The Oven

Plugin World => General Plugins => Plugins => Topic started by: bob.omb on October 23, 2017, 05:31:07 PM

Title: Acrylic Wifi Home - Plugin Error on 1709
Post by: bob.omb on October 23, 2017, 05:31:07 PM
Plugin crashes on build 1709.  Seems like a nice utility.  I am looking into this but any help is appreciated.
Title: Re: Acrylic Wifi Home - Plugin Error on 1709
Post by: sa mo on October 24, 2017, 01:25:03 AM
 i tested Acrylic Wifi Home and it start ok, but i have to add fn key driver to build to activate my  Wireless card...
 the script need .Net Framework to work (4 4.5)
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Title: Re: Acrylic Wifi Home - Plugin Error on 1709
Post by: sa mo on October 24, 2017, 03:42:02 AM
i tested again with card wifi on and it's ok ( the script need .Net Framework to work (4 4.5))

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Title: Re: Acrylic Wifi Home - Plugin Error on 1709
Post by: bob.omb on October 24, 2017, 04:49:30 PM
sa mo,

   As shown in the OP, the error displayed an exception thrown by .NET, which is installed, or the framework to display the error wouldn't have been able to display in the first place.

  I know you are only trying to help but please wait until you are better informed, as each post I have seen from you thus far throughout the forum is stating things that are already known or information that is not needed. If I am asking for help unless you have a fix please leave it for experts..

Please check here for guidance:

Also read around area with "WE DO NOT TOLERATE anyone who like to waste our very limited time on Development Forum." --  To be safe your not doing what they did, there are examples just under that line...

You are not doing anything wrong so do not mistake what I am trying to say as an insult or that I do not believe you can possibly contribute greatly even.  But start out on forums watching, I made mistake of thinking that experience being a technician made it that my very experienced smart attempts to help would contribute, they didn't.... I look back on some of my initial attempts here when I thought I knew what I was talking about and realize I sounded stupid.  PE is a whole new world, up is down, down is up.

Take more time to learn you will get better... Eager to help is a good thing.  Ask more questions for your build then helping at first, I still regret jumping into certain things because you can't delete posts here and I look back and think "Why did I ask that, or suggest that"

Give it time...., I still make some of these mistakes myself..
Title: Re: Acrylic Wifi Home - Plugin Error on 1709
Post by: Lancelot on October 24, 2017, 08:07:05 PM
Hi bob.omb,

leave moderate to me.  :wink:

we have big tolerance to bad users, but I feel you hit a wrong positive.  :cool:

Title: Re: Acrylic Wifi Home - Plugin Error on 1709
Post by: Lancelot on October 24, 2017, 08:11:25 PM
Hi sa mo,

Thanks for the pictures.  :great:

You forgot to tell us you change
Components\.Net Framework plugin to "Run from RAM"

It seems there is problem with
.Net Framework plugin

Acrylic Wi-Fi Home
Components\.Net Framework plugin - Version=027 - "Run from RAM" - DotNet 4.0/4.5

Acrylic Wi-Fi Home works ok.

I also updated Acrylic Wi-Fi Home plugin,
just download new plugin and use "Download" button on plugin.

This way, In time, you can also update Acrylic Wi-Fi your self too.  :great:

Title: Re: Acrylic Wifi Home - Plugin Error on 1709
Post by: bob.omb on October 24, 2017, 09:02:50 PM
Thank you, will wait for .NET fix as this would make WIM to big to include in release.  *Sa Mo, - I like his persistence  :great: like me :grin: Want to make sure he lasts...