The Oven

Project World => Win10PE SE HomePage => Topic started by: Larry on December 11, 2019, 10:31:44 PM

Title: "ctfmon.exe - Success" box on boot up
Post by: Larry on December 11, 2019, 10:31:44 PM

I have latest Win10PESE compiled with 1809 and booted up no problem. Only thing is wrong is it would show a dialog box saying ctfmon.exe - Success, Unknown hard error with an OK button when PE boots up. I had to enable the Administrator account (by ticking Login as Admin in Finals) because PE would not access Linux samba share as SYSTEM. Since then the error shows up. Is there a way to track down why this dialog box shows up?

Great project here and thank you!
Title: Re: "ctfmon.exe - Success" box on boot up
Post by: Lancelot on December 14, 2019, 10:45:48 AM
Hi Larry,

I had to enable the Administrator account (by ticking Login as Admin in Finals) because PE would not access Linux samba share as SYSTEM.
Thanks for the info.

I do not know network things well, but there are Some options at \Components\Network -> Advanced
which may take your interest.

Since then the error shows up. Is there a way to track down why this dialog box shows up?
Bob.Omb is not around and the project is at stable times, you can track down and feedback if you have time.

\Apps\System Tools\Debug\"Sysinternals Process Monitor (Procmon)" plugin available to give a head start.

Currently only if the public find & share solutions I can quickly update plugins, rest waits the end of summer.  :cool:

Title: Re: "ctfmon.exe - Success" box on boot up
Post by: Larry on December 18, 2019, 05:41:05 PM
I do not know network things well, but there are Some options at \Components\Network -> Advanced
which may take your interest.
I did play with those settings and nothing worked.

Bob.Omb is not around and the project is at stable times, you can track down and feedback if you have time.

\Apps\System Tools\Debug\"Sysinternals Process Monitor (Procmon)" plugin available to give a head start.

Thanks will give it a try.  I just decided to switch shell to Classic Shell and see if the error would go away.  Currently compiling now in my VM.
Title: Re: "ctfmon.exe - Success" box on boot up
Post by: Larry on December 19, 2019, 04:06:57 PM

Any chance you could describe what exactly I need to do with the procmon software?  I loaded it while the dialog error is up and found the ctfmon.exe process but unsure what to do there.  No rush - it's not a show stopper issue.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: "ctfmon.exe - Success" box on boot up
Post by: Larry on December 19, 2019, 04:08:50 PM
I can't find edit button to add to my previous post but the classic shell didn't solve anything.
Title: Re: "ctfmon.exe - Success" box on boot up
Post by: APT on December 19, 2019, 04:20:01 PM
Hi Larry

you will be able to edit your posts after the tenth one  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: "ctfmon.exe - Success" box on boot up
Post by: Lancelot on December 19, 2019, 09:43:34 PM
Hi Larry,

Procmon may quick help you to figure out where error comes from ...

I mostly use procmon to figure out missing files which cause some errors .....

Just start Procmon before the error, do things, and when the error comes, stop procmon capture, read log of procmon

If you never use procmon before
Check internet :
how to use procmon
