The Oven

Project World => FAQ & Tutorials => Topic started by: KYHI on February 20, 2016, 12:42:09 PM

Title: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 20, 2016, 12:42:09 PM
How To Guide - Feedback Topic here..
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: anshad on February 21, 2016, 05:06:23 AM

A "How to guide" for newbies is indeed a must have  :thumbsup:. I would suggest splitting your guide in to two parts.
First part focusing on successfully building the first PE_SE by covering the steps needed to minimize the chance of failure - ( with pictures and illustrations ). Second part should be an introductory guide to build custom plugins. A few examples using Lancelot's plugin creator will be enough.   
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 21, 2016, 01:22:06 PM
It will take time - but that in the intended goal...
Both in the wording and structure...
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 21, 2016, 03:57:34 PM

So far looks verrrrrry good  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :great: :great: :great: :cheerleader: :magic:  :bounce:

Minor feedback:
TheOven is not only for PE special development,
 only PE takes most interest,
  and tools created are mostly  for pe...

Gates open to improve in time....

For base
Shorter better
For source
Or even shorter, the way you like ex: D:\Src\W10x64

Problem is ms use ntfs path linitation near to Its limits,
 we try to avoid with shortest path, probably one day we will need another method.

And never source under base, It is long path and not practical to copy or pack base....

Check attached file at
Maybe In some future, one day, 2k3 source intro  :cool:

Again big thanks fir such hard work  :cheers:
 I keep watching your updates on phone.  :great:

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 21, 2016, 07:21:12 PM
well now I need a little help..

explaining the Advance Options for network plugin..
as I do not know about such things or if even worth mentioning...

Network Plugin
If you require Internet Access, a Remote Connection or Server Access from within your PE..
You Must select this plugin and Configure the any needed Advanced Options..
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 21, 2016, 11:58:04 PM
Also need a confirmation from a Win7 Builder and Driver Integration with double Driver

Does the Driver Integration plugin, integrate double drivers exported drivers properly ??

Or have you found that you had to include the DD drivers into a folder within PE
and then integrate then via DD program.exe ??

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2016, 08:15:32 AM
Now, let's say you are working on BillieBob's PC and you need Network or Internet Access..

Option > Use Device Manager within PE and point it to look for the driver in BillieBob's Host OS...
If that Driver requires a System Reboot, then you will not be able to load that driver, at this time, in PE..
after "System Reboot" message, using hwpnp may load driver.

not tested dd on w7

explaining the Advance Options for network plugin..
as I do not know about such things or if even worth mentioning...
I agree, better not mention, no need to mix minds for a beginner.

ps: Added HistoryNotes01= to plugin to point where these advanced features comes.

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: ChrisR on February 22, 2016, 10:44:24 AM
The how to guide is a very good initiative  :thumbsup:  :great:
It should probably help the support and avoid to repeat again, again and again.

I agree for the Advance Options for network plugin, it is very specific for NAS, Samba servers, better not to mention to avoid any confusion for others.

About double drivers, the organization or the display is really better than dism /Export-Driver.
However, it is not maintained since 2010 (Win7) and the export is probably not good for All drivers.
Probably better not to mention it too. May be we can removed this option in future.

See you soon, my time is still limited here
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2016, 12:06:41 PM
Small contributions:

about PeNetwork:
It maybe good to mention PeNetwork_After.cmd option,
sometimes people ask to start an application after network,
generally things like TeamViewer, AmmyAdmin etc.
If you want things to start after network ready, check PeNetwork_After.cmd option

one can make network operational without PeNetwork, up to contributions, not yet on Win10PESE.
 It is more about contributions than the limitation of projects.
also one can use famous PENetCfg instead of PeNetwork , no contribution with plugin yet.
  Overall it is easier and gives more option to use PeNetwork or PENetCfg

Well a Network topic probably deserves another tutorial page to explain all.....  :great:

Better inform one can extract all projects to same folder ex: D:\Oven

Better to mention to install and test with an emulator at a point of your tutorial,
  \VirtualTest\VirtualBox Emulation
  \VirtualTest\VMware Emulation

