I'm sure you can, but would have to find where the setting is...You using HotPlug App??Also, you left me hanging on Rainmeter......
look at line 51and test with set to 0
AOMEI Partition AssistantCode: [Select]Version 8.3 (July 17, 2019)Optimized task list pane.Optimized the interaction pattern in a restart mode.Added: HOVER effect on disk list and disk panel.Added: Ring display for disk and partition capacity
It appears to me that you are trying to customize the App and the Uploaded XPE Plugin...Which is not working out so good for you... And so as Not to confuse others Create a "Test" directory inside MoPlugins/Apps/Copy your revised version of rainmeter into MoPlugins/Apps/TestDownload the Rainmeter App and place in MoPlugins/Apps/TweaksVerify this is a working App on Both x86 and x64 for the general public...Then Link To Me - your revisions from /Test - so as I can test and try to help figure out what is wrong...
I did not notice any new files or errors with current AppOther then the need to change > %checkversion%=8.3.0
Try using > attach=1 < wrapped in brackets [ ]