The Oven

Project World => Win10PE SE HomePage => Topic started by: truefriend-cz on December 08, 2015, 06:14:33 AM

Title: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: truefriend-cz on December 08, 2015, 06:14:33 AM
Hi dev. I have problem with other apps (without system - portable apps on local drive, usb, etc.). This is not connected to be Internet. Program CarotDAV in the log have message problem identify as "The Local Security Authority Cannot Be Contacted". I can fix?
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: truefriend-cz on December 11, 2015, 12:03:56 PM
Any solution, please?
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on December 11, 2015, 08:06:05 PM
Not enough info to reproduce easily , ignorence to current topic is normal.


Try latest project

And use
Win10 November Update
( 10.0.10586.0 )

As source.

See if this helps ?
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: truefriend-cz on December 15, 2015, 10:56:45 AM
Yes, all apps is connected normally (portable browsers) but special apps for communicated as Miranda non connected on all plugins (ICQ, Skype, Yahoo, MSN, Facebook, etc.).
I downloaded form if running and add account and connect to the Internet, no accessed to online, but show message Window in attachment 1...
Other plugins for Facebook, Skype, Yahoo, MSN, etc. no show any dialog, stay in not connected status.
Attachment 2: TotalCommander portable with plugins for connect to GDrive disk ended error (translate from cs-CZ: Page is not loading, Please check your connection and reload this page.)
On other Windows (native, WinPEXP, Win7PE - Win8.1PE nothing this problems).
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on December 15, 2015, 01:11:20 PM
Well, you can find what is missing and feedback us.  :thumbsup:
These are community projects.

Apps\System tools\Debug\Sysinternals Process Monitor plugin available on all projects ;)

See Faq
Q: How to Find dependencies ?
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: mynhow on December 15, 2015, 03:22:02 PM
I had a similar problem with Skype on Stardard build, so I did a Full build and the problem is gone.

Try it and feedback us, please.
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ChrisR on December 15, 2015, 04:24:58 PM
Sysinternals Process Monitor is your friend  :thumbsup:
For miranda-ng, it worked in 7, 8.1 SE, because you had probably added IE or RDC.
Add ncryptprov.dll and ncryptsslp.dll in system32
If you use the 32-bit version on win10pese 64 bit, add also ncryptsslp.dll  in SysWoW64 but better to use miranda-ng 64 bit in this case.
I have not tested Skype, but it is probably the same and Yes, they are included in the Full build. 

Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: mynhow on December 15, 2015, 06:33:36 PM
@ChrisR Thanks, now Skype is working fine on Standard build.

Just a question, Do I need to copy ncryptprov.dll.mui to \Windows\System32\en-US ?

Sysinternals didn't show up anything about those files. Skype without those files runs but doesn't connect.

Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ChrisR on December 15, 2015, 09:18:57 PM
Yes, the mui files must be copied at the same time.
The best is to easily create a plugin with PC Packed.
and then to use Require_FileQ ( to add dependencies, it does the job.

For skyte, 32 bit, after "//Dependencies...", add:
Code: [Select]
// If x64 source CD and WoW64 enabled
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: mynhow on December 15, 2015, 10:45:49 PM
@ChrisR, thanks man.

Will Require_FileQ automatically copy ncryptprov.dll.mui to ..\en-US ?

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ChrisR on December 15, 2015, 10:51:44 PM
Yes  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: mynhow on December 16, 2015, 02:57:30 AM

Thanks ChrisR.
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ntd on December 16, 2015, 04:17:18 PM
hi mynhow,

Does Skype run on Win10PESE 64 bit with Standard build after copying ncryptprov.dll; ncryptsslp.dll; ncryptprov.dll.mui to system32; system32\en-US; syswow64; syswow64\en-US? In my case, Skype doesn't run. Do you have to add some more .dll files to system32 and syswow64?
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on December 16, 2015, 05:34:06 PM
hi ntd,

\Utils\"Plugin Link Organisations" -> Update Download Packs
\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\SkyPE -> Download

you will have a plugin at:

provide SkyPE from your pc
click "Provide Files" button
C:\Program Files (x86\SkyPE

in final result, Skype.exe will be at:

see if this works ?
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: mynhow on December 16, 2015, 06:09:31 PM
Hi ntd.

So, I'm using a 32bit Standard build. And yes, after I copied I could connect.

You must copy pdh.dll, pdhui.dll - pdh.dll.mui, pdhui.dll.mui to \System32 and \Syswow64 .

What error message are you getting? Could you please, post a print screen?

Is your skype portable, download from portable ?

I will try a 64bit Standard build and feedback you.

Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ntd on December 17, 2015, 09:45:13 AM
hi mynhow,

1. I use Skype Portable from and it runs perfectly on Win10PESE 32 bit after copying some files mentioned by ChrisR

2. Files pdh.dll, pdhui.dll - pdh.dll.mui, pdhui.dll.mui were copied to \System32 and \Syswow64 (I also need these files to run Google Chrome Portable.)

3. The error message likes Skype cannot connect into the internet, please try again.

hi Lancelot,

Thanks for your guidance. Is there any way to add some additional files (ie. skype) to a finished WinPESE build? It takes a lot of time for me to create a new WinPESE build.
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on December 17, 2015, 11:19:08 AM
Q: How to add or test plugin after build ? (green play etc.)
also see
Q: How to build Faster - Test Faster ?

also, added
\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\SkyPE paf
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: mynhow on December 17, 2015, 10:14:44 PM

Yeap, the same "connection problem" here. I Tried here with Windows 10 10586.29 x64 with the latest winbuilder. I made a Standard and Full build and I copied the files to both.

I think something is missing. I will work into it this weekend with Sysinternals and try figure out what's is missing/happening.

