The Oven
Project World => Win8.1 SE HomePage => Topic started by: Naito on August 09, 2018, 01:08:02 PM
Nr. 1 that I have Ethernet but no WiFi (looks like I missed to select something)
Nr. 2 is that I would like to remove the shortcuts on the left desktop site. The result should be a pure LiveCD (some sites don't like it if the user takes TAILS and comes from TOR)
Nr. 3 ist this missing file for Kleopatra
Nr. 4 is the same problem like Nr. 3 but from Opera
Nr. 5 is coming from the script and could make a pure user nervous. On the first start there is a window opening and tells the user that that the autostart of PortableApps was changed and the reason could be a virus etc.
:confused: any help welcome
Before somebody is asking, I used this folder structure
the reason is, that some of the portables cant be build as PAF portable and tools like Opera and Firefox are preconfigured (in Opera the VPN is enabled by default and in Firefox I added some useful Add-ons.
If you copy the non PAF portables to the right place the PortableApps menu can work with them. Because the PortableApps menu takes every EXE there are shown some nonsense select points, but there can be hidden with a simple rightclick (I only have to find a way to fix that inside the ISO before it can be shared | must be simple)
the Kleopatra problem could be fixed by adding DirectX
the Opera problem could be fixed be adding dxva2.dll to the Opera Folder
also the PortableApps menu could be edit by extracting it from the ISO, edit it and integrate it back to the ISO
not solved is the WiFi problem and I am wondering because TAILS has no problem on my computer to use WiFi = the controller cant be exotic