Topic: having problems with copy files plugin where winre.wim encounters unpack error.  (Read 192 times)


  • Jr. Chef
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  • Date Registered: Apr 2015
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Sorry for being inactive for a long while guys, but I had a car accident, and although I wasn't hurt, I had license stuff to deal with, and it was a huge pain, but now I'm back and have a problem with the latest windows 10 package I downloaded a couple of weeks ago... It gets to the "copy files" script, just fine, but on the copy files script, it has trouble unpacking a winre.wim file... I also have it set as a "small full" copy, so I might change it to a different one, but I'm wondering if this is a known error, or if maybe it's a 1-off that only happens to me... I'll try and upload the log from a manually ran copy files script, as it will hopefully be all the information that's needed...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 10:41:04 AM by Lancelot »

Re: having problems with copy files plugin where winre.wim encounters error.
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2020, 06:56:11 AM »


  • Jr. Chef
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Just a quick update... Changed the base copy, to a "full copy", instead of a "small full" one, and re-ran the plugin... That one works fine, go figure... I wanna know what's so screwy that a "smallfull" copy on my machine, anyways, has extraction errors, of the winre.wim file...

**Edit** it appears that the normal file copy works too, so I'm scratching my head, because I must say, reading that log confuses the hell out of me, when the extract wim script, extracted the winre.wim just fine... Also, I keep getting errors with extracted files placement, where the winbuilder app looks for the extracted source, in a different spot, than they originally get extracted to... It's easily fixed by moving them to the proper folders, but I think I need more information to know if the winre folder is placed correctly after copying, and now I'm wondering if the "small full" copy would still fail to extract, if it saw the already extracted files...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 10:41:42 AM by Lancelot »

Re: having problems with copy files plugin where winre.wim encounters error.
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2020, 10:33:59 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Thanks for the feedback WIEBENOR,

Feedback with log always good  :cheers:

Basic\"1 - Copy Files" Plugin fixed for both SmallFull & Full  :thumbsup:
Download new plugin using the Small Green Download button on the Plugin  :great:

btw, thanks again for
\Tweaks\Theme\"Theme - MS Windows Media Player - WIEBENOR" Plugin

I do not know why Win10PESE look at a different place for Extracted source,
If you did not do any manual thing to extract source ?! it should work fine automatically!
If you do manual adjustments to extract source ... more detailed info required !?

« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 10:42:03 AM by Lancelot »


  • Jr. Chef
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To be clear, since apparently you say there WAS a problem with the FULL copy as well, I only experienced the issue with the"small full" one... I do thank you for letting me know that it has been fixed, though, and I will try to download the updated script later today... As for the other thing with mounting and extracting source, I haven't actually tried that, since the last few times I've used it, because after selecting the "winpese" interface, it wouldn't update my source folder, if I'm using an ISO, and/or other weirdness, so I just went back to using the script in the utilities section, as I know that has always worked in the past, but, being that the app looks in "S/win10_64/" or something like that, and my source folder(before moving extracted WIMs into proper folders) is in something like "c:/win10pe/win10install/sources"(sorry I can't be exact, I'm not at my computer right now)... I will try again later today, after I do a full build, and possibly a smallfull build,to see what happens if I try it on this version, another versions I have used were possibly not totally bug free yet, to use without artificial problems showing up, and probably works now, albeit a bit more complicated to figure out, than before you had to choose your favorite source selection style... Hope something I wrote here helps you figure out what I meant...

Again thank you for your help, and thank you for all you do here...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 01:14:21 PM by WIEBENOR »


  • Gena Baker
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  • Date Registered: Sep 2010
  • Posts: 10350

things you wrote did not give me a clue ...
only reminding, you should select source folder with
\"Config Source" Plugin

See picture at Main Plugin (under the text "Step 1. & 3. Click Picture: " )

When you provide info that will make us reproduce, I am sure it will be easy to fix. :thumbsup:

Also reminding,
To update all project plugins (syncronize with the server  :wink: ) use
Utils\"Update XXXX (Exact and Secure)" --> "Update (Download + Copy)" Button

the script is a generic name, there are incompatible scripts between projects :
 Azin, Gena, Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Win8.1SE, Win10PESE , Yomi use Plugin
  other projects use other names  :wink:



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