If I find out what's going on I'll feedback here.


I'll test this plugin.  :great:

Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on December 18, 2015, 08:24:31 AM

I'll test this plugin.  :great:

test latest plugins,
click Download button on
\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\SkyPE paf..

ChrisR recently added sound support.
miranda, skype, skype paf plugins now v4

There seems to be more work required at skype plugins, following contributions.  :great:
Plugins also serves reproducable results.  :wink:

Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: mynhow on December 18, 2015, 05:32:00 PM

Nice. I post here if I find something new.

Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: truefriend-cz on December 23, 2015, 12:44:13 PM
Developer, do you can add this feature to next new build as native? Thanks
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ntd on February 02, 2016, 10:25:48 AM
hi all,

I found that Skype can run on Win10PE SE x64 build if these files are added to Syswow64 folder (or Skype plugin):


1. Note that procmon program cannot run or get an error if WinTypes.dll is available in Syswow64 folder.

2. It is quite strange that Skype cannot run on Win8.1SE x64 when these files were copied to Syswow64. I think the main issue is ieframe.dll file in Syswow64, the file cannot work properly. Teamviewer 11 is also hung if ieframe.dll file is available in Syswow64.
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on February 02, 2016, 11:33:58 AM
Hi ntd,

\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\SkyPE .... plugin

some files you mention already exists on these plugins, some not, better you test plugin and see how things goes....

plugins are the only way to gather scattered info  :wink:

Thanks for info.

I use procmon 3.10 for a while to avoid things with 3.20, I hope someone figure out what is required with 3.20

not strange, sometimes this happens, when you add a "start" dependency which application use, application try to use that feature, and if you did not add other dependencies it fails.
 when this happens, we include these dependencies inside plugin with a note about its behaviour.

Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ntd on February 02, 2016, 02:45:22 PM
hi Lancelot,

I tested Skype plugins, but none of them works on Win10PE SE x64 stardard build until I added d2d1.dll; d3d10warp.dll; Dwrite.dll; ieframe.dll; jscript9.dll; mshtml.dll; ncrypt.dll files to Syswow64. Missing one of the files will not let Skype run properly.

Where can I download Procmon 3.1? only 3.2 version is available on the website
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on February 03, 2016, 10:21:24 AM
Hi ntd,

\Downloads\AppYGS\Network\SkyPE .... plugins updated with your new dependencies...

Procmon 3.1 , 3 minutes with google  :wink:
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ntd on February 12, 2016, 04:38:15 PM
hi Lancelot,

- I haven't figured out the reason that makes my Win10PESE x64 build not to operate similarly like others when file WinTypes.dll is available in Syswow64 folder :sad: However, I found out a solution for my abnormal case  :smile: File policymanager.dll needs to be copied to Syswow64 folder that makes both Procmon and Softmaker work well again :smile:

- Skype also can run nicely on a Win8.1SE build if 2 files (d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll) are added to Syswow64 folder in Skype plugins.
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on February 12, 2016, 07:56:25 PM
- I haven't figured out the reason that makes my Win10PESE x64 build not to operate similarly like others
as far as you use default project updated from server (Utils\Update\"Update" button)
as far as you use source cd following info on main plugin of the project (or on latests topics)
along with FAQ
 My Build Fails (or BSOD or any other trouble) - What to do  ?

you must be reproducing what ALL have.

This is the only way to continue developing to better.
 Internet is full of unreproducable PE projects, reproducibility is the reason projects here always developing to better with feedbacks.
   You kill reproducibility whatever you make there, so you are not using Win10PE SE . (you are using Win10PE SE ish  :lol: )

With your other kind of builds with any other unknown plugins !!! ,
 your reports are naturally suspicious till you figure out reason behind, still maybe useful on topics.

For your future reports, give info on your posts saying you are using a "modified custom set of unknown plugins - not really SE" to inform general public  :thumbsup:

Or much better, your reports on a topic special to you ex: "ntd custom plugin set troubles" explaining special conditions you are creating your builds.

Overall, Good luck.
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: ntd on February 13, 2016, 03:41:21 AM
Hi Lancelot,

Thank you for your time, guidance, and suggestions.

I have something to say as follows:

* About my build, I
use default project from server (Win10PE_SE_2015-12-24)
 use source cd Windows 10 RTM build 10240 as mentioned in Official_Windows_10_ISO.txt file on main plugin of the project
   add some dependencies as mentioned in my RequiredFiles.script
* About my unknown software plugins
I use some plugins from the forum and then learn them to make other portable software for my WinPE. As I understand, there are 3 main steps in plugins or to make portable software:
- Extracting necessary files of software
- Adding registry keys if necessary
- Adding some dependencies if necessary
My portable software is based on the 3 steps. Sometimes I use portable software downloaded from to compare with mine.

* Now and then
I am satisfied with my discovery about Portable Skype on my Win8.1SE and Win10PESE, and stop posting unusual things of my build on the forum when I added some dependencies of Skype to my build. I will not get involved with any MS software any more because its dependencies are more complicated than other software.

Again, thank you for your time.
Title: Re: Programs without system no connected to internet
Post by: Lancelot on February 13, 2016, 09:56:45 AM
* About my build, I
use default project from server (Win10PE_SE_2015-12-24)
even zip distribution of project from server is 2016-02-05
and everybody use 10586 build.

As written on previous post and on FAQ, we can only support latest project on server, Utils\Update\Update
we naturally not have support to old archives.

Still you can have your own topic "Win10PESE - 2015.12.24 - 10240"  :great: , explaining your results differs from latest, which would be quite better to avoid confusions.

Anyway, I hope you one day figure out what cause difference there.  :thumbsup:

Good luck