it looks

"CmdLine"="Pecmd.exe Main %Windir%\\system32\\Pecmd.ini"

key. Write in here which shell you want to run forexample winpeshl.exe. i strongly advise you to use pecmd.exe and it's configuration txt file pecmd.ini. my sample pecmd.ini


Code: [Select]
EXEC !winpeshl.exe
LOGO %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg
FONT %SystemRoot%\Fonts,0
TEAM DISP W1024 H768 B32|DISP W1366 H768 B32|DISP W1208 H960 B32|DISP W1440 H900 B32|DISP W1600 H900 B32|DISP W1920 H1080 B32|NUMK 0
SHEL %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe

Now also needs to copy some inf,drivers,exe,dll files from windows install.wim to you winpe directories. I will not give you a file list.

This settings for Version="10.0.15063.0" Can be changed in other builds or Windows

If you are building Windows 10 you will need a start menu alternative you can copy startisback folder to program files folder and add this registry to your winpe


Dont forget to keep WindowsTrustedRT.sys driver in drivers folder. I have not disabled its service (normally i do). Probably you will have missing error if you forget.

Files are inside attachment
« Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 08:59:25 PM by vvurat »


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