Hi slore,
I'm using WinPE10 b17763 x64 en-US (built using Win10XPE).
I have already added to this WinPE10 a 2nd input language (he-IL) in the registry hives, and I can switch between en-US and he-IL using the ALT+SHIFT key combo.
The only problem is that I don't have the language Input Indicator in the taskbar.
I see that in WimBuilder2, you have scripts to add the Input Indicator (Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME). I looked at the scripts and added all required files and registry settings into my WinPE10. But the Input Indicator still does not get displayed.
1. Any idea what could be missing? Do I need to register something with PECMD during startup?
2. If I want to create a new WinPE10 with WimBuilder2, how to add he-IL as 2nd language? I only see Chinese and Korean next to IME_common.bat.
Hi, ericgl
Have you tried to build he-IL language PE with WimBuilder2?
For Chinese and Korean IME, it needs more inputmethod files, so there are Ime_ko-KR.bat, Ime_zh-CN.bat and Ime_zh-TW.bat.
Others maybe just need the IME_common.bat(I don't use other Languages, and no others feedback about that).
Try to build with WimBuilder2, enable IME(check all options) and use FULL SOFTWARE hive in [Customize]-[Configure]-[Build], see if it makes you the Input Indicator.
I will download a he-IL language ISO and try later.
Hi ericgl,
As slore wrote, I believe It will work fine when you change your source from en-US to he-IL
Using en-US source:
he-IL already defined on my side, You wrote you added he-IL keyboard, who knows maybe you miss something
If your hostos works with he-IL en-US keyboard, I expect Azin-WimBuilder default will add he-IL keyboard and with IME showing he-IL and en-US
let us know results (on Azin topic), I believe this will help slore create similar language patches in future.
this starts here
Lancelot reply 20 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=1544.msg37457#msg37457
see pictures,
I have a related question:
on picture 1,eg.
It should be "English United States"
After adding Winlangdb.dll It shows correct.
I guess default IME Patch did not add Winlangdb.dll (not tested with 2020.05.05, tested with 2020.05.05 7aad2850, quick checking now with existing ... )
(ps: I always use en-US source, and add TR keyboard later ;))
tested with 2020.05.05 7aad2850
with other words:
I believe:
Wimbuilder-Customize\Components\IME patch
with only enabled "IME indicator" Winlangdb.dll should be copied
ps: I know it is only a database of cosmetics but it is what it is :wink:
better not change bit40 to 1 for missing Winlangdb.dll to only make PE look nice :cool:
I don't think you need Win10 he-IL source ISO.
I always use Win10 en-US source. I just add he-IL for keyboard input language.
For reference, here are files I've added to my current WinPE10 b17763 en-US:
x:\windows\system32\c_1258.nls for he-il
I've also added all required mui files into x:\windows\system32\en-US\
Hi, ericgl and Lancelot,
I try he-IL ISO, it shows right by default preset.
Now, I understand what you want clearly.
With en-US ISO source, then add he-IL keyboard layout, that how to show the Input Indicator.
Sorry, I have not consider that at all.
a Chinese source winre.wim as base can run any English softwares, but en-US source is hard to add the support of Chinese.
Well, I try en-US ISO, and use UI_Settings to change the keyboard, the Input Indicator shows.
start WinXShell -ui -jcfg wxsUI\UI_Settings.zip\KB_Layout.jcfg
I don't add any new files or update registry item.
function onclick(ctrl)
suilib.call('run', 'Wpeutil.exe', string.format('SetKeyboardLayout 0x%s:%s', localeid, ctrl))
suilib.call('sleep', 3000) -- ?
If you want to call it by commandline, just call wpeutil.exe SetKeyboardLayout 0xNNN:0000040d
wpeutil.exe SetKeyboardLayout 0x40d:0000040d (Alt+Shift)
wpeutil.exe SetKeyboardLayout 0x409:0000040d (Ctrl+Shift)
IFY:the KeyboardSwitch is also in ChirsR's WIN10XPE, but it is a batch script not a GUI.
Hi slore,
think simpler, when it comes to language it goes to complex .. (I once worked long time many years ago)
here are some info for your head start :
Adding "WesternEurope Language Group" keyboard is easy
only add files and any "keyboard" changer will work
see Gena\Finals\1 Optimizations\"WesternEurope Language Group" Plugin (I guess 45 keyboards German, French, Finnish .... )
They will also work fine when you add to none enu (eg. Chinese source) build :wink:
"WesternEurope Language Group" is base group. (short story)
what you will find on the internet about changing keyboard apps (mostly for PE since PE1) are in fact limited to "WesternEurope Language Group"
Building with enu or none-enu source --> Adding "WesternEurope Language Group" keyboards are easy
Building with enu source (or other source than language)
they will not work nicely with complex languages: Turkish, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, ... keyboards by only adding files :wink:
As a result a plugin for each :
see Gena\Finals\1 Optimizations\Turkish Language Group" "Russian Language Support" "Greek Language Group"
with Vista It becomes easier to create keyboard Plugins (no txtsetup etc. )
Since Nightman Plugins improved following same organization in passing years (>10 years)
See Azin\Basic\Localization\"Local Settings" Plugin
Each language/keyboard depends on user feedback :wink:
// turkish by Max_Real Qnx
// Russian by NightMan
// Hebrew Aviv - by agrafi
with Azin-WimBuilder, since Wimbuilder - IME is default enabled :thumbsup:
Azin default adds language following hostos with "Local Settings" plugin (Turkish, Hebrew defined)
And Keyboard operational on my side with IME keyboard indicator. :cheers:
I am sure ericgl will get Hebrew keyboard working fine after making an Azin-WimBuilder Default build.
I did my best not focusing on only my tr keyboard/language user with not being "WesternEurope Language Group"
and saydin77 did his best to build with all sources on Gena,
but I did not go to IME level, I can not read Chinese.
you are the only developer who uses Asian Language group that requires IME,
I am sure the Patches you will develop will be good. :great:
Just think simple when developing lang related patches and open a gate for user feedback .... :wink:
As I wrote previously, It is an only curiosity to me,
I am one of very rare (maybe only) lucky of none en-us (none Western Group) user who can remove en-us keyboard and use single tr-tr keyboard.
I do not need any indicator or keyboard changer at all. :great:
But it is fun for me to see Wimbuilder IME Indicator after years and years (so included at first Azin picture :cool:) :thumbsup:
Moved reply here after I notice slore moved related posts here
@ slore
only reminding,
test WimBuilder with en-us source
Winlangdb.dll missing here
I edit my related previous reply with "tested with 2020.05.05 7aad2850"
as written previously, I believe Winlangdb.dll should be added when Components\IME patch - IME indicator enabled.
I moved my previous reply here after noticing you move related posts here. :thumbsup:
@ slore
only reminding,
test WimBuilder with en-us source
Winlangdb.dll missing here
I edit my related previous reply with "tested with 2020.05.05 7aad2850"
as written previously, I believe Winlangdb.dll should be added when Components\IME patch - IME indicator enabled.
I tried 18362.1.190318-1202.19H1_RELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO,
but the indicator show right label string without Winlangdb.dll.
(required by 20h1~?)
Interesting :confused:
I use Win10_1909_English_x64 source with Index 6 (Windows 10 Pro) (+ WimBuilder 2020.05.05 7aad2850)
Winlangdb.dll available at source index 6, but not at final/target !
It is that way (missing Winlangdb.dll) since I use Wimbuilder before 2020.05.05 :confused: :confused: :confused:
indicator show right label with bit40=1 too
see 2nd picture bit 40=1 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3137.msg37539#msg37539
bit with bit40=0 (windows default) 1st picture !
so on my side, there is a label info windows reads which is available without Winlangdb.dll but does not show (can not read) with bit40=0 (windows default)
and I thought ericgl change to Bit40=1 for that reason (maybe not) ...
Test results are with default WimBuilder settings + only wow64 :wink:
It should be missing as:
- 1). it is not included in winre.wim
2). There is not main.bat/last.bat to extract the file from install.wim source in WimBuilder2. ( :confused: :ohmy: Winlangdb.dll is already in IME_Common.bat)
I tried v2004(en_windows_10_business_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_52bfcce8.iso), and it is still OK.
I don't know why yours showed the label with missing text string.
Edit: bad last_wimbuilder.log, this log is that built with zh-CN ISO.
Applying Patch:Z:\WimBuilder2\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME\main.bat
[MACRO]AddFiles "Z:\WimBuilder2\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME\Ime_Common.bat" :end_files
Extracting file data: 0 MiB of 29 MiB (0%) done
Extracting file data: 0 MiB of 29 MiB (0%) done
Extracting file data: 0 MiB of 29 MiB (1%) done
I don't know why yours showed the label with missing text string.
Maybe !
using en-us source do not like added tr settings and decide not to show reading from X location and decide to read fallback location Winlangdb.dll and fail ....
reminding, normally with other languages windows keeps en-us primary ..... by adding Secondary language .....
to test the theory I will test without tr settings after I eat something. :smile:
See You
Hi slore,
I notice your edit on your previous reply :
( :confused: :ohmy: Winlangdb.dll is already in IME_Common.bat)[/li][/list]
well Winlangdb.dll does not exists here
inside log there is
Applying Patch:D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME\main.bat
Applying Patch:D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories\main.bat
[MACRO]AddFiles \Windows\system32\mspaint.exe
but I do not see any line with Winlangdb.dll after line with IME\main.bat
I hope the attached log helps you to figure out ??
I think some flags/Vars make it goto :EOF
I think you can add echo on in the IME\main.bat to see full log.
See it tomorrow, I should go to bed, 01:52 AM now.
ok :thumbsup:
After @Echo off line I add @Echo on
following lines of my previous reply now more info :
Applying Patch:D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME\main.bat
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME>set IME_Startup=0
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME>if exist Ime_en-US.bat (
if "xtrue" == "xtrue" (
set IME_Startup=1
call Ime_Common.bat
if "xtrue" == "xtrue" call Ime_en-US.bat
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME>if not "x0" == "x1" goto :EOF
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\00-Configures\Build>(call :apply_patch "D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories\main.bat" )
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\00-Configures\Build>if not exist "D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories\main.bat" goto :EOF
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\00-Configures\Build>pushd "D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories\"
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories>echo \033[96mApplying Patch:D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories\main.bat | cmdcolor.exe
Applying Patch:D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories\main.bat
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories>call "D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories\main.bat"
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories>set AddFiles_Mode=merge
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories>if "xfalse" == "xtrue" (
call AddFiles "\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\"
call RegCopyEx Classes ".docx,.odt,.rtf,docxfile,odtfile,rtffile"
rem call RegCopyEx Classes "textfile,Wordpad.Document.1,Application\wordpad.exe"
call AddFiles "\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Wordpad.lnk"
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories>if "xtrue" == "xtrue" call _mspaint.bat
D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\za-Accessories>call AddFiles \Windows\system32\mspaint.exe
[MACRO]AddFiles \Windows\system32\mspaint.exe
also included on my previous log there is :
Applying Patch:D:\1\9WimBS\Projects\WIN10XPE\01-Components\IME\last.bat
Rename input file failed.
FC: cannot open X:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\INPUTSERVICE.DLL.ORG - No such file or folder
Could Not Find X:\Windows\System32\InputService.dll.org
Good Night, Have a nice Dream
:camping: :surfing: :beach_chair: :easy_life:
Hi slore,
It is not about Wimbuilder-Customize\Components\IME patch, IME patch is correctly designed following source :thumbsup:
I disable Wimbuilder-Customize\Components\IME patch
( also disabled wow64)
Azin-WimBuilder adds En and TR keyboard settings --> and I get IME Indicator at right down :thumbsup:
WimBuilder adds IME indicator required files (maybe winre.wim), only missing Winlangdb.dll that is all.
When there is more than 1 keyboard, IME indicator appears (eg. Azin adds following hostos -> here It adds Enu and Tr keyboard // ericgl Azin will add Enu and Hebrew keyboard)
When there is single keyboard, IME indicator does not appear (eg. If you build WimBuilder with ENU Source)
None ko-KR zh-CN zh-TW users only like to change keyboard with IME indicator, that is all.
with other words
no need extra things with "Customize\Components\IME patch" as long as there is IME indicator to change keyboard
(after adding required files and registry for the correct language group, 3rd party keyboard indicators do that job well too, which we use for years now)
The only question remains, where does Wimbuilder "Ime Indicator" comes from, so you can add Winlangdb.dll to that place.
Good news when you wake up and have time :cheers:
Interesting, Lancelot.
I'm still not sure what's missing in my build. I've added all required files and reg settings.
I'm currently re-checking all my settings.
BTW, it seems some files in Azin project get flagged and deleted by Symantec AntiVirus.
Also, many files in LSP project get flagged and deleted as well.
Everything is OK in Win10XPE project and in WimBuilder2 - they pass AV check.
Hi ericgl,
False Positives are not new
You only use Symantec AV, a Bitdefender user fail with Win10XPE Project
so far no reports only for WimBuilder2
All projects will have false-positive in passing time and an increasing number of users. :wink:
Regular users like to report (or automatic report) things to av companies which are flagged as virus !
Good for secretary computer where end-user suppose to use a single application or a small set of application (spreadsheets documents etc.), bad for the "technician computer"
("technician computer" name given by ms for the same goal :lol: they can not say "disabled av computer" :wink:)
Let us know new false positives on false-positive topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2710.0
We do not know your build !
Projects give reproducible results :
On Azin\AppY\System Tools\"Test Plugin" add single line
enable Azin\AppY\System Tools\"Test Plugin" Plugin :wink:
I assume you have hebrew settings on your host computer,
Make a build, see if your hebrew keyboard settings are on Azin-Wimbuilder build and you have hebrew keyboard with indicator working fine ?
with the answer yes you can search missings on your build
(Add folder to your AV exclusion folder list or disable av during build :wink: )
Hi slore,
better news :
Winlangdb.dll is a special (specific) case with TR , language shows correct without Winlangdb.dll :thumbsup:
I will dig more TR later ...
but the theory is correct, TR-Format and TR-Keyboard cause windows confuse and fallback to Winlangdb.dll :wink:
When I do not add TR-Format settings, works fine without Winlangdb.dll
dig more TR later on my side ...
From my side all Hebrew keyboard cases by ericg solved (+bit40)
Azin-Wimbuilder with enu source should provide Hebrew keyboard like on picture when ericgl build on host :thumbsup:
The picture above is with Disabled IME patch :thumbsup:
As I wrote before your IME patch is all correct :thumbsup:
(even enabled It is correct IME patch following source do not process,
I am sure this is the way "Extended" language users go which you know better. :wink: :thumbsup: )
What I wrote with "Ime indicator" before, I should call it "Language Bar" which works fine with Disabled IME patch.
ps: on one of my previous reply for your head start,
I mean differences between "Western Language Group", "Advanced Basic" "Complex" "Extended" languages
You already know Extended :thumbsup: which I do not practice.
The only left thing behind,
Where this "Language Bar" comes from with Wimbuilder ????
I could not find any "Language Bar" Patch or Patch settings at Customize ????
Lance you testing with Full Software Hive ??
Lance you testing with Full Software Hive ??
Wimbuilder default setting is not Full Software Hive,
Wimbuilder-Customize-Configures\Build patch
I test with Wimbuilder default settings written on previous replies.
and the picture comes from Azin-Wimbuilder (with Wimbuilder default setting) by only changing the keyboard setting to Hebrew.
Azin\Basic\Localization\"Local Settings" Plugin
ericgl do not need to change "Local Settings" Plugin but you need to change since you are not a Hebrew user with host Hebrew settings. :wink:
I think there is aother question --- How did you add the keyboard layout?
I added by wpeutil.exe, every keyboard layout name are right without Winlangdb.dll.
For Turkish, you can add it by this:
wpeutil SetKeyboardLayout 041f:0000041f
The only question remains, where does Wimbuilder "Ime Indicator" comes from, so you can add Winlangdb.dll to that place.
The only left thing behind,
Where this "Language Bar" comes from with Wimbuilder ????
I could not find any "Language Bar" Patch or Patch settings at Customize ????
ctfmon.exe,MsCtfMonitor.dll are added in Explorer patch in WimBuilder.
Slore@SLORE-PC MINGW64 /z/WimBuilder2/Projects (master)
$ git grep ctfmon.exe
you can also search in last_wimbuilder.log:
[MACRO]AddFiles Explorer\submain.bat :end_files
"Language Bar" is part of Shell, so if the wlangdb.dll is required, I consider to add the file in Explorer\submain.bat.
About the AV check,
NOTICE: If NTBOOTAUTOFIX, SetupXP, UEfix cause AV alarm, just delete them.
On my side, even JFX's WinNTSetup4.rar casues AV alarm.
Most of them is 3rd part applications(if worried about this, download from offical site again, or just delete them),
for the system components/features it shouldn't causes that, because them just file list in *.script or *.bat.
