Request for Comment:
With the new builder come the opportunity to change and enhance existing behavior. I for one would like to see the amount of warnings issued to the log decrease in order to make the Warning status more meaningful. With commands like RegWrite automatically issuing a warning entry every time a key is overwritten leads to so much "white noise" it can be difficult to sort out events that actually require attention.
I see the value of having a warning present if you are trying to see if another plugin overwrites a value you set earlier, but how often is this actually a valid case in a project with hundreds of RegWrites?
Some changes to behavior that could help cleanup the logs and reduce "white noise"while still allowing for extended visibility if required.
Per-Key Opt-In Method: Submitted by Homes32
Change the default behavior of options like RegWrite to not issue a warning unless a Warn flag is issued for that key/value.To make this work project wide PEBakery would need to maintain a build-time database of key/values with Warn defined in order issue a warning when required.
Compatibility is not effected as existing behavior of plugins using the NoWarn parameter doesn't change (it just does nothing) and code need not be modified until the NoWarn parameter is depreciated. If a developer is concerned about a specific key, he can set the Warn flag to monitor it.
Global All-or-nothing Opt-out Submitted by Homes32
Leave the current behavior of logging a warning by default alone, but add a PEBakery setting to disable logging of reg overwrite.
Again compatibility is not affected. A user only needs to choose if they want to log such warnings or not.
Per-Key Opt-In with global override Submitted by Homes32
Change the default behavior of options like RegWrite to not issue a warning unless a Warn flag is specified. In addition add a global PEBakery setting to ignore this and log warnings on overwrite.
Group file/reg overwrite into a special category Submitted by lancelot
Throw em out! Submitted by ied206
Get rid of overwrite warnings and log them as general info or not at all.
The downside is that it could hide valuable troubleshooting information.
Logging Level's Submitted by Homes32
Implement various levels of logging containing increasing levels of information.
This could be done as a logging restriction via existing Log Debug Level setting or a log viewer filter.
- Level 1 - Normal Production
- Level 2 - Extended Logging
- Level 3 - Developer Logging
- Level 4 - Exception Logging
- Level 5 - Stack Trace
Do nothing.
Lots of warnings make me happy so "noisy" logs are fine. Leave well enough alone.
I'm interested in hearing from other developers their opinion is and whether or not the default per write opt-out warning is preferred.
Thanks ied206,
Yes, there are too many file/registry overwrite warning. I am curious why they did not appear in WinBuilder 082.
Because we could not update closed source winbuilder to give only info for
we update design bug of winbuilder with System,ErrorOff
If you want to see warnings on winbuilder build:
SE\Main Configuration -> Advanced -> Click buttons:
--> buttons will appear "unchecked" , than make your build.
This will create MANY warnings on wb log, which is VERY scary for Normal Users.
Keep in mind, Normal Users never use Compilers that produce warnings. :wink:
Than we update old plugins that really use System,ErrorOff with other ways.
So shortly :
System,ErrorOff not required on PEBakery, only improvments on Log is enough. :thumbsup:
It will be time saver for PEBakery development.
==> Above also replies to your question:
There are options:
1) Do not log overwrite as warning.
2) Fix System,ErrorOff in PEBakery and add lots of them to plugins to prevent overwrite warning.
3) Group overwrite warning to special category, like [FileOverWriteInfo] and [RegOverWriteInfo].
I am tempted to do option 1, but it can hide potential error, any ideas?
3) solves troubles. :thumbsup:
1) log provides special info for overwrites
but do not put log as warning, put log as info :
2) with [FileOverWriteInfo] [RegOverWriteInfo] -> System,ErrorOff will not be required.
( when found can be updated with other ways)
Starting from next release, let's seperate release news thread and bug thread.
I agree,
open a topic at:
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PEBakery Release
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This is ChrisR :worship: way on SE Release topics. :showoff:
More later..... :turtle: