The Oven

Project World => Win10PE SE HomePage => Topic started by: techguy01 on February 03, 2021, 12:40:52 PM

Title: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: techguy01 on February 03, 2021, 12:40:52 PM
Having same issue as others have described. Build is fine, even tried with different sources. Upon booting, audio service doesn't load. Device manager shows the HD audio devices. It you attempt to start the audio service manually it errors with 126, module can't be found. Can someone please take a look at the Audio script? I wasn't able to find all of the audio script revisions (jumps from v26 to v31 between win10pese 2019-01-19 and 2020-03-28) to compare with.
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: techguy01 on February 06, 2021, 07:14:13 PM
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on February 10, 2021, 01:16:49 PM
Hi techguy01,

I feel there will not be time for a long while to check Audio Plugin unless someone comes with a solution after checking codes.

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Mr. Breez on February 19, 2021, 04:48:33 AM
Drivers are not installed.  just educational.
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: techguy01 on February 24, 2021, 01:45:10 PM
Thanks for the reply Lancelot.

Update on Issue. Went back over the audio script. Biggest changes came with build class 3. The older version of the script (v27) won't work with build class 3, so I made a build class 2 to test it. The audio service loaded without issue. Did another build class 2 with the newest version of audio script (v31) and it also loaded the audio service without any issue. So the issue with the audio script is definitely somewhere in entries for build class 3. I'm not enough of a coder to figure out what is causing this. At least for now the workaround would be to build via class 2. Obviously takes longer but end result is good. Oh and I'm not a newbie. The audio plugin does NOT require drivers (it copies what is needed).
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Mr. Breez on February 26, 2021, 11:40:42 AM
What exactly is the problem? What is your goal? What do you need help with? Who gives a shit if one runs well and another doesn't? Use the one that works. You say issues others are describing, what issues? Point me in the right direction. Post a link so I gain understanding.

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on February 26, 2021, 12:01:02 PM
What exactly is the problem? What is your goal? What do you need help with? Who gives a shit if one runs well and another doesn't? Use the one that works. You say issues others are describing, what issues? Point me in the right direction. Post a link so I gain understanding.

Hi Mr.Breez,

Such attitude not tolerated around theoven, techguy01 describe the problem very well and it is quite comfortable to build with buildclass3 which you seem not to care, but you have to respect to others who care.

Anyway, only 1 warning, check forum rules and other posts around ...

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on February 26, 2021, 12:03:45 PM
Hi techguy01,

Did another build class 2 with the newest version of audio script (v31) and it also loaded the audio service without any issue. So the issue with the audio script is definitely somewhere in entries for build class 3.

Thanks for the report techguy01,

Good to know v31 works fine with build class 2  :cheerleader: :magic:

If you have time, I feel you can quickly figure out the missing things by comparing the result files of Win10PESE buildclass2 and buildclass3 ......

Just for info:
BuildClass2 is build by copying files from source
BuildClass3 is build by extracting files from wim (wim not mounted or extracted)

I update many plugins in the past to support BuildClass3 , obviously, I made a mistake with Audio Plugin but I do not have time anymore ...
 If you can figure out missing things (files etc.) I will have to get my hands dirty to add broken things you report ...

Thanks again.  :great:
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: coelhosauro on February 27, 2021, 03:37:10 PM
Thanks for the reply Lancelot.

Update on Issue. Went back over the audio script. Biggest changes came with build class 3. The older version of the script (v27) won't work with build class 3, so I made a build class 2 to test it. The audio service loaded without issue. Did another build class 2 with the newest version of audio script (v31) and it also loaded the audio service without any issue. So the issue with the audio script is definitely somewhere in entries for build class 3. I'm not enough of a coder to figure out what is causing this. At least for now the workaround would be to build via class 2. Obviously takes longer but end result is good. Oh and I'm not a newbie. The audio plugin does NOT require drivers (it copies what is needed).

hi, nice. i've got to say i was curious with your fix, since i've been having the same issue for a couple of months and tried a lot of things, but never tought of buildclass issues. for me your fix didn't work, but i have not tried a new build, just modified an existing one, so that could be the issue (since i've tempered a lot with it trying to get sound). but will do a clean one and post the results
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: coelhosauro on February 27, 2021, 05:43:51 PM
just did a clean build with 1809 in class 2, and still no sound (at least not in a virtual machine).
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on February 27, 2021, 08:59:53 PM
Hi Guys,

We are speaking about "%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\Drivers\Audio8.Script" version 31 dated 2020.03.24 - right ?
If yes maybe this helps.

My basics: I build from source: win10 v.1809 x86 (10.0.17763.1) on host machine: Windows Pro. DE v.1909 x64 (10.0.18363.1379)
always with BuildClass=2 (that is extracted Win10_1809_German_x32.iso to hd ~ 95 GB)

Changes I did:

1.) in section [Interface]
  AutoRun_ScrollBox="After Displaying Explorer shell",1,4,110,10,180,21,"At Startup","After Displaying Explorer shell"
  AutoRun_ScrollBox="At Startup",1,4,110,10,180,21,"At Startup","After Displaying Explorer shell"

2.) in section [CopySys32Files] append lines taken from "\Win10XPE\Projects\Win10XPE\Features\Audio_AddFiles.txt" in downloaded "Win10XPE_2020-07-08.7z" by ChrisR - thx
( Attention: following 8 code lines are NOT yet compatible with BuildClass=3 -->  Lancelot please forgive Me)


3.) Fixed 3 times the positions of a single quote --> for x86 leads to fail madplay.exe playing startup sound. Same for nircmd.exe setsysvolume and mutesysvolume - sorry x64 not tested

in section [StartupSound] line 639
  Add_Shortcut,Startup,,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32\HideRun.exe,Audio_StartupSound,#$q#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32#$q,"#$q%ExeSound% -q #$q#$pSystemRoot#$p\Media\%Sound_FileName%#$q#$q",,2
  Add_Shortcut,Startup,,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32\HideRun.exe,Audio_StartupSound,#$q#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32#$q,"#$q%ExeSound%#$q -q #$q#$pSystemRoot#$p\Media\%Sound_FileName%#$q",,2

in section [ControlVolume] line 596
  Add_Shortcut,Startup,,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32\HideRun.exe,Audio_Change_Volume,#$q#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32#$q,"/w #$qnircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1#$q",,2
   Add_Shortcut,Startup,,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32\HideRun.exe,Audio_Change_Volume,#$q#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32#$q,"/w #$qnircmd.exe#$q mutesysvolume 1",,2

and line 599
  Add_Shortcut,Startup,,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32\HideRun.exe,Audio_Change_Volume,#$q#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32#$q,"/w #$qnircmd.exe setsysvolume %Volume%#$q",,2
  Add_Shortcut,Startup,,#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32\HideRun.exe,Audio_Change_Volume,#$q#$pSystemRoot#$p\system32#$q,"/w #$qnircmd.exe#$q setsysvolume %Volume%",,2

Please report back.
Have a nice day everyone.
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on February 28, 2021, 02:58:51 PM
Hi HeyJoe,

Thanks for the very good feedback,
Since feedback very nice, I get my hands dirty and made your changes and update Plugin on servers now (v32)
to see changes, See: Small Yellow Compare Button on Plugins - Reply 4: (

Let me know the plugin is fine for your BuildClass2 side

btw, I see on other topic you also use Slore's WimBuilder, see also Azin
bonus: you can test plugins easily with both Wimbuilder and also LiveSystemPro (after changing If,ExistFile,%Source_Sys%\ ....  :lol: )
tip: Win10PESE and Azin can be together on same base folder using single builder ....
ps: only using Require_FileQ alone without If,ExistFile will always work only gives warning if no such file  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on February 28, 2021, 03:01:39 PM
Hi techguy01, coelhosauro,

just get new plugin from server
See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

Let us know if HeyJoe fixes make Audio work now on your sides?

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: coelhosauro on March 05, 2021, 06:03:17 PM
hi guys,
so i tried updating the plugin in my build (1809 64b), no luck.
tried a new clean build (again 1809 64b) also no luck.
all i did was update the plugin.
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 06, 2021, 03:21:36 PM
@ coelhosauro,

may We have the log file posted (7zed)?

