The Oven
Project World => Win10PE SE HomePage => Topic started by: Gorkde on June 28, 2020, 12:00:10 AM
Can someone help me resolve this?
See attached screenshot.
Hi Gorkde,
Do the following:
Utils\"Update Win10PESE (Exact and Secure)" Plugin -> Click "Update (Download + Copy)" Button
This will update the project from server
After update
Make your build (BigBluePlay),
if failure again provide "support log" which is already created with failure
Just did.
While downloadidng I saw "Total Commander cannot be downloaded". I did add total commander to the plugins. Maybe thats the rason?
Same for USB7ice.
Btw. for Source of Win10 I did select my Blueray drive with win10 in it (burnt of an win10 iso originally) that isn't the problem right?
Stopped at the same point. See attached log.
Just downloaded an ISO and will try with that. But I doubt that as reason.
I also got another problem now.
I used the mounted ISO and got some message about "Your can continue using ASIN" then it restarted and had this ASIN in it.
Never had this before. What is this about?
I also got another problem now.
I used the mounted ISO and got some message about "Your can continue using ASIN" then it restarted and had this ASIN in it.
Never had this before. What is this about?
I now got another error with the AZIN (see attachment)
Hi Gorkde,
Thanks for reporting,
I just updated "Simplewall" and "QtWeb" Plugins,
Download "Simplewall" and "QtWeb" Plugins :great:
See: Small Green Download Button on Plugins - Reply 1: Update Plugins (
Never had this before. What is this about?
Win10PESE support sources up to 1809
Azin support sources after 1809
You can continue using your Plugins with Azin :great:
More later... Summer time ... :turtle:
Just made a quick check
no problem with "Total Commander" Plugin (ps: Download latest Total Command with Green Download button )
"USB7ice" I have not test with Azin yet
> While downloading I saw "Total Commander cannot be downloaded"
I also check servers for both files, they look fine to me.
Sometimes during downloading many files from the same server, one can lose connection,
I believe that is the reason you notice "... cannot be downloaded" at System Tray (Notification area)
On such case use
Utils\"Update Win10PESE (Exact and Secure)" Plugin -> Click "Update (Download + Copy)" Button
again, It will only download missing files.
More later .... :easy_life: :turtle:
So basically when both are marked (Azin / PE) he does make an iso which contains both? Or 2 separate?
Because I can't deselect either of these.
And do I need to select plugins in Azin then? Or does it only expand the boot option somehow?
And as said above I also get an Error tbere (see Attachment in my post above).
Hi Gorkde,
Azin is only another separate Project.
Each project has their instructions to select source and build (BigBluePlay)
[attachimg=1 width=500]
1) Use Azin\"Update Project (Exact and Secure)" Plugin -> "Update" Button to update Azin Core
2) Select Souce by using
Azin -> "Choose Source Folder"
3) Click BigBluePlayButton
Spend some time, you will figure out all in a short time.
I hope you get a bootable iso file with Azin now ?
I have much work at the moment, will retry next days and report back.