The Oven
Project World => FAQ & Tutorials => Topic started by: Lancelot on February 11, 2015, 01:27:51 PM
Following KYHI verrrry good Tutorial
How To Guide For New Users...
Here is Adding 3rd Party Plugins
Reply 0 1 = 1) \Downloads\
(adding plugins on servers)
Reply 2 3 4 = 2) MyPlugins_Direct and MyPlugins
+ Portable
+ Bulletin
(adding plugins out of servers)
1) \Downloads\
Many plugins available on servers and you can get them via \Downloads\
Tip: \Downloads\ designed to get all plugins on servers that does not exists on all projects.
1a) Update \Downloads\ - Update Download list
- First update Utils\'Downloads' plugin with "small green download" button at right-top
[attachimg=1 width=500]
--- under construction
[attachimg=2 width=500]
1b) Downloading with \Downloads\
Here an example to download 3 plugins:
[attachimg=3 width=500]
[attachimg=4 width=500]
[attachimg=5 width=500]
- Click "Download Button" at the left of the Plugin you want to download
- Click "ReStart" button If you do not see plugin on UI
---> you have all downloaded Plugins available and operational on builder left tree
File Container: *****
some plugins have side by side File Container plugins that contain applications.
File Container plugins always have " - File" suffix.
These plugins have size >10 MB
on these cases download both plugins
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\GSmartControl
\AppY\HD Tasks\Diagnostic\GSmartControl - File
See Demonstration at "Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox" Topic:
Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 2: Update Plugins with File Container (
1c) Using plugins already downloaded on another project with \Downloads\
All Projects (SE, Gena) designed to work together on the same folder,
so you do not need to redownload.
A) You can use the same Download buttons on different project folders
--> This will only check if the new version of Plugin available on the server (If not no new plugin downloaded :thumbsup: )
and make the Plugin available to the other project.
ps: Detailed Info at Lancelot Reply 14
B) follow reading current topic with the title "Mass share plugins of \Downloads\"
Current Topic:
See: Adding 3rd party Plugins: \Downloads\ - MyPlugins_Direct - Yomi (
1d) Where are \Downloads\
You would need to know which plugins you already downloaded,
just download 'Main Plugin' (Yomi)
You will notice \Downloads\..\'Main Plugin' -
- Click Download button left to 'Main Plugin'
- Click ReStart Button
[attachimg=1 width=500]
Result: You will have Yomi at Builder Left tree with Plugins you downloaded.
[attachimg=2 width=500]
1e) Mass share plugins of \Downloads\
Yomi has an additional feature to get downloaded plugins ready to any project.
Here demonstrating sharing downloaded plugins to Gena
- Select The Project you want to share plugins of Yomi with:
(middle of ui with project name)
eg. Select Gena
- Click "Share Plugins With" button
[attachimg=3 width=500]
Result: You will have plugins operational under The Project you choose.
eg. Plugins shared available under Gena
[attachimg=4 width=500]
All fine and smooth :great:
2) Additional Plugins
Important: NEVER use any 3rd party plugin manually under project folders. Use Provided method here.
Not all plugins available on \Downloads\
You will need to add your personal plugins, and other plugins on forum, web.
At left of builder tree you will notice
"MyPlugins" and "MyPlugins_Direct" available after your first build - you can update at \Utils\MyPlugins Project Add - "MyPlugins_Direct" button
[attachimg=1 width=500]
It is more popular and simple.
Demonstrating adding a 3rd party vnc plugin:
On "MyPlugins_Direct" at left, click "Put Your Plugins here" button
[attachimg=2 width=500]
An explorer window will open
[attachimg=3 width=500]
I put vnc plugin to \Network\ subfolder
[attachimg=4 width=500]
After you add your plugins, click Refresh button
[attachimg=5 width=500]
You will get your plugin operational on all projects
[attachimg=6 width=500]
Nice and smooth. :great:
Reminder 1:
[attachimg=7 width=500]
[attachimg=8 width=500]
Use or test plugins under your project folder.
On builder tree, do not test or run plugins under "MyPlugins Direct"
On builder tree, test or run plugins under projects ex: Win10PE SE, Gena, ....
Reply 4
My assumption was, that if I copy a plugin into the "MyPlugins Direct" folder I have to run it from there.
Tag: Project Folder , Selected Project , Build Project , Build Selected Project , Big Blue Play Button , Test Plugin , Small Green Play button
Reminder 2:
To get 'MyPlugins Direct' work smooth
Always use subfolders, like example above
If you use root folders of 'MyPlugins Direct'
'MyPlugins Direct' do NOT put plugin to your project list (winbuilder bug)
See Topic:
If you want to use root folders of 'MyPlugins Direct'
to put plugin to your project list root ( %99 development plugins, not for regular users)
Use 'MyPlugins'
Still If required I will post feedback. :great:
Reminder 3:
DO NOT manually use Apps folder
Apps is project folder for Project Apps plugins,
Using Apps subfolder you can override Project Plugins Apps, which will cause unwanted results.
MyPlugins_Direct plugin organize with folder : \Projects\MyPlugins_Direct\AppsMy
This will
+ avoid you from unwanted project override result
+ you distinguish between Project Plugins and Personal plugins easily.
