Searching for DSMSVC service blocking into Winpe Description of the anomaly The control.exe printers command opens a window showing various devices. However, in winpe, it takes several minutes for the display to be complete (the duration is variable depending on the material present, 10 minutes on my pc) The question is: what can be done to ensure that the display is immediate? Interest in a solution The use of "bluetooth" would currently benefit greatly from a quick display of the contents of this window. Indeed, the usual menus of windows to manage "bluetoohth" perform their display with GUI type "metro/UWP" unavailable in winpe. Now, with the menu "Devices And Printers", after a right click on the icon of the periheric and with the sub-menu "properties", one can list and activate the services of such a device "bluetooth" Of course, the coupling had to be done beforehand. I use a program which I found an example of sources on the WEB. NOTE: It would be better to write a full manager to avoid using "Devices And Printers" First investigations: PROCMON, IDA, ETW/WPP We quickly find that we need to investigate around the DSMSVC service and in particular DeviceSetupManager.dll But honestly, I don't know how I got to this point The analysis with IDA of DeviceSetupManager.dll is a prerequisite to get an idea of the actions of this DLL. Noticing the presence of the "WPP_xx" functions, it comes to me the idea of implementing these traces. I have tried several times to implement them, but I have never been able to do so. With the V1903 build, I find that the "logman.exe" commands all succeed and that I get a "well-filled" ETL file. Until this version, I had never had a correct context. First chance! I also find this: The author explains that it is necessary to identify the Guids (control and trace_guids). Then he explains how to "build by hand" the TMF files. That's a long time. You have to be meticulous and efficient, which I'm not. I didn't build all the files, only the most important ones for my test. I also implemented the "debug" logs for "windows-device-setup-manager" in eventlog.msc. These traces make it possible to verify the relevance of other WPP traces. Note : During meeting i say that cfgmgr32 calls deviceiocontrol API but i lost how to see that. You can see "under" in the file i sent to you. Implementation of the tests: The DSMSVC service is disabled in my winpe Flat mode I start Winpe and wait at least 15 minutes to avoid capturing parasist and unnecessary activity. I'm launching the capture with "logman" for the 3 Guids involved. I activate the "debug" logs in eventvwr.msc I'm throwing procmon. I activate the DSMSVC service (sc config DSMSVC start-demand) I'm launching the command "Control.exe printers" I wait for the full display: 10 minutes in my case analysis elements In all traces, you have to take into account the "Threads" so as not to mix the very large data! Sequence found With the WPP traces, I see 2 abnormal phenomena: - a long series of calls to WaitForSingleObject that fail with code 258d (timeout or .?.) - the error code 80004005h repeated several times Tracks followed The analysis of the code did not allow me to find out what was this "object or event" unavailable. On the other hand I found more things around the 80004005h error. At first I thought it was an "access denied". But it's a false lead. This code is written hard in the DLL code in the CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady function. So it's not the return of a call for a function of the "system." My first idea about the sequence A thread calls "CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady." This application is seeking CFGMFG32.DLL who transfers it to the "system". But the returned data is such that the CPnpDeviceInfo function::_WaitDeviceReady regularly renews its call. All other threads continue their activity. They all end up needing an object/event to continue. So they crash and repeat their request regularly (500 ms). After a 2-minute delay, the CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady stop calls to the "system". And returns the error '80004005h'. This anomaly occurs for 5 read entries in the key." So 10 minutes in my case. In the code, there is the _IsDeviceReady call loop: every 150 milliseconds and 2 minutes maximum note:cfgmgr32.dll returns calls with the DeviceIoControl API that uses the handle created by NtCreateFile with the name "Device-DeviceApi-CMApi". Too complex for me after that. The ultimate test I note that: - the system's solicitation implements a meter (320h) - the return of the system is always negative - the full display is correct even with these negative returns : this is the KEY of the workaround I tell myself that I can change the value of the meter and reduce it to 1. So I'm changing the DeviceSetupManager.dll file. CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady Inc esi cmp esi, 320h 000000180015EA0 FF C6 81 FE 20 03 00 00 00 0F 82 1A 23 FF 48 8B fc.exe "C:"Users-Noelb-Desktop-ETW-WPP-modif of DevicesetupManager-ORG-DeviceSetupManager - Copy.dll" Comparison of C files: 'USERS'NOELB-DESKTOP-ETW-WPP-MODIF OF DEVICESETUPMANAGER-ORG-DeviceSetupManager - Copy.dll and C:-USERS-NOELB-DESKTOP-WPP-MODIF OF DEVICESETUPMANAGER-DEVICESETUPMANAGER. Dll 000152A4: 20 01 000152A5: 03 00 * trace WPP ( 2056d = 0808h) [3]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:55.889 [12] CDsmJob::RunJob: 7 INSTALL_DRIVERS [3]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:55.889 [21] CDsmJob::_RunDriverInstallTask: Entry [3]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:55.890 [53] CDsmTask::RefreshConfigFlags: -1 -1 [2]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:55.890 [54] CDsmTask::RefreshConfigFlags: 65535 {00000000-0000-0000-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF} [3]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:55.891 [16] CDsmDriverTask::UpdateAllDrivers: 0 OK WaitForMultipleObjectsEx [3]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:55.891 [25] CDsmDeviceScan::WatchDevnodesNeedingSetup: 2 00000000-0000-0000-ffff-ffffffffffff [2]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:56.006 [42] CDsmDeviceScan::_GetPresentDevnodeList: 90 [2]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:56.006 [17] CDsmDriverTask::UpdateAllDrivers: 90 [2]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:56.007 [29] CDsmDriverTask::_UpdateDriverLocal: HDAUDIO\FUNC_02&VEN_11C1&DEV_1040&SUBSYS_10CF14A5&REV_1002\4&1354C71&0&0101 [2]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:07:56.007 [11] CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady: HDAUDIO\FUNC_02&VEN_11C1&DEV_1040&SUBSYS_10CF14A5&REV_1002\4&1354C71&0&0101 TIMEOUT 2 MINUTES !!! [1]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.063 [12] CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady: exit 80004005 [0]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.063 [30] CDsmDriverTask::_UpdateDriverLocal: case s_fLocalSearchEnabled==0 [0]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.063 [22] CDsmDriverTask::UpdateAllDrivers: 1 HDAUDIO\FUNC_02&VEN_11C1&DEV_1040&SUBSYS_10CF14A5&REV_1002\4&1354C71&0&0101 [0]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.063 [23] CDsmDriverTask::UpdateAllDrivers: call AddDevice [0]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.064 [39] CDriverWerReportList::AddDevice: call NewNode HDAUDIO\FUNC_02&VEN_11C1&DEV_1040&SUBSYS_10CF14A5&REV_1002\4&1354C71&0&0101 [1]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.065 [29] CDsmDriverTask::_UpdateDriverLocal: ROOT\BASICDISPLAY\0000 [1]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.065 [11] CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady: ROOT\BASICDISPLAY\0000 [1]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.066 [13] CPnpDeviceInfo::_IsDeviceReady: 0 [1]09E4.0808::03/30/2020-14:10:01.066 [12] CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady: exit 0 * - annexes * sequence after start-up of "Devices and Printers" : procmon It is the process of "exploring"exe" that is requested ( I checked it, with procexp ...) COpenControlPanel clsid 06622D85... dllhost.exe version 32bits est lancé ! ? ClsId A8A91A66... -> DeviceCenter.dll Chargement de : StructuredQuery.dll DataExchange.dll DeviceCenter.dll charge : DefaultDeviceManager.dll DDOIProxy.dll -- Device Display Object Proxies DefaultPrinterProvider.dll Fundisc.dll -- Funstion Discovery Class FdDevQuery.dll -- Device Query Provider Class CFGMGR32.dll explore les clés DeviceContainers et DeviceClasses de la ruche System Chargement de DeviceSetupManagerApi.dll -->>> démarrage du service DSMSVC (identifié avec IDA et Procexp) Lecture de nombreuses clés dans Wow6432Node ??? Lecture de ...\device metadata\PreventDeviceMetaDataFromNetwork affichage ou non d'un bandeau un peu jaune en haut de la fenêtre * Notes: The DSMSVC service is launched by SVCHOST who reads the key ...