The Oven

Project World => Win10PE SE HomePage => Topic started by: diskman on April 29, 2020, 11:06:43 PM

Title: PE_SE
Post by: diskman on April 29, 2020, 11:06:43 PM
Hi All... im very impressed with this program you guys have developed .... means I can now have a reasonable size ISO with powerful features of a Win10 enviroment.

I understand the whole concept ...

Im just a little confused with PE_SE .....  seems to want to create another project called "azin"

how do I just build the WinPE SE into an ISO.... thats it i dont really want the azin.. I'll test it by other means

Title: Re: PE_SE & XPE
Post by: Lancelot on April 29, 2020, 11:40:46 PM
Hi diskman

To use Win10PESE, you need 1809
See Reply 12 here:

After 1809 (or before 1903), your plugins will continue work with Azin ... :turtle:
Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: glockmane on May 06, 2020, 03:34:46 PM
Hey guys,

another Newbie here  :wink:


So why use Azin before and after 1809, what about 1809, should I use Win10PESE Project instead? And can I even use 20H1 Version of Windows?

Best Regards
Title: Re: PE_SE & XPE
Post by: Lancelot on May 06, 2020, 04:18:19 PM
Hi glockmane,

Win10PESE for now supports sources up to Win10 1809 following Bob.Omb extended support.

See topic given link before
See Reply 12 here:

Azin support Win10 sources before and after 1809.

The good thing is one can use the same Plugins on both (and other) projects.

First Spend some time, you will figure out.

I see you open a topic on PEBakery section

See also this topic

Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: glockmane on May 10, 2020, 06:48:41 AM
Hi Lancelot,

yeah also tried PEBakery but I only succeeded with Win10XPE there I could build a 1909 PE without a problem, only struggling with drivers (GPU Driver installs but only 640x480 Resolution, which is not changeable and WiFi driver doesn't load cause of some signing problem I think..)..

Best Regards
Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: glockmane on May 10, 2020, 07:35:29 AM
Have to correct me, I successfully build a 20H1 PE ISO with Azin, unchecked everything not needed for the moment will add options as I need them.. There is a new WinBuilder Version (05.05.20), How can I update the Version bundled with Win10PE SE?
Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: sandy on May 10, 2020, 11:56:42 AM
Yes current win10pese is incompatible with pebakery. Pebakery is much more strict with the syntax than winbuilder. I had to fix 5 - 10 plugins to get it building with pebakery.
Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: sandy on May 10, 2020, 12:34:17 PM
Note - if you go to Settings / General and uncheck 'Stop build on error' you can at least get the project to build with the latest nightly build of pebakery. Also go to Settings / Compat and click 'Select All' / Save.

pebakery has problems with how the set command is used in the macro library. So this sort of construct causes a syntax error:

If,#4-,Equal,-,Set,#4,Call,Echo,"Halt: Key Parameter Missing",Warn,,MessageError,,Halt

Changing it to:

If,#4-,Equal,-,Set,#4,"Call,Echo,#$qHalt: Key Parameter Missing#$q,Warn,,MessageError,,Halt"

fixes the problem.

Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: Lancelot on May 11, 2020, 02:37:25 PM
Hi sandy,

It is the wrong syntax, did not appear before since all written correctly.  :wink:
Thanks for reporting,
 Fixed and new Macro Library (now v47.82) updated to Project servers.

on a batch processor, an option with 'Stop build on error' is wrong,
 It is like suppress "exit" command on cmd.exe
   From your post, I see winbuilder wrong design followed by pebakery ...

History notes:
This option wrongly added at a time winbuilder incompatibilities cause failure of all projects but not only 1  :lol:
 wrong addition causes lots of plugins written in a way to avoid options caused by this design.

Instead of 1 simple line :
Code: [Select]
If,Not,%a%,Equal,1,Exit,"No need to process"
knowing such option wrongly exists,
 on many critical cases (but not all) following used
Code: [Select]


Echo,"No need to process",Warn

It is like making "exit" not work with "cmd" which on some cases will make "WimBuilder" build or design fail .....
 There is a good reason cmd.exe do not have "Stop build on error" option  :wink:

I do not use pebakery,
 but I can predict "uncheck 'Stop build on error'" will make Arch syntax fail which mostly prevents "only x86" plugins exit with builds that do not have "Wow64"
  ps: WimBuilder - Wow64 very optional and not default enabled (not default enabled 2 versions ago  :wink: )

not an advisable option to any newbies which should never exist anyway.  :cool:

Thanks again for reporting, I am happy with fixing the wrong syntax. :cheers:

Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: Lancelot on May 11, 2020, 02:46:36 PM
Hi glockmane,

I do not use pebakery,
as written on another topic :
Tip: If Project distributed with winbuilder use winbuilder included with the project
      If Project distributed with PEBakery use PEBakery distributed with the project.
        End-user is responsible for the result with changing builders or builder files (versions) or builder settings.
changing builders (or builder versions) is something experienced users like sandy can, I guess for testing ....
 pebakery so far never announce full compatibiltiy or full replacement .....

I know project build fine with the builder (current winbuilder) included with the project ...

Have to correct me, I successfully build a 20H1 PE ISO with Azin, unchecked everything not needed for the moment will add options as I need them.. There is a new WinBuilder Version (05.05.20), How can I update the Version bundled with Win10PE SE?

I will try to update WimBuilder this weekend or put a simple instruction to do manually .  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: glockmane on May 11, 2020, 08:42:19 PM
Hey Lancelot,

I don't have tried with PEBakery anymore since I couldn't manage a build..

Have a semi functional build with Azin & 20H1 which I integrated in a AIO Boot USB Stick, semi functional means:

1) DrvInstPatch fails
2) cannot install WiFi Driver (Intel AX200), something with signing, maybe it would work with DrvInstPatch
3) PowerShell Core files aren't present (only Shortcut), this is only when integrating in AIO Boot Stick, if I flash the iso with Rufus there is a drive "Y:" mounted which is not the case with AIO Boot, I think it has something todo with AIO Boot only copying the boot.wim
4) After integrating all drivers from my system build finished but wouldn't boot (hangs at loading screen "34%"), unchecked some plugins and it worked again, tried to find the plugin(s) which causes this problem but now I think it has something todo with the iso size, as I couldn't find a specific plugin as the cause (tried many combinations) if I deselect some plugins it works and if I reduce the amount of drivers it works too)
5) PortableApps don't start (error windows with reference to the app ini)

Also I had to copy some files from Win10PESE to Azin project folder to finish build, e.g. "9-Administrator.Script" and "0-Shell Loader.script"..

You see, there is a lot todo but I'm still proud that I have a working build with graphic drivers (even FurMark runs :D) and some apps!

BTW is Azin a replacement for Win10PE SE or do I need the Win10PE SE Project anyway?

Thanks for your kind help :)
Title: Re: PE_SE
Post by: Lancelot on May 12, 2020, 09:41:55 PM
Hi glockmane,

BTW is Azin a replacement for Win10PE SE or do I need the Win10PE SE Project anyway?

Thanks for your kind help :)

Azin is not a replacement for Win10PE SE ,
For today Win10PE SE support sources up to 1809 ( )
Who knows, maybe bob.omb will come tomorrow, or any other feedback increases support tomorrow .... time will show ...
Azin support sources after 1809

with other words
with Win10 1809 source or before
you can use same Plugins with Win10PESE and Azin
after Win10 1809 source
you can use same Plugins with Azin  :thumbsup:

Rest of your post is related to Azin, so I replied on Azin topic
Lancelot Reply 43
