Didn't You noticed that it is the english one.
+ More info :German source wiminfo do not nicely match ProductName...fun continues...
BTW. You will never get a Pro. in PESE regardless of what wiminfo.ini or else tells you.Please check: It is always Enterprise. (at least v.1809)
New "Images Configuration" Plugin v98 on servers
If there is install.wim...If there is no install.wim...
why I extracted always (any) iso file by hand in the past by using a small batch file I wrote for that matter.
1.: I renamed install_wim folder in source folder to something else.
* ImportantFill the topic with new cases one by one to keep things tidy. ...
Even for a typo just post a reply (blabla plugin have a typo ....)
Next week (04.19 and later ) I can continue following your feedbacks.
I believe all cases you report updated up to this line.
But a bad thingy remains.
As I wrote before nobody extracts all indexes, you are the first one that reports such condition..
And I know history notes in \Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.
Unfortunately, however, they did not lead to success,
I start with BartPE 3.x ...
It will be nice If you can share a "HeyJoe_Plugins.7z" around, From time to time people share plugin packages which can be useful to others.
No, the effort would not be justifiable and that's why I sometimes say: The time is the limit...
For My part, I let The Good Old Days Rest In Peace.Never forget to have a look every now and then.
No, I don't think anyone else really cares, except maybe people like You and Me.
*Quote from: slore on April 13, 2021, 05:04:29 PMI'm interesting on Microsoft's components, not 3rd-part applications, But a lot of people want to add applications into PE,so I make some sample patches, and macro to do it.I hope some project author to improve them to make a better one, not me. I don't use them at all.I just show some ways to do it, treat them(app macro, and the batch code in \APPs\) as sample, do not treat them as the best practice(structure/name/others).I mostly make Basic builds (See Enabled Basic Plugin with Azin,SE,Gena), That is the reason I do not much update apps plugins unless I use them, they are living examples to new plugin authors even when they contain old distribution, I am even not interested on internet with PE, neither printer, nor bluetooth etc., my interest is mostly about windows customization to confort use after boot and some organisations to get things run smooth. And sometimes some applications or special tasks, that is all. (eg. it will be fun to run hyperv) .....
I'm interesting on Microsoft's components, not 3rd-part applications, But a lot of people want to add applications into PE,so I make some sample patches, and macro to do it.I hope some project author to improve them to make a better one, not me. I don't use them at all.I just show some ways to do it, treat them(app macro, and the batch code in \APPs\) as sample, do not treat them as the best practice(structure/name/others).
QuoteEven for a typo just post a reply (blabla plugin have a typo ....)Sorry, No - not for typo like: "you" --> "You" Upper and lowercase letter. - or ex.: "wong" --> "wrong" and similar - too much effort imoIt's probably some kind of "hobby perfection", too.
And I know history notes in \Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.script.
If it was common trouble, there would be topics like rain in many years since 2016.06.03.
4) at Utils\"Extract Wim Folders" Plugin disable "Extract Wimboot ''pointer files'' to WIM files." - workaround your special case not required anymore, see reply 72
...Works fine here ......
Quote from: HeyJoe on April 13, 2021, 09:17:46 PMUnfortunately, however, they did not lead to success,As I wrote and as you know, success is "Images Configuration" plugin finding best index on multi extracted sources. Your special case. I did not know you have another special case, If I knew I would write you : On "Extract Wim Folders" plugin disable "Extract Wimboot ''pointer files'' to WIM files."
... btw. pay attention: in this two scenarios wimlib-imagex.exe took all files it could find under C:\Users\All Users + C:\Users\Default User (not quite sure -further test maybe needed - only info to share)...