ChrisR, I believe it also works niicely on Win7PE SE ;).I believe everybody would like to have this at hand.
Hi ChrisR,Here I tested with shortcut (/Manual) not runonce etc. since personally to me, runonce should be an option and shortcut ready at hand.on guest system hive there have to be mounteddevices key, somehow on loaded hive it seems missing there ?!?!I have an old vista on one of my partitions (hehe, I guess last time I boot was 2 or more years ago) which I had tested yesterday with Gena and works ok. (vista partition made C: and others.....)
Update script.$sHiveSystemGuest = FileSelectFolder("Select OS (eg c:\windows)", 1) - It is added, thanks ChrisRLog guiding is added
so a seach mechanism, listing all os and put a final list as gui if more than 1 found would be the most confortable.I hope Nikzzzz like the idea too ;)
$sValueName = RegEnumVal($sKey, 1)If @error <> 0 Then ContinueLoop ; <== In my case @error <> 0LogOut("Key: " & StringReplace($sKey, 'GuestSYSTEM', 'SYSTEM') & @CRLF)For $i = 1 To 999 ...NextRunWait('reg.exe unload hklm\GuestSYSTEM', '', @SW_HIDE)NextRunWait('reg.exe unload hklm\GuestSYSTEM', '', @SW_HIDE)
If $aDrives[$k] <> EnvGet ( "SystemDrive" ) And FileExists($aDrives[$k] & '\windows\system32\config\system') Then ....
More correctly :Code: [Select]If $aDrives[$k] <> EnvGet ( "SystemDrive" ) And FileExists($aDrives[$k] & '\windows\system32\config\system') Then ....