MyPlugins works same way with Yomi, Link way. After you add plugins you need to use Share Link button with the project.
It is better to use on project specific plugins, and for such things I assume one can easily figure out how to use MyPlugins.
Still If required I will post feedback. :great:
Important: NEVER use any 3rd party plugin manually under project folders. Use Provided method here.
Reminding 1:
You can quickly create plugins for applications by using "Plugin Creator Packed"
\Utils\PC Packed
simple, portable applications will work out of box, with available options.
Reminding 2:
There are some portable plugins at:
\Apps\System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD" plugin available on all projects
2b) Additional Plugins - Bulletin
under construction with new method (topic post) -- only difference: First Download \AppY\Network\OnlineSafety_Tony4219_Bulletin plugin.
There are Bulletin plugins under \Downloads\
Informs about plugins available out of server.
- Provides weblink to such plugin where you can download
- Provides buttons to ease adding plugin to project properly.
Simply 2 steps :
Use weblink Download such plugin following info on topic,
Use buttons to Add to project
Here is an example with OnlineSafety - Tony4219 - Bulletin
- Use "WebLink" provided by Bulletin plugin
[attachimg=1 width=500]
- Download Plugin
[attachimg=2 width=500]
- Giving Example with Firefox .....
[attachimg=3 width=500]
- Use "Open Folder" Button provided by Bulletin plugin
[attachimg=7 width=500]
- This will open Folder, Put your plugin here
[attachimg=4 width=500]
- Use "Refresh" Button provided by Bulletin plugin
[attachimg=5 width=500]
- You will get Plugin operational on all projects
[attachimg=6 width=500]
Is it possible to easily add one portable exe to the build without requiring an usb stick for that app?
I want to add TechToolStore.exe from
With that great app i dont need the PortableApps, but i want a ShortCut on my Desktop to run it and want it in the iso, not a separate usb.
Thanks in Advance
I have added Macrium_Reflect.7z to D:\Oven\Projects\MyPlugins_Direct\AppsMy\HD Tasks\Imaging and went to utils/MyPluginsProjectAdd clicked both Myplugins and my pluginsDirect and did refresh. I am not finding AppsMy section in project. NeitherI see macrium anywhere. Am I correct in my procedure? If not How to go about it?
the path looks OK but did you extract the Macrium_Reflect.script file from the 7z and place that in the req path
Thanks for the reply.
Sorry. I thought the file need to be kept as such. I did not extract. I will try that.
I would like to know one more thing for installing plugins like chrome. Is it sufficient to download google chrome - plugin? Or google chrome - file -plugin also need to be downloaded. I downloaded google chrome - plugin, refreshed and also selected in the project.
But, in the iso after booting, I am not seeing chrome.
I dont use the chrome plugin myself, but looking at the file it seems if you've
selected 'latest container' on the interface then you'd put the appropriate file in same directory
as plugin file (although it won't be seen on the interface menu as its a hidden file) or if you select 'provided files' in the dropdown menu then you put your own files in the folder that appears when you bug on the 'provide' button.
if there are multiple file containers available for different plugin versions, the matching
one is normally listed in the variables section of the plugin i believe.
this is all shown on the first post of this thread i believe, and the mods on this forum are very keen on everyone
reading the loads of helpfiles available before posting
regards APT
I dont use the chrome plugin myself, but looking at the file it seems if you've
selected 'latest container' on the interface then you'd put the appropriate file in same directory
as plugin file (although it won't be seen on the interface menu as its a hidden file) or if you select 'provided files' in the dropdown menu then you put your own files in the folder that appears when you bug on the 'provide' button.
if there are multiple file containers available for different plugin versions, the matching
one is normally listed in the variables section of the plugin i believe.
this is all shown on the first post of this thread i believe, and the mods on this forum are very keen on everyone
reading the loads of helpfiles available before posting
regards APT
Thanks again for your kind response. I have gone through the thread. Yes I missed the notes regarding plugins that also has file added one.
I might have missed the location of help files. Can you provide link, please.
Hi All,
Current topic Post and Reply 1 updated with new \Downloads\ Plugins .
Have fun. :xmas-beer:
To underline the new feature which exists for some months now:
Download Button on Plugins , and also download buttons on \Downloads\.. plugins :
Download Button downloads ONLY If new Plugin exists on the server.
VeraCrypt is 10 MB plugin.
Downloads\"Download Plugins - 3" ---> Download button at left of \AppY\Security\VeraCrypt
will only download plugin once. You can click Download Button multiple times, It will not download 10 MB anymore.
You will notice a regular "Download Plugin" button on right top of
"Download Plugin" button will not download 10 MB anymore.
Download buttons will only revert Plugin back to default settings.
Download buttons will only download if there is a NEW plugin on the server.
Same instruction is valid for ALL Plugins ( also valid for Plugins at ALL SE and Gena projects.)
Have Fun. :cheers:
Hi All,
\Downloads\"Download Plugins" Plugins have a hardcoded "ALL DownloadX" button for a long while now that contains Download Lines for CodeBox
Just Click the button and follow instruction:
Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (
In addition,
For the ones who like ui instead of CodeBox
Downloads\"Plugin Collection Gena-Sweets" Plugin which exists at all Projects have other 7 "Download Plugins" at the top :wink: