You can try to trim down the nvidia driver by commenting the files inside the inf.This one work with my GTX 1060!xuJQyIrY!SwEKyyxkl4Y88pUsK8GC-Z1Barl5wUnOWvxyjX0XfcEBut if you mod the inf file you also will need to patch drvinst.exe.
This looks rather interesting to me, and I wonder whether you might be able to address a few questions:
Does DrvInstPatch should be operational also for RS6 ?
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>DrvInstPatch.exe p drvinst.exedrvinst.exe was successfully patched!C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>fc /b drvinst.exe drvinst_p.exe00007C87: 8B 3100007C88: F0 C000007C89: 85 8900007C8A: C0 C600007C8B: 75 9000007C8C: 09 90
D:\dev\wimbuilder2\Projects\WIN10XPE\Patch_drvinst>set PATCH_MODE=localD:\dev\wimbuilder2\Projects\WIN10XPE\Patch_drvinst>main.batReading from .\drvinst.exe...Writing to .\drvinst_patched.exe... Done: 1 matches.00007C87: 8B 3300007C88: F0 C000007C89: 85 8B00007C8A: C0 F000007C8B: 75 9000007C8C: 09 90
Or even in automatic, without any option, I guess it's good feature for everyone,
You can try to trim down the nvidia driver by commenting the files inside the inf.This one work with my GTX 1060
Sure, the more people try these generic patcher, the better they will become.
I found out the reason for my slow install, it's line "CopyINF = nvppc.inf".After removing it install is done in 5 seconds