Additionally, the download page says it cannot connect to any server for projects even through I am not using a proxy and confirmed allow rules in Windows Firewall. Log shows this portion:
Quote from: AceXMachine on March 26, 2020, 12:00:29 PMAdditionally, the download page says it cannot connect to any server for projects even through I am not using a proxy and confirmed allow rules in Windows Firewall. Log shows this portion:1) "it cannot connect to any server for projects" --> It is winbuilder bug2) Do not use that "Download" anyway,.....
Quote from: Malok on March 26, 2020, 01:26:53 PM WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_RESOURCE_HASHHi Malok,2 questions:1) How did you find that 2) Generally, this should be accompanied by a Description!
I found it at listed under Enumerations "WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_RESOURCE_HASH = 28"
Ok, this is weird. Winre.wim throws a CRC if I try to open it from within Install.wim using 7zip.
But if I extract it and open Winre.wim in 7zip afterwards it opens
Go into "LOG" and Save As HTMLOpen XPE working directory - compress HTML fileOn Opening interface "Enable Support Log" below Donate Button Proceed with Build - thenAttach compressed log to forum Post...
try moving your Source from Win10XPE Folderie D:\Win10_1909
it is failing to extract the winre.wim from the Install.wim