Topic: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release  (Read 1710 times)

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2021, 09:53:02 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Didn't You noticed that it is the english one.
You are right I forgot. :thumbsup:

I feel we do our best to ease each other  :lol:

coding goes this way:
after figuring out which folders extracted - done - further continues :
If there is install.wim --> wiminfo but with checking available extracted folders
  eg. If you do not have ....\5\ folder next best
  eg. since you have ...\5\ folder --> It will work the way you expect
If there is no install wim --> check with registry -- half done -- I guess It will select index 9 following registry

If I can not finish tonight, I will finish tomorrow.  :great:
 After knowing what to do, rest only time.

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2021, 10:20:26 PM »


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@ lancelot,

+ More info :

German source wiminfo do not nicely match ProductName
fun continues... :turtle:
And that's what M$'s folks do. You will most likely find similar "missmatches" (Your word) in other localized editions.

Theese info are known to Me. They were part of basic info I collected before I wrote about.
Honor Your effort.

BTW. You will never get a Pro. in PESE regardless of what wiminfo.ini or else tells you.
Please check: It is always Enterprise. (at least v.1809)
So what.

The most importent is: not choose Home or N. (Edu. not tested by Me)

> If I can not finish tonight, I will finish tomorrow.  :great:
Don't rush. The world ...

Good Night.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 10:22:00 PM by HeyJoe »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #62 on: April 11, 2021, 12:35:13 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi HeyJoe,

BTW. You will never get a Pro. in PESE regardless of what wiminfo.ini or else tells you.
Please check: It is always Enterprise. (at least v.1809)

Checking German Source more with Registry:

Code: [Select]

ProductName=Windows 10 Home

ProductName=Windows 10 Home N

ProductName=Windows 10 Enterprise

ProductName=Windows 10 Enterprise N

ProductName=Windows 10 Enterprise

ProductName=Windows 10 Enterprise N

ProductName=Windows 10 Enterprise

ProductName=Windows 10 Enterprise N

ProductName=Windows 10 Enterprise

ProductName=Windows 10 Enterprise N

You are right, ProductName never Pro, but only EditionID  :thumbsup:

I can use above .ini file I generated to find "Best index following registry" using EditionID but since not required I will not for now.

This result made me remember I had done the same before, but forgot, not used since It is a slow process, using wiminfo is 1000x faster.


+++ 1)
"Images Configuration" BuildClass2 with available single extracted folder at one of default folder having 'AutoDetect' Enabled :
behaves as before (not your condition)

+++ 2)
"Images Configuration" BuildClass2 with available many extracted folders at default folders having 'AutoDetect' Enabled :
If there is install.wim + If "install.wim best image index" already extracted to default folder --> This index used automatically (your condition)  :great:
If there is install.wim + If "install.wim best image index" not extracted  at default folder
Echo,"Info: Multiple Extracted Folders: Install.wim exists but Best Image not extracted - Highest Index Number used - You can make Manual adjustment by disabling 'AutoDetect",Warn
If there is no install.wim
Echo,"Info: Multiple Extracted Folders: Install.wim not exists Highest Index Number used - You can make Manual adjustment by disabling 'AutoDetect",Warn

2b) and 2c) can also be automatic, can be implemented later, but for now I only add Echo,Info  :wink: Half codes ready till the day come.

In order not to forget, this time I leave the codes inside unoperational. I will give more info after final checks and update to server.


Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #63 on: April 11, 2021, 01:12:58 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi HeyJoe,

New "Images Configuration" Plugin v98 on servers

I hope this time I catch you, let me know the results.

I feel you like this kind of stuff, so here it is:

To get .ini file on my previous reply :

Line 699

Line 706

Line 733

If you are interested
notes taken to make 2b) 2c) conditions automatic in future 1 line before Echo,"Info lines I mentioned

I am sure you will check other parts of the new lines.

You may find Info & Codes useful.  :thumbsup:

It was a fun time for me  :xmas-beer:


Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #64 on: April 11, 2021, 10:21:00 PM »


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Hi Lancelot,

Sorry, late post. ... busy

New "Images Configuration" Plugin v98 on servers
Thx, dl & check.

So far I can say OK. Great job. Well done.:thumbsup:

But a bad thingy remains.

See short description:

Your remarks:
If there is install.wim...
If there is no install.wim...
and other related ...

made Me remember the reason (while BuildClass=2),
why I extracted always (any) iso file by hand in the past by using a small batch file I wrote for that matter.

See pic_1.png @

Tested today:
1.: I renamed install_wim folder in source folder to something else.
2.: I run "Images Configuration" BuilClass=3 ---> OK.

3.: I run "Images Configuration" BuilClass=2
     ---> "One Time Extraction to SpeedUp build? Wait Patiently....."

     That means: \Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.script went to work
     Then it broke off with errormessage: "Batch file could not finish successfully - Images.Plugin settings not written. Exiting..."

Looking to new created \sources\install_wim folder: found one right index folder (..\5 in My case --> de-DE) but empty
(and of course three files whose tasks are known to Me.)

That in a nutshell. I'll try to find the problem later. Time is the limit... :wink:

See You.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 10:25:02 PM by HeyJoe, Reason: Damn typo again... »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #65 on: April 11, 2021, 11:41:39 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi HeyJoe,

why I extracted always (any) iso file by hand in the past by using a small batch file I wrote for that matter.
I also did the same after implementing 1) Extracted Folder option to "Images Configuration" Plugin,
2) Later I thought It will be better to extract with a plugin instead of using personal .cmd files
3) Later I thought It will be better to auto extract  :lol:
4) and later I thought It will be better to auto extract with auto find best image index  :lol:

Probably you create your routine after 1) and missed the rest since not required to you. But with 4) It become trouble on your side and now done:
5) support to autodetect multiextracted sources (1/3)

(Between all steps there are years)

As I wrote before nobody extracts all indexes, you are the first one that reports such condition..  :wink:

1.: I renamed install_wim folder in source folder to something else.
It is known ...
You missed restarting pc after you rename "\sources\install_wim\" folder to "\sources\something else\" :wink:
delete empty failure folder you mentioned on your post  ( ...\sources\install_wim\5\ )

and restart your pc, and the rest will hopefully continue automatically.


If not,
Extract your iso to another folder (do not copy from other folder. Only extract iso to new folder)
and build,
rest will continue automatically. :thumbsup:

See you on next reply ...

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #66 on: April 11, 2021, 11:54:21 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Next week (04.19 and later ) I can continue following your feedbacks.

* Important
Fill the topic with new cases one by one to keep things tidy.  :great:
Even for a typo just post a reply (blabla plugin have a typo ....)
Or with new Plugins ...

When I come back, It will be easy to follow and you will not forget something you notice but missed to report since very small or whatever.

I believe all cases you report updated up to this line.  :great:

An overlook to project with a fresh eye is always good.  :great:

Have fun.  :great:

See you later, Good Night.

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #67 on: April 13, 2021, 09:07:46 PM »


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Hi Lancelot,

* Important
Fill the topic with new cases one by one to keep things tidy.  :great:
Yes - tidy, I'll follow.

Even for a typo just post a reply (blabla plugin have a typo ....)
Sorry, No - not for typo like: "you" --> "You" Upper and lowercase letter.
          - or ex.: "wong" --> "wrong" and similar - too much effort imo
It's probably some kind of "hobby perfection", too.

Next week (04.19 and later ) I can continue following your feedbacks.
Take Your time...

I believe all cases you report updated up to this line.  :great:
I believe yes.

See You on next reply ...
« Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 09:45:02 AM by HeyJoe, Reason: Damn typo »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #68 on: April 13, 2021, 09:17:46 PM »


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Hi Lancelot,

But a bad thingy remains.

As you know, my PESE build environment is mainly characterized by two factors:
 1. - builds are processed on a drive other than the systemdrive to keep it as untouched as possible e.g. by unwanted build-write-operations mainly caused while developing
 2. - and (See pic_1.png @ also build source files/folders are located tidy on a drive other than systemdrive - D: on My side

About: Q. "One Time Extraction to SpeedUp build? Wait Patiently....."
       asked by running (Images.script now v.098) "Images Configuration"
       with BuilClass=2 AND pCheck_ExtractWimFolder_AutoD=True AND pCheck_ExtractWimFolder=True

Your kind comments in post #65 @ are very welcome.
Unfortunately, however, they did not lead to success, as I define success. See second point of My build environment characterizing.
And I know history notes in \Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.script.


 1.: Copied Win10_1809_German_x32.iso to a new folder D:\Win10_1809_DE_x86
 2.: Copied 1-Extract.cmd (the small batch file I wrote for that matter) + 7z.dll + 7z.exe to same folder

1-Extract.cmd content:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
echo [%date:* =% %time: =0%]

:: Check for admin rights first
net session >nul 2>&1
if not %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 goto :_Not_Admin

cd /d %~dp0

if not exist DVD mkdir DVD

if exist "DVD\sources" echo.&echo Already done.&goto _exit

echo [%date:* =% %time: =0%]
echo Now working. Please be patient and watch awesome output messages by Igor Pavlov's "7z.exe".
echo This may require a while to complete...

:: For this operation admin rights not required.
7z.exe x *.iso -y -o"DVD"

:: ------------------------------------------------------------
goto _exit
:: Here: code will be inserted later in current post
:: ------------------------------------------------------------

echo Administrator privileges required. Exiting...

echo [%date:* =% %time: =0%]
goto :eof

 3.: Executed cmd file to extract iso file (at first only partially shown, additional code will be inserted later in current post)
 4.: Created a new folder D:\Win10PE_B2 and extracted to it
 5.: Overwrote Images.script w/ v.098 & started WB
 6.: Changed in Images.script BuilClass=2 AND pCheck_ExtractWimFolder_AutoD=True (is default ticked) AND pCheck_ExtractWimFolder=True
 7.: Big Blue Buttm

 8.: Then came message "One Time Extraction to SpeedUp build? Wait Patiently....." (I was looking forward to it working :smile:)
     That means: \Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.script went to work
     Then it broke off with error message saying : "Batch file could not finish successfully - Images.Plugin settings not written. Exiting..."
     It continued after given timeout with mounting wim file(s) (in order as it was coded) - takes time

 9.: Build finished without further hassle.

I mean hassle/anger because I'm angry about it: I do not like any mount (except I do it by Myself - with My own intention)
in My real OS again and again where it could be avoided.
I hope not to be misunderstood.
Please don't get Me wrong. I don't like a mess of free drive letters ... or anything else what would can happen this way.

Am I wrong somehow ?

However. Looking deeper I came across the apparent reason for: not able to extract wanted winindex (\5 in de-DE case) folder(s) to My as favorite selected drive.
 a) tested while iso fiile extracted to a folder on systemdrive C: + executing in admin cmdline: wimlib-imagex.exe along with corresponding parameters --> worked
 b) tested while iso fiile extracted to a folder on drive D: + executing in admin cmdline: wimlib-imagex.exe along with parameter pointing to systemdrive C: --> worked
    btw. pay attention: in this two scenarios wimlib-imagex.exe took all files it could find under C:\Users\All Users + C:\Users\Default User (not quite sure -further test maybe needed - only info to share)
 c) tested while iso fiile extracted to a folder on drive D: + executing in admin cmdline: wimlib-imagex.exe along with corresponding parameters --> not worked

a) and b) are out of the question for Me.
c) --> error 75 ... overlay bla bla - can't remember exactly

There seems (at least on My side) to be no really chance to directly extract right index folder
to where I want to have it by wimlib-imagex.exe from \Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.script.
Again See pic_1.png @

As I wrote before nobody extracts all indexes, you are the first one that reports such condition..  :wink:
The reason is:
I extract ... indexes by running a former small cmd file --> "all" = is was easy AND space on mentioned drive is mucho large. Thus it doesn't hurt.

I finished (after midnight :zzz:) the experiment by inserting the following code in above mentioned cmd file

Code: [Select]
:: ------------------------------------------------------------
goto _exit
:: Here: code will be inserted later in current post
:: ------------------------------------------------------------

Code: [Select]
:: For this operations We need admin rights.
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7z.exe x "DVD\sources\install.wim" -y -o"DVD\sources\install_wim" -ir!"5\"
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7z.exe x "DVD\sources\install_wim\5\Windows\System32\Recovery\Winre.wim" -y -o"DVD\sources\winre_wim\N"

See You.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 09:36:19 PM by HeyJoe, Reason: See codeboxes: That\'s the kind of typo(s) I don\'t like... »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #69 on: April 14, 2021, 10:58:19 AM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi HeyJoe,


Works fine here and for regular users,
 Time to time I change sources to support user (eg For HeyJoe I use Win10_1809_German_x32 source and Extract all go fine)
   So far no failure,
     If it was common trouble, there would be topics like rain in many years since 2016.06.03.  :lol:

Such failures only with very old users (generally people who can not write plugin word on their replies),
 I do not know the reason behind.
  If I knew I would put an appropriate workaround or info to the plugin.
   So far no reproducible way provided by such users, probably things magically start to work fine after a period like some other things with windows.

And I know history notes in \Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.
As you know, from "Extract Wim Folders" history notes,
 when you disable "Extract Wimboot ''pointer files'' to WIM files." ,
  you will get the same 7z install.wim extraction you wrote above.

Unfortunately, however, they did not lead to success,
As I wrote and as you know,
 success is "Images Configuration" plugin finding best index on multi extracted sources. Your special case.
  I did not know you have another special case, If I knew I would write you : On "Extract Wim Folders" plugin disable "Extract Wimboot ''pointer files'' to WIM files."

Here you wrote another issue for the first time with "Extract Wim Folders"
 Auto extract may fail with you, but you can be sure It will work fine with regular users,
  Either extracting all indexes as before manually,
    or extract best index using your personal cmd,
     or extract best index using "Extract Wim Folders" plugin with disabled "Extract Wimboot ''pointer files'' to WIM files."

for all cases, "Images Configuration" plugin will select the source automatically.

More short:
Just repeat your extract to empty folder test by adding one more step before start to build (blueplay)
1) extract Win10PESE to a new folder
1b) update Win10PESE
2) extract .iso to a new folder
3) "Images Configuration" Plugin - select BuildClass2 you prefer
4) at Utils\"Extract Wim Folders" Plugin disable "Extract Wimboot ''pointer files'' to WIM files." - workaround your special case not required anymore, see reply 72
5) click blueplay
6) when asked, select source of the extracted .iso on new folder


« Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 06:37:59 PM by Lancelot »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #70 on: April 14, 2021, 11:12:27 AM »


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@ Lancelot,

I start with BartPE 3.x ...

Out of topic - only thoughts to share.

2.x ---> 3.x

If I remember right, at the time Bart notified somewhere in the forum @ "", that one day big M knocked on his door
and kindly asked him to stop his builder with a notice of copyright infringement or so...
Then came out on Feb 17, 2006 PE Builder v3.1.10a :tongue:
And I saw many good members / names here again @ TheOven.

It will be nice If you can share a "HeyJoe_Plugins.7z" around, From time to time people share plugin packages which can be useful to others.
No, I don't think anyone else really cares, except maybe people like You and Me.
And most of the material (much of it private) is not publishable.
The material would have to be processed and looked through ...
No, the effort would not be justifiable and that's why I sometimes say: The time is the limit...

For My part, I let The Good Old Days Rest In Peace.
Never forget to have a look every now and then.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 11:14:33 AM by HeyJoe »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #71 on: April 14, 2021, 01:01:49 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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@ HeyJoe,

We had similar case like Bart
And now we have 3 builders with 6+1+4+1=12 projects

Unlike Bart, after a price I have to pay to deal with forum idiots, things get better.

No, the effort would not be justifiable and that's why I sometimes say: The time is the limit...
Only justifiable part for me, I do not write the same plugins again and again gaining time, unlike the bad part of days of pebuilder.
Also on old days I was taking notes about a task, now writing to history notes inside a working plugin, easier to remember and follow, again gaining time.

I can not imagine the time I need to write the same plugins, even If I do such a thing I have to lower quality of some plugins to finish and spend some weeks.

For My part, I let The Good Old Days Rest In Peace.
Never forget to have a look every now and then.
I like the things I learn from experience.
 But it is not easy to transfer the experience to others, mostly I try when I feel there is a value, and later watch the points I had written came bad true.

  Like you warn a young man "if you do that it will happen bad" and young man ignore you and do, and you watch next happen bad silently.
   Human nature.  :wink:

No, I don't think anyone else really cares, except maybe people like You and Me.

You miss the BIG fact that majority of people who make very good use of projects do not write to forums.

In fact, I am one of them, when I write 911 old forum many years after I use pebuilder, Bart was not around, pebuilder was final, and I met Galapo.

If I did not met Galapo, would not be created, and at least no Gena, probably SE will finish with Win7PESE at a point.

I am not active at other app forums, I only follow the news and rarely put a post/reply like the majority.  :wink:

This reply with comments, next reply to convince
--- see you on next reply -->

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #72 on: April 14, 2021, 01:03:42 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Sharing good stuff is important, as I wrote on other topic:

I'm interesting on Microsoft's components, not 3rd-part applications, But a lot of people want to add applications into PE,
so I make some sample patches, and macro to do it.
I hope some project author to improve them to make a better one, not me. I don't use them at all.
I just show some ways to do it,  treat them(app macro, and the batch code in \APPs\) as sample, do not treat them as the best practice(structure/name/others).
I mostly make Basic builds (See Enabled Basic Plugin with Azin,SE,Gena),
 That is the reason I do not much update apps plugins unless I use them, they are living examples to new plugin authors even when they contain old distribution,
  I am even not interested on internet with PE, neither printer, nor bluetooth etc., my interest is mostly about windows customization to confort use after boot and some organisations to get things run smooth.
  And sometimes some applications or special tasks, that is all. (eg. it will be fun to run hyperv) .....

Giving example, you adding printer support or other things with a plugin, share your plugins.
 Even they are special to only your printer or devices, somebody at majority will silently use it, as you and I do in other places.

Or if you like sharing step by step instruction like noelBlanc, It is still fine, sharing is important, how you do is on your hands.  :thumbsup:

As I wrote before, I will update packages whenever I find a free time to support other topics.
 I do not have time to code, only feedback with reply as much as I can do.


Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #73 on: April 14, 2021, 07:02:29 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Hi HeyJoe,,

Just checked if easy to implement, It was easy,
Download new Utils\"Extract Wim Folders" Plugin from server
Repeat your steps at your Reply 68
at 8. hopefully, this time files will be extracted and 9. continue without a mount.

I can not reproduce your conditions anymore with old method I found in the past, so better you test and verify with your Reply 68 way.

Even for a typo just post a reply (blabla plugin have a typo ....)
Sorry, No - not for typo like: "you" --> "You" Upper and lowercase letter.
          - or ex.: "wong" --> "wrong" and similar - too much effort imo
It's probably some kind of "hobby perfection", too.
I create upload buttons to quickly fix and update what I see, a typo or improvement on a plugin, does not matter, I click upload and drink my tea.

In bad old days It was trouble to update a plugin, like "Extract Wim Folders" uploading to 4 servers or even single server,
Manually copy file one by one to server with ftp or whatever,
 also copy file one by one to different folders of copy of projects,
  and recreate index for each server again and update that
    ----> At that time I was ignoring many things.  :lol:

 Now ( since ~5 years) only drink tea and click upload button, all done automatically. I fix anything I notice including a typo or a regular update, both same time for upload.
  To get hobby perfection, It requires some hard work to create some features. upload button was one of them (a lot after creating Call,Download  :wink: one by one with turtle steps ... )

That is also the reason there is date info at History starting with 2016, before 2016 there was no upload button, It was boring to add date for each update which mostly ignored. Now automatic.  :cool:

So feel free to get your favorite drink, and reply to whatever thing you notice, even typos you write as an example, even typos at comments (//) or a feature etc. you add.
 It will take only a few minutes for you to write, and few minutes for me to update when I am around with my laptop.

ps: This free time I quickly implement this to "Extract Wim Folders" Plugin in few minutes, next free time hopefully new packages, that is the reason for the new package delay.  :cool:

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #74 on: April 14, 2021, 09:44:03 PM »


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@ Lancelot,


Good News coming...