//- Use the Desktop Language Bar when it's available
RegWrite,HKLM,0x3,"Tmp_Default\Control Panel\Desktop",UserPreferencesMask,9e,1e,06,80,12,01,00,00
//- Floating on Desktop
//- Docked on Taskbar
//- Hidden
//- Show Language bar transparent when inactive
//- in pecmd.ini
EXEC %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe
Problem solved!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
As you can see in the attached screenshot, the Input Indicator finally appeared.
It seems that the following line in PECMD.ini is commented-out (by default), in Win10XPE project:
//EXEC %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe
After I uncommented it, so that ctfmon.exe gets executed, the Input Indicator appeared.
Thanks James, Lancelot and slore for pointing me in the right direction.
Hi, ericgl
Good to know you got what you want.
For WimBuilder, if you use Windows Explorer the ctfmon.exe will be executed.
Win10XPE project in somecase use TextReplace to update the pecmd.ini, so in WimBuilder, if you add another langauge layout,
It will show auto.
Where in WimBuilder2 do I add another input language?
I don't see this option...(see attached screenshot)
Hi, ericgl
For Asia people, they need enable IME to get that, I don't others need that before.
So there is no option for that, but you can just add one line batch code to add another input language.
Z:\WimBuilder2\Projects\WIN10XPE\_CustomFiles_\PEMaterial\Autoruns\OSInit\AddKBLayout.bat (any file name as you want)
wpeutil SetKeyboardLayout 40d:40d
rem set default keyboardlayout to ENG
rem wpeutil SetKeyboardLayout 409:409
//- Use the Desktop Language Bar when it's available
RegWrite,HKLM,0x3,"Tmp_Default\Control Panel\Desktop",UserPreferencesMask,9e,1e,06,80,12,01,00,00
Wrong info, It include setting to show Language Bar with classic style (+ which avoid wlangdb.dll requirement if format wrongly written)
2nd picture (bit 40=1) at Lancelot reply 40 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=1544.msg37457#msg37457
Also missing info, along with many other (27 known) settings
such wrong definations on internet cause misunderstanding of new users .... (ericgl ....)
Well I prefer bit 40=0 (default) with Azin-Wimbuilder like on slore wimbuilder pictures slore reply 24 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3137.msg37566#msg37566
More info available at "Tweak UserPreferencesMask" Plugin
Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\ComponentsY\Tweaks\Tweak UserPreferencesMask.Script"
See: Downloading Plugins with a CodeBox (http://TheOven.org/index.php?topic=2672.0)
Sure hope you all can figure this all out this discussion.. So eventually someone can actually try to follow some development process...
good to see you follow some development process, peh.
well I will not quote replies meaninglessly anyway, peh.
and write my full name: Lancelot like all others do. :cool:
I added by wpeutil.exe, every keyboard layout name are right without Winlangdb.dll.
Your pictures with Enu source,
Try with Korean source, I believe the definition on pictures will be different. :wink:
As I wrote before It is about a tr setting I used for Format (// turkish by Max_Real Qnx) that cause fallback to Winlangdb.dll
I will fix that.
"Language Bar" is part of Shell, so if the wlangdb.dll is required, I consider to add the file in Explorer\submain.bat.
I feel (not tested) wlangdb.dll already registered and info available at the registry.
wlangdb.dll not required, but yes it is part of "Language Bar"
If you like, only put a comment to Explorer\submain.bat (rem wlangdb.dll info already available at winre registry so not required)
ps: not checked boot.wim registry :wink: simple test: build wimbuilder with enu boot.wim source, see language bar show correct, let us know the result.
For Asia people, they need enable IME to get that, I don't others need that before.
As written before,
Others do not need, they only ask for the Language bar (without other IME things as written before)
If ericgl use Azin-Wimbuilder there will not be any ericgl related topic posts around, Language bar with Hebrew (and default bit40=0) already available out of box with Azin-Wimbuilder
I think there is aother question --- How did you add the keyboard layout?
by using registry :thumbsup: via Plugin :thumbsup:
even before Azin I am doing the same, even at BartPE times.
When testing wimbuilder I use the same, but since I use a single tr keyboard I do not care much about the language bar before.
I wrote in very very detail before, keyboard changers are not new to me, I hope wpeutil do a better job when changing keyboard settings !
Like I advise you, I will also create a plugin to change/add keyboard with wpeutil much later ...
to me with being single tr keyboard user of "Advanced Basic" language family,
The best way to test and learn is the end-user response after such a plugin/patch available.
For Turkish, you can add it by this:
wpeutil SetKeyboardLayout 041f:0000041f
It will be nice if you create a patch with UI giving option(s) to change Keyboard with wpeutil eg. "Keyboard wpeutil patch"
(I will create eg. "Keyboard wpeutil Plugin" , Just another todo :lol: )
and a question --->
"Language Bar" is part of Shell, so if the wlangdb.dll is required, I consider to add the file in Explorer\submain.bat.
does Wimbuilder start ctfmon with a patch (with a line at startup eg.(Start "ctfmon" ctfmon.exe) ) ?
or It is started by Explorer shell automatically when there is more than 1 keyboard?
or .... ?
It seems that the following line in PECMD.ini is commented-out (by default), in Win10XPE project:
// Enable ctfmon: Alternative User Input Text Input Processor (TIP) (Uncommented for Chinese and Korean windows source). Not to be changed, Replace //EXEC by //=EXEC
//EXEC %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe
After I uncommented it, so that ctfmon.exe gets executed, the Input Indicator appeared.