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 06, 2021, 03:31:31 PM
@ Lancelot,

Your Reply #11
Let me know the plugin is fine for your BuildClass2 side

Works fine on My side.

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on March 06, 2021, 04:16:45 PM
Hi HeyJoe,
Works fine on My side.

Thanks for the info, half glass is full.
Since you are a "Good User"  :wink: can you also test with buildclass3 ...

ps: As you know, All other projects I see on your posts you are testing with are technically BuildClass3  :wink:

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on March 06, 2021, 04:17:53 PM
Hi coelhosauro,

As instructed before by HeyJoe, Try changing the setting on plugin UI from
"After Displaying Explorer shell"
"At Startup"

and test ...

I assume you have your audio drivers added via a driver plugin

and further, provide log as instructed by HeyJoe

I only follow the topic, you are on HeyJoe hands  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 06, 2021, 05:46:14 PM
Hi Lancelot,

Since you are a "Good User" ...

Thank You for trusting Me.

Honestly I don't like buildclass3 very much for reasons I mentioned earlier.
But let's see first what coelhosauro's log can reveal.

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on March 06, 2021, 07:43:30 PM
Hi HeyJoe,

While you waiting for test results of Audio ...

out of topic:

Since you like BuildClass2
check Bob.Omb Plugins that may take your interest:
Build\"Unlock Install Source Build" plugin
Utils\"Unlock Install Source (BETA)" plugin

not tested for a long while now but they should be in good condition  :wink:
 They are Bob.Omb babies, I did not work on them....

when you finalize your plugins (bluetooth and all others) remember to share around  :cool:

Memo: I can only update following good feedback (thanks) without any free time.

Have Fun  :xmas-beer:
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 06, 2021, 08:57:05 PM
Hi lancelot,

Since you like BuildClass2
check Bob.Omb Plugins that may take your interest:
Build\"Unlock Install Source Build" plugin
Utils\"Unlock Install Source (BETA)" plugin
They are Bob.Omb babies, ....

BTW. Bob.Omb long long time not seen too?

I included  (Selected=True) it in build long time ago.
Just ran again.
No abnormalities on my side.
Now it is Selected=False like on server.

pic _1 --> as on server
pic _2 --> just ran

when you finalize your plugins (bluetooth and all others) remember to share around

Not ready yet. It works somehow but verry fragile while using various devices I own - unreasonable to publish.

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: coelhosauro on March 07, 2021, 10:57:58 AM
here is the log. as i mentioned, the only thing i did was update the plugin and new build, class 2. i will try now to change the settings
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on March 07, 2021, 11:10:20 AM
BTW. Bob.Omb long long time not seen too?
PE takes a lot of free time...... and sometimes bad people make things stressful to new developers ...  I am also not around, free time not on my side.  :lol:

I believe one day Bob.Omb will come back.  :great:

Those Bob.Omb plugins enable features at source (that is the reason BuildClass2 requirement),
So one may create a plugin to add this feature to PE. ---> Bob.Omb left before creating such plugins (Left before Step 2) )

Step 1) After enabling Linux feature at source
Step 2) add Linux to PE with a plugin. (I feel some quick DirCopy and RegCopy will be enough for headstart)

not something new, this method already used with NetFX3, Bob.Omb started to gather such features but left before all finished  ...

Just look at the codes of plugin that was designed for Step1) (probably got old now) and rest have fun If you are interested.

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: coelhosauro on March 07, 2021, 11:51:02 AM
ok, so i just did a 64b build with the "at startup" option - no luck.
tried a new build with a 32b system, still no luck.
i must be doing something wrong.
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 07, 2021, 11:58:54 AM
Hello coelhosauro,

here is the log. as i mentioned, the only thing i did was update the plugin and new build, class 2. i will try now to change the settings

Sorry, Your posted log came from processing section: [DownloadXXX] in file: [Audio] that is: You just updated the audio plugin.
What We need to inspect is: The Build Log File created after whole build process You started by clicking big blue play button placed upper right of wb start screen.

Please post the right one.


edit: sorry just noticed Your post #23.
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: coelhosauro on March 07, 2021, 12:09:07 PM
sorry about that. this should be the right one
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 07, 2021, 04:15:32 PM
Hi coelhosauro,

ok, so i just did a 64b build with the "at startup" option - no luck.
tried a new build with a 32b system, still no luck.

Your posted log is dated 2021.03.05 19:00:15 - so, still audio plugin v.31 involved as also Your log shows.
Try using v.32 from server Lancelot provided. Then repeat whole build.

Before doing please concider some tips / recommendations:

If possible better use an other disk than systemdrive C:\ for buildings.
Reason behind: The less impact to operation system and systemdrive the better.
This was many times recommended especially by Lancelot and other guys @ TheOven.

For %SourceDir% (of course also for %BaseDir%) create short path names without spaces in it
because sometimes spaces can lead to unexpected results mainly with poorly made plugins.

You should select DirectX plugin. I believe (if I remember right) it is a must for audio working.
I have it always Selected=True.

If you don't mind, try v.1809 x86 BuildClass=2 first. That way I could better compare Yours with Mine.
If the problem persists, republish the associated log file.

Please do not be bothered by the underlinings - they are only used for clarification.


edit: DirectX plugin not mandatory for Audio --> it's up to You.
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: coelhosauro on March 08, 2021, 04:54:03 PM
i just did a new build following your sugestions. again no sound.
here is the log
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 09, 2021, 07:52:27 PM
@ Lancelot,

because I don't use BuildClas=3 often, I forgot to mention following files for plugin
"%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\Drivers\Audio8.Script" (now v.32) section [CopySys32Files_HeyJoe]:

Code: [Select]

Sorry for that.

@ coelhosauro,

Sorry for late reply. Verry busy with other tasks.

It appears to Me that Your posted log file tells that You did not run build from scratch.

OK. Let's start from scratch:

1.: Create folder D:\TheOven (or another short name what ever You want) - Your current selected name is OK
2.: Extract latest "" into this empty folder

First update all plugins from server:
    Important! --> I guess You never did it.
    See relevant instructions @TheOven mainly written by Lancelot. Maybe ask Him. I am sure He will give friendly info link(s).
3.: Start WB and Run "%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\Utils\Update_BLexact_Win10PE SE.script" - Title=Update Win10PESE (Exact and Secure)

Do not change anything except 4. and 5. (for now)

4.: Select BuildClass=2 (important because at this point We have missing files for BuildClass=3 in audio plugin until Lancelot can fix it)
5.: Turn off theese plugins so they can't bother you - this recommendations are up to You (let build finish errorfree first - use them later)
  - "%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\Adds\System Tools\Explorer Addons\HashTab_olegpov_v5_vX.Script" - Title=HashTab v5 v6 (olegpov)
  - "%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\Adds\System Tools\Windows Setup\WinNTSetup3.Script" - Title=WinNTSetup3
  - "%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\VirtualTest\AA_Best_Emulation.script" - Title=Best Virtual Machine
6.: Assuming Your valid %SourceDir% consists of all needed files extracted from v.1809 x86 iso downloaded from offical "",
    point to %SourceDir% in "%BaseDir%\Projects\Win10PESE\Config SourceCD.Script" - Title=Config Source
7.: Hit the big blue button
8.: After the build completes without errors, you can test it on any target you want, provided the associated audio driver is on board.
    Ex.: on My side I'm using Vbox v.6.0.20r13717
         selected Audio: Host-Driver ICH AC97 - for this I integrated package "Intel Integrated Audio v5.10.0.3650"

This way always success on My side.

Hopefully this helps.

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on March 10, 2021, 10:41:05 AM
Thanks HeyJoe,

New Audio Plugin v33 on the servers now.

I feel these were the main missing files that missed from eyes looooong time ago.  :clap:

I plan to update zip packages with the main reason GetWaikTools update (without update build fails), and Audio will be a very nice bonus fix.

If you have other critical things to be updated, let me know.
 The next zip update will probably take a long time considering my very low free time.

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on March 10, 2021, 10:42:17 AM
Hi techguy01, coelhosauro,

As before just get new plugin from server
See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (

I hope this time HeyJoe fixes make Audio work now on your sides?

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 10, 2021, 08:49:17 PM
Hi Lancelot,

New Audio Plugin v33 on the servers now.

Thx for that.
For (BuildClass=3) - see new "..._CANCELLED]" section in v.33: Why comment out files (and their .mui's) even not existing in currently max. supported M$ source by WinPESE (which is v.1809) ?
I thing they would not hurt (no annoying errors with BuildClass=3). But ensure readyness for future.

I feel these were the main missing files that missed from eyes looooong time ago.  :clap:

Me too.

I plan to update zip packages ...

If you have other critical things to be updated, let me know.

Yes, I think I have (maybe not exactly critical matters but hopefully usefull for one or the other...).
My intention is to open new topic to share from time to time such things where others can participate and of course contribute.
Which short descriptor / name could be meaningful for that task ?
What do You think ?

The next zip update will probably take a long time considering my very low free time.

To contribute to a new update (collect useful things and such) I also would require ...
...a long time considering my very low free time.
...a long time considering my very low free time.

Please don't get Me wrong, this is not a promise - it is a thought of Mine.
Because as You said multiple times: time is the limit Not the sky. We'll see.

See You.
Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: Lancelot on March 11, 2021, 06:30:02 AM
Hi HeyJoe,

Why comment out files (and their .mui's) even not existing in currently max. supported M$ source by WinPESE (which is v.1809) ?
No files canceled (eg. hevcdecoder.dll kept for future compatibility) ,
 only mui files canceled because they do not exist to keep Plugin in the way it was designed in the first place,
  like InstallCopySys32, and InstallCopySys32Mui, ...
   (The first update was quick without checking .... 2nd update I had the time and a ready extracted source to check ... )

If you test Win10PESE with sources after 1809 (Experiment mode which I feel you already discovered)
You will notice all missing .mui AND .mun files added automatically via PrePost plugin  :wink:

With other words:
To get Win10PESE work after 1809, All you need is to add missing files for "Core" and "Explorer"
Code: [Select]


(and other mui files ...\SysWOW64\...\ etc. and they are also optimized with the language of source  :wink:)
(no need to write \Windows\System32\??-??\Blabla.dll.mui )
(no need to write \Windows\SystemResources\Blabla.dll.mun )
will be added automatically at the beginning of the PostConfig plugin.

ps: Above example syntax valid for both BuildClass2 and BuildClass3 and with an increasing set of files you will notice it gets quite faster.

Advantages: Life is easier for a developer and end-user who writes Plugins. + No need to rewrite Plugins written before 1809 for .mun support.
Dis-Advantages: After 1809, optimizations with .mui files lost. (There will be extra ..mui files which are not required (dummy) but will not harm)

Things I did when I had time before I left development till next free time.  :wink:

My intention is to open new topic to share from time to time such things where others can participate and of course contribute.
Which short descriptor / name could be meaningful for that task ?
What do You think ?
eg Topic Title:
BlueTooth Plugin
or whatever you like  :thumbsup:

And If you like you can open a general topic title like "HeyJoe Development"

As I wrote before I plan to update zip mainly with Reason GWT, I will also have a quick update with App plugins as usual and will be away for a long while like before.
I felt would be a nice package after 1 year  :lol:
 but knowing public behaviors I decide to delay,
    ... 2021-04-... would be better so let's say I will update some time ~4 weeks later, 04-10 or 04-11 or a week after ...

update once a year self proves my low free time.  :lol:

Time is the limit Not the sky.  :great:

Title: Re: Audio Plugin/Audio Service
Post by: HeyJoe on March 11, 2021, 10:10:45 PM
@ Lancelot,

No files canceled (eg. hevcdecoder.dll kept for future compatibility) ,

My mistake. (tired eyes, sorry) You are right. All files (commands) are present. Of course no files canceled.

It's a reminder only:
Section [CopySys32Files_HeyJoe_CANCELLED] added by You made for future...
Sorry, if missunderstood.

See You.