- fixed Vista images could be applied in compact/wimboot mode- fixed compact:xpress4k using 8k compression with newer wimgapi.dll- fixed some command line ini option combinations- fixed vmware mounted drives disappear on winntsetup exit- new cmdline option regtweaks support wildcard file pattern- new scan offlines services to exclude Driverstore *.sys files from WOF Compression
WizTree v3.34@JamesURL has changed to wiztreefree.com/fileshttps://wiztreefree.com/download
Retrieve,FileVersion,%Target_Prog%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramExe%,%PV%StrFormat,RTRIM,%PV%,4,%PV1%IniWrite,%ScriptFile%,Main,Description,"(v%PV1%) The Process Explorer Program Files Will Be Added To Build "System,RefreshInterface