i found script using AutoHotkey ... (thanks to Cazi for the code)
Hi teiki have forgotten that it can be in 64 bit also ( with unicode 64-bit) (without wow64 basic...) Code: [Select]http://www.mediafire.com/file/o7xfp5c7zfa6s5c/osk_l64.exe/file@Jamesthank you for reminding me here is:Code: [Select]#Persistent#SingleInstance ForceMenu, Tray, Icon, x:\Windows\System32\osk.exeMenu, Tray, Tip, On-Screen KeyboardMenu, Tray, Add, LaunchMenu, Tray, Default, LaunchMenu, Tray, Click, 1ReturnLaunch:Run x:\Windows\System32\osk.exeReturn
hmm, I didn't receive any emails for messages.
hmm, I didn't receive any emails for messages.#I rewrote the OSK Tray program in PB (x64/x86), much powerful and lighter (70Kb/52kb).It also works on real Windows, if needed.It's doing a bit like the "Show Touch Keyboard Button": It opens the On-Screen Keyboard if not already open, otherwise closes it.Right click displays a Menu with exit and Run OSK.exe options.
ps:http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2672.0Call,DownloadX,"%BaseDir%\Projects\Yomi\ComponentsY\Core\1 System\Accessibility\On Screen Keyboard.script"