Topic: WimBuilder2 Release (v2021.04.04)  (Read 2609 times)

WimBuilder2 Release (v2021.04.04)
« on: April 20, 2020, 03:55:14 PM »


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WimBuilder2-Full.v2021-04-04.7z (62.27 MB) MD5: aa0dd166686824e71a1ed7d1478adb9c

tested:v1803, v1809, v19H1, v19H2, 20H1(<=10.0.19041.508),  20H2(<=10.0.19042.906), 21H2(<= 10.0.21343.1000)


YOU can use WimBuilder2 to create a Windows 10 PE which one has the origin Windows features:
  • Windows Explorer(Support dark, light theme)(40MB)
  • DWM visual(minimum additions)(8MB)
  • Compter Management(MMC(~Services): 3MB)
  • Device Manager
  • Disk Management
  • Services
  • Chinese IME(zh-CN, zh-TW)(32MB)
  • Korean IME(ko-KR)
  • Origin display monitor drivers(0.4MB)
  • Network support(33MB)
  • Audio support
  • Search feature(7MB)
  • Bitlocker(0.5MB)
  • Accessibility(6MB)
  • WOW64 support(72MB)  (2018-12-04)
  • Internet Explorer 11(26MB)  (2018-12-04)
  • Windows Media Player   (2020-03-03)
  • native 'Safely Remove Hardware'(Eject USB Device)  (2019-06-30)
  • Remote Desktop(15MB)  (2019-01-02)
  • Remote Desktop Service  (2019-06-29)
  • MTP support(6MB)  (2018-01-02) BIG thanks to noelBlanc  :thumbsup:
  • RNDIS support(0.5MB)  (2019-10-10)
  • PPPoE support  (2020-03-03)
  • SwitchToAdmin(minimum additions)(29MB)  (2019-01-24)
  • Switch between Admin <=> SYSTEM account(0MB)  (2019-10-10)
  • Windows Photo Viewer(3MB)  (2019-01-30)
  • VC++ Runtime(1.7MB)  (2019-03-20)
  • .NET Framework(140MB) (2019-04-18)
  • System Event Sounds (2019-04-18)
  • SnippingTool(3.5MB) (2019-04-28)
  • Printers (2019-10-10)
  • Microphone (2020-05-05) thanks to noelBlanc

Which one has the next applications:
  PECMD, WinXShell, ImDisk, Classic Shell Menu (v4.3.1), StartIsBack (v2.9.9), 7-Zip (v19.10), PENetwork, HotSwap!, yong IME,
  NTBOOTAUTOFIX (v2.6.0), SetupXP (v2.0), UEfix, BOOTICE (v1.3.3.2),
  CPU-Z (v1.91), Dism++ (v10.0), NTPWEdit (v0.7), WinNTSetup4 (v4.0.1),
  Calc (XP), Notepad3 (v5.19.815.2595), Everything (v1.4.1.969), Explorer++ (v1.3.5)
  SumatraPDF (v3.2), Chrome, LibreOffice, Office 2007 (Installer demo), Potplayer (Installer demo).

    You need to enable `Configures\Build-->Wow64 Support` option to support 3rd party 32bit applications and installers.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 04:58:06 PM by slore »

Re: WimBuilder2 Release (v2020.04.04)
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2020, 03:57:18 PM »


  • Moderator, WimBuilder
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How to use
just click buttons to create PE:
wimbuilder.cmd ->select install.wim -> next to PRJECT -> select WIN10PE -> next to Customize -> next to 01-BUILD(cmd)  -> make-iso

WimBuilder2 - Chinese Video Tutorial ( 3 MB Animated Gif)

A small step by step pictures for new users. (by Lancelot)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 04:12:10 PM by slore »

Re: WimBuilder2 Release (v2020.04.04)
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2020, 03:57:56 PM »


  • Moderator, WimBuilder
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# Changelog

