The Oven
Project World => Win7PE SE HomePage => Topic started by: ner0 on December 29, 2015, 06:18:52 PM
I am booting Win7PE SE from the network using pxelinux, but unfortunately it won't work properly due to it not finding the ISO file after booting.
The boot itself is successful and it reaches the desktop but then I notice an infamous warning icon (MountPEmedia.log attached).
The warning is probably typical for this problem and I am not sure if there is anything that can be done to work around it.
My setup uses PXELINUX (v6.3), using memdisk module and appending the raw iso, to boot the iso from an http server into memory.
Everything seems to start nicely but, as mentioned above, once I reach the desktop I become aware that the ISO cannot be located and so it is missing lots of stuff (Opera for one).
If anyone has any idea on how I should go about solving this issue I would appreciate it.
Well, okay I may have rushed a bit... I just noticed a PXE Support component, yet it is not working as it should (or maybe it's just me).
I changed PENetwork startup to before the shell and the network share is successfully mounted as Y.
In that shared folder I have both the ISO and all its contents because I was not sure if it would try to go for the ISO or the files directly.
Opera shortcuts do not appear anywhere, neither in the desktop nor start menu but if I create an empty HTML file on my desktop it shows Opera's icon and when double-clicked it actually opens Opera without a problem, so that's a plus. Anyway, I am still wondering if there is any better way to go about this that loads everything from memory without needing third-party storage locations.
Be sure to check shortcut boxes on opera plugin - Desktop and StartMenu
Thanks for the reply.
In any case, I found exactly what I needed, just took me a bit more time to find what was under my nose - everything was available from the start:
Enabling "Run ALL programs from RAM" did the trick, and actually it's recommended for PXE bootable builds.
I really prefer this to mapping a network drive that may or may not be available when needed.
I'll just leave a screenshot for people like me who miss the clues:
Hi ner0,
Ctrl+F -> pxe
Hi Lancelot,
Thanks for the reply.
I feel such a dummy for spamming the forum with a question that is in the FAQ, and yes... I did not read the FAQ.
Thanks a lot! :thumbsup: