@Echo off cd /D "%~dp0" set "Params=%1" Echo. > DriverSod.ini If "%Params%"=="" set "Params=/?" If "%Params%"=="/?" Goto :Help If "%Params%"=="/all" set "ins=$" && set "ext=cab" && set "pat=Y:\" && set "Action=Searching and Installing All Missing" && goto all If "%Params%"=="/inst" set "ins=$" && set "ext=cab" && set "pat=Y:\" && set "Action=Searching and Installing Selected" If "%Params%"=="/copy" set "ins=" && set "ext=cab" && set "pat=Y:\" && set "Action=Searching and Copying Missing" If "%Params%"=="/infi" set "ins=$" && set "ext=inf" && set "pat=%Windir%\inf\" && set "Action=Installing Copied" If "%2"=="" Goto :Help :Loop Shift If "%~1" Equ "" goto :Run Echo DEVI %ins%%pat%%1.%ext% >> DriverSod.ini && Goto :Loop Goto :eof :all for /f %%f in ('dir /b "%pat%*.%ext%"') do Echo DEVI %ins%%pat%%%f >> DriverSod.ini :Run Echo. Echo %Action% Drivers. Please Wait... Pecmd.exe load %Windir%\System32\DriverSod.ini Goto :eof :Help Cls Echo. Echo Drivers Must be Packed in Top Folders in Cab files in the Root of USB Drive. Echo Any Number of Driver Packs will be Parsed in given order. Echo. Echo Ex: Echo. Echo DriverSod /all Echo Will Install all Devices found in All cab Files in Alphabetic Order. Echo. Echo DriverSod /inst Chips Stor Usb Lan Wifi Echo Will Install all Devices found in Specified cab Files. Echo. Echo DriverSod /copy Chips Wifi video Echo Will Only Copy Found Devices in Cabs and no Installation is Done. Echo. Echo DriverSod /infi IntelHDA Echo Will Install the specified inf File. Drivers needs to be copied First. Echo. Echo All /action must be in lowercase Echo All Paths and Files Extentions are Automatically Assumed. Echo. Pause