Maybe we need a section "Applications"◆ 2013.4.10
1. Fixed a bug that caused incorrect BCD device when using GPT disk;
2. New feature: when format a partition as FAT16/FAT32/ExFat file system, the reserved sectors can be customized now;
3. When re-partitioning a disk into multi-partitions, both MBR and GPT scheme are supported now;
4. BOOTICE supports partition internal structure optimization now. So, the reserved sectors, FAT table, and other structures of FAT16/FAT32/ExFat can be 4K-aligned, which brings performance increcement on SSD or 4K-sector hard disks.[
Ver 4.3.0 ]
1. New:
The Pro version added the function "Intelligent Load NTFS Partition", ignoring folder's index when loading partition, which is similar to the way Winhex does;
2. New:
Added the function setting sector size in the dialog box "Set Disk Geometry", which can be used to recover data when the sector size recorded by file system is not consistent with actual sector size;
3. New:
Added Japanese language support;
4. Enhanced:
When previewing files, the Pro version supports more video and audio file types;
5. Enhanced:
Supported loading Hyper-V VHDX virtual disk in a read-only way;
6. Enhanced:
More file types were added when the program searches for known file types: 3g2, m4v, mmf, X3F, M4R, AIF, MKV, MTS, WRF, WMF, VFB, VNT, IPA, PXL, GP5, VEG, DRW, QQ chatting records (.DB), etc;
7. Fixed:
It's available to input remarks in Chinese when the program backs up partition in its DOS version;
8. Fixed:
Rectified the BUG that the PartitionGuru 32bit version couldn't load PMF image of FAT partition;
9. Fixed:
Rectified the mistake that the backup mode All Files was adopted while the backup mode Data Sectors Only was supposed to be;
10. Fixed:
Removed the BUG that partitions couldn't be shown immediately after the scanning when the program was recovering files from FDD virtual disk.
11. Fixed:
Removed the BUG that the program stopped response when it loaded FAT partitions if the FAT table got damaged;
12. Fixed:
Rectified the problem that sometimes NTFS partitions couldn't be searched out;
13. Fixed:
Removed the BUG that error occurred when the program was parsing PMF files which were not backed up by file;
14. Fixed:
Removed the BUG that in the advanced settings of Backup Partition To Image File other folders might be excluded when adding folders that needs excluding;
15. Fixed:
Removed the BUG that in some occasions when partition table was saved the CHS parameter became incorrect;
16. Fixed:
Rectified the problem that the Pro version couldn't resize GPT partitions.
17. Fixed:
Removed the BUG that in some circumstances when recovering files the program corrupted.