## WimBuilder2 v2021.01.01
This is a major update.  The following were updated or improved:

* New Hungarian translation for features and options. (Thanks @La_Valse)
* 改进 精简选项。根据ISO的系统语言,保留键盘布局文件与en-US\*.mui文件。(Thanks @La_Valse)
* 修复 当使用Github源时,【更新】按钮无法正确执行的问题。
* 改进 提高AddDrivers宏命令执行速度。
* 修复 当不合并DRIVERS注册表时,MTP和RNDIS功能无法使用的问题。(Thanks @小磊)
* 新增 网络选项。独立的网络托盘图标选项(不再依赖网络与共享中心组件)。
* 改进 启动后立即识别当前网络状态。
* 新增 VirtualBox增强工具。便于在主机与虚拟机中的PE间传输文件。
* 改进 ReCopy宏命令。新增 `/-s` 选项,指定此选项时,将不复制子项目。
* 改善 版本号与Copyright的显示信息与install.wim一致。
* 新增 精简DRIVERS选项。
* 改进 精简SOFTWARE选项。(此为实验性功能,谨慎选择。如果造成构建PE不稳定,请不要精简。)
* 更新 WinXShell的UI组件。
        UI_WIFI的【网络和Internet 设置】可打开【网络连接】页面(更改适配器选项)。
* 更新 WinXShell的Lua脚本。
* 改进 可通过UserConfig.cmd定义AppData路径,不需要复制AppData到新版本目录中(需要磁盘支持符号链接)。

## WimBuilder2 v2020.12.12
This is a major update.  The following were updated or improved:

* Added Hungarian translation. (Thanks @La_Valse)
* Improved support to build with the updated 20H2 ISO(19042.6XX)
        fixed issue that the Explorer shell can not work。(Thanks @KYHI)
* Improved Compatibility. fixed issue that 32-bit browser can not download file. (Thanks @Tony379581)
* Improved Network options. Now has option to add network drivers only, has option to add the specify network driver(s).
* Improved "Restart Explorer" menu(Administrator account). Use the system mechanism to restart the shell.
* Fixed the issue that the Yong IME's input bar overlaps on the taskbar corner.
* Fixed the PinToTaskbar macro can not pin the program to the taskbar when the parameters have "(", ")" character(s).
* Added optional file --- `UserConfig.cmd`. You can redirect the workplace(_Factory_、_ISO_ folders) to other path.(eg. a RamDisk partition)。
* Updated the digitally-signed catalog files of MTP, RNDIS drivers for new Windows version.
* Fixed the audio driver can not work with RS4(17134.1845),RS5(17763.1613) updated version(s).
* Fixed the Slim option cause the built PE can not work with Hungarian language version. (Thanks @La_Valse)
* 重构 【我的定制】补丁。
        移除 【我的主题】项目。

NOTICE: 本次更新会产生AppData兼容性破坏的改动,请手动处理:

## WimBuilder2 v2020.11.11

* 改进 对20H2正式版(19042.508)支持。
   * 修复注册表中关键系统文件路径不正确的问题。(感谢 @yamingw)
   * 修复勾选网络支持时,Workstation服务无法启动的问题。
   * 修复全功能预设无法启动的问题。
* 改进 对21H1预览版支持。补档修复内置输入法无法使用的问题。
* 修复 Windows 7环境下首次运行时,打开文本编辑器出错问题。
* 修复 Windows 7环境下主题功能报错问题。
* 修复 Windows 7环境下【高级】页面无法执行批处理命令。
* 新增 Boot2WinRE补丁(WinPE-HTA,WinPE-WiFi-Package) 。(感谢 @yamingw)
* 修复 Boot\Fonts\msjhn_boot.ttf没有被精简的问题。
* 改进 Chrome, Edge使用高版本内核时,无法播放声音的问题。
* 修复 使用触屏设备时,无法显示光标问题。
* 修复 VMware虚拟机环境下,启动时画面显示不正常问题。 (感谢 @550)
* 改善 startnet.cmd启动脚本。隐藏启动窗口(避免误操作导致PE重启),提高初始化处理速度。
* 改善 【设置】页面新增更新源选项。可以选择从GitHub、Gitee或自定义源进行在线更新(保持个人设定)。
* 改善 使用默认浏览器打开页面中的超链接。

