Hello James
I have added the Malwarebytes plugin with the setup.
And I tested it when I started my PC with my Made USB stick.
If I then click on Malwarebytes setup in the start menu
Then I can choose for home use or a work computer
And then he installs and about half the installation goes wrong
The installation screen of Malwarebytes goes away in Pe
and get an Error message a small screen where I can click on Ok
I have already tried whether it helps if I do a custom installation
By selecting another disk
But then I get the same error message
But I got a bit late last night after seeing that Malwarebytes gave an error message
I just went to bed it was late here in the Netherlands
But I do see that files have been installed in the folder
Which I during the modified installation of Malwarebytes
are made
but I don't see any log files that have been created
in folder so what exactly was there for error message I do not know anymore
The only thing I did in winbuillder in the Malwarebytes Setup script is the Download URL changed
Can it therefore go wrong?
it is now in the original script
https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3/And I changed it to
https://data-cdn.mbamupdates.com/web/mb4-setup-consumer/MBSetup.exeCan I therefore receive that error message?
Greetings Dennis