  VmWare Player adviced since faster.
   If one can not get a working PE on emulator, there is something really wrong.
ps: Better to mention enable VT-X on bios for VirtualBox and VMWare.

ps: \VirtualTest\qEmu there only to test boot menu on SE - Grub4Dos, GFX Boot Customizer..... since qEmu is much faster at boot....
qEmu can not boot >nt5x (maybe it can but too slow)

Following you, I will expand tutorial at
Adding 3rd party plugins
with \Downloads\ etc....
following your style, picture by picture, tonight or tomorrow due to limited time...
 hopefully this will be good add on for your tutorial.

A Beginner, even the regular ones, skip power of available modification options, and run big blue for any change.
 I understand it is not easy for a beginner, and changing habits.
   That is the reason I feel options available for modifications requires another topic,
    better keep simple for a beginner only explaining options for big blue, which is most demanded.

Maybe later a tutorial for "After Beginner" with Modification - Small green play by you  :great: :great:

MainConfiguration -> "Save" button not required for big blue, it is there for modifications after build.
postconfig buttons also there for modifications, side by side with emulators..... etc.

It is quite nice following your page like a novel getting bigger.  :great:
A Big Thanks to you, I closely know a lot time required to gather all.  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 22, 2016, 12:10:30 PM
I was concerned about DD
And thought about removing from Driver integration plugin..

Because my understanding is that we would have to use the Export command to get win7 drivers..
the export command exists on DD and DI

But you would have to copy the driver folders into PE - so they could be imported by the program.exe once PE loaded..

So a Revision to DD plugin to copy over export folder to PE

Because that I know of - we have never coded a pre-build Import Function for DD
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2016, 12:22:07 PM
"Create ISO Plugin"
Since it adds last things as default, it is safer to use it at least once before using other options like Copy to USB ....

"Copy to USB-Device Plugin"
a note:
better to use first available drive letter (which is default) to use with format.

story behind:
when format used, drive letter changes to first available, if letter changed, error occurs, one need to re set letter on plugin

And time came to check my attributes.  :cool:

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2016, 01:11:17 PM
After downloading and extracting zip
Very First using
Utils\Update -> Update

will only update latest plugins.
Bonus: you get a exact copy of server.

every project section have download links at very top
->  at very top
Project World » Win10PE SE HomePage (Moderators: JFX, ChrisR)
Win10PE SE download details
Web page:
Download page:

I know modifying and adding pictures to a post is quite hard (takes a lot time) on current forum engine,
 still above is useful without pictures.

better not to mention: PC Provide Files
It is not updated regularly, and as far as I remember, added it quickly following Mark requests....

back to my attributes.  :cool:

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 22, 2016, 01:12:15 PM
Admin Attributes are good..
Just not good for a local user..

Well you see how basic, I am...
Like most, hard of understanding new concepts..
Even harder to teach an old dog, new tricks..

But You all see the format, I think should be followed..
So we all can learn something new..
Our Limitation is only a lack of knowledge...
So have at it - if time allows...

Yes, changing pic after upload is well, enough said..

FastStone Capture 8.4 is perfect for capturing steps when Auto-Save is On and File Name set to ScreenShot#####
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2016, 02:40:48 PM
You can directly ask, communication is the key.

I like the format,
 new users always follow tutorials every step every sentence even every letter ,
   especially with a tutorial like yours.  :great:

So far so good, that is the reason I heavily feedback, rest is on your hands.  :great:
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 22, 2016, 03:40:27 PM
Then I am asking..
If you find the time, would you write a How To section in very basic steps...
Targeted toward the new User..
Thank You..

And Maybe ChrisR too..

Pick One, Any One..

It was suggested prior that I follow lancelot as far as Plugin creation...
No need to follow if you willing to lead..
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2016, 04:27:20 PM
As written earlier, to contribute your work, I will only update "Adding 3rd party plugins"
 with \Downloads\ , MyPlugin_Direct relevant Utils plugins, with your picture by picture style, that is all.
hopefully this will be good add on for your tutorial..


