Hi HeyJoe,
Why comment out files (and their .mui's) even not existing in currently max. supported M$ source by WinPESE (which is v.1809) ?
No files canceled (eg. hevcdecoder.dll kept for future compatibility) ,
only mui files canceled because they do not exist to keep Plugin in the way it was designed in the first place,
like InstallCopySys32, and InstallCopySys32Mui, ...
(The first update was quick without checking .... 2nd update I had the time and a ready extracted source to check ... )
If you test Win10PESE with sources after 1809 (Experiment mode which I feel you already discovered)
You will notice all missing .mui AND .mun files added automatically via PrePost plugin :wink:
With other words:
To get Win10PESE work after 1809, All you need is to add missing files for "Core" and "Explorer"
(and other mui files ...\SysWOW64\...\ etc. and they are also optimized with the language of source :wink:)
(no need to write \Windows\System32\??-??\Blabla.dll.mui )
(no need to write \Windows\SystemResources\Blabla.dll.mun )
will be added automatically at the beginning of the PostConfig plugin.
ps: Above example syntax valid for both BuildClass2 and BuildClass3 and with an increasing set of files you will notice it gets quite faster.
Advantages: Life is easier for a developer and end-user who writes Plugins. + No need to rewrite Plugins written before 1809 for .mun support.
Dis-Advantages: After 1809, optimizations with .mui files lost. (There will be extra ..mui files which are not required (dummy) but will not harm)
Things I did when I had time before I left development till next free time. :wink:
My intention is to open new topic to share from time to time such things where others can participate and of course contribute.
Which short descriptor / name could be meaningful for that task ?
What do You think ?
eg Topic Title:
BlueTooth Plugin
or whatever you like :thumbsup:
And If you like you can open a general topic title like "HeyJoe Development"
As I wrote before I plan to update zip mainly with Reason GWT, I will also have a quick update with App plugins as usual and will be away for a long while like before.
I felt Win10PE_SE_2021-03-28.zip would be a nice package after 1 year :lol:
but knowing public behaviors I decide to delay,
... 2021-04-... would be better so let's say I will update some time ~4 weeks later, 04-10 or 04-11 or a week after ...
update once a year self proves my low free time. :lol:
Time is the limit Not the sky. :great: