Hi, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I'm modifying the Paragon Disk Manager Suite 15 icon to change the shortcut for the main program. The plugin defaults to explauncher.exe as the main program, but it's just a menu for the different parts of the suite. explauncher.exe also has no icon. I prefer to use launcher.exe which goes into the main program. The exe also has no icon, but there's a launcher.ico in the same directory. I changed the %ProgramExe% variable to launcher.exe, and it creates a working shortcut for that. The problem is adding the icon to the shortcut.
I've moddified add_shortcuts to
to try 2 different ways of creating the icon. In the system32\pecmd.ini it's generating
LINK %Programs%\HD Tasks\Paragon Hard Drive Manager 15 Suite,Y:\Programs\PHDM\launcher.exe,Y:\Programs\PHDM\launcher.ico
LINK %Desktop%\Paragon Hard Drive Manager 15 Suite,Y:\Programs\PHDM\launcher.exe,launcher.ico
But for the actual shortcuts in PE, it's putting the .ico as a parameter to the exe, not as the icon for the exe., so the desktop shortcut target reads as Y:\Programs\PHDM\launcher.exe launcher.ico
AddShortcut,Desktop,,%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%programExe%,Paragon Disk Manager,,%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\launcher.ico
AddShortcut,StartMenu,Paragon,%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%programExe%,Paragon Disk Manager,,%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\launcher.ico
Thanks. I can't try the new iso till tonight, but I see in the pecmd.ini it's adding an extra comma before the ico path.
One weird side affect with the Paragon DM 15 suite, when I run launcher.exe from the iso in virtualbox, it cause the "cd" to be ejected in VirtualBox and quits running. But when I run it from a usb stick, the exe runs fine and the Disk Manager program loads up.
you could also try something similar to
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg35293#msg35293 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2488.msg35293#msg35293)
Dont_Eject command line parameter works with some version
AddShortcut,Desktop,,%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%programExe%,Paragon Disk Manager,Dont_Eject,%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\launcher.ico
AddShortcut,StartMenu,Paragon,%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%programExe%,Paragon Disk Manager,Dont_Eject,%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\launcher.ico
I haven't tried don't eject yet, but that definitely fixed the icon problem without editing the exe file.
I don't remember how I discovered that but...
I went around this "eject" problem by creating my own launcher
What it does...
Delete MiniNT registry key.
Run Launcher.exe
Creates MiniNT key.
This works for me with since 2013, surely works with 15 too.
It needs to be in the same folder as the other launchers.
Or you can make your own easily.
It's a x86 executable, I use for my x86 and x64 builds.
Once working in your PE, Configure HDM as you like and save the settings.xml located in same directory.
Then add it back in you script to overwrite the original with ,NoWarn and tadam... Fully configured HDM every boot :smile:
If you use Your_Launcher.exe directly as %ProgramEXE% when Creating your plugin... the Shortcuts are all created properly with standard syntax.
If you want to change the icon...
Icon at 6th comma...
I also added these files...
It's been doing great since.
Thanks Sandy for The dont_eject option... will give it a try.
Yes if you delete MiniNT registry key first you should not need the dont_eject option. It will also stop it shutting down your PC when it exits.
To create a launcher yourself
Create a Cmd file with the following
@Echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
reg delete HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MiniNT /f
Start "HDM15" /WAIT Launcher.exe
reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MiniNT
Run the command file in HDM Directory. If it succeed...
Pack to executable with...
https://www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/Batch-To-Exe-Converter.shtml (https://www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/Batch-To-Exe-Converter.shtml)
Select icon, use current directory, Make invisible for your arch...
Hi Malok
thanks for the info
I'll give it a try :thumbsup:
regards APT
Hi Malok
I'll give it a try
thanks - works great - no more reboots on exiting prog
edit add ver4 with these mods to original post below, with option to boot explauncher or launcher and miniNT reg mod.
http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28594#msg28594 (http://theoven.org/index.php?topic=2607.msg28594#msg28594)
thanks to Malok and sandy