It was suggested prior that I follow lancelot as far as Plugin creation...
No need to follow if you willing to lead..
Feel free, I do not have a will to lead on Plugin Creation tutorial, or any others ( following your last posts  etc..).

I will follow and feedback  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
 You have better vision on tutorial writing, and I have info to feedback.  :thumbsup:

If feedback required for plugin, maybe new buttons description etc. let us know  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2016, 08:42:40 PM
Following you, I will expand tutorial at
Adding 3rd party plugins
with \Downloads\ etc....
following your style, picture by picture, tonight or tomorrow due to limited time...
 hopefully this will be good add on for your tutorial.

Hi Kyhi,

As written before updated
Adding 3rd party plugins

with your style. :thumbsup:

hopefully this will feedback your tutorial on this area and make me feel I gave all basic info.

I already gave all feedbacks for your current tutorial on previous posts.

You will feel better with new Attributes in following days.  :wink:

All rest, on your hands.  :great:

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 22, 2016, 10:47:58 PM
would you want to merge it onto the bottom of mine ??
so we can index it and jump down the same web page..

or should I just reference it via a link in guide ?
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 22, 2016, 10:52:23 PM
Do the way you like  :thumbsup:

would you want to merge it onto the bottom of mine ??
If this is what you like,
Feel full free to copy-paste , modify to your topic with your post, all under your control.  :thumbsup:

(better not to use forum "merge" buttons, it will cause a set of mess....)  :great:

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: anshad on February 23, 2016, 01:56:02 PM

I would like to suggest a small editing to your guide. The first step after downloading the PE_SE zip package should be is to "unblock" it before extracting.


If you unzip the package using WinRAR or 7-zip without unblocking it first, Windows smart screen filter may flag all executable files inside the package as dirty. This may cause serious troubles when we try to run the project. Especially i found that "WIndows 10" version of "Smart Screen Filter" as very aggressive and caused my "Win8PE_SE" build to be failed. Unblocked the archive first and build again - finished like a peace of cake  :smile:.
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: KYHI on February 23, 2016, 02:02:18 PM
anshad, Noted...

your is different then in 8.1se and 10se - No downloads
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 23, 2016, 02:42:18 PM

Something I forgot,
I will write a simple plugin to unblock files,
 Which will be simpler for a new user on KYHI tutorial,
  When I go back home, tonight.
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 23, 2016, 02:53:24 PM

following tutorial steps,
updating with green download button gives new name.
Old name also mentioned on tutorial.

+builder bug : do not update title
-》workaround: 1) refresh button 2)click edit and close edit.

Since GUI of plugin %99 same + and one always start builder + we always have zip updates..

--》I keep tutorial simple, One who follow all steps can not fail to update \Downloads\

Ps: I decide to give a simpler name for end users...

Further, above is only explanation of my choices.

Feel free on your tutorial :great:
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Lancelot on February 23, 2016, 03:15:58 PM

Something I forgot,
I will write a simple plugin to unblock files,
 Which will be simpler for a new user on KYHI tutorial,
  When I go back home, tonight.

Sorry I understand wrong.

You are right, better KYHI put first to unblock zip  :thumbsup:

Ps: so nothing severe, unblock plugin better by others.

@Kyhi also running builder first time:  First using Utils\Update - Update 

Test yourself after extracting to a new folder, it will only download few plugins.
Also naturally fix Utils\Downloads  :wink:

Checking KYHI tutorial there is already unblock added   :cool:
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: VeeDub on April 24, 2017, 01:21:39 AM

Very good tutorial

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: lvgandhi on May 24, 2017, 03:15:16 AM
Thanks KYHI. With this method, downloads shows macrium free 6.1. But plugins thread shows 6.2.1549. How to incorporate the latest?
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Desmond on December 17, 2017, 03:31:33 AM
I would love a guide on how to boot Win10PESE with the Normal option, not RAM (boot.wim).

