Topic: BlueLife -- Dosya Klasor Isim Cevirici (Turkce-> Ingilizce)  (Read 2592 times)

BlueLife -- Dosya Klasor Isim Cevirici (Turkce-> Ingilizce)
« on: October 19, 2012, 05:54:05 PM »


  • Gena Baker
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Life -- Dosya Klasor Isim Cevirici (Turkce-> Ingilizce)
Yazar (Author): BlueLife

Bu program, TR karekter kullanilan dosya isimlerini EN ye ceviriyor (alt klasor ler le birlikte)

Programa Cift tiklayip Klasor secip islem yapabileceginiz gibi  :thumbsup:,
"Kur" ile Windows a kurup, "Sag Tik" a ekleyebilirsiniz (Tercihim),
 bu sekilde bir klasore sag tiklayip, "Karekterleri Degistir TR -> EN" dememiz yeterli  :thumbsup:

Bu programla, EN karekterleri kullanarak, cesitli transferler neticesininde ismi "acaiplesen" dosya sorunlari yasamaya artik son vermis olursunuz.
Cesitlik vesilelerle (Egitim, Is vs) bircok pdf/doc/ppt/xls vs. dosyalari ile isiniz oluyor, alip veriyorsaniz, dosya isimlerini EN karekterli hale cevirerek yasayabileceginiz bu tur sorunlardan kurtulmus olursunuz  :great:,
Ayrica, aksilik durumlarinda (elektrik gitti, disk te ariza vs.) diskten dosya kurtarma yazilmlarinin cogu EN karekterli olanlari daha rahat kurtarir.  :great:

Dosya isimlerinde yapilan degisiklik su sekilde:
İ -> I
ı -> I
ğ -> g
ü -> u
ş -> s
ö -> o
ç -> c
Ğ -> G
Ü -> U
Ş -> S
Ö -> O
Ç -> C
bu sayede dosyalarin okunabilirligi muhafaza edilmis oluyor  :thumbsup:

not: biliyorum bunlarin bagzilari ascii tablosunda var ve sorun cikarmiyor, kafa karisikligini engellemek icin tum TR olanlari degistirdik.

Birkac ozel secenek (su sira kapali), programin sonraki surumlarinda eklenecek.

Gule Gule kullanin.

This is a small utility for only Turkish users (well, only usable for Turkish users),
that change TR specific charecters of files (file names) to EN ones,
to avoid lots of troubles Turkish users face time to time with TR charectered files (file names),
+ renamed files to weird charecters after some operations
- sometimes on servers (ftp, dropbox, emails etc.)
- sometimes send a file to a foreign friend (he would see weird charecters since most do not have tr set on nt5)
+ easy access to files by rescue utilities

Personally, I start to face lots of TR charectered document files recently (get them from others) and do not want to face such troubles, hence asked BlueLife for this small utility.

A very ununderstandable situation for
Western (English, French etc...)
 -> Since they have no such trouble, ascii table is standart anywhere since The Begining :>
and most Asian & Chinese users
 -> Since they already aware to use servers/services that support their charecters and picky about them :>
which makes quite special case for Turkish users (since most alphabet latin, but with small exceptions.....)
ex: I wrote all above Turkish, by only using En charecters, all understandable by any Turkish reader  :whistling:

Anyway, This utility nicely workarounds  :great:

« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 08:38:37 PM by Lancelot »


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