See You on next post... :zzz:

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #75 on: April 17, 2021, 05:27:51 PM »


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@ Lancelot,

Completing Reply #74 "Good news..." It's the weekend now and I took the time.

 %ProjectDir%\Images.script (v.098) + %ProjectDir%\Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.script (v.058)
 Thanks for updates.

You are right.
Simply untick checkbox "CheckBox_Wof" in ui of Extracted_Wim_Folders.script v.057 is enough.

And I know history notes in \Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.script.
Apparently not read carefully enough after all.
Maybe also because My small batch file worked perfectly here, and other things were more important to Me during this period.

     If it was common trouble, there would be topics like rain in many years since 2016.06.03.  :lol:
I am quite sure of that too.

See You on next post...

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #76 on: April 17, 2021, 05:30:42 PM »


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@ Lancelot,

Only one remark:

About: Q. "One Time Extraction to SpeedUp build? Wait Patiently....." asked by running (Images.script now v.098) "Images Configuration"
while BuildClass=2

 It still interupts with errormessage: "Batch file could not finish successfully - Images.Plugin settings not written. Exiting..."
 Well, after timeout has expired, the stunned user sees that things are going on after all, not only correct file/folder extraction
 but also correct writing of settings into plugin Images.script. :confused:
 I feel for sure You will improve it one day.

However, read the following and maybe think about:

As We know there are many approaches for advanced folks and others to improve somthing, which mainly depending on opinion of how to make it.
My motto is: as small effort as possible but as much as needed.
But OK. You are the boss. You decide.

Just thoughts - no complaint:
4) at Utils\"Extract Wim Folders" Plugin disable "Extract Wimboot ''pointer files'' to WIM files." - workaround your special case not required anymore, see reply 72

 I admire your commitment, but I think the effort would not have been necessary, in view of limited time.
 However, you have had fun writing (as You said) and that counts for a lot.

 I would have liked not to change the called plugin (keep it on v.057), but to change the calling plugin (let's say according to the cause-and-effect principle)
 in the following way:

Code: [Select]
History_JH002=J.H. 2021-Apr-16 - Added msg box (not completed yet - need to be filled more - only example given) when user selected BuildClass_ScrollBox="BuildClass 2" (That means: away from the defined The Default BuildClass) while CheckBox_Wof=True in plugin "%ProjectDir%\Utils\Extracted_Wim_Folders.script"

BuildClass_ScrollBox="BuildClass 3",1,4,9,3,82,21,"BuildClass 2","BuildClass 3",_BC_Check_,True

If,%BuildClass_ScrollBox%,Equal,"BuildClass 2",Run,%ScriptFile%,BC_2_Check

// @ Lancelot: You may like:
// Set,%_CheckBox_Wof_txt%,
// IniRead,%_DependPlugin%,Interface,CheckBox_Wof,%_CheckBox_Wof_txt%
// Set,%_CheckBox_Wof_State%,None
// If,Not,%_CheckBox_Wof_txt%,Equal,,StrFormat,Split,%_CheckBox_Wof_txt%,#$c,8,%_CheckBox_Wof_State%
  // Just an example:
  Message,"NOTE: Please be aware that You may get an increased pulse rate and blood pressure if You continue.#$x#$xExplanation:#$x1st option ...#$x2nd option ...",Warning

 This allows users to choose what to do if they deviate from the default.
  They are now warned and provided with information and options.
What do You think ?

See You on next reply...
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 06:15:39 PM by HeyJoe »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #77 on: April 17, 2021, 05:34:13 PM »


  • Chef
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  • Location: Germany
  • Date Registered: Apr 2020
  • Posts: 102
@ Lancelot,

I have emphasized several times that I prefer BuildClass 2 for reasons given above (there are still more while plugin developing...).
I'm sure that if there had been such a "Message,...,Warning" or something similar in plugin Images.script after BuildClass=3 became The Default,
I would have noticed it at some point (at least after I downloaded updated plugin from server)
 - mainly because this option was always visible and therefore particularly easy to use.
 - And would have dug deeper

While checking some time ago My archives I found out that I started (~ mid of 2017) switching from 7 to 10 (skipping eight) and having problems with auto extract and select best index. Then no hints found about in forum here while quick searching.
So, didn't care about why malfunction on My side. I preferred to write a small batch. I was satisfied with it and that was it.
Works fine here ...
Only now have I discovered the awesome well-made cmd file "Extract_Wim.cmd" and seen that My small one extracts exactly the same thing, but of course I was only interested in Win10.

Unfortunately, however, they did not lead to success,
As I wrote and as you know,
 success is "Images Configuration" plugin finding best index on multi extracted sources. Your special case.
  I did not know you have another special case, If I knew I would write you : On "Extract Wim Folders" plugin disable "Extract Wimboot ''pointer files'' to WIM files."
I'm afraid we both had communication problems in Our previous posts.
Maybe because neither of us are English or something and that resulted in imprecise problem descriptions.
Or when using Big G, different or partially misleading translations of the English text into your own language appear.

My definition of "success" in this case also relates to "best index" as Yours, but I have chosen words "right index" in My posts.
That means the same for Me.

But I didn't understand that You used the term "special case" several times in connection with My post.
Something like "HeyJoe ... special case ..." which sounds like "HeyJoe has special (selfmade) problem..."  :confused: - I suspect there is a formulation inaccuracy on My part.
I never intended to describe a "special case" on My side. There is no special case on My side at all - even not "...on multi extracted sources..."
Perhaps you mean: "...all possible indexes unpacked to hdd. Ha Ha Ha - If yes, I would say: so what.

To be clear: It's all about having the best index and it is in v.1809 : on My (de-DE) side --> 5, on en-US --> 6, onf fr-FR --> 6 (I guess), on tr-TR --> I don't know, etc.
Never indexes like Home, N, Education.. or whatever, only Professional (as You know it is anyway always just Enterprise in PESE and in other project We have @ TheOven).

See You on next reply...
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 06:08:13 PM by HeyJoe »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #78 on: April 17, 2021, 05:49:17 PM »


  • Chef
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  • Location: Germany
  • Date Registered: Apr 2020
  • Posts: 102
@ Lancelot,

We could have finished earlier ... Lots of words about a pretty "small" thing.

Finally, I would like to say that We have regrettably taken a lot of work that has taken too much time.
Yours and Mine against the background We both know: Time Is The Limit ...

I'm happy to see: If one selects BuildClass=2 then simply unticking checkbox "CheckBox_Wof" in plugin Extracted_Wim_Folders.script v.057 is enough.

If I could, I would go back to v.093 of plugin Images.script (and of course plugin Extracted_Wim_Folders.script to v.057),
where the trouble I had started, when I was describing the differences I noticed while changing/testing BuildClasses regarding extraction of best (right) wimindex,
and only just incorporate the adjustment(s) to variable %RegistryCache% I mentioned along with Message,...,Warning (or similar arrangements).
(tested with - I guess testing some earlier *.zip would tell Us good same)

That would have been it, I guess.

Next week (04.19 and later ) I can continue following your feedbacks.
Yes, as already indicated, from My point of view there are still differences in the behavior of the two BuildClasses during build,
but also other anomalies, that I think are worth to fix.

I would like to report on this in the next few replies.

Have a nice time. See You.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 06:24:44 PM by HeyJoe »

Re: Win10PE SE - Contributions to Package Release
« Reply #79 on: April 17, 2021, 05:57:29 PM »


  • Chef
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  • Location: Germany
  • Date Registered: Apr 2020
  • Posts: 102
Hi Lancelot,

Forgot to mention/share that too:
    btw. pay attention: in this two scenarios wimlib-imagex.exe took all files it could find under C:\Users\All Users + C:\Users\Default User (not quite sure -further test maybe needed - only info to share)
I noticed later: Not only did it "... took all the files it could find under ...", it also removed them from My user profile at the same time.
Very annoying :sad:


  Edit: --> See + on next reply
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 09:09:23 PM by HeyJoe »


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