I copied the files from \Target\Win10PESE to a partition on my second SSD but it won't boot due to BCD error so I fixed it by using BCDboot P:\Windows /s P: /f UEFI after copying the file BCD-Template from C:\Windows\System32\config to the config folder on the 10PESE config folder but now when I try to boot it I only get the ASUS logo and no spinning circle.
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Desmond on December 17, 2017, 02:57:00 PM
Never mind, the above works on a USB drive, but it doesn't when I try to run it from a internal drive partition because I am either doing something wrong or it conflicts with the bootmanager on the C: drive. I just wanted to test if flat boot is loading faster then ram boot and there was not much difference in boot speed so I will stick with RAM boot.
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Dude905 on August 28, 2018, 07:33:39 PM
Hello ... First off, thank you for what you have done. I haven't taken a look at it yet, but I'm planning on it. My feedback is, wouldn't it be easier just to do so on Youtube? I mean everything is so much easier seeing something a video than having to explain it, no or yes? thanks
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Dude905 on August 28, 2018, 07:36:44 PM
There no edit options? I meant to say on a video in my last post
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Passie on September 14, 2018, 01:38:26 PM
Newbee Tutor, Bugfix questions, Reccomendations and Review of boot cds:
First of all hello cooking crew and fellow food worshippers haha

I was watching some videos about computer tech and boot cds, and found your program because of it. I found it interesting to understand how i could create my own boot cd, so while watching i wrote a tutor down with all the steps needed to get the boot cd working as user. I had to change some things compared to how the tutor explains it as i think i use a more recent version then used in the video. But do get it running by following these steps.

The problem comes in at the Apps/Portable/Pstart and Papps process. Not all input portable tools show up, and on WinBuilder the input of settings gets wiped diring the iso building process.

I wrote the process down step by step and also have put that reply on the videos about WinBuilder. I am not Brian from Britec09 btw just a watcher who wants to have a complete tutor for the basics of WinBuilder.

This might be interesting for other newbees to read, as you do get it running, and might be interesting for developers as well as i give some points that could lead to improvements. Normally i put pictures with every step, now i did not as i can't get it to work the way i want it to work. So did not make pictures yet but will if i get it done. And then i will create it in pdf form hosted on a free hoster of pdf, where you could download it and can put it at the webpage if you like the resulting tutor. Might be an easy way to attract more people to your product.

I do not know if links are allowed so disabled the video link by h00ps://, but credits to Britec09 for the work flow, i only tested it and found a fix for the wrong folder choice that ended in WB not being able to find the source.

I answer a couple of these questions in the intro, Newbee questions;
- Can i edit boot cds i find on the net and make my own design on it and add new versions of portable tools ?
- Is this a boot cd including all kinds of free repair tools ?
- What version of Windows can i use WXP, W7 or must it be W10 and what version Must it be enterprise or can it be pro too ?

How to create your own Boot USB to repair computers:
Okay was some work and had to figure out a way to crack it as no replies to my questions, but did it. And made a proper tutor to explain step by step how to get it done. Now looking at a newer video that explains how to add your own selected portable programs. So will edit a new tutor for that ones i mastered the how to do it on this same version.

Britec09 makes great tutors, but he lacks to give version numbers of the tools he used. So in this case i found a newer version of the Builder and the video tutor no longer worked. He also did not tell us what Windows version he used, so my Windows version was too new. In my tutor you will see which is the latest build you can use to avoid it not working cos you used a too recent version. So this is a full how to, only left the links out and instead gave search name and site name, to avoid my reply ending in the spam folder on youtube.

Glad to be able to enrich the know how a bit further, credits to Britec09

Create PC Repair WinPE Toolkit
youtube watch?v=3YaIkgw-ovg

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Passie on September 14, 2018, 01:53:13 PM
What does the tool do ?

With it you can create your own boot cd.
You can add portable programs in it and drivers and give it personal touch.
The basic boot cd has no recovery-fix tools in it only Windows aplications.
So basically the tool creates your own repair disc as blank sheet, so you wont have tools in it that you make no use of anyway. And you can make it your own by changing the graphics of the tool and other settings.

What does the tool NOT do ?
You can not "Edit" existing boot cd's to change what is on that cd !
So no option to load an existing boot cd, you start it and make your own one.

In short how it works.
1) You need to download the Builder, Win10PE_SE_2017-12-02
2) You need to have a Windows Instalation cd, Windows v10.0.16299 or below.
3-) You need to create 2 folders on the root of your C disc
3A) C:\WinPE = for the Builder
3B) C:\WinPE\Source = for Extracting Windows

4A) Extract the Builder to C:\WinPE
4B) Extract Complete Windows to C:\WinPE\Source
5) Run the Builder, right click as Administrator
6) Go to Source and browse to C:\WinPE\Source


Where can i Find WinBuilder ?
Get here: Win10PE SE Downloads Page - CWCodes
WinBuilder version: (273.04 MB)

What Windows versions can you use with this version of WinBuilder ?
You must select Windows v10.0.16299 or below.
Tip: Get Windows v1709
Example: Windows 10 1709 Redstone Sept 2017 build 16299.15
Actual Filename: Win10_1709_English_x64.iso [Works]
Used in Video Tutor: en_windows_10_enterprise_x64_dvd_6851151.iso [Works]

Changes compared to the video tutor ?
Folder structure used on video does not work with latest builder version !
C:\WinPE = for the program
C:\WinPE\Source = for Extracting Windows

Ones you start WinBuilder:
1) Go to source tab Browse to C:\WinPE\Source

Preperations are complete !

Avoid errors on a basic build of pre-made cd.
Deselect "VirtualTest"
If you do not, then it will try to test the boot cd after creating it.
And it will fail ones you do not load-download the virtual machine inside the tool.
I have VMWare installed, no go, you need to load it in the tool to be able to run it.
So just deselect it in your first run, and you will create the tool without errors.

When you run the build image:

What tools are in the basic boot cd ?
The basic boot cd has no tools loaded into it for repairs, only win tools.
But if you have an extra USB Stick that has portable tools on it.
Insert that USB Stick and you can run your portable tools from it.
I tried that with AOMEI PE Builder, but on that it did not work.
So this is a better basic boot cd, eventhough it has no tools at all inside.

On the basic boot cd there is no WiFi added, so will only go online if you put a cable into the computer. With cable it connects straight from the boot cd without need to do changes.

WinBuilder, How to set up the program. Basics of WinBuilder

Step 01 Create 2 folders on the root of your C disk
C:\WinPE = for the program
C:\WinPE\Source = for Extracting Windows

Step 02 Download 7-Zip

Step 03 Get Windows v10.0.16299 or below.
Works: en_windows_10_enterprise_x64_dvd_6851151.iso
Works: Win10_1709_English_x64.iso
Not Working: Windows v10.0.17134.122

Step 04 Use 7zip to extract Windows 10 asif it was a rar.
A. Right click on Win10_1709_English_x64.iso
B. Extract files
C. Extract to, browse to C:\WinPE\Source

*Question does WinBuilder only need boot.wim or more ?
Then we only have to leave boot.wim in source folder instead of complete Win10 Install dvd.

How To Quick Start Guide, h00p://
How To Guide - Feedback, h00p://

Step 05 Download WinBuilder-Win10PE SE
File = Complete (273.04 MB) =
Get here: Win10PE SE Downloads Page - CWCodes

Step 06 Extract
A. Right click on
B. Extract files
C. Extract to, browse to C:\WinPE

Step 07 Go to C:\WinPE
A. Right click BuilderSE.exe
B. Do run as administrator
C. WinBuilder will start

Step 08 Click on the "SOURCE" tab
A. Source Directory
B. Browse to C:\WinPE\Source

Step 09 Click on "VirtualTest" and deselect it

Now the preparations are done, you could click on the blue arrow, right top screen. And then you get the basic build, without changes.

The tutor gives a small walk through the options.

Step 10 Click on Build, folder left side of the screen
A. Click on "Retrieve Tools".
B. Download Tools, button middle of the screen.
C. Build - Themes folder you can change themes
D. Click on "Shell"
E. Click on Start10, is selected start option
F. Click on "StartIsBackPlusPlus" can be replaced by downloading.
Then unmarking Start10

G. Click on "Tweaks"
Here you could change your wallpaper to give it your own back ground.

H. Click on "Apps", "File Tasks", and mark Total Commander
I. Click on the green downwards arrow to download the app
J. Mark "Desktop", right under the floppy, now an icon on desktop gets shown.
K. Click on "Apps", "Portable", PStart and Papps
L. Click on the green downwards arrow to download the app
Not adding anything yet but engine is already in now

M. Click the Blue Arrow, right top part of the screen, next to refresh.
This will start the building of your first own made Boot.iso

My Build time: i5, 2.5, 16 gb Ram
Win10_1709_English_x64.iso 18;17 start, 18;53 Finished

And here the how to put portable apps into Builder tutor written out.
Credits to Britec09 for creating the video tutor.

How to Add Portable Apps to WinPE Build
youtube  -  watch?v=Hq14kfNhgiw

Adding Portable programs to your boot cd

Step 01 Go to C:\WinPE
A. Right click BuilderSE.exe
B. Do run as administrator
C. WinBuilder will start

Step 02 Click on the "SOURCE" tab
A. Source Directory
B. Browse to C:\WinPE\Source
* There is the Source, without correct folder you'll fail. So i will check first if it still has the correct setting. Remembered so did not need to edit it.

Step 03 Back to tab Script, Click "Apps", "Portable"
A. Open the folder + and click PStart and Papps
Followed the first Video Tutor, did this already, skip B-D.

B. Click Green downwards pointer to download, far to right
C. Click "Build", Retrieve Tools, Download Tools tab
I had a popup during making the iso and ADK was downloaded.
But now doing it at the start of the project

D. Click "Apps", "Portable", V on before PStart and Papps

Step 04 V on before "Add Desktop Shortcut"
Then PStart will be available from your desktop

Step 05 Click tab "Open Source Folder".
Now your destination folder opens

Step 06 Open portable apps folder on your computer. Feed.
Right click copy some programs you want to add.
I add 3 Windows Key Finders

Step 07 Go to the destination folder, open a tools folder.
Select the name of the .exe THAT is the program it self.

If you can not see extentions of files:
A. You Feed folder, "View", "Options", Change Folder Options
B. Now "View", de-select, Hide extentions for known file types

Step 08 Putting the tool in the Script:
A. Select the folder of the first tool you want to add
B. Copy the name of the folder
C. Builder: Directory of Apps under "Explorer++", Paste
I do the same for all keyfinder tools

D. Inside folder of the first tool, copy exe name
E. Builder: Name of exe, Paste exe name
I do the same for all keyfinder tools

F. Mark the box; "Start menu"
G. Start menu folder, give it your tools catagory name.
Key Finders in my example, repeat for all 3

H. Name for shortcut, give folder names to each
I. Mark box; "Desktop", if you want.
I will only put Explorer++ on the desktop
I already put it in "Start Menu", so keep it off
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Passie on September 14, 2018, 01:54:52 PM
⚫ Step 09 Go to your destination folder, click PStart.exe
A. PStart Screen: Edit, Add file
B. Into keyfinder folder and select, "keyfinder.exe", open
Repeat the same loading with all your added programs

C. Close the popup box of PStart
D. Go to bottom task bar, click arrow
And close PStart in the Savely Remove Usb Stick area of Win aswell

Building the iso now, after i'll test it to see if the catagory is in start menu as i expect it to be. Get back and will edit ones i tested, and will then see if i can edit more after closing Builder. To know if Builder remembers what i have done. I will add a 4th keyfinder, licenseCrawler, before i make the iso. My version is missing a file, so will probably not work, but then i can add how to remove an app in the tutor. As i think that is important as well if we want to update our build at times. And i'll add a recovery tool to see if i get 2 catagories, and to test if i see the 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Both have the same name, so i added _32 on the 32 bit version to see the difference, on the exe itself off course not only on the indexing. In the PStart box i put _32 behind the full name as well, else you do not see different version in PStart list.

⚫ Step 10 Click the Blue Arrow PLAY, to start building the iso

Build completed succesfully, now testing it.

What went wrong:

See the video at time &t=10m, then you see that many categories are wiped after creating the iso. At my build Directory of apps and Name of exe are all empty exept Explorer++, some start menu names are gone and some names to shortcut as well. So clearly something is missing in the tutor. Will now put the iso on a bootable usb stick.

I did NOT get a warning and iso has same output name. So BE CAREFUL take the iso out of C:\WinPE\ISO if your happy with the result, as the output wilL overwrite this iso ones you create an updated version.

Renamed first version to_v1.00, This version be _V1.01

⚫ Desktop shows PStart, and 1 version of my recovery tool, Explorer++ is on my desktop before firefox, and was not marked as on desktop in the PStart window, i did add it this time, but v1.00 had it on desktop already without x on PStart. So figure putting it on desktop should be done in another section of the program.

⚫ Start Menu: only 2 of the 4 key finders are in, and only 1 of the 2 recovery entries. And if i open the recovery tool from start menu, then a folder programs opens. In that folder i do see all tools i put in the machine, if i click on the key finder catagory the same happens. Now testing the one on my desktop as that also give a white folder look instead of showing an icon. Yep if i click that then again i get a popup window opening programs.

⚫ Programs folder do the tools run ? ShowKeyPlus does not work, LicenseCrawler does lol. On computer it worked fine and crawler did not so weird. But all others do work fine. Root of programs is on the boot cd.

⚫ PStart from desktop does give all 4 tools i put on the boot cd, and shows the 32 bit and 64 bit, ShowKeyPlus wont work from there either.

So from PStart you can reach all your tools, and by This PC\Your boot cd\Programs.

Put category name in front of the folder name, then in programs all categories should fall together, to keep your workflow quick ones you start to put a lot of tools in ;)

Test finished.
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Passie on September 14, 2018, 01:56:26 PM
Request for the solution, Where in this building process was a step missed ? To avoid settings falling out of PStart, not all added tools showing up at programs, and why links to programs that do show up lead to the programs folder on the boot cd instead of the tool starting ?

I think that for us "Newbees" the first step is to make the basic cd, and add some tools of our own picking onto it. Ones we get the basic needs served, then i guess some will want to create their own backgrounds and menu. But as soon as they get these basic things done, then they might become motivated to learn more. So i like to get this fixed so the starting users will know what to do, to create their first own categorised boot cd.

Hope someone is willing to add a or some steps to this process so that the names will show up properly, and so the tools will preferably all run.

Thanks in advance, Passie.

Boot Cd Reviews:
I renamed releases to indicate their all build using WinBuilder, if so.
YUMI, Indicates that the iso is in the to choose pre-programed iso list, So does not need PE Single choice as the others do.

⚫ 01.A. MediCat.Win10PE.18.04.stable-002 NTFS YUMI [11 GB]
=Portable Apps, Repair Programs and MultiBoot
Needs NTFS Format else wont run, If on fat32 it will start at every iso you choose in multiboot, other iso's wont boot.

Only one that has these boot options:
1] Boot options: Lubuntu, activeboot disk, hard disc tools, Ult boot cd, Malewarebytes or Main W10 Recovery. [if fat 32 not seen]
2] Main W10 boot has nice repair mode boot for Win7, 8 and 10 [Is Main boot on fat32]
3] Fat32 Istall makes all WinPE releases start this boot in boot menu, NTFS multiboot is okay.
4] Fat32 If installed as first WinPE, it wont run, but next indexed boot cd starts.

On his own best boot cd on NTFS, when on multiboot trouble as Fat32, as NTFS Okay.
Love it, is a bit huge for weak computers, hence why i need multiboot, YUMI.
So format the USB NTFS not fat32

⚫ 02 Sergei Strelec Win10PE (x86x64) 2018.08.02 NTFS [3.29 GB]
okay, boot menu W8, W10

⚫ 03 Gandalf’s Win10PE Redstone 3 (03-05-2018) NTFS [4,41 GB]
Needs NTFS Format else wont run, If Multiboot YUMI then wont boot, but next will boot instead.
W7 iso would not start at all for me, so deleted that one.

⚫ 04 MediCat.Win10PE Mini.Win10-001 NTFS [6 GB]
=Portable Apps, Repair Programs. No special boot, Single PE
Needs NTFS Format else dirty install,

⚫ 05 MediCat.Win10PE.NAKED NTFS [1.6 GB]
=Portable Apps, Repair Programs. No special boot, Single PE
Needs NTFS Format else dirty install,

⚫ 06 Win10PESE_PAS_x64_v1.00 NTFS-Fat32 [700 MB]
okay, Basic WinBuilder Setup.

⚫ 07 WinPE_SE-x64-14393_17.01.16 NTFS-Fat32 [1,21 GB]

⚫ 08 AOMEI PE Builder 2.0 Tools x64 Micro NTFS-Fat32 [415 MB]

⚫ 09 AOMEI PE Builder 2.0 Tools x86 NTFS-Fat32 [692 MB]

⚫ 10 AOMEI PE-Builder 2.0 Naked x64 NTFS-Fat32 [672 MB]

⚫ 11 AOMEI PE-Builder 2.0 Naked x86 NTFS-Fat32 [674 MB]

----==== FAT32 ====----

⚫ A1 Hiren’s BootCD PE x64 v1.0.1 Fat32 YUMI [1.26 GB]

⚫ A2 Bob.Ombs.Modified.Win10PE x64.v4.0 Fat32 [4,45 GB]
okay, nicest way organized

⚫ A3 Spotmau_BootSuite 2012 W7-GrubRam [314 MB]
okay using Win7, load in "Grub for Ram" not as PE Single.

⚫ A4 Lazesoft Recovery Suite WPE W7 [322 MB]
okay Using W7-Own browser

⚫ For XP:
06 DLC-Boot-2017-3.4 XP-W10 GrubRam [2,37 GB]
09 Hiren's.BootCD.15.2 XP YUMI [594 MB]
10 Falcon4_Ultimate_Boot_CD_v4.61_YUMI-XP, NAKED [698 MB]

⚫ Others:
07 boot-repair-disk-64bit UBUNTU YUMI, Reads death hard disk if windows can't. [708 MB]
12 System Rescue Toolkit - AiO-SRT_2018-01-02 GrubRam [663 MB]
Easy Recovery Essentials Pro, XP,w7,w8,w10-GrubRam [731 MB]

- Windows ADK for Win10, v.1803, Basic build would not work

Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Passie on September 14, 2018, 02:09:16 PM
I did not see some replies while i had errors, but get the same on my fix replies, do not know if it is moderator block or why. but try to get it in order as half a tutor one can not learn from lol. What is text limit per reply ? Perhaps better know that first then mods can delete and i post it again, since there is no edit i can't fix this myself.  :grin:
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: APT on September 14, 2018, 02:16:53 PM
Hi Passie
you can edit your own, after ten posts :thumbsup:
There may be a text limit per reply, but I've never seen one mentioned

Regards APT
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: James on September 14, 2018, 02:23:37 PM
I am Lost as to the Feedback and Replies....
You registered two days ago...
And first day seeing a post from you...
Title: Re: How To Guide - Feedback Here Please
Post by: Passie on September 14, 2018, 03:14:38 PM
Thanks Apt, almost there then ones i reach the 10 then i will fix the tutor, in the video replies i posted the full tutor in 4 parts.

At James, yeah i joined the forum to share the tutor, So came here immediately to try to put the tutor up so other newbees could learn something from it. And perhaps i could get an answer why i goes wrong. Pitty i couldn't get the tutor up in a proper way yet but almost at 10 then i'll fix it, so people can make use of it. They can already but then have to go to youtube, might be the icons i put in it so will remove the icons that are not dots, then it might be working.