pstein,There are so far 3(+1=4) builders + 1cmd/hta = 4, 6 plugin projects, 1xpeplugin project, 1 cmd/hta project, and +5 project all in a builder and a tutorial project. = 14 projects so far maybe more, using 4 different builders.
Every project have its own section or topic here,
You should start asking the questions about the project at project topic or section like everyone else.
I guess I am writing the same thing to you more than a year now.
and also recently others write the same thing to you:
PEBakery is a Builder...
WinPESE and Win10XPE are Projects...
APT feedback for Win10PESE feedback for Win10XPE (unrelated post moved to this topic)
Maybe that is the reason of C't distribution failure which is out of subject and requires you open another topic.
The only thing related to PEBakery on this topic is its gui design bug, which is known from the first day.
Topic locked now, not related to PEBakery.
After 2 years, If you insist on doing same mistake,
I will see it intentional and have to ban you.
Last warning.