Since it seems to be required for other Secondary languages as well - then is should be set to auto run at startup when using a second language
I will also clarify that the Win10XPE Project (by ChrisR) and the WimBuilder2 Project (by Slore) does not include a /Tweak/UserPreferencesMask
What is being referenced in regards to /Tweak/UserPreferencesMask is included in the AZIN Project.. The AZIN Project can be downloaded as a separate Project..
does Wimbuilder start ctfmon with a patch (with a line at startup eg.(Start "ctfmon" ctfmon.exe) ) ?
or It is started by Explorer shell automatically when there is more than 1 keyboard?
or .... ?
if there is ctfmon.exe, it is started by PELoader.
(Well, Better to add a new StartCtfmon.bat in PEMaterial\Autoruns\BeforeShell\ than three copies.)
local function LoadShell()
set_progress(t('load shell ...'))
exec('PECMD.EXE EXEC -su ctfmon.exe')
_SUB LoadShell
IFEX %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe, EXEC PECMD.exe EXEC -su %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe
EXEC =!"X:\PEMaterial\Autoruns\PEStartupMain.bat" BeforeShell
if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\IME_Cmd.cmd (
call %SystemRoot%\System32\IME_Cmd.cmd
Sounds to me like a new version of WimBuilder2 is coming... :wink:
Since it seems to be required for other Secondary languages as well - then is should be set to auto run at startup when using a second language
should be not fully correct, people can like other indicators for various reasons (National Flags, low memory usage (slim) etc.)
and your line on your post is not valid for all projects only valid if one use pecmd, you are aware you are out of your asylum !
Wimbuilder start ctfmon via Pecmd.lua using pecmd.exe externally as slore wrote,
LiveSystemPro do not use pecmd at all
I will also clarify that the Win10XPE Project (by ChrisR) and the WimBuilder2 Project (by Slore) does not include a /Tweak/UserPreferencesMask
What is being referenced in regards to /Tweak/UserPreferencesMask is included in the AZIN Project.. The AZIN Project can be downloaded as a separate Project..
Clarification is not what you do, you already know \Tweak\"UserPreferencesMask" is not only for Azin but you intentionally write in a way to give such impression.
First, Azin is not with a capital, like my forum name is not short the way you wrote. correct : Lancelot, correct : Azin.
It is no surprise you are the only one who writes both wrong since you are the only regular post gamer around.
get a "Keyboard notifier" to correct such mistakes.
Most important:
\Tweak\"UserPreferencesMask" is a Plugin, which is included or can be used with
Azin Gena Win7PESE Win8PESE Win81SE Win10PESE projects
with Azin Project \Tweak\"UserPreferencesMask" Plugin can be used with Wimbuilder and LiveSystemPro (Win10PE Win7PE Win8PE WinXPE) projects.
\Tweak\"UserPreferencesMask" Plugin can used with 10 projects out of box. (later more projects)
no need conversions of failures. :thumbsup:
life is a lot easier with Plugins,
As I wrote before we would not have ericgl posts related to language bar subject if ericgl use Azin at first or today.
wrong info on lines lead ericgl find bit 40 (with bit 47) and after all we are here now.
Good part to me, I learn more about Language Bar, and slore learn more about none-Asian users behaviors with keyboard.
Stay in your "Optional" Asylum, I never see your feedback to other projects when you are out of your "Optional" Asylum,
I believe your Reply 36 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3137.msg37584#msg37584 is the result of your Reply 35 which after It seems there is pm conversation.
you can spend your time in your "Optional" Asylum, but no need to spend others valuable time.
Saved for reference:
James reply 35
It seems that the following line in PECMD.ini is commented-out (by default), in Win10XPE project:
// Enable ctfmon: Alternative User Input Text Input Processor (TIP) (Uncommented for Chinese and Korean windows source). Not to be changed, Replace //EXEC by //=EXEC
//EXEC %WinDir%\System32\ctfmon.exe
After I uncommented it, so that ctfmon.exe gets executed, the Input Indicator appeared.
Since it seems to be required for other Secondary languages as well - then is should be set to auto run at startup when using a second language
James reply 36
I will also clarify that the Win10XPE Project (by ChrisR) and the WimBuilder2 Project (by Slore) does not include a /Tweak/UserPreferencesMask
What is being referenced in regards to /Tweak/UserPreferencesMask is included in the AZIN Project.. The AZIN Project can be downloaded as a separate Project..
James reply 43
I believe your Reply 36 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3137.msg37584#msg37584 is the result of your Reply 35 which after It seems there is pm conversation.
The PM was not related - clearly you know that by reading PM's...
Hi slore,
Thanks to clear :thumbsup:
PECMD.EXE EXEC -su ctfmon.exe
for now I do not know the meaning of -su switch but I understand what you did with wimbuilder. :thumbsup:
(Well, Better to add a new StartCtfmon.bat in PEMaterial\Autoruns\BeforeShell\ than three copies.)
I believe:
After the shell is better :wink:
Generally taskbar applications work better after shell executed :wink:
As you wrote before, the Language Bar is Explorer feature :cool:
Further you decide.
I believe your Reply 36 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3137.msg37584#msg37584 is the result of your Reply 35 which after It seems there is pm conversation.
The PM was not related - clearly you know that by reading PM's...
I believe your Reply 36 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3137.msg37584#msg37584 is the result of your Reply 35 which after It seems there is pm conversation.
The PM was not related - clearly you know that by reading PM's...
You already know I do not read PM, Proof: I would know your post games went to pm games years ago if I do such a thing. :lol:
I already wrote the same things years ago too.
You are again post gaming by changing focus, anyone who spend enough time on forums can figure out pm relation with reply 35 reply 36.
Going back to main subject, as written on the previous post (any many times before) :
I do not care your misguidance followed by your post games, pm games, you are free (up to a limit) in your "Optional" Asylum following your "Optional" goals and agenda.
like on other topic post gaming is easy on pm but not on public topics
> you didn't answer him right
yes, James did not, it is intentional to keep end-user with the project :wink:
(and rest of James posts after your posts is not about what you write .... again intentional)
Others then you have other goals on topics to improve things (mostly PE things) to better which is out of your "Optional" Goals,
After years of knowing you, I know you can not understand that, but I do not care you understand or not, you know the rules clearly but you insist not to follow !!!!!
