Thanks RoyM opening the topic,
now we are sure posts will not be deleted. :great:
Long story to short, Here is the package,
just extract to Win10XPE folder to test (does not overwrite anything) (
Only extract to Win10XPE , and click BigBlue, all should work fine.
( I just extract Win10XPE_2019-11-20.7z and to same folder, work fine here)
In the future, If not sabotage with another fake fabricated excuse, it will continue to work fine too.
To demonstrate all work fine, I add some plugins to the package
"Steps Recorder"
"Mouse_Cursors_Breeze Cursors by niivu" :lol:
"ExeProperties (ExtraBit)"
Plugins work fine out of the box without change or convert.
To exaggerate, I also add "VirtualBox Emulation" and "VMware Emulation" plugins, they work fine too without change or convert. :lol: :cool:
******** This quick Package even today naturally works better compared to any "to xpe Converter" ********
- Require_FileQ all working fine
- Require, all working fine (Require,FileList etc.)
- Call, should be fully working (my quick tests are ok)
- RunFrom partially working, following current Win10XPE design
- ChangeInterface, etc. should be working fine.
- RegAddBoot
I guess Win10XPE still uses pecmd, whatever the loader add a line equal to following cmd line JUST BEFORE Shell load :
If Exist %SystemRoot%\System32\ExpEnvVar.exe Start /Wait ExpEnvVar.exe
this should get RegAddBoot lines to work.
(see "Add Shortcut etc." plugin lines)
I hope this package stops black propaganda about Macro Library, Syntax and Plugins.
eg. "complex SE Macro's" -> wrong ----> correct: "Simple Plugin Macro's not available with Win10XPE so conversion can not fully work" etc.
In reality, you can convert App xpe-plugin to plugin easily, but the opposite is not easy. (to plugin converter will always result much better)
Macro Library, Syntax and Plugins designed well,
And Plugins works fine even with WimBuilder2 ( and LiveSystemPro ( here with another method,
Half-day work to create the above package self proves Plugin concept with its Syntax is very good. :cool:
Still better hope package stop this fabricated incompatibility relevant things to re-write or convert and posts etc...
This is a half-day Saturday work just to prove the concept with Win10XPE like I did a year ago but did not publish that times,
I do not have any more time, feel free to improve and distribute further, It is a very mature head start, I can assure all plugins %100 work if one improve the rest*.
At least you will not need conversions anymore,
ps: I can post feedback when required If I am around, see notes inside plugins ....
rest*: rest is mostly project-specific things.
eg. LiveSystemPro, WimBuilder2, Gena use different tools/methods (syntax) to create shortcuts during build, Win10XPE use pecmd to create shortcut at boot, ... etc.
Such things are out of Macro Library and Plugins, controlled by separate plugins.
eg. The current package has a separate "Add Shortcut" plugin for Win10XPE, Gena always has separate "Add Shortcut" plugin .....
Have fun. :turtle:
\DownloadsY\ Added to package, giving example:
On builder UI under Win10XPE
"Downloads Plugin Compatibility TOP" Plugin ----> Click Green Play Button
"Download Plugins - 1"" Plugin
----> Click Download button at the LEFT of \Appy\Accessibility\Zzoom_omiod
----> (you can Click Other Plugins Download buttons)
----> Click 'ReScan (Refresh) Plugins' button (Restart Button) (Green circle button on Plugin UI) ==> This will restart builder
"Downloads Plugin Compatibility END" Plugin ----> Click Green Play Button
You will see Win10XPE\Appy\Accessbility\Zzoom plugin available ;)
instruction with pictures also available here:
Why not use existing tools ??
Are there existing tools for making Script out of WinBuilder project's box(world)?
And Plugins works fine even with WimBuilder2 and LiveSystemPro here with another method
This is new thing. I'm glad to see it. Lancelot :thumbsup:
My project(WimBuilder2) has more functional Windows components, but it leaks of 3rd apps, or some tweaks, because it is new, less people create patch for it.
My personal is using PETools for loading/mounting the applications to do that, no need to add them in building.
But for the PE SE users, Lancelot's work can:
WIN10XPE + Plugin_Compatibility => v1903, v1909 supported Win10PE SE.
LiveSystemPro + Plugin_Compatibility => v1903, v1909 supported Win10PE SE.
WimBuilder2 + Plugin_Compatibility => v1903, v1909, 20H1 supported Win10PE SE.
(I don't try it yet, but the UI part is different, the plugin Interface won't be used, maybe build with default options.)
for the XPE users, Lancelot's work can:
Use existing good plugins with WIN10XPE project. Use those assets without spending time to make convert plugins, leave the plugin(s) work fine in both projects.
But for the WimBuilder2 users , Lancelot's work can:
Use existing good plugins with WimBuilder2. Use those assets without spending time.
Well, on WimBuilder2's design roadmap, In funture, The end users will add/update applications in the simplest way ---Just update the official download url or dist.
Chrome is updated in with next change lines in GoogleChrome_xxxx.script in Win10XPE-11-20.7z:
Title=Google Chrome v78.0.3904.97
Description=(v78.0.3904.97) Fast Free Web Browser. One browser for your computer, phone and tablet.
History001=KYHI Initial XPE Packed Plugin Created 2019.11.12
For WimBuilder2 is like:
use lastest version [Normal User]:
Just put downloaded 78.0.3904.97_chrome_installer.exe into vendor\Chrome\ folder with:
Or (Auto Download)
set SetupURL=
set SetupURLx64=
select version on UI(define new version) [Practised User]:
"78.0.3904.97": {"alias":"latest", "x64": "APxmP00ERnxueB1YewL8360", "x86" : "Z4qsd_C-892jH1fG88zAOg"},
"77.0.3865.75": {"x64": "DwRvDRtUADLGWiTxTGOE6A", "x86" : "ALZQVEfNiq-Fl8VbcSwmquI"},
WimBuilder2's design roadmap is off topic, I will remove them if someone PM me. (Those words come out on the topic, I wrote for recording it.)
Also this update design could be done with WinBuilder's script, if someone need simple way, he/her can try to make a plugin like this.