\dsmsvc\parameters\servicemain = DeviceSetupManager.dll SVCHOST loads this DLL and returns service management requests from SERVICES.exe DeviceSetupManager.dll imports the following function: from deviceassociation.dll : DafCloseAssociationContext DafCreateAssociationContext DafStartRemoveAssociation from SystemEventsBrokerClient.dll : SebRegisterPrivateEvent SebEnumerateEvents SebQueryEventData from CFGMGR32 : CM_Request_Device_EjectW DeviceSetupManager.dll exports only2 functions : _DllMainCRTStartup ServiceMain * extracted from the trace procmon (1) 30/03/2020 14:07:56,0010003 PID:2532 TID:2056 RegOpenKey HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HDAUDIO\FUNC_02&VEN_11C1&DEV_1040&SUBSYS_10CF14A5&REV_1002\4&1354c71&0&0101 Result: SUCCESS stack: ...32 KernelBase.dll DeviceIoControl + 0x67 ----------------------DeviceIoControl = when meeting i can't show you this because i forget to use IDA and cfgmgr32 33 kernel32.dll DeviceIoControlImplementation + 0x80 34 cfgmgr32.dll TIoctlQuery::SyncQuery + 0x25e 35 cfgmgr32.dll DevGetObjectPropertiesEx + 0x1dc 36 cfgmgr32.dll DevGetObjectProperties + 0x3a 37 DeviceSetupManager.dll GetDeviceObjectUINT + 0x69 38 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmDriverTask::UpdateAllDrivers + 0x1a4 39 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJob::_RunDriverInstallTask + 0xb8 40 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJob::RunJob + 0x1d9 41 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJobScheduler::RunNextJob + 0x97 42 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmCore::_JobWorker + 0x60 43 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmCore::_JobCallback + 0x1f 44 ntdll.dll TppWorkpExecuteCallback + 0xad 45 ntdll.dll TppWorkerThread + 0x8d4 46 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14 47 ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21 ... (2) 30/03/2020 14:07:56,0012972 PID:2532 TID:2056 RegOpenKey HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HDAUDIO\FUNC_02&VEN_11C1&DEV_1040&SUBSYS_10CF14A5&REV_1002\4&1354c71&0&0101 Result: SUCCESS stack: ...32 KernelBase.dll DeviceIoControl + 0x67 33 kernel32.dll DeviceIoControlImplementation + 0x80 34 cfgmgr32.dll TIoctlQuery::SyncQuery + 0x25e 35 cfgmgr32.dll DevGetObjectPropertiesEx + 0x1dc 36 cfgmgr32.dll DevGetObjectProperties + 0x3a 37 DeviceSetupManager.dll GetDeviceObjectBoolean + 0x67 38 DeviceSetupManager.dll CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady + 0x31 39 DeviceSetupManager.dll CPnpDeviceInfo::Initialize + 0x24 40 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmDriverTask::_UpdateDriverLocal + 0x71 41 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmDriverTask::UpdateAllDrivers + 0x1d2 42 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJob::_RunDriverInstallTask + 0xb8 43 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJob::RunJob + 0x1d9 0x7ffeae406239 44 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJobScheduler::RunNextJob + 0x97 45 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmCore::_JobWorker + 0x60 46 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmCore::_JobCallback + 0x1f 47 ntdll.dll TppWorkpExecuteCallback + 0xad 48 ntdll.dll TppWorkerThread + 0x8d4 49 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14 50 ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21 ... (3) 30/03/2020 14:07:56,0016334 PID:2532 TID:2056 RegOpenKey HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HDAUDIO\FUNC_02&VEN_11C1&DEV_1040&SUBSYS_10CF14A5&REV_1002\4&1354c71&0&0101 Result: SUCCESS stack: ...32 KernelBase.dll DeviceIoControl + 0x67 33 kernel32.dll DeviceIoControlImplementation + 0x80 34 cfgmgr32.dll TIoctlQuery::SyncQuery + 0x25e 35 cfgmgr32.dll DevGetObjectPropertiesEx + 0x1dc 36 cfgmgr32.dll DevGetObjectProperties + 0x3a 37 DeviceSetupManager.dll DeviceObjectHasProperty + 0x69 38 DeviceSetupManager.dll CPnpDeviceInfo::_IsDeviceReady + 0x2d -----<<<<<---- 39 DeviceSetupManager.dll CPnpDeviceInfo::_WaitDeviceReady + 0x60 40 DeviceSetupManager.dll CPnpDeviceInfo::Initialize + 0x24 41 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmDriverTask::_UpdateDriverLocal + 0x71 42 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmDriverTask::UpdateAllDrivers + 0x1d2 43 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJob::_RunDriverInstallTask + 0xb8 44 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJob::RunJob + 0x1d9 45 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmJobScheduler::RunNextJob + 0x97 46 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmCore::_JobWorker + 0x60 47 DeviceSetupManager.dll CDsmCore::_JobCallback + 0x1f 48 ntdll.dll TppWorkpExecuteCallback + 0xad 49 ntdll.dll TppWorkerThread + 0x8d4 50 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14 51 ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21 ...