Out of your Asylum, you can not misguide by using my name or any other "none Optional" project name.
Only public topics are different :wink: keep going with your pm games on such cases like you are doing for years so nobody can write it is wrong. :thumbsup:
Now I make a copy of your reply 35 36 43 knowing you previously play post game by editing your posts ...
what a wasted time...
As written before:
Half glass full for developers :
ericgl mistake following misguide now we have Language Bar Plugin http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3052.msg37595#msg37595
along with improved Tweak Preferences Plugin http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=1544
slore learn more about none-asian users keyboard use probably new patches will come soon
(on topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2390 or on a new topic http://theoven.org/index.php?board=45.0 )
thanks to you Plugins now support 10 projects
Life goes, keep going without false accusation post games,
in fact, topic already solved "How to enable the language Input Indicator for other input languages?" even before the topic created.
thanks to ericgl mistakes we only learn deeper.
I found -su
thanks to SIW2 reply 56 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=590.msg27215#msg27215
Internet documents naturally not updated like distribution help file. :thumbsup:
well, I was happy to solve the issue for Ericgl and for Slore to follow
well, I was happy to solve the issue for Ericgl and for Slore to follow
Hard to undersrand your logic, You solve nothing with no info to follow :lol:
Be happy anyway :lol:
and Thank You for postings a missing but required system file
and Thank You for postings a missing but required system file
Again wrong, as written previosly file not required. :lol:
well, I was happy to solve the issue for Ericgl and for Slore to follow
Hard to undersrand your logic, You solve nothing with no info to follow :lol:
Be happy anyway :lol:
For Ericgl, James did help.
James pointed out about the "EXEC ctfmon.exe" in pecmd.ini, Which Ericgl's "my build" isn't work.
For WimBuilder, it is executed, so who use Azin or WimBuilder will get the Language Bar without problem.
About Ericgl's question, leads a fix for WIN10XPE in the end.
For Azin or WimBuilder,
earn knowledge for Language Bar and new Plugin/Patch(or option).
It is good to have more Projects than different builder with same project,
so the difference will help us to fix the issue quickly.
Hi slore,
Thanks to clear :thumbsup:
PECMD.EXE EXEC -su ctfmon.exe
for now I do not know the meaning of -su switch but I understand what you did with wimbuilder. :thumbsup:
(Well, Better to add a new StartCtfmon.bat in PEMaterial\Autoruns\BeforeShell\ than three copies.)
I believe:
After the shell is better :wink:
Generally taskbar applications work better after shell executed :wink:
As you wrote before, the Language Bar is Explorer feature :cool:
Further you decide.
At first, it just EXEC ctfmon.exe, but since 20h1, Microsoft did some change on it(report with 20h1 Preivew).
For built-in Chinese IMEs, we can't choose the "word" for typing, because there is no Candidates Bar (see Picture).
We know that it is related to MiniNT by accident, so there is last.bat to do the patch.
The SYSTEM account is OK to type with MS IME, but the Administrator still can't work.
Well, if the ctfmon.exe is running by SYSTEM privilege( by accident again?), it shows.
so I add a "-su" option to start it with SYSTEM privilege.
For none-asian users, you needn't the IME(the real IME, not Language Bar), so without "-su" is fine for you.
Actually, I don't think none-asian users needs IME, so even IME is selected by default, but the patch is only for:
zh-CN,zh-TW,kr-KR source. so the ctfmon.exe won't be executed in my mind.
It is just another accident for none-asian users source, it is executed. :lol:
ctfmon.exe is started by "Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service", it is before shell.
ctfmon.exe do more than a Langauge Bar, if the shell started, it shows that.
it will be BeforeShell as what it is now. For now, I don't need move it to StartCtfmon.bat,
When I have some improve/bug fix on the ctfmon.exe, I will do it in future.
We are all making progress here, folks.
Anyone that contributes something will help make the projects more usable.
BTW, I see there is at least one major difference in a WinPE10 created with Win10XPE and WimBuilder2:
Win10XPE project creates a WinPE10 without the built-in Settings app (does not support ms-settings).
WimBuilder2 project creates a WinPE10 with the built-in Settings app (uses a small portion - only required settings).
Both projects are free from viruses/trojans and from false positives.
Both projects are valid for building a WinPE10 and work excellently. Having options is a good thing.
Windows 10 20H1 will be officially released in a few days, and there's a lot of work to be done for this new build.
Keep up the amazing work, ChrisR and Slore :great: :great:
Both projects are free from viruses/trojans and from false positives.
I believe only with Symantec AV you use :wink:
For today :wink:
btw, progress with adjustments already made on Azin to prevent any AV give false-positives during download and extraction.
In other words, any AV can find a file false-positive with Wimbuilder or LiveSystemPro or Azin only during the build with Azin.
As you wrote
Anyone that contributes something will help make the projects more usable.
to contribute report new false positives to false-positive topic
For Ericgl, James did help.
James pointed out about the "EXEC ctfmon.exe" in pecmd.ini, Which Ericgl's "my build" isn't work.
shortly: the setting was wrong (and still wrong on "James did help") that cause classic language bar where all started. :wink:
It is good to have more Projects than different builder with same project,
so the difference will help us to fix the issue quickly.
I like plugins on all projects so no need to spend valuable time
1) to find the same things again
2) and avoid bad conversions that lead wrong or missing info
Thanks slore for the explanation,
All things on my mind, all clear now. :thumbsup:
I will follow info on plugin later. :great:
ps: Candidate Bar picture is very small
Maybe someone here can help.