## WimBuilder2 v2020.10.10
This is a regular update. The following were updated or improved:

* Improved easy to create new project. Only need to add a Projects\<New Project>\ folder.
* Improved Show build number of the wim file on the statusbar.
* Updated support new updated Windows. (updated with Win10XPE_2020-09-28 / Explorer.Script)
* Updated support StartIsBack(v2.9.5). (updated with Win10XPE_2020-09-28 / StartIsBack.Script)
* Updated disable the invaild items on the startmenu.
* Changed keep the DPI settings as Windows's default value.
* Updated WinXShell.exe to v4.4
       Lua_Helper is complied into the application self. be simple and smaller. Can execute lua code with the single WinXShell.exe file.
       UI components:UI_WIFI support to connect to the hide SSID network
                                             support to connect with more WLAN adapters
                                             update the disconnection tray icon (you use the legacy icon with main.jcfg)
                               UI_Calendar  show Chinese lunar infomation
               UI_Settings support to change the DPI
* Updated StartIsBack to v2.9.5

## WimBuilder2 v2020.08.08

* 修复 我的主题无法显示主题套件图片问题。
* 变动 默认微软中文输入法为英文输入模式。
* 新增 【ISO】-【X驱动器使用exFAT磁盘格式】选项(@朱玛12345678)。
* 修复 Windows更新版本制作时,部分程序无法运行问题(感谢 @vaf 测试与反馈问题)。
* 新增 【开发者模式】下新增ADK可选组件包。
* 新增 【关于】页面添加在线更新按钮(保留已有设定,进行更新),重启按钮。
* 新增 【高级】页面,可在WimBuilder环境下运行自定义批处理指令。
        例如:`call _Updater --dryrun`仅确认需要更新的文件
        例如:`call _Updater --dir Projects\WIN10XPE\02-Apps`仅更新指定目录
        例如:`call _Updater --file lib\macros\app.cmd`更新指定文件
* 改进 勾选【PE外置集】将自动集成7-Zip程序。
* 改进 注册7z.exe命令,可在PE的启动脚本中使用start 7z.exe ...直接调用。
* 新增 SimplePatchDir宏命令,将调用指定目录中所有的*.bat和*.reg进行构建。

## WimBuilder2 v2020.07.07

* 改进 对21H1预览版支持。补档修复Explorer外壳程序闪退问题。
* 修复 新版本StartIsBack无法显示头像问题(Request Clear)。
* 改进 预设功能,可在预设文件中隐藏定制选项节点。
* 改善 当前预设(current.js)输出格式。
* 改进 将更多_CustomFiles_中的脚本处理放到AppData的用户脚本中处理。
* 新增 精简注册表选项(原开发者模式选项)。
* 新增 外壳设定界面编辑自定义图标按钮。
* 新增 Explorer++软件。
* 新增 MPC-BE播放器支持补丁。
* 改善 调整目录结构。
* 改善 构建时,输出可用环境变量以及注册表挂载点(开发者)。
* 改善 构建输出信息。
* 新增 MiniPE 子工程(预设方式), @bfgxp 发布的 100Mb CMDPE (ESP Partition) 。

## WimBuilder2 v2020.06.06

* 改进 对20H1正式版支持。补档修复32位应用程序无法运行问题。
* 新增 繁体中文大易,行列输入法(感谢 @ninja0210)。
* 改进 繁体输入法补丁(感谢 @billjrm)。
* 新增 【添加一个网络位置】菜单。
* 新增 添加网络位置菜单支持添加FTP地址。
* 改进 资源管理器支持浏览FTP内容。
* 改善 开始菜单中系统程序快捷方式与通常操作系统一致。
* 修复 Administrator用户加载外置程序时,无法正确创建快捷方式问题。
* 新增 【AppData】用户数据目录。
* 改进 当选项(例如:壁纸图片)使用工程目录中的文件时,将以相对路径保存。

## WimBuilder2 v2020.05.05

* 修复 WIN7下老版本IE无法打开问题。
* 修复 网络发现缺失的注册表项目,导致个别菜单无法显示问题。
* 修复 电源托盘图标显示不正确的问题。
* 修复 App宏无法下载文件的问题。
* 新增 【PE外置集】-【网络工具】- Chrome。
* 新增 【组件】-【Windows 附件】- 写字板。
* 修复 开始菜单中系统目录及程序快捷方式显示英文的问题。
* 改进 PPPoE支持。支持通过命令行进行拨号连接。
* 修复 【PE外置集】将部分程序复制到错误位置的问题。
* 新增 【设置】-【模式】选项。
       入门模式 - 刚开始使用本软件。将隐藏一些选项,使得选项友好,避免因选项设定不正确导致失败。
       专家模式 - 清楚如何使用本软件及各选项含义。将提供更多选项。
       开发模式 - 清楚本软件的结构及代码, 将提供面向开发者的选项。
* 修复 在非简体中文系统环境中使用时无法构建的问题。
* 修复 zh-TW语言镜像构建后部分界面显示乱码问题(强制保留mingliu字体)。
* 修复 个别定制节点在非中文环境下,总是显示文件夹名的问题。
* 改善 禁用驱动数字签名验证处理,以支持新的Windows版本。
* 改善 繁体注音输入法依赖。不再依赖完整SOFTWARE注册表。
* 新增 麦克风设备支持。 (感谢 @noelBlanc)
* 新增 【手动加载基本显卡驱动】选项。 (感谢 @立邦电子)

## WimBuilder2 v2020.04.04
This is a major update. The following major new features were added:

* Added the "Unmount WIM manually" option and "Unmount WIM" command.
    You can make additional customization directly without remount the wim file. Save the build time for that.
* Added a new macro --- APP.cmd. this is used to download the third-party applications/drivers from the official site.
    `call APP pull <url>`.
* Added a process in startup phase. this is used to loading the external material on each drive (auto/manually).
* Added the "02-PEMaterial". this is used to build the external material pack.
    Change the wallpaper, make file association, update registry settings.
    Add the protable applications, official installers, handmade customized compression packages of applications, drivers or others.
    There is a location option for this.
      * `X:\`, put the material into boot.wim (built-in mode);
      * `_ISO_\`, put the material on ISO media (read-on mode);
      * `_U_\`, put the material on a removable device or disk drive (portable mode).
* Improved the AddFiles macro. You can specify a folder then the file(s) will be extracted to the specified folder from the install.wim
* Added new options for shell.
   * Use Theme Color
   * Use Light Theme
   * Show Recycle Bin item on Desktop

In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added:

* Added _V-64, _V_64 environment variables. Make it be easy to match the official installation file name.
* Improved decompression tool changed from 7za.exe to 7z.exe to support more file decompression formats.
* Fixed issue that both StartIsBack and ClassicShellMenu are installed.
* Fixed issue that get an error when copying file(s) in Explorer (Ultra-Slim). (Thanks to @wangle2518)
* Fixed issue that text is displayed with italic style(en-US ISO). (Thanks to @hikari_calyx)
* Improved the dependency. Network Discovery no longer requires the full SOFTWARE hive (Thanks to @Lightning).
* Improved the Network and Shared Center. The "Set up a new connection or network" wizard can be used. (Thanks to @Lightning)

the following applications were updated and/or added:

* Updated WinXShell.exe to v4.3
    LUA Loader: Immediately display the devices in Devices and Printers, so that the Bluetooth device can be connected quickly and straight up.
    Shell: Supports to customize the theme color (built-in themes: blue, dark and light).
           Directly take over the system Volume and WIFI tray icons to support the system's native context menu and status icons.
           The Start menu displays the network connection menu by default, and you can directly modify the adapters' properties and make dial-up connection.
           This PC properties display the system properties interface by default.
           -luacode is simplified to -code option.
           Added wxs-ui, wxs-open short command protocol interface.
    UI components: Volume, WIFI, Calendar support the light theme style. (Thanks to @tars-chiu for providing the light theme resources)
          The UI_WIFI component is improved. add a PPPoE dial-up connection button and add scroll bar for ssid list.
          The UI_Settings is improved. add more settings for 'Color'. (works for Explorer.exe shell)
* Updated StartIsBack to v2.9
       Fixed the issue that can't use the taskbar jump list for 20h1 and later.

* Added in PEMaterial:
  NTBOOTAUTOFIX (v2.6.0), SetupXP (v2.0), UEfix, BOOTICE (v1.3.3.2),
  CPU-Z (v1.91), Dism++ (v10.0), NTPWEdit (v0.7), WinNTSetup4 (v4.0.1),
  Calc (XP), Notepad3 (v5.19.815.2595), Everything (v1.4.1.969),
  SumatraPDF (v3.2), Chrome, LibreOffice, Office 2007 (Installer demo), Potplayer (Installer demo).

See More
« Last Edit: January 03, 2021, 05:07:05 PM by slore »

Re: WimBuilder2 Release (v2020.04.04)
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2020, 04:04:13 PM »


  • Moderator, WimBuilder
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  • Bluetooth Support done
  • Settings - Build Mode(User Level?): Beginner, Professional, Developer done

Beginner Mode - will hide some options for the user who don't know the options in WimBuilder2 to build bootable PE smoothly. done

    Only select Windows ISO mounted drive or folder, can't change the install.wim and winre.wim.
    just Use full SOFTWARE hive.
    Hide 'Merge full install.wim's SYSTEM(ControlSet001) hive' option.

  • Support ADK's winpe.wim source done
  • Apply ADK components done
  • Flat PE
« Last Edit: January 03, 2021, 05:10:38 PM by slore »

Re: WimBuilder2 Release (v2020.06.06)
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2020, 06:02:11 PM »


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WimBuilder2 v2020.07.07 released.

Event Notice:
Take tasks, gain points and exchange the extra extand patches.

ALL the fixed/improved features by tasks will be included/improved in feature release version.

Tasks content:
Task 1 (5 points)-Improve the Windows Media Player patch. For now, you must use the full SOFTWARE hive to use it. Find out the necessary registry items to get rid of this dependency.
Task 2 (15 points)-Non-console mode user authentication dialog patch. Currently, you need to enable the Administrator and remote desktop functions to use it. Find the necessary files and registry items.
Task 3 (5 points)-The traditional Zhuyin input method cannot use the Shift key to switch the [Chinese/English-Number] input mode, fix this.
Task 4 (5 points) The StartMenu user logo can't display for the new version of StartIsBack, I added the new format AccountPictures.accountpicture-ms file, but still not be fixed.
Task 5 (5 points)- The title of File Explorer Window is in black text color, it should be in white. For now, It will be OK when you use the full SOFTWARE hive. Find out the necessary registry items to fix it.

