The Oven

Project World => Win10XPE HomePage => Topic started by: EI64djc on January 24, 2021, 01:01:54 PM

Title: Active@ Partition Manager
Post by: EI64djc on January 24, 2021, 01:01:54 PM
Active@ Partition Manager won't launch
The system cannot find the path specified qwindows.dll

I enclose Active@ Partition Manager.7z
Thanks for your help
Title: Re: Active@ Partition Manager
Post by: Jimehc on January 24, 2021, 01:54:28 PM
edit the download
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Active@ Partition Manager
Post by: EI64djc on January 24, 2021, 04:52:15 PM
Tried to change download link
Did not work
same error
Title: Re: Active@ Partition Manager
Post by: APT on January 24, 2021, 05:43:41 PM
Tried to change download link
Did not work
same error

You need to change the d/l link and hit Update button on interface, then run the xpeplugin
Title: Re: Active@ Partition Manager
Post by: EI64djc on January 24, 2021, 06:51:37 PM
Sorry still getting used of the program
Thanks for that work ok now
Stay safe Bye