This program is of my own making. If you'd like more info should be compatible with all versions of Windows and PE.
Automatic download of dism.exe thanks to JFX and the fantastic GetWaikTools.
To build with Gena you need to manually place GetWaikTools.script in Projects\Gena\Utils.
(Untill I can come up with a better way to link to the GetWaikTools.script)
This will probably be the final version of this program.
I am focusing my attention on Dism6.2_Gui (Win 8) has many more functions available.
It will have the same compatibility with all versions of Windows and PE.
I will post the plugin as soon as I complete the capture tab.
Even under Windows WILL NOT run from Program Files Dir
Moved Program Folder to System Drive
Version 2.5
Dism6.1_Gui.Script.7z (1175.56 kB - downloaded 343 times.)