Redeemable extension patches:
* Slim SOFTWARE hive(remove CLSID/Interface items with detecting the dlls in boot.wim) - 5 points
* Remote Desktop Service - 20 points (connect to PE from other Windows/PE machine with mstsc.exe)
* Bluetooth support --- 20 points

« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 04:53:25 PM by slore »

Re: WimBuilder2 Release (v2021.01.01)
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2021, 03:42:00 PM »


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MD5:aa0dd166686824e71a1ed7d1478adb9c WimBuilder2-Full.v2021-02-02.7z

## WimBuilder2 v2021.02.02


* 改进 对20H2版本的支持。
* 改进 对21H(2)版本的支持。
* 新增 合并 SYSTEM\DriverDatabase 选项。
* 新增 精简 SYSTEM 注册表(DriverDatabase)选项。
* 新增 精简 COMPONENTS 注册表选项。
* 修复 LuaLink,LuaPin宏命令参数中无法使用引号的问题。
* 修复 去掉`快捷方式`字样选项无效问题。
* 修复 远程桌面服务与网络托盘状态图标冲突问题。
* 修复 X盘根目录残留Temp目录问题。
* 调整 文件资源管理设定的默认值。
* 更新 删除Classic Shell的自定义皮肤(避免Windows Defender误报)。
* 更新 WinXShell的UI组件。

注意: Windows Media Player组件和StartIsBack 2.9.8有冲突, 需要WMP的话,请自行降级 StartIsBack 至 2.9.0 版本。

Re: WimBuilder2 Release (v2021.02.02)
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2021, 04:52:07 PM »


  • Moderator, WimBuilder
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(The github is slow now, upload the package later)


MD5:e20a33675ea5d899123f206eb656fcf3a WimBuilder2-Full.v2021-04-04.7z

## WimBuilder2 v2021.04.04

* 改进 支持更多版本构建(新预览版)。 (感谢 @foxfirefox , @我是小青蛙)
* 改进 支持更多应用软件。
* 新增 蓝牙组件(设备与打印机\蓝牙)。
* 修复 搜索文件时,不显示路径的问题。
* 改善 工程界面显示已经测试过的版本信息。
* 改善 支持直接使用ESD文件进行构建(构建速度慢,不推荐)。
* 改善 勾选Windows Media Player组件时,自动使用StartIsBack 2.9.0版本,而非最新版本。
* 改善 【更新】按钮将效验remote.md5是否有效。
* 改进 增强【我的定制】项目
        * 新增 AppData\vendor 目录               (我的定制(后置) 中V2X宏命令将使用此目录下的应用软件)
        * 新增 AppData\vendor\_Cache_ 目录       (保存 我的定制(后置) 中APP宏命令下载的文件)
        * 新增 AppData\vendor\_PEMaterial_ 目录  (我的定制(后置) - `我的工具箱` 的数据目录)
        * 新增 `我的定制(后置) - 启动管理` (10-MyCustom\00-MyLoader) 补丁
            维护个人 pecmd.lua, Pecmd.ini, PecmdAdmin.ini, startnet.cmd
        * 新增 `我的定制(后置) - 我的系统` (10-MyCustom\00-MySystem) 补丁
            可添加额外的系统文件, 个人文件
        * 新增 `我的定制(后置) - 我的驱动` (10-MyCustom\01-MyDrivers) 补丁
        * 新增 `我的定制(后置) - 我的软件` (10-MyCustom\10-MyApps) 补丁
        * 新增 `我的定制(后置) - 我的工具箱` (10-MyCustom\11-MyMaterial) 补丁
        * 改善 `我的定制(后置) - 我的开始菜单` (10-MyCustom\MyStartMenu) 补丁
* 其他 细节更新

* 更新 StartIsBack 至 v2.9.9
* 更新 WinXShell 至 v4.5
           新增 任务窗口缩略图
           新增 亮度设置
           新增 Desktop对象方法,可通过Lua命令设置桌面菜单选项(图标大小,对齐到网格,显示桌面图标,刷新等)
           修复 UI_WIFI 启动窗口闪烁问题
           修复 UI_WIFI 在外壳启动前运行后,弹出连接窗口会覆盖任务栏的问题

目前已经把Projects目录的个人DIY项目,全部转移至【我的定制】(AppData) 目录,
(今后,将支持直接下载gitee/github的最新完整代码,删除Projects, assets, bin, lib后,解压完成完全更新。)


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