Topic: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"  (Read 5943 times)

Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:53:09 PM »


  • Code Baker
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« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 09:15:58 AM by Atari800xl »

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 06:18:50 PM »


  • XPE Baker
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Oops, an error that I made in the last MMC change (diskpart moved to 1-Copy Files) :embarrassed:
It was good and tested in win8pese but there was an additional mod in Win7pe.

It is corrected now and it is on w7pese server MMC v25
Damn, I must redo the package now (maybe w8pese also for the same date).

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2013, 06:43:37 PM »


  • Code Baker
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So it wasn't my (usual) stupidity after all.

Well, maybe a good thing we caught this after only one day. Thanks again for your work!!!

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2013, 07:13:06 PM »


  • Code Baker
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OK, I did a quick rebuild, it's working now. Thanks for the amazingly fast service!!!!

One quick question: What's the best way to check for script updates? I made a quick WGET batchfile that downloads the most important .script files (so the filedates remain intact), then sort the list by date. Is that considered OK, or is it an unnecessary strain on the server? Or is there a list of updates somewhere?

THANKS again!!!  :thumbsup:

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2013, 08:00:49 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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\Utils\"Update Win7PE SE (Exact and Secure)"

I bet,  to get Exact copy and feel Secure on updates , you will not need any other way anymore  :great:

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2013, 08:07:24 PM »


  • Code Baker
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Thanks, I tried that once, but that also replaced (removed) some selfmade files in my Apps tree. Maybe I did something wrong, I'll do some more testing and trying.

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2013, 08:17:32 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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yep, that is normal,
If you are carelful user, you may notice "Update Win7PE SE (Exact and Secure)" first backs up project folders for such cases... ;)

for your personal plugins, Use seperate folder with
\Utils\"MyScripts Project Add"

idea is simple,
\Utils\"Update Win7PE SE (Exact and Secure)"
makes project folders "Exact" the same with server, this is the only "Secure" way to be sure you have fully syncronised with server  :thumbsup:
naturally, anything inside "project folders" , byes....

\Utils\"MyScripts Project Add" is there to use personal plugins with any other project  :thumbsup:
so your plugins are away from any project folder, this means your plugins are also Safe and Secure,
and easier to handle with different projects  :cool:.
you can use same plugin with Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Gena via \Utils\"MyScripts Project Add"  :thumbsup:

Easier to copy-paste to different folders + update ....  :thumbsup:

ps: related, "Share Scripts"   :wink:
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 08:26:08 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2013, 08:20:02 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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naturally, anything inside "project folders" , byes....
one more mini thing to add this line,
files downloaded or extracted (ex: Like GetWaik Tools) are not on project folders, so there will not be anyneed to download again.

You can easly handle (update , build etc.) 3 projects (+ others none project: Yomi, Yomi-Gena) + your plugins, under same folder without trouble  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 08:25:13 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2013, 09:24:32 PM »


  • Code Baker
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Lancelot, thanks for that! I'll try it all in the next days...

I still would like to make some kind a "changelog" that holds all changes in the major scripts. In my last "wget list" of scripts (like I mentioned) I noticed there's a new "Projects/Win8PESE/Finals/yy_2-iso.script", made today. From the history in that script I read:
"Make grub4dos silent at startup - grub4dos-0.4.5c-2013-02-02"

I think I will make a little "changelog.txt" file, to keep track of all these changes. Then I can pick and choose which one I need first, and which I'll maybe add later (as long as there are no dependencies between them).

Thanks again!

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2013, 09:36:29 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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I fully understand you, I was doing very like you years ago, and failed at points, and decide to find a way not to fail, than share what I find....

(as long as there are no dependencies between them).

This part is verrry hard to catch  :wink: even for very experienced ones,
 there was a recent topic on this wrong approach, where end user had troubles.....
  that is the reason above tools created for updates, and being used for years now...

Also, it will be better if you ask/share options for things you focus on, this will improve projects and they maybe included inside projects so everybody will use what one figure out. (one for all, all for one ;))

Consider projects as a "whole body"...
 and trust me you will not need "wget" (or getright , freedownload manager etc.) for updates when you start to use "Update Win7PE SE (Exact and Secure)"
  and follow other stuff written above,
   you will soon figure out why all these created at first place  :thumbsup:
shortly: to avoid any troubles end user can face with wb-download-"bugs" on updates.  :wink:

Other than that, if any of us miss small things, as you experienced, they are very quickly fixed after reports  :thumbsup:

Anyway, learning path sometimes is hard for all of us , and who knows you can find nice ideas/methods ....
 let us know if you find other good ways, options etc.  :thumbsup:

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2013, 05:59:06 AM »


  • Code Baker
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The way I use LiveXP, Win7PESE and WINPESE:
- I don't use a lot of apps, only a simple self-created Autohotkey script, that autoruns Autohotkey.exe
- It looks for autohotkey.ini on the USB drive (Y:) That autohotkey.ini has a kind of "RunOnce" module at the top, that load my console fonts, mount my q.iso, etc). The rest of the file contains hotkey definitions. I like to use the keyboard as much as possible, specially when I fix somebody else's latop, then I don't need to use those damn mousepads etc.
I find a seperate autohotkey.ini on usb is easier to maintain and update than a "burnt-in" one.
- My q.iso holds all my portable apps. Also easy to maintain. My favorites are Semware Editor, JPSoft's TCCLE, JFX's WinNTSetup, etc.

That's about it. I really love my PESE's!!!!

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2013, 11:59:17 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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I know your style  :cool:
 like your authotkey task, and for any similar tasks (Flexibility  :thumbsup:)
  we put
    \System Tools\"Portable Finder CMD" for all users  :thumbsup:

aside your autohotkey task, you can also similarly mount q.iso (say as P:\  :wink:) automatically....

livexp is ancient (very old) now, we made last (R) update at 2010-09-08, it is currently making pe1x look bad since not updated including lots of bugs inside, making end user think he needs pe2/3x which is not the case, only livexp is death...
We move on to Gena , Gena is very alive  :cool: and gives anything one need on PE1x

I like (love) working on these PE projects, together with others,
 experience aside learning new stuff, get me more organised in my real life too,
  and being none-tech guy, give me some wide thinking on developing  :thumbsup:

Like you, I also have some portables on my ufd, besides I also like to work on plugins too....

When I need PE (which is really rare event for me) I simply organise plugins to build for what task I need  :great:
than back to development path :turtle:

See You around

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2013, 01:46:33 PM »


  • Code Baker
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Lancelot, thanks again for your reply. I guess we're already too far offtopic, so we'd better close this topic. I will check out Gena, but I will keep LiveXP around as a "frozen" PE, ie. if I ever need it to fix an old (2010 or earlier) PC, I'll have a 2010 PE around  :wink:
Similarly, I also have MSDOS around, and Windows 98, etc. I also keep some old PC's as "museum pieces", and I like to keep them running as well...

I think I have a slightly different approach to Win7/8PESE than you, but that's OK, the fact that it allows so much verastility and diversity is one of the (many) thing I like about these projects! I like to have a 100% working "base" PESE system, that I don't need to build very often (even though I do for fun sometimes). Once that "base" is OK, I can modify my seperate autohotkey.ini and q.iso (my portable aps, which I mount as a "fixes" Q: \ drive). So most/all modifications are done to Q.iso, not to WinPESE.

About "needing" a PE system, I use it *all the time* for OS installs (using JFX's wonderful WinNTSetup). As I mentioned earlier, I have XP, W7, W8 all together with several PE systems on one USB, just a magical thing....

OK, that about wraps it up, sorry for going offtopic!

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2013, 03:50:05 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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"museum pieces"
hehe, in real life I use them, here is newly retired one

Aside, I keep (but do not use) my 200mmx, with all soundcard, modem, w98 working....  :wink:

the fact that it allows so much versatility and diversity is one of the (many) thing I like about these projects!
We call this approach:
Flexibilty and Freedom  :lol: and we have lots of Fun on developing with this Motto  :thumbsup:
livexp had lots of trouble with FFF Motto, as one of livexp old developer, I am very happy I left it behind  :smile:

when 2010 approach fail (sure it will) happy times with Gena

sorry for going offtopic!
since main topic theme solved, after* solved ;) , no problem at all, we all need chat time to time  :thumbsup:

Yep I know how much you like WinNTSetup2 , I have read all your posts so far  :wink:

See you around

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2013, 04:04:15 PM »


  • Code Baker
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Lancelot, so no problem about turning this topic to chat...?

I'm sorry to other people who expect to find interesing info about "Disk Management", but as Lancelot said, we're glad that little problem was solved.

OK, so my final reply in this topic (?) before I turn this over to the Gena topic:

Thanks for telling me about Gena, I was not familiar with it yet, I'm running the standard (meal) build right now, I'll let you know how things are going in the Gena topic.
I tried the small package first, I was amazed at the very fast build... It even booted up in Qemu before I knew it (I'm not used to a PE system running in Qemu, because my hardware is not quite capable of emulating a Win7PESE or Win8PESE system w/ Qemu).
Unfortunately, when I tried the ISO created by the small build on a 512mb HP nc6320, I remembered that I "forgot" about the SATA drivers. So now I'm building the "meal" version (it's almost done).

Re: Diskmanagement "only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher"
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2013, 04:16:01 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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well, things we avoid are postgames, spam advertisements etc.
and priority to topic main subject, all fixed here..

Aside you are right, your further Gena detailed questions if exists better on Gena section..

Besides, a reminder:
We develop Win7PESE, Win8PESE, Gena (+Yomi + Yomi-Gena) in such a way that,
all nicely works in same builder folder, and share their sharable stuff each other softly  :cool:

Still focuses are different,
Win7PESE - Win8PESE => ChrisR and JFX (JFX focus is on PE core-heart parts),
Gena = Galapo and Lancelot
and many sub-different focuses....

in the end, we have a great set of Ready to go plugins and projects, compatible each other where possible, and easier to develop hence very rich with sharing  :great:


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