I am trying to get the language indicator to work in XPE. This is what i have.
any help would be great.
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Default\Keyboard Layout\Preload","1","00000409"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Default\Keyboard Layout\Preload","2","0000040d"
// --
// --
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_default\Keyboard Layout\Toggle",Hotkey,1
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_default\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Language Hotkey",1
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_default\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Layout Hotkey",2
// -- SYSTEM
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Preload","1","00000409"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Preload","2","0000040d"
// --
// --
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Toggle",Hotkey,1
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Language Hotkey",1
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Layout Hotkey",2
//- Use the Desktop Language Bar when it's available
RegWrite,HKLM,0x3,"Tmp_Default\Control Panel\Desktop",UserPreferencesMask,9e,1e,06,80,12,01,00,00
//- Floating on Desktop
any help would be great.
you do not need any of all these registries for "Language Indicator"
half of them related to your personal multi keyboard settings -> which you need and works without "Language Indicator"
+ Edit: a lot of settings which is not related to keyboard or "Language Indicator" at all
you only missed startup Language Indicator
"Tweak Language Bar" already created after recent topics and announced on another topic
To find easier, I create a "Tweak Language Bar" Plugin topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3146.0
Check Startup option inside Plugin which is all you need after you add your personal multi keyboard settings. :cool:
When you boot from your WinPE10, open CMD and type ctfmon [ENTER].
Does the Input Indicator show up in the taskbar?
When you boot from your WinPE10, open CMD and type ctfmon [ENTER].
Does the Input Indicator show up in the taskbar?
nope i have uncommented it as well and reverted im not getting anything.
When you boot from your WinPE10, open CMD and type ctfmon [ENTER].
Does the Input Indicator show up in the taskbar?
nope i have uncommented it as well and reverted im not getting anything.
start ctfmon.exe
wpeutil SetKeyboardLayout 40d:40d
start ctfmon.exe
wpeutil SetKeyboardLayout 40d:40d
This successfully changed the language but im not getting indicator.
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Preload","2","0000040d"
Works fine here with Azin-Wimbuilder
[attachimg=1 width=500]
only extract Azin to an empty folder and make your build :great:
Let me know if any failure. :cool:
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Preload","2","0000040d"
Works fine here with Azin-Wimbuilder
(Attachment Link)
only extract Azin to an empty folder and make your build :great:
Let me know if any failure. :cool:
I did a basic build but could not get it to boot. im a little confused with choosing wimbuilder2 or livesyspro.
I did a basic build but could not get it to boot.
no such error report since the first day of Azin http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3052.0
and Keyboard Indicator is working with Azin-Wimbuilder since day 1 too. :cool:
im a little confused with choosing wimbuilder2 or livesyspro.
I just extract Azin_2020-03-28.zip to an empty folder and click BigBluePlay and later Azin ask me to choose source -> I choose folder with "Win10_1903_V2_English_x64"
all goes fine here.
Builds fine, Boots fine with Vmware, and with Keyboard Indicator having Turkish.
Same with First Picture at Azin topic:
Click BigBluePlay button and provide the log...html file
Probably log will give more info what you did differently with all others. :lol:
I did a basic build but could not get it to boot.
no such error report since the first day of Azin http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3052.0
and Keyboard Indicator is working with Azin-Wimbuilder since day 1 too. :cool:
im a little confused with choosing wimbuilder2 or livesyspro.
I just extract Azin_2020-03-28.zip to an empty folder and click BigBluePlay and later Azin ask me to choose source -> I choose folder with "Win10_1903_V2_English_x64"
all goes fine here.
Builds fine, Boots fine with Vmware, and with Keyboard Indicator having Turkish.
Same with First Picture at Azin topic:
Click BigBluePlay button and provide the log...html file
Probably log will give more info what you did differently with all others. :lol:
LOL i will do just that and see what happens.
LOL i will do just that and see what happens.
Just to clear a confusion I notice on another topic about thing I did not write :
First Pictures on Azin Topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3052.0 clearly shows I use (prefer) enu source which is also good for first pictures of project.
So far I always wrote: Use Azin default build and you will get Hebrew language ready working with the indicator as shown on one of previous posts.
It is that way since Azin first release anyway :lol: not something new at all (Thanks to slore :smart:)
And I was already using wimbuilder with indicator before I start to develop Azin (Thanks to slore :cheerleader: )
So ive been able to get the keyboard to change with shift+alt, but no indicator.
I have added all files and use my souce os for registy files as well as from ericgl as well as test script from James.
Thank you all for all the help im looking forward to getting this to work some time soon.
@Lancelot I have had no luck with azin, why i do not know but im using XPE for now and would love to get it working.
Registry keys ive played with
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\Keyboard Layout\Preload","1","00000409"
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\Keyboard Layout\Preload","2","0000040d"
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\Keyboard Layout\Toggle",Hotkey,1
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Language Hotkey",1
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Software\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Layout Hotkey",2
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_Software\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,KeyboardLayout,67699721
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,CLSID,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,Profile,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_Software\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,KeyboardLayout,-264436723
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,CLSID,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,Profile,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language,00000000,00000409
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Software\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language,00000001,0000040d
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Default\Keyboard Layout\Preload","1","00000409"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Default\Keyboard Layout\Preload","2","0000040d"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_Default\Keyboard Layout\Substitutes",0000040d,0002040d
// --
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_default\Keyboard Layout\Toggle",Hotkey,1
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_default\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Language Hotkey",1
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_default\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Layout Hotkey",2
// --
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,KeyboardLayout,67699721
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,CLSID,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,Profile,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,KeyboardLayout,4030530573
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,CLSID,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,Profile,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language,00000000,00000409
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_Default\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language,00000001,0000040d
// // -- SYSTEM
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Preload","1","00000409"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Preload","2","0000040d"
RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Substitutes",0000040d,0002040d
// --
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Toggle",Hotkey,1
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Language Hotkey",1
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,"Tmp_System\Keyboard Layout\Toggle","Layout Hotkey",2
// --
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_System\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,KeyboardLayout,67699721
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,CLSID,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x00000409\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,Profile,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x4,Tmp_System\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,KeyboardLayout,4030530573
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,CLSID,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\AssemblyItem\0x0000040d\{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\00000000,Profile,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language,00000000,00000409
// RegWrite,HKLM,0x1,Tmp_System\Software\Microsoft\CTF\SortOrder\Language,00000001,0000040d
Files ive added
@Lancelot I have had no luck with azin, why i do not know but im using XPE for now and would love to get it working.
Hi Bigbadmoshe,
you must stay on your "love" section http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3138.0 which is same with current topic title :wink:
I can not know "pm" development part ...
Language Bar (Input Indicator) already solved months (probably since the first wimbuilder),
Hebrew with Language Bar already solved since first Azin (and before) + with a new "Language Bar" Plıugin providing a complete set of "Language Bar" settings.
The only thing left here is why you can not build Azin when others do, and I asked for log, where is the log ?
@Lancelot I have had no luck with azin, why i do not know but im using XPE for now and would love to get it working.
Hi Bigbadmoshe,
you must stay on your "love" section http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3138.0 which is same with current topic title :wink:
I can not know "pm" development part ...
Language Bar (Input Indicator) already solved months (probably since the first wimbuilder),
Hebrew with Language Bar already solved since first Azin (and before) + with a new "Language Bar" Plıugin providing a complete set of "Language Bar" settings.
The only thing left here is why you can not build Azin when others do, and I asked for log, where is the log ?
You are of course correct. Trying to get XPE Gods to help me there.
So the issue was i think i am using Hyper-V GEN-2 and it wont boot i tried with a GEN-1 and its fine.
Lets close these issues with regards to Azin.
Thanks for everything.
Hi Bigbadmoshe,
With a quick look, I do not see any trouble.
Recently I only make tests with Win10_1903_V2_English_x64 I guess same with you.
how do you test final Azin.iso ( WimBuilder_Win10_0_18362_418_x64_en-US.iso ) ? did you test with hyper-v ? or ?
So the issue was i think i am using Hyper-V GEN-2 and it wont boot i tried with a GEN-1 and its fine.
So Azin working fine since the beginning. Thanks to the Gods of Azin . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I do not work on Hyper-V, I am fine with VMware, but to avoid such trouble with end-user I will try what I can do qEmuX Plugin with Azin for today. Probably Hyper-V Plugin in future.
So Good news, At the end with Azin now you see Hebrew with Language Bar (Keyboard Indicator) on your PC. :cheers:
So Good news, At the end with Azin now you see Hebrew with Language Bar (Keyboard Indicator) on your PC. :cheers:
Its not the native inticator but a 3rd part app?
Its not the native inticator but a 3rd part app?
It is the native indicator (Language Bar)
For Hebrew at Current topic See picture Lancelot Reply 62 http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3137.msg37747#msg37747
notice First Picture right-down "TUR" on Azin topic http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=3052.0
well you can check Azin with your emulator ( Hyper-V (gen1 gen2 I have no idea) )
Tip: Following your log I guess you also have VirtualBox, JFX informed in the past when you disable HyperV, VirtualBox will work.
--> Azin\Virtual Test\"VirtualBox Virtualization" Plugin will work
Hi Bigbadmoshe
as mentioned before I made a research about qEmu with Hyper-V
On my side, The chain development following accidents, in this case, becomes very helpful in development.
Follow Instruction:
On Azin\Virtual Test\"qEmu X Emulation" Plugin
- Update/Download qEmu-X Latest Plugin + and Update/Download qEmu-X x64 FileContainer --> on picture click 2 buttons
[attachimg=1 width=500]
Tip: When you already create .iso file before, only use "small green play" button on "qEmu X Emulation" Plugin.
Here I do not have HyperV and qEmu boots Azin-Wimbuilder very slow (since Vista), to me it is useful to check if .iso created successfully, boot menu, PE boots fine...
(+ check "Language Bar" works fine :lol: )
I add "accelerator" to "qEmu X Emulation" Plugin which makes qEmu use Hyper-V you have, but I do not know if it helps faster results or not?
Result Here :
[attachimg=2 width=500]
Azin-Wimbuilder having a Hebrew keyboard with an operational Language Bar (Keyboard Indicator) works fine. :cool:
so 2 questions :
1) After "qEmu X Emulation" Plugin update as instructed, does qEmu work fast or slow or .... on your Enabled Hyper-V Host ?
2) Do you have Hebrew with Language Bar (Keyboard Indicator) when you test Azin on your PC ?
Hi slore,
Have you tried to build he-IL language PE with WimBuilder2?
without feedback so far, I decide to try
As Expected
I believe It will work fine when you change your source from en-US to he-IL
[attachimg=1 width=500]
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
As written previously :
your design is correct :thumbsup:
Keep good going with well-optimized wimbuilder patches :cheers:
ps: let me know if you can test Hyper-V :wink:
I'm sorry I have not had much time to run test.
I'm sorry I have not had much time to run test.
Come on, no need such an excuse. :lol:
I know it will take a lot of time (maybe max 15 minutes) to test and reply something like :
"You are right, Wimbuilder and Azin-Wimbuilder have Language Bar (Keyboard Indicator) out of the box working with my Hebrew Keyboard"
and also a response to qEmu with Hyper-V question.
Only sarcasm :lol: :lol: :lol:
We never had such an attitude on TheOven before,
Now I learn we have 3 regular members (+1 maybe ...) do such things.
Life brings new things that make us learn and develop solutions